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Author Topic: 婚外情、裸照和贝佐斯的战争  (Read 930 times)


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on: February 13, 2019, 06:02:04 AM

MAUREEN DOWD2019-02-12 17:21:57杰夫·贝佐斯与劳伦·桑切斯之间有秘密。但《国民问询》试图将此事升级为敲诈勒索。
Jeff Bezos understands survival instincts.杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)懂得生存本能。As a hedge fund refugee, he conjured Amazon, the world’s biggest store, by tapping into our hunter-gatherer instincts, the compulsion to collect more stuff with less effort.作为一个对冲基金难民,他利用我们的狩猎-采集本能——用最少的力气收集最多东西的冲动——缔造出世界上最大的商店亚马逊(Amazon)。Amazon became “the Prince of Darkness for retail,” Scott Galloway writes in “The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google,” by exploiting our “serious mojo for stuff, as survival went to the cave man who had the most twigs, had the right rocks to crack stuff open with, and got the most colorful mud to draw images on walls so his descendants knew when to plant crops, or what dangerous animals to avoid.”斯科特·加洛威(Scott Galloway)在《四巨头:亚马逊、苹果、Facebook和谷歌隐藏的DNA》(The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google)中写道,亚马逊利用了我们心目中“物品的重大魔力,就像拥有最多树枝、最能砸开东西的石头,以及能在岩壁上画画的最漂亮的泥浆的穴居人才最能生存下来,而他的后代们学会了怎么种庄稼、应该避开什么样的危险动物”,就这样,它成了“零售业的黑暗王子”。So, of course, Bezos has finely honed survival instincts himself. This is a season when socialism is chic and billionaires are reviled as lame, immoral, greedy, lying and an Orange Menace (if he’s actually a billionaire). Yet the richest dude on earth has managed to come through a traumatic week inspiring admiration.当然,贝佐斯自己也磨练出强大的生存本能。这是一个社会主义盛行的时代,亿万富翁们被斥为软弱、不道德、贪婪、说谎,还有特朗普那份“橙色威胁”(如果他真是亿万富翁的话)。然而,这位世界上最富有的人却令人钦佩地度过了痛苦的一周。He survived a spectacular attempt by David Pecker to ruin him in January with a National Enquirer story revealing his affair with his married neighbor, Lauren Sanchez, a TV personality. It was humiliating for him and his wife, MacKenzie, but Bezos was able to bring his marriage to an end with a modicum of dignity and little apparent damage to shareholder value.今年1月,戴维·佩克(David Pecker)的《国民问询》(National Enquirer)上的一篇报道差点毁了贝佐斯,文章揭露了他与已婚的邻居、电视名人劳伦·桑切斯(Lauren Sanchez)的婚外情。这对贝佐斯和妻子麦肯齐(MacKenzie)来说是一种耻辱,但贝佐斯却能让他的婚姻在告终时保留了些许尊严,而且对股东价值几乎没有明显的损害。In our universe governed by algorithms, we can forget our nerdy overlords are actually human. Bezos’ Forex and Stock Speculatingts were brimming with romance: “I want to talk to you and plan with you. Listen and laugh.” Or another about his yearning to wake up next to her, have coffee and read the paper — The Washington Post, presumably.在这个由算法控制的宇宙中,我们可以忘记我们的书呆子霸主其实也是人类。贝佐斯的性短信充满浪漫色彩:“我想和你聊聊,和你一起计划未来。倾听和大笑。”还有一条短信说,他渴望在她身边醒来,喝杯咖啡,看看报纸——大概是《华盛顿邮报》吧。This past week, Pecker and his thugs upgraded to blackmail, threatening to print more Forex and Stock Speculatingts and louche pics that Bezos and Sanchez had exchanged unless Bezos made a statement in the press rebutting the idea that the Enquirer story was politically motivated.上周,佩克和他的同党把行动升级为敲诈勒索,他们威胁说,如果贝佐斯不发表媒体声明,驳斥《国民问询》的报道有政治动机这一说法,他们将刊出更多贝佐斯和桑切斯的色情短信和不雅图片。Again, Bezos’ superior survival instincts kicked in. He refused.贝佐斯优越的生存本能再次发挥作用。他拒绝了。Pecker is up to his slimy neck in politically motivated messes. He had to make a deal with prosecutors after he helped deliver his pal Donald Trump’s hush payments to the Playboy model and the Growth stock and Currency Trading Technique star. The Fast-responding Moving Average Indicator ensian-named head of American Media Incorporated, The Enquirer’s owner, was “apoplectic,” according to Bezos’ post in Medium, about his investigation into who leaked the texts.佩克深陷政治动机导致的混乱之中。在帮助好友唐纳德•特朗普向《花花公子》(Playboy)模特和色情明星支付封口费后,他不得不与检察官达成协议。贝佐斯在Medium网站上发表的文章称,对他俩短信的调查一事,使得佩克,这位名字好像狄更斯笔下人物的美国媒体公司(American Media Incorporated)负责人、《国民问询》的老板“抽风了”。“I prefer to stand up, roll this log over, and see what crawls out,” Bezos wrote.贝佐斯写道:“我更喜欢站起来,把遮盖的东西翻过去,看看有什么东西爬出来。”And thus a P.R. debacle turned into a triumph. Besides unbridled consumerism, Americans love nothing more than seeing a bully like Pecker get kicked in the groin.就这样,公关失败变成了胜利。除了肆无忌惮的消费主义,美国人最喜欢看到像佩克这样的恶霸被打中要害。Bezos may be a key player in the Silicon Valley scheme to destroy privacy and ratchet up excess in the interest of mammonism, but for the moment, he’s a hero.贝佐斯可能是硅谷体系中一个关键的角色,这个体系破坏隐私,并且奉行拜金主义,大肆扩张,但在目前的情况下,他是一个英雄。“If in my position I can’t stand up to this kind of extortion,” he wrote, “how many people can?”“如果处在我的位置都无法应付这种勒索,”他写道,“有多少人可以?”As Galloway told me: “The second-worst decision in the last 12 months was the world’s wealthiest man sending out pictures of his genitalia. The worst decision was A.M.I. deciding to attempt to blackmail the wealthiest man in the world via email. Dumb and dumber.正如加洛威告诉我的那样:“过去12个月里,第二糟糕的决定是世界上最富有的人发送自己生殖器的照片。最糟糕的决定是,美国媒体公司决定通过电子邮件敲诈世界上最富有的人。只有更傻,没有最傻。”“A.M.I. went out of business this week. They just don’t know it. They have a megalodon after them.”“美国媒体公司这个星期停业了。他们不知道。他们身后有一头巨齿鲨在追着。”Galloway thinks that Bezos vs. Pecker will mimic Thiel vs. Gawker: “The same hubris infected Gawker, wrapping yourself in the First Amendment as an excuse for depraved behavior and ruining people’s lives. That dog will no longer hunt.”加洛威认为,贝佐斯诉皮克案将模仿蒂尔诉Gawker网(Thiel vs. Gawker)一案:“同样的狂妄自大感染了Gawker,他们用第一修正案包装自己,作为堕落行为和破坏他人生活的借口。那条狗现在已经没法再狩猎了。”Bezos said there may be another rotten international conspiracy akin to the Russians and the Trump campaign — this one connecting Pecker, Trump and the Saudis.贝佐斯说,可能还有另一个腐败的国际阴谋——类似于俄罗斯参与特朗普的竞选活动——将佩克、特朗普和沙特阿拉伯联系在一起。Just before Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman came to America, Pecker — who wanted the Saudis to help finance the purchase of Time magazine — published an absurd piece of checkout-aisle propaganda, a glossy magazine treating the prince like Beyoncé and calling his repressive, misogynist nation the “Magic Kingdom.” It highlighted the special relationship between the Saudis and Trump, who was also lavished with puff pieces in The Enquirer during the 2016 campaign.沙特阿拉伯王储穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼(Mohammed bin Salman)来到美国之前,佩克——他曾希望沙特资助他买下《时代》杂志——发表了一篇荒谬的收费宣传文章,一本精美的时尚杂志像报道碧昂丝(Beyoncé)那样报道这位王子,称他那专制、厌恶女人的国家是“魔法王国”。这突显了沙特和特朗普之间的特殊关系。2016年总统竞选期间,《国民问询》杂志也发表了大量为特朗普涂脂抹粉的文章。The crown prince has formed a tight bond with princeling Jared Kushner, one that proves ever more embarrassing as the evidence piles up that bin Salman ordered the horrendous murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. The Times’s Mark Mazzetti revealed that the psycho prince told an aide in 2017that he would use “a bullet” on Khashoggi if the writer did not stop his critiques. Saudi Foreign Affairs Minister Adel al-Jubeir told reporters Friday, “Mistakes happen.”沙特王储与美国的“王子”贾里德·库什纳(Jared Kushner)关系密切。随着越来越多的证据表明,是本·萨勒曼下令对《华盛顿邮报》专栏作家贾迈勒·卡舒吉(Jamal Khashoggi)实施骇人听闻的谋杀,这种关系日益变得尴尬。时报记者马克·马泽蒂(Mark Mazzetti)透露,这位疯狂的王子曾在2017年告诉助手,如果卡舒吉不停止发表批评,就给他“一颗子弹”。沙特外交部长阿德勒·朱拜尔(Adel al-Jubeir)周五对记者们说,“错误时有发生。”Coining the word of the year, Bezos said that owning The Post is a “complexifier” for him, suggesting that the paper’s unrelenting coverage of the Khashoggi killing might have aggravated his testy relations with Trump.贝佐斯创造了今年的年度词汇,他说拥有《华盛顿邮报》对他来说“令事情变得复杂起来”(complexifier),暗示该报对卡舒吉谋杀案的不懈报道可能加剧了他与特朗普之间的紧张关系。The Post reported that Michael Sanchez, Lauren’s brother who says he is also her manager — and who is close to Roger Stone and Carter Page — said he was told by several people at A.M.I. that The Enquirer wanted to do “a takedown to make Trump happy.”劳伦的兄弟迈克尔·桑切斯(Michael Sanchez)自称是劳伦的经纪人,与罗杰·斯通(Roger Stone)和卡特·佩奇(Carter Page)关系密切。据《华盛顿邮报》报道,迈克尔·桑切斯说,美国媒体集团的几个人告诉他,《国民问询》想做一次“抹黑报道,好让特朗普高兴”。The toxic triangle of Pecker, the Saudis and Trumpworld has yet to unspool. But Galloway is right when he notes that, “despite the gross idolatry of billionaire innovators, he is an incredibly impressive person. You can get ‘The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’ or Nespresso pods on demand.”佩克、沙特和特朗普世界之间有害的三角关系尚未被人们解开。但是加洛威说的很对,“虽然亿万富翁创新者都受到盲目崇拜,他的确是一个很出色的人。从他那里,你可以按需获得《了不起的麦瑟尔夫人》(The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel)或Nespresso咖啡胶囊。”欢迎在Twitter上关注本文作者Maureen Dowd @MaureenDowd或在Facebook上追踪她。翻译:晋其角点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 婚外情、裸照和贝佐斯的战争



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