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Author Topic: 中国再次举行环台军演,警告赖清德  (Read 20 times)


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on: October 16, 2024, 06:08:14 PM

DAVID PIERSON, AMY CHANG CHIEN2024年10月14日上周四台湾国庆日,赖清德总统在台北发表讲话。他表示中国和台湾“互不隶属”。 Annabelle Chih/Getty ImagesChina began holding military drills in areas surrounding Taiwan on Monday, days after Beijing accused the self-governing island’s president of promoting independence in a National Day address.周一,中国开始在台湾周边地区举行军事演习,此前几天,北京指责台湾这个自治岛屿的总统在国庆讲话中鼓吹独立。China said its army, navy, air force, rocket force and other forces were taking part in the drills to test their ability to fight alongside each other, and to send a warning to Taiwan, which Beijing claims as its territory. It did not say when the exercises would conclude.中国表示,这场有陆军、海军、空军、火箭军和其他部队参加的演习是为了测试他们并肩作战的能力,并向北京声称是其领土的台湾发出警告。中国没有说明演习何时结束。“This is a powerful deterrent against the separatist activities of ‘Taiwan independence’ forces and a legitimate and necessary action to defend national sovereignty and maintain national unity,” said Senior Col. Li Xi, a spokesman for the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Eastern Theater Command, which oversees an area including Taiwan, according to state media. In a social media post, the Eastern Theater Command said it was “ready to fight at all times.”据国家媒体报道,中国人民解放军东部战区发言人李熹海军大校表示:“这是对‘台独’分裂势力谋‘独’行径的强力震慑,是捍卫国家主权、维护国家统一的正当必要行动。”东部战区负责包括台湾在内的地区。在社交媒体上,该战区曾发文称“随时准备战斗”。Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense, in a statement, expressed “strong condemnation for such irrational and provocative behavior” and said it had dispatched troops to respond to the Chinese drills.台湾国防部在一份声明中表示“强烈谴责这种非理性的挑衅行为”,并称已派遣军队应对中国的演习。Experts in Taiwan said the scale of the exercises was not immediately clear, given that no prior notice had been given and few details had been made public. A map posted by Chinese state media depicted the drills as being conducted in six large areas encircling Taiwan.台湾的专家表示,由于事先没有通知,公开的细节也很少,因此演习的规模还不是很清楚。中国国家媒体发布的地图显示,演习在环绕台湾的六大区域进行。China called the exercise “Joint Sword-2024B,” suggesting that it was a continuation of a two-day exercise in May, called “Joint Sword-2024A,” that was held after President Lai Ching-te of Taiwan was sworn in. Beijing dislikes Mr. Lai, accusing him and his party of seeking independence.中国将此次演习称为“联合利剑-2024B”,表明这是5月为期两天的“联合利剑-2024A”演习的延续,那场演习是在台湾总统赖清德宣誓就职后举行的。北京厌恶赖清德,指责他和他的政党寻求独立。In a speech on Thursday commemorating Taiwan’s National Day, Mr. Lai said that China and Taiwan were “not subordinate to each other” and that Beijing had “no right to represent Taiwan” and its 23 million people. Still, Mr. Lai said he was committed to “upholding peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait” and said he was willing to work with China on global challenges like climate change and infectious diseases.在周四纪念台湾国庆日的演讲中,赖清德表示,中国和台湾“互不隶属”,北京“无权代表台湾”及其2300万人民。尽管如此,赖清德说他致力于“维护台湾海峡的和平与稳定”,并表示愿意与中国合作应对气候变化和传染病等全球性挑战。上周四在台北,台湾的三军仪队。台湾对中国周一宣布的军事演习表示“强烈谴责”。China immediately criticized Mr. Lai’s speech. Mao Ning, a spokeswoman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, said his remarks were an attempt to “sever the historical connections between the two sides.” She said Mr. Lai was “heightening tensions in the Taiwan Strait for his selfish political interest.”中国立即批评了赖清德的讲话。中国外交部发言人毛宁称,赖清德的讲话企图“蓄意割裂两岸历史联结”。她说赖清德“谋取政治私利不惜推高台海紧张局势”。Chang Wu-ueh, director of the Institute of China Studies at Tamkang University in New Taipei City in Taiwan, said the drills China announced on Monday were “a direct and fierce response” to Mr. Lai’s National Day speech.台湾新北市淡江大学中国研究所所长张五岳称,中国周一宣布的演习是对赖清德国庆讲话“直接而激烈的回应”。“It shows that China has no trust and no expectations for President Lai,” Dr. Chang said. “No matter what he says, it will be dissatisfied.”“这表明中国对赖总统没有信任,也没有期望,”张五岳说。“无论他说什么,中国都会不满意。”China appeared to be using the drills to signal its displeasure without going so far as to cause significant alarm or disruption. In earlier exercises that involved the use of live ammunition, for instance, China issued warnings in advance, announced no-fly zones and delineated zones of activity with specific longitudes and latitudes.中国似乎在利用演习来表达不满,但又不至于引起严重恐慌或混乱。例如,在以往使用实弹的演习中,中国提前发布了警告,宣布了禁飞区,并用具体坐标划定活动区域。“Theoretically speaking, the scale shouldn’t be too big,” Dr. Chang said. “Because if you are going to carry out large-scale live ammunition design and launch of those so-called missiles in the sea and air, you must inform them in advance, so as to avoid harming the aircraft and ships related to the air and sea areas.”“从理论上讲,规模不应该太大,”张五岳说。“因为如果要进行大规模的实弹射击,在海上和空中发射那些所谓的导弹,一定会提前通知他们,以免对相关海空区域的飞机、舰艇造成伤害。”David Pierson报道中国外交政策和中国与世界的经济与文化交互。他从事新闻工作已超过20年。点击查看更多关于他的信息。Amy Chang Chien是《纽约时报》记者/研究员,常驻台北,报道台湾和中国新闻。点击查看更多关于她的信息。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 中国再次举行环台军演,警告赖清德



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