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Author Topic: 法塔赫和哈马斯在北京展示团结,但疑虑犹存  (Read 57 times)


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ADAM RASGON, 艾莎2024年7月24日法塔赫副主席马哈茂德·阿鲁勒、中国外交部长王毅,以及哈马斯高级官员穆萨·阿布·马尔祖克周二在北京。 Pool photo by Pedro PardoFatah and Hamas signed a joint statement in Beijing on Tuesday in a grand show of unity, with the leaders of the rival Palestinian factions standing beside China’s foreign minister for a photo opportunity in an ornate hall.法塔赫和哈马斯周二在北京签署联合宣言,大力展示团结。这两个巴勒斯坦敌对派别的领导人还与中国外交部长在一个华丽的大厅里合影。Mousa Abu Marzouk, a senior Hamas official, declared that “historic moments” were underway. Mahmoud al-Aloul, the deputy leader of Fatah, showered praise on China for standing beside the Palestinian people.哈马斯高级官员穆萨·阿布·马尔祖克宣称“历史性时刻”正在到来。法塔赫副主席马哈茂德·阿鲁勒对中国与巴勒斯坦人民站在一起大加赞赏。Their joint statement supports the formation of a temporary government for Gaza and the Israeli-occupied West Bank that all parties agree upon. But for many Palestinians, without concrete steps to make that plan a reality, the gathering in the Chinese capital was little more than a performance — and one they had seen before.他们在联合宣言中支持组建一个各方都同意的临时政府,以管理加沙和以色列占领的西岸。但在许多巴勒斯坦人眼里,没有将这个计划变为现实的具体步骤意味着,在中国首都的这次聚会只不过是一场表演,而且是他们以前看过的表演。“What happened in China isn’t significant,” said Jehad Harb, an analyst of Palestinian affairs. “There aren’t any indications that Hamas and Fatah intend to end the split between them.”“发生在中国的事情不重要,”巴勒斯坦事务分析师杰哈德·哈布说。“没有任何迹象表明,哈马斯和法塔赫有结束他们之间分裂的打算。”Hamas and Fatah have been deeply divided for years, each trying to present itself as the legitimate leader of the Palestinian people and wary that the other will undermine its power. In 2007, the parties engaged in a civil war in which Hamas forcibly took over Gaza from the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority, which retains limited autonomy over parts of the Israeli-occupied West Bank.哈马斯与法塔赫之间的严重分歧由来已久,双方都试图将自己展示为巴勒斯坦人民的合法领导者,同时担心对方会削弱自己的权力。双方曾在2007年爆发内战,结果是哈马斯强行从法塔赫主导的巴勒斯坦权力机构手中接管了加沙,而在以色列占领的约旦河西岸,巴勒斯坦权力机构仍对部分地区保留着有限的自治权。Multiple past attempts to broker unity between the rival parties have resulted in joint statements and agreements, but all of those efforts have failed.过去有过多次让这两个敌对方团结起来的尝试,也发表过联合声明和协议,但都以失败告终。“These statements aren’t worth the ink needed to write them,” said Abd Al-Rahman Basem al-Masri, 25, a resident of Deir al Balah in central Gaza. “We’ve seen these things before and we’ve lost hope in them.”“这些纸上宣言不如写它们花去的墨汁值钱,”现年25岁的阿布德·拉赫曼·巴塞姆·马里斯说,他是加沙中部代尔巴拉赫的居民。“我们以前看到过这些东西,我们对它们不抱希望。”The joint statement on Tuesday, which was also signed by other smaller Palestinian factions, said the new government should begin working on uniting Palestinian institutions in the West Bank and Gaza, reconstructing Gaza and preparing for national elections, though it does not lay out a clear timeline.其他较小巴勒斯坦派别也在周二的联合宣言上签了名。宣言说,新的临时政府应该开始工作,将约旦河西岸和加沙地带的巴勒斯坦机构团结起来,重建加沙,为举行全国选举做准备,但宣言并没有给出明确的时间表。Mohammad Shtayyeh, a senior Fatah official and the former prime minister of the Palestinian Authority, said he thought the statement was “serious,” but he emphasized that more discussions were required to advance reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah.法塔赫高级官员、巴勒斯坦权力机构前总理穆罕默德·什塔耶说,他认为这份宣言是“严肃的”,但他强调说,推进哈马斯与法塔赫的和解需要更多的讨论。“There’s no alternative to Palestinian unity,” he said in an interview. “What has happened in China is stating the obvious.”“巴勒斯坦除了团结别无选择,”他在接受采访时说。“已在中国发生的事情只是陈述显而易见的事实。”“It’s a matter of principles,” he said, adding that “a lot of talks and details” were needed for implementation.他说“这事关原则”,并补充道,付诸实施需要“大量的谈判和细节”。Palestinian experts have said cooperation between Hamas and Fatah was critical to discussions about a postwar future in Gaza. If they can form a government of independent figures without formal ties to Hamas, it could make it easier for much of the Western world to participate in rebuilding the territory. The United States, Britain and other nations consider Hamas a terrorist group.研究巴勒斯坦问题的专家们说,哈马斯与法塔赫的合作对讨论加沙战后的未来至关重要。如果他们能成立一个由与哈马斯没有正式关系的独立人士组建的政府,会让西方世界的大多数国家更容易地参与加沙的重建。美国、英国及其他国家都将哈马斯视为恐怖组织。The statement does not address a key sticking point: security control over Gaza. Fatah has demanded that all weapons be under the authority of one unified security force and government, while Hamas has said it will not dismantle its military wing, the Qassam Brigades.Mr. Shtayyeh, who stepped down as prime minister in March, acknowledged frustration among Palestinians, describing the division between Hamas and Fatah as a “black chapter in the history of Palestine.”联合宣言没有提的一个关键问题是:对加沙的安全控制。法塔赫要求由一个统一的安全部队和政府管辖所有的武器,但哈马斯则表示不会解散其军事部门卡桑旅。今年3月卸任总理的什塔耶承认,有些巴勒斯坦人对哈马斯和法塔赫的分歧感到沮丧,称这种分歧是“巴勒斯坦历史上的一个黑暗篇章”。“Palestinians on the street are very angry and disappointed that these talks have been ongoing for 17 years now,” he said. “The general public wants results, they don’t want papers. They want practical steps in the right direction.”“这些谈判已经进行了17年,巴勒斯坦的普通人对此感到非常愤怒和失望,”他说。“公众想看到结果,他们不想看书面声明。他们想看到朝正确方向迈出的实际步伐。”For China, meanwhile, bringing Hamas and Fatah together represented an opportunity to promote its image as a peace broker and an important player in the Middle East. The declaration on Tuesday followed Beijing’s success in negotiating a deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran last year. It also comes as China has deepened its financial ties in the region in areas like technology and artificial intelligence.与此同时,对于中国来说,将哈马斯和法塔赫带到一起,为中国提供了一个提升其作为和平斡旋者和中东重要参与者形象的机会。周二的联合宣言签署之前,北京去年曾成功地促成了沙特阿拉伯与伊朗恢复外交关系的谈判。中国也在科技和人工智能等领域深化了与中东地区的金融关系。Official Chinese state media hailed the meeting, saying it was “bringing precious hope to the suffering of the Palestinian people.”中国官方媒体对各派的这次对话表示欢迎,称其“为饱受苦难的巴勒斯坦人民带来了宝贵希望”。The Palestinian factions attended the meeting mostly to placate China, Mr. Harb said, noting that they want to be in the good graces of a world power.哈布说,巴勒斯坦各派参加此次会议主要是为了安抚中国,他指出,各派都想得到这个世界强国的欢心。The images of China as a key international actor were not just for an overseas audience.中国作为国际主要参与者的形象不只是展示给海外观众看的。“The Chinese government does put significant weight on symbolic interactions, and certainly they are trying to lay out a tableau for everyone to look at domestically to say, ‘Yes, the Chinese government is important and is a force for good in the world,” said William J. Hurst, a professor of Chinese politics at the University of Cambridge.“中国政府的确非常重视象征性的互动,当然,他们正试图将一个画面展示给国内的所有人,让他们说,‘是的,中国政府很重要,是世界上的一股向善的力量’,”剑桥大学中国政治学教授贺斌(William J. Hurst)说。Zixu Wang自香港对本文有报道贡献。Adam Rasgon是《纽约时报》驻耶路撒冷记者,报道以色列和巴勒斯坦新闻。点击查看更多关于他的信息。艾莎(Alexandra Stevenson)是《纽约时报》上海分社社长,报道中国经济和社会新闻。点击查看更多关于她的信息。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 法塔赫和哈马斯在北京展示团结,但疑虑犹存



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