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Author Topic: 台湾发生7.4级强震,日本发出海啸预警  (Read 42 times)


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MEAGHAN TOBIN2024年4月3日首都台北的震感持续了一分多钟,电视新闻上播出了建筑物摇晃的画面。 Chiang Ying-ying/Associated PressA powerful magnitude 7.4 earthquake struck Taiwan on Wednesday morning, prompting nearby Japan to issue a tsunami warning.周三上午,台湾发生7.4级强震,促使临近的日本发出海啸警告。The quake was centered off the coast of Hualien, on Taiwan’s east coast, according to the United States Geological Survey. Taiwan’s Central Weather Administration also recorded an aftershock of magnitude 6.5.据美国地质调查局,地震震中位于台湾东海岸的花莲沿岸。台湾中央气象署还录得一次震级为6.5级的余震。The quake’s epicenter was about 10 miles under the earth’s surface, according to Taiwan. Tremors could be felt for over a minute in the capital, Taipei, where news broadcasts showed footage of buildings shaking.据台湾称,此次地震的震源深度为地表以下约16公里。首都台北的震感持续一分多钟,电视新闻播放了建筑物摇晃的画面。In Japan, according to the broadcaster NHK, tsunami waves as high as 30 centimeters had already started hitting the shore on Yonaguni Island at 9:14 a.m. local time.据日本NHK广播公司报道,当地时间上午9点14分,与那国岛海岸已出现高达30厘米的海啸。Residents on Okinawa, Miyako and Yaeyama islands in southern Japan were told to get as far away from coastal areas as possible. According to NHK, the tsunamis were expected to hit the islands shortly after 10 a.m., with waves as high as 3 meters, or 10 feet, on Miyako and Yaeyama.日本南部冲绳岛、宫古岛和八重山岛的居民被告知尽可能远离沿海地区。据NHK报道,海啸预计将于上午10点过后不久袭击这些岛屿,宫古岛和八重山的海浪将高达3米。Motoko Rich自东京对本文有报道贡献。Meaghan Tobin是时报科技记者,常驻台北,报道亚洲地区的商业和科技新闻,重点关注中国。点击查看更多关于她的信息。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 台湾发生7.4级强震,日本发出海啸预警



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