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Author Topic: 美国将对在中国制造的墨西哥金属征收关税  (Read 62 times)


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ANA SWANSON2024年7月12日墨西哥圣路易斯波托西的一家钢铁厂。拜登政府周三宣布对途经墨西哥的中国钢铁征收关税。 Mauricio Palos/BloombergThe Biden administration took steps on Wednesday to prevent China from circumventing American tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum by routing those imports through Mexico.拜登政府周三采取措施,防止中国通过向墨西哥出口钢铝来规避美国对中国征收的关税。The administration said it would impose tariffs on imports of Mexican metals that are partially made in China. American officials said the move would close a trade loophole that has allowed cheap, state-subsidized Chinese metals to circumvent existing U.S. tariffs.政府表示,将对部分在中国制造的墨西哥金属进口征收关税。美国官员表示,此举将填补得到国家补贴的廉价中国金属绕过美国现有关税这一贸易漏洞。The United States will now impose a 25 percent tariff on Mexican steel that is melted or poured outside of North America before being turned into a finished product. Previously, that steel would have entered the country duty free.现在,美国将对在北美以外地区熔化或浇铸后变为成品的墨西哥钢铁征收25%的关税。在此之前,这些钢材是免税进入美国的。Mexican aluminum coming into the United States will face a tariff of 10 percent if it contains metal that has been smelted or cast in China, Belarus, Iran or Russia, said Lael Brainard, the director of the White House’s National Economic Council.白宫国家经济委员会主任莱尔·布雷纳德表示,进入美国的墨西哥铝材中如含有在中国、白俄罗斯、伊朗或俄罗斯冶炼或铸造的金属,将面临10%的关税。Mexico, which recently increased its own tariffs on steel and aluminum from certain countries, will require importers to provide more information about where their steel products come from, the announcement said. The changes will take effect immediately.公告称,墨西哥最近提高了对来自某些国家钢铝的关税,将要求进口商提供更多有关其钢铁产品来源的信息。这些变化将立即生效。Officials in the Biden administration said the United States wanted to protect American factories that produce steel and aluminum, including those that have recently received new investments from government funds.拜登政府官员表示,美国希望保护生产钢铝的美国工厂,包括那些最近从政府基金获得新投资的工厂。“Chinese steel and aluminum entering the U.S. market through Mexico evades tariffs, undermines our investments, and harms American workers in states like Pennsylvania and Ohio,” Ms. Brainard said.“通过墨西哥进入美国市场的中国钢铝规避了关税,破坏了我们的投资,伤害了宾夕法尼亚和俄亥俄州等州的美国工人,”布雷纳德说。“When China’s export surges harm our markets, whether directly or via other countries, we will act,” she added.“当中国出口激增损害我们的市场时,无论是直接还是通过其他国家,我们都会采取行动,”她补充说。Liu Pengyu, the spokesman for the Chinese embassy in Washington, said that the notion of Chinese overcapacity was “a groundless accusation” and “a political tool used by the U.S. to discredit and suppress the Chinese economy.”中国驻华盛顿大使馆发言人刘鹏宇表示,中国产能过剩的说法是“毫无根据的指责”,是“美国用来诋毁和遏制中国经济的政治工具”。The U.S. protectionist measures that were behind it would hinder global trade, damage China-U.S. economic and trade relations and undermine the stability of global supply chains, Mr. Liu added.他还说,其背后的美国保护主义措施将阻碍全球贸易,损害中美经济和贸易关系,破坏全球供应链的稳定。Administration officials said that 3.8 million tons of steel came into the United States through Mexico last year, and that overall steel imports from Mexico had been on the rise. About 13 percent of Mexican steel imports into the United States last year were melted or poured outside of North America, according to the White House.政府官员表示,去年有380万吨钢铁通过墨西哥进入美国,而且从墨西哥进口的钢铁总量一直在上升。据白宫称,去年进口到美国的墨西哥钢铁中,约有13%是在北美以外的地方冶炼或铸造的。Kevin Dempsey, the president of the American Iron and Steel Institute, which represents metal makers, welcomed the action, and called for vigorous enforcement of the rule.代表金属制造商的美国钢铁协会会长凯文·邓普西对这一行动表示欢迎,并呼吁严格执行这一规定。“We urge the U.S. government to continue to press for additional actions to address the many schemes by steel traders to circumvent and evade U.S. trade laws,” he said.“我们敦促美国政府继续推动采取更多行动,解决钢铁贸易商规避美国贸易法的诸多计划,”他说。Michael Stumo, the chief executive of the Coalition for a Prosperous America, which represents domestic manufacturers, said the tariffs didn’t go far enough to address rising imports of metals from Mexico, which the countries had agreed to limit as part of a 2019 deal.代表国内制造商的繁荣美国联盟首席执行官迈克尔·斯图莫表示,这些关税不足以解决从墨西哥进口的金属不断增加的问题,作为2019年协议的一部分,两国已同意限制从墨西哥进口金属。“Today’s announcement shows that White House foreign policy bureaucrats that negotiated this deal care more about Mexico than about American workers,” Mr. Stumo said.“今天的声明表明,谈判这项协议的白宫外交政策官员更关心墨西哥,而不是美国工人,”斯图莫说。Biden administration officials said they had worked closely with the Mexican government on the measure, and that they had been clear with Chinese officials both publicly and privately about their concerns about unfair Chinese trade practices. In visits to China earlier this year, Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen and Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken had raised the issue of industrial overcapacity with the Chinese government.拜登政府官员表示,他们与墨西哥政府就这项措施进行了密切合作,并公开和私下向中国官员明确表达了他们对中国不公平贸易行为的担忧。在今年早些时候访问中国时,美国财政部长耶伦和国务卿布林肯向中国政府提出了工业产能过剩的问题。In May, the Biden administration tripled tariffs on Chinese steel that is imported directly into the United States. But the measure was mostly symbolic, given that the United States has long had high tariffs on Chinese metals, largely blocking direct imports.今年5月,拜登政府对直接进口到美国的中国钢铁征收了三倍的关税。但这一措施主要是象征性的,因为美国长期以来对中国金属征收高额关税,在很大程度上阻止了直接进口。In a speech on Wednesday, Jay Shambaugh, Treasury’s under secretary for international affairs, warned about the risk that China’s excess industrial capacity poses to the global economy by distorting markets and undercutting fair competition.美国财政部负责国际事务的副部长杰伊·尚博在周三的演讲中警告,中国过剩的工业产能会扭曲市场、削弱公平竞争,从而给全球经济带来风险。“In today’s interconnected economy, such overcapacity can also lead to the concentration of supply chains in ways that ultimately reduce economic resilience,” Mr. Shambaugh said in remarks at the Council on Foreign Relations. “While periodic surpluses can occur within natural business cycles, we are concerned about structural overcapacity, which stems from persistent patterns of overinvestment and is facilitated by extensive state support.”“在当今互联互通的经济中,这种产能过剩也可能导致供应链的集中,最终削弱经济韧性,”杰伊·尚博在美国外交关系委员会发表讲话时说。 “虽然周期性盈余可能出现在自然的商业周期中,但我们担心的是结构性产能过剩,这源于持续的过度投资模式,并得到了政府的广泛支持。”Mr. Shambaugh argued that China has been employing the same strategy that it did with steel in overproducing and exporting cheap green energy technology products and semiconductors. He pointed out that China’s “government guidance funds” dwarf the federal money being invested through the U.S. CHIPS & Science Act and that it was propping up firms that would otherwise be going out of business.尚博认为,中国一直在采用与钢铁相同的战略,过度生产和出口廉价的绿色能源技术产品和半导体。他指出,中国的“政府指导基金”远远超过美国《芯片与科学法案》投入的联邦资金,而且中国还在用这样的资金扶持那些本来会倒闭的企业。“Addressing these challenges may warrant our taking defensive action to protect our firms and workers — and the traditional tool kit of trade actions may not be sufficient,” Mr. Shambaugh added. “More creative approaches may be necessary to mitigate the impacts of China’s overcapacity.”“应对这些挑战可能需要我们采取防御行动来保护我们的企业和工人,而传统的贸易行动工具包可能是不够的,”尚博说。“要减轻中国产能过剩的影响,可能需要更有创意的方法。”China produces roughly half of the world’s steel, consuming much of it domestically but exporting the rest. The Chinese property sector, which is a major consumer of steel, has been struggling with a downturn in recent years, though the Chinese auto sector, another major consumer, has seen its global exports surge.中国的钢铁产量约占全球的一半,其中大部分用于国内消费,其余用于出口。中国房地产业是钢材的主要消费行业,近年来一直在低迷中挣扎;不过另一个主要消费行业——中国汽车业的全球出口一直在激增。The United States will separately continue discussions with Mexico about more general surges in imports of steel from the country, officials said. American steel companies and autoworkers complained that an increase in steel imports from Mexico has put their factories at risk.官员们表示,美国将继续与墨西哥就从该国进口更多钢铁的问题进行讨论。美国钢铁公司和汽车工人抱怨说,从墨西哥进口的钢铁增加使他们的工厂面临风险。Alan Rappeport对本文有报道贡献。Ana Swanson报道贸易和国际经济新闻,常驻华盛顿。她从事新闻工作已超过十年。点击查看更多关于她的信息。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 美国将对在中国制造的墨西哥金属征收关税



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