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    Brand New: A new, unread, unused book in perfect condition with no missing or damaged pages. See the seller’s listing for full details. See all condition definitionsopens in a new window or tab



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    Marketing, Stocks

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The books are in great condition and arrived quickly! Only minor knock is that the description didn't describe that the outer package (the "box" in this box set) is a mis-print (with the design shifted a little so that it's cut off). This isn't a big deal to me, and it explains the really good price, but someone else might have been perturbed if it wasn't expected. The books were also out of order (but again, not a big deal, I just rearranged them myself). Overall I am happy with the purchase!

THE MOST EAGERLY AWAITED INVESTMENT BOOK OF THE YEAR MORE THAN 80 CHART EXAMPLES INCLUDES BONUS PSYCHOLOGY CHAPTER – MARK MINERVINI WITH PERFORMANCE COACH JAIREK ROBBINS "Most traders and money managers would be delighted to have Minervini’s worst year as their best… he has run circles around most PhDs trying to design systems to beat the market." -- JACK SCHWAGER, bestselling author of Stock Market Wizards In Think & Trade Like a Champion, Mark will show you, step-by-step, how to use his time-tested principles to dramatically improve your performance and develop the confidence needed to achieve Superperformance. Mark reveals his personal trading rules and the secret techniques that made him one of America’s most successful stock traders. You will learn how to use Mark’s methods in your own trading and literally TRADE LIKE A CHAMPION! * * Mark is featured in Momentum Masters – A Roundtable Interview with Super Traders and in Jack Schwager’s Stock Market Wizards: Interviews with America’s Top Stock Traders. Schwager wrote: “Minervini’s performance has been nothing short of astounding.” . . . If you’re ready to master the art and science of stock investing, champion trader Mark Minervini will show you how to dramatically increase your returns while keeping your risk to an absolute minimum . . . KNOWLEDGE THAT WILL EMPOWER YOUR TRADING FOR LIFE!

Mark Minervini

Mark Minervini is the author of the best-selling books Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard and Think and Trade Like a Champion (both on BookAuthority's "Best Stock Market Books of All Time" list) - He is featured in Momentum Masters – A Roundtable Interview with Super Traders and in Jack Schwager’s Stock Market Wizards: Interviews with America’s Top Stock Traders. Schwager wrote: “Minervini’s performance has been nothing short of astounding. Most traders and money managers would be delighted to have Minervini’s worst year—a 128 percent gain—as their best.”

Starting with only a few thousand dollars, Mark turned his personal trading account into millions, averaging 220% per year for more than five consecutive years with only one losing quarter; an incredible 33,500% total return. To put that in perspective, a $100,000 account would explode to more than $30 million in just 5 years.

To demonstrate the capabilities of his SEPA® trading methodology, in 1997, Mark put up $250,000 of his own money and entered the U.S. Investing Championship. Trading against highly leveraged futures and options traders, Mark traded a long-only stock portfolio to win the real-money investment derby with a 155% annual return, a performance that was nearly double the nearest competing money manager.

Mark educates traders about his SEPA® methodology through Minervini Private Access, an online platform that allows users the unique experience of trading side-by-side with him in real-time. He also conducts a live Master Trader Program workshop where he teaches his system in a comprehensive weekend event.

 "One of the best Stock Market books of all time" - BookAuthority

"Minervini has run circles around most PhDs trying to design systems to beat the market." -- JACK SCHWAGER, bestselling author of Stock Market Wizards
"Mark's book has to be on every investor's bookshelf. It is about the most comprehensive work I have ever read on investing in growth stocks." -- DAVID RYAN, three-time U.S. Investing Champion
"[Minervini is] one of the most highly respected independent traders of our generation. His experience and past history of savvy market calls is legendary." -- CHARLES KIRK, The Kirk Report
"One of Wall Street's most remarkable success stories." -- BEN POWER, Your Trading Edge
THE INVESTOR'S GUIDE TO SUPERPERFORMANCE! Dramatically increase your stock market returns with the legendary SEPA system!
For the first time ever, U.S. Investing Champion Mark Minervini reveals the proven, time-tested trading system he used to achieve triple-digit returns for five consecutive years, averaging 220% per year for a 33,500% compounded total return.
In Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard, Minervini unveils his trademarked stock market method SEPA, which provides outsized returns in virtually every market by combining careful risk management, self-analysis, and perseverance. He explains in detail how to select precise entry points and preserve capital―for consistent triple- digit returns.
Whether you're just getting started in the stock market or you're a seasoned pro, Minervini will show how you how to achieve SUPERPERFORMANCE! You'll gain valuable knowledge as he shares lessons, trading truths, and specific tactics--all derived from his 30-year career as one of America's most successful stock traders.
Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard teaches you:

    How to find the best stocks before they make big price gains
    How to avoid costly mistakes made by most investors
    How to manage losses and protect profits
    How to avoid high-risk situations
    Precisely when to buy and when to sell
    How to buy an IPO
    Why traditional valuation doesn't work for fast-growing Superperformers
    Examples of Minervini's personal trades with his comments

With more than 160 chart examples and numerous case studies proving the remarkable effectiveness of Minervini's methodology, Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard puts in your hands one of the most effective and--until now--secretive stock investing systems in the world.
MARK MINERVINI has a trademarked stock market method that produces outsized returns in virtually every market. It's called Specific Entry Point Analysis--SEPA--and it has been proven effective for selecting precise entry points, preserving capital and profi ts with even more precise exit points--and consistently producing triple-digit returns.
Now, in Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard, Minervini shares--for the fi rst time ever--his coveted methodology with investors like you!

Dedication and a desire to succeed are definitely requirements to achievesuperperformance in stocks. What is not required is conventional wisdom or acollege education. My real-world education began when I was an adolescent. Idropped out of school in the eighth grade at age 15, which means that I amalmost completely self-educated. Yes, you read that correctly. I left school atage 15. I have never seen the inside of a high school as a student, let aloneattended a university. What I did have, however, was a thirst for knowledge anda burning desire to succeed, to be the best trader I could be. I became afanatical student of the stock market, its history, and human behavior. Istarted out by reading the financial news and stock reports at the locallibrary. Over the years, I've read an incredible number of investment books,including more than 1,000 titles in my personal library alone.

In light of my lack of starting resources and formal education, the level ofsuccess I have achieved strikes some people as unlikely or even impossible.Along the way, some have even tried to discourage me. You too probably will facepeople who will try to dissuade you from trying. You will hear things such as"It's a rigged game," "You're gambling," and "Stocks are too risky." Don't letanyone convince you that you can't do it. Those who think it's not possible toachieve superperformance in stocks say so only because they never achieved itthemselves, and so it's hard for them to imagine. Ignore any discouragement youmay encounter and pay attention instead to the empowering principles I am aboutto share with you. If you spend time studying and applying them, you too canrealize results that will amaze even the most ambitious positive thinkers. Thenthe same people who said it couldn't be done will ask you the question theyalways ask me, "How did you do it?"

When people hear my success story, the two questions they ask most often are,How did you do it? and Did you just get lucky? The assumption is that I musthave taken a lot of big risks or been lucky along the way.

So how did I do it?

For years I worked on perfecting my trading skills, plugging away 70 to 80 hoursa week, often staying up to pore over stock charts and company financials untilthe sun came up the next day. Even though the results weren't there yet, Ipersevered. I spent years separating the proverbial wheat from the chaff,perfecting my process by analyzing my successes and, more important, myfailures. I invested countless hours in learning how great investors approachedthe market and how they created and executed trading strategies and developedthe emotional discipline required to follow their models.

Then something wonderful happened. My preparation intersected with opportunity.I had been honing my skills for years, and by 1990 I was fully equipped to takeadvantage of a new emerging bull market. With all the lessons I had learned frommy trial-and-error days in the 1980s, the pitch was now coming across the plate,and I was staring at my chance to knock the ball out of the park. I was 100percent prepared, like an Olympic athlete who has practiced and practiced and isnow ready to perform with perfection.

Opportunities in the stock market can spring to life on short notice. To takeadvantage of them you must be prepared and ready to act. Right now, somewhereout in the world someone is tirelessly preparing for success. If you fail toprepare, that somebody probably will make big money while you only dream aboutwhat you could have been and should have done. So prepare, prepare, prepare,because when opportunity knocks, which it definitely will, you want to be thereto answer the door.

Seize Permanent Knowledge

In the following pages, I will share with you a plethora of information as wellas specific tactics to help you succeed in stock trading, but there is nosubstitute for real-life experience. Just as you cannot learn to ride a bicyclefrom a book, the only way you can accumulate experience is by taking action andproducing results and then learning from those results, good and bad.Unfortunately, experience cannot be force-fed; it must be acquired personallyover time. However, as you go through trials and tribulations during yourlearning curve, keep in mind that once acquired, the skill of proficient stocktrading can never be taken from you. No one can fire you from your craft the waya boss can from a job; it's just you and the market. All you have learned andthe experience you have gained can bear fruit for many years to come. Truly,this is what makes acquired knowledge and firsthand experience the greatest toolto succeed and build upon in stock trading and in life.

Put Passion at the Wheel

The best traders wake up every day excited about trading and speculation. Theycan't wait to get to work each day and find their next superperformer. They arechallenged by the markets and feel the same passion and excitement that drivesathletes to greatness. Michael Jordan became the greatest basketball player inhistory because he had passion for the game, not because he was motivated bycommercial endorsements. So it is with great traders. They are motivated notjust by money but above all by their passion to become the best they can be.

Passion is not something you can learn; it comes from within you. Passiontranscends monetary reward. Don't worry; if you are doing something you trulyenjoy and you are great at it—whether you're the best writer, lawyer,archaeologist, or basketball player or the world's foremost authority on dungbeetles—the money will come your way. For me, the greatest success camewhen I finally decided to forget about the money and concentrate on being thebest trader I could be. Then the money followed.

Those of you who enjoy investing and the art of speculation can learn thetechniques and disciplines needed to succeed in the stock market. Concentrate onbeing the best you can be, and the money will follow. The main thing is to letyour passion drive you.

The Best Time to Begin

You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to begreat.

—Les Brown

Every day we have the opportunity to make choices and shape our future; everyday is the first day of the rest of our lives. At some point, those days aregone. You can choose to learn from or regret your failures and also rejoice inyour triumphs; however, the sooner you begin pursuing your dreams, the sooneryou can achieve them. If you truly want success trading stocks, take actionright away. You don't need anyone's permission or any reason other than you'vedecided to stop wasting valuable time that you will never get back. It allbegins with beginning! You can dream, you can think positively, you can plan andset goals, but unless you take action, nothing will materialize. In his bookPossibility Thinking, Robert Schuller said, "It's better to do somethingimperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly." An ounce of action is worth poundsof theory. In the stock market, you can make excuses or you can make money, butyou can't do both.

It's not enough to have knowledge, a dream, or passion; it's what you do withwhat you know that counts. Even if you don't become wealthy, by doing whatyou're passionate about, you will at least be happy. The best chance you have tosucceed in life is to do what you enjoy and give it everything you've got. Whenyou get up each morning and do what you love, you never work a day in your life.Those days can begin today. The best time to begin is right now!

A Time to Share

If you cannot—in the long run—tell everyone what you have beendoing, your doing has been worthless.

—Erwin Schrödinger

You may wonder why I chose to write this book now. More than a decade ago, I wasapproached by several major publishers, but I decided not to proceed. Yes,authoring a book gives one credibility and prestige and maybe even boosts one'sego. Although the offers were tempting, I hesitated. I thought to myself, Whyshould I give away all my hard work for a relatively small sum of money,especially since most people probably won't apply it correctly? Admittedly, Iwas being a bit cynical. Then I realized that if even one individual put forththe effort that I did in my earlier years, perhaps my book could help thatperson achieve his or her dreams. Perhaps my work could make a real differencefor someone else; perhaps that someone is you.

Since my early twenties, I have been inspired by the words of Dr. Wayne Dyer,the internationally known motivational speaker and author. Not long ago, Ireread his book 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace, in which there is achapter titled "Don't Let the Music Die Inside You." That chapter really strucka chord with me. My father died relatively Newbie trader, in his fifties. Later, mymother became sick and recently passed after a long battle with an illness. Thisprompted me to think about my life. Over the years I have accumulated a treasurechest of knowledge and expertise. I came to the realization that it would be awaste to let it all just fade away. Books written by great traders provided mewith a foundation to build on—a passing of the torch, one might say.Similarly, I would like others to benefit from and further advance my work.

The stock market provides the greatest opportunity on earth for financialreward. It also teaches great lessons to those who win and those who lose, aneducation that goes well beyond trading and investing. Without a doubt, thestock market gives you incredible exhilaration when you win and deep humilitywhen you lose. It is the greatest game on earth, and for me it has proved to bethe greatest business opportunity on earth.
(Continues...)Excerpted from TRADE LIKE A STOCK MARKET WIZARD by MARK MINERVINI. Copyright © 2013 by Mark Minervini. Excerpted by permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc..
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

130 real questions from real traders answered by Mark Minervini, David Ryan, Dan Zanger & Mark Ritchie II - four of America's top momentum investors. Mark Minervini returned 36,000% - a 220 percent average annual return with only one losing quarter. He won the U.S. Investing Championship with a 155% return. Mark is the Author of the best-selling book Trade Like A Stock Market Wizard; How to Achieve Superperformance in Stocks in Any Market. He is featured in Jack Schwager's Stock Market Wizards: Conversations with America's Top Stock Traders. David Ryan is a protégé of the legendary William O'Neil and a former money manager at O'Neil & Co. He won the U.S Investing Championship three years in a row, scoring triple-digit returns every year - his total return was 1,379%. David is featured in Jack Schwager's Market Wizards: Interviews with Top Traders. Dan Zanger turned $11,000 into $18 million in less than one-year during the late nineties. In two years, the former pool contractor's personal trading account ballooned to $42 million! Mark Ritchie II is the son of the legendary Mark Ritchie (Market Wizards, God in the Pits). He achieved a +100% return in his own trading account in less than 6-months to win Mark Minervini's 2010 Triple-Digit Challenge. Since then Ritchie II is up 540% - his total return since 2010 is over 1,000%.

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