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Author Topic: Seals are forced in an enclosure filled with filthy water at a mall in China  (Read 1516 times)


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Seals are forced to perform in an enclosure filled with filthy water and their own faeces at a mall in China

Two seals were forced to lie and perform in extremely filthy water by a mall in eastern China, a shopper has accused.

The animals, identified as spotted seals, were said to be brought into the Yongsheng Plaza in the city of Jinhua for the New Year countdown celebrations.

Local authorities who received complaints said the performance had stopped before they arrived, and no punishment would be given to the mall because spotted seals were not considered protected species in China.

The incident came to light after an eyewitness posted four short clips of the 'infuriating matter' onto China's Twitter-like Weibo.

The footage shows one of the seals being kept in a tiny enclosure filled with water that had turned black. Rubbish and pieces of foam were floating on the water.

The female shopper, whose screen name is 'Winnie the Pooh vivi', wrote in her post: 'The mall put on display two Newbie trader seals for its countdown activities. When I saw (them), all I felt was anger.'

She questioned why the authorities had approved a show like that.

'[There were] bite marks around [the enclosure]. Obviously, they came from the little seal. It must have wanted to escape from that place, but didn't know how, so all it could do was to bite,' the post said before adding ' don't know how much the seals had suffered on their way here.'

'It's 2019 already, why would anyone still enjoy performances like this,' the shopper told Pear Video.

A director from the Jinhua Fishery Administration said only performances involving protected animals would need to be approved by them.

The director, Mr Yan, said spotted seals were not categorised as protected species in China, therefore the mall did not need any approvals for the show.

The management of the shopping centre claimed they filled the enclosure with tap water and it was later polluted by the seals' faeces, according to Mr Yan.

The mall also said its staff didn't change the water because the show would only lasted for three days.

'No matter what, we should treat animals kindly,' the official criticised.

Animal cruelty in Chinese shopping malls have been reported frequently.

In the most high-profile case, a polar bear named Pizza was found kept inside a prison-like aquarium in a shopping mall in Guangzhou.

Pizza was sent back to the ocean park where it was born after reports of the incident sparked a global outrage in 2016.

In 2017, a viral video caught a penguin being kicked by worker as it was forced to entertain shoppers at luxury shopping mall in Hohhot, northern China.



  • Guest
This is very bad


  • Guest
shitty one


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