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Author Topic: 9 of the most essential work skills you’ll need in 2020  (Read 742 times)


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Technology moves fast, and even the most skilled employees need to play catch up every once in a while. Silicon Valley continues to dominate the economy, and workflows in all fields are transforming to take advantage of the latest innovations. The folks at LinkedIn have crunched the numbers, and these are the most in-demand skills heading into 2020.

Cloud Computing

The office server room, with its constantly whirring fans and 24-hour electricity consumption, will soon be a thing of the past as businesses move their technology to “the cloud.” Amazon, Microsoft, and Google are all major players in this field, and companies are looking for employees who know how to navigate cloud services.

Artificial Intelligence

Though it sounds futuristic, artificial intelligence, or AI, is already here, populating “chat bots,” driving cars, and making online services work more smoothly and seamlessly than ever before. Machine learning is complex, however, and there is a shortage of talent in the field, meaning that employees who understand AI will be in high demand in 2020.

Analytical Reasoning

Companies aren’t simply looking for people with the ability to think and solve problems. They want employees who can analyze data, and these workers are in short supply. As more companies learn about the value of data-driven approaches to business, technologists who specialize in data analysis and data science will have a huge advantage in 2020.

People Management

The workplace has grown more flexible than ever before. Thanks to new technology, employees are no longer tied to the office. In order to manage this new, flexible reality, companies will be investing in managers with the ability to effectively motivate and empower a workforce that can no longer be expected to sit in their cubicles following orders all day.

UX Design

UX, or “user experience,” design is an essential element of building applications and websites. Users need to be able to navigate your website intuitively, which isn’t as easy as it might sound. Designers with a good eye for how users interact with web platforms are hard to find, making it one of the most in-demand skills of 2020.

Mobile Application Development

People are becoming increasingly dependent on their smartphones, using apps to do their banking, buy groceries, order Ubers, and so on. Mobile developers are therefore in high demand, with companies competing to create mobile-first applications that fit into our everyday lives and the tech world facing a shortage of software developers.

Video Production

The internet is faster than it’s ever been, and businesses have responded by jumping on the possibilities of video production. Seventy-five percent of online video content was viewed on mobile devices in 2018, meaning that video producers with an eye for what works on mobile devices are set to reap rewards in the future.

Sales Leadership

Great salespeople are hard to find, but great sales leaders are even more rare. No matter how many technological innovations transform the world, companies will always need a great sales team to truly capitalize on their products. It’s difficult to excel in sales, but if you have a knack for it, the future is yours.

Translation and interpretation

In the past decade, China has emerged as an economic powerhouse, while globalization has resulted in multinational companies that span countries, languages, and cultures. The need for good translators and interpreters is more important than ever, and individuals who can work in multiple languages will be very useful as the millennium enters its third decade.


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