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Author Topic: EXPERT FOREX TRADING COURSE guide book currency manual fx system strategy  (Read 739 times)


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EXPERT FOREX TRADING COURSE guide book currency manual fx system strategy

Benefits of our Forex guide

1. Know the truth about the Forex market
We will tell you the truth about how the currency market works and most importantly how you can use this knowledge with our highly capable Forex strategy

2. Take the right trades
Our professional Forex strategy is based on how the Forex market really works. We aim to identify the optimum point for entering a trade. We will teach you why the price of a currency pair changes in the way that it does. Only when you know why the price is changing can you predict how it is likely to change in the future.

3. Risk Management
By optimising our trade entry point we can enter the market with a very small stop loss (typically between 10 to 20 pips) and typically exit with 70+ pips. Don't worry if you are unfamiliar with any of these terms as I will discuss them in detail in the guide.

4. You decide when you want to trade
Our strategy can be traded between 6am - 4pm, with most trades taken early in the morning. This means that you can trade this system around a full time job.

5. Follow our trades
If you sign up for our Forex signal service, you can follow the trades we take in real time. You may also receive live market commentary and a daily summary email + video explaining what happened in the markets and the trades we took.

6. Full support - all your questions answered
We provide full support to anyone wanting learn our Forex system. We want to teach you about Forex trading and will answer any questions you may have.

Our guide aims to make sense, make pips and give you the freedom to live your life
For us, the IFT Forex trading guide is the best way to learn how to trade Forex. So what are you waiting for? Get the guide now and discover how you can learn to trade like an expert!

Example trades

What you get
■  Step-by-step instructions on how to use our system
■  When we enter and exit a trade (with screen shots)
■  What stop loss and profit targets we use
■  The four trade entry conditions
■  Multiple example trades
■  Detailed explanation of how the Forex market really works
New to Forex?

If you are new to Forex then our Forex system could be exactly what you are looking for. We will provide you with a comprehensive step by step guide that will teach you our Forex system. The system uses easy to follow rules that will enable you to see exactly how we trade.

The guide will fully explain the Forex market and how Forex is traded. You do not need to have any previous knowledge of Forex trading as everything is explained in the guide. Some of the key areas taught in the guide are listed below:
■  Forex for the beginner
■  What really makes price change
■  Common misconceptions about Forex trading
■  How price changes during a typical day
■  Practical aspects of Forex trading
■  Trading psychology
■  Risk management
■  Choosing a broker
■  When to avoid trading

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