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Author Topic: Forex Tutorials List (English)  (Read 47555 times)


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Reply #30 on: July 03, 2021, 10:53:02 AM
Very informative article post. Really looking forward to read more. Really Cool.


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Reply #31 on: July 09, 2021, 02:22:20 AM


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Reply #32 on: September 07, 2021, 12:14:54 PM
What are rollovers and swaps? And how to use it when trading?

Depending on their trading style, Forex day traders may face additional profits or costs for holding positions open overnight.

If you are planning to open and close your trades within a day. You don't need to worry about that. But it's still worth finding out if you change your strategy or want to experiment with time extensions.

When a person opens and closes a position within a day, however, they do not incur additional interest if they choose to keep the positions open overnight. They need to consider forex conversions.
What is Rollover?

Transfer is a process in which a position remains open overnight. when that happens Interest rates of currencies in forex pairs are charged against each other. Depending on the interest rate, traders are credited or charged a specific amount.
What is the swap rate? And how is the swap calculated?

The amount that a trader can gain or lose as a result of a conversion is called a swap. Conversion may result in swap benefits or swap fees. depending on the interest rate differential The interest rate for each currency is set by the central bank of that country, the interest rate is usually affected by the important economic events of the country. which you can check in the economic calendar

The swap rate is the interest rate of one currency in a currency pair minus the interest rate of the other currency. Which currency you delete depends on the type of trade you are opening: long or short.
Long Swap and Short Swap in Forex Trading

long-term trading This usually happens when you make a purchase with the expectation that the currency you are buying will increase in value. and you will profit from this short-term trading The opposite is true: you sell a currency pair expecting to profit from the decrease in value, so if on the EURUSD pair you are buying (buying euros and sell USD) in the swap calculation. You will subtract the dollar interest rate from the euro interest rate. If you are going to sell short You will subtract the euro interest rate from the dollar interest rate.

Fortunately, you don't need to calculate your swaps manually every time you trade swaps: there are special tools for that. You can open Contract Terms page to check Forex Swap Rate Table: Our table includes Long Swap Rate and Short Swap Rate.


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Reply #33 on: September 17, 2021, 07:27:31 AM
What are rollovers and swaps? And how to use it when trading?

Depending on their trading style, Forex day traders may face additional profits or costs for holding positions open overnight.

If you are planning to open and close your trades within a day. You don't need to worry about that. But it's still worth finding out if you change your strategy or want to experiment with time extensions.

When a person opens and closes a position within a day, however, they do not incur additional interest if they choose to keep the positions open overnight. They need to consider forex conversions.
What is Rollover?

Transfer is a process in which a position remains open overnight. when that happens Interest rates of currencies in forex pairs are charged against each other. Depending on the interest rate, traders are credited or charged a specific amount.
What is the swap rate? And how is the swap calculated?

The amount that a trader can gain or lose as a result of a conversion is called a swap. Conversion may result in swap benefits or swap fees. depending on the interest rate differential The interest rate for each currency is set by the central bank of that country, the interest rate is usually affected by the important economic events of the country. which you can check in the economic calendar

The swap rate is the interest rate of one currency in a currency pair minus the interest rate of the other currency. Which currency you delete depends on the type of trade you are opening: long or short.
Long Swap and Short Swap in Forex Trading

long-term trading This usually happens when you make a purchase with the expectation that the currency you are buying will increase in value. and you will profit from this short-term trading The opposite is true: you sell a currency pair expecting to profit from the decrease in value, so if on the EURUSD pair you are buying (buying euros and sell USD) in the swap calculation. You will subtract the dollar interest rate from the euro interest rate. If you are going to sell short You will subtract the euro interest rate from the dollar interest rate.

Fortunately, you don't need to calculate your swaps manually every time you trade swaps: there are special tools for that. You can open Contract Terms page to check Forex Swap Rate Table: Our table includes Long Swap Rate and Short Swap Rate.


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Reply #34 on: October 14, 2021, 01:07:08 AM
Really good forex learning list


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Reply #35 on: November 10, 2021, 10:13:28 AM


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Reply #36 on: January 25, 2022, 02:08:03 AM


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Reply #37 on: March 25, 2023, 09:39:57 AM
Приветствую Вас друзья!
  Наверное, нет такой квартиры, в которой не было бы дивана. В просторных апартаментах он придает нотки уюта гостиной, в малогабаритном жилище совмещает в себе функции разом и места для дружеских посиделок, и хозяйской кровати. Но в обоих случаях к его выбору нужно подходить с предельным вниманием, чтобы избежать разочарований.Диваны могут комплектоваться ящиками для белья, полочками в подлокотниках и минибаром. Цена дивана зависит от материалов, из которых он изготавливается, а также от дополнительной комплектации.Производители современных диванов стремятся сочетать в своей мягкой мебели эстетические свойства и надежный функционал. Поэтому большинство моделей оснащены механизмом трансформации, а также дополнительными полезными элементами в виде ящиков для хранения белья, приставных столиков, полочек в подлокотниках и т.д. В нашем каталоге вы найдете большое количество диванов от разных продавцов и производителей по самым выгодным ценам. Кроме того, у вас есть возможность изготовить уникальную модель дивана на заказ.


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Reply #38 on: June 13, 2023, 09:27:16 AM
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu  8)


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Reply #39 on: October 27, 2023, 07:27:17 AM
<a href=" .:https://onlinestabilizing"></a>


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Reply #40 on: January 23, 2024, 06:46:29 AM
Very good


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Reply #41 on: December 22, 2024, 11:06:37 AM
You have a real gift for dissecting multifaceted subjects in an easy-to-digest way. Continue the great work!


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