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Author Topic: 一个水深火热的白宫:愤怒的特朗普vs.不听话的手下  (Read 955 times)


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MAGGIE HABERMAN,MAGGIE HABERMAN2019-04-19 19:01:38周四,特朗普总统离开白宫东厅。
WASHINGTON — As President Trump met with advisers in the Oval Office in May 2017 to discuss replacements for the F.B.I. director he had just fired, Attorney General Jeff Sessions slipped out of the room to take a call.华盛顿——2017年5月,特朗普总统在椭圆形办公室跟顾问们开会,讨论刚刚被他解雇的联邦调查局局长的接替人选,司法部长杰夫·塞申斯(Jeff Sessions)溜出房间接了个电话。When he came back, he gave Mr. Trump bad news: Robert S. Mueller III had just been appointed as a special counsel to take over the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election and any actions by the president to impede it.当他回来时,他给特朗普带来一个坏消息:罗伯特·S·穆勒三世(Robert S. Mueller III)刚刚被任命为特别检察官,负责调查俄罗斯干预2016年总统大选,以及总统是否存在任何阻挠的行动。Mr. Trump slumped in his chair. “Oh, my God,” he said. “This is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I’m Currency Exchanging Swaped.”特朗普瘫坐在椅子上。“天呐,”他说,“这太可怕了。我要下台了。完蛋。”It has not been the end of his presidency, but it has come to consume it. Although the resulting two-year investigation ended without charges against Mr. Trump, Mr. Mueller’s report painted a damning portrait of a White House dominated by a president desperate to thwart the inquiry only to be restrained by aides equally desperate to thwart his orders.他的任期并没有结束,但也火烧眉毛了。尽管随后两年的调查在结束时并没有对特朗普提出任何指控,但穆勒的报告描绘了一幅不堪的画面:白宫被一个拼命阻挠调查的总统所控制,结果却受制于那些同样拼命阻挠其命令的助手们。The White House that emerges from more than 400 pages of Mr. Mueller’s report is a hotbed of conflict infused by a culture of dishonesty — defined by a president who lies to the public and his own staff, then tries to get his aides to lie for him. Mr. Trump repeatedly threatened to fire lieutenants who did not carry out his wishes while they repeatedly threatened to resign rather than cross lines of propriety or law.从400多页的穆勒报告中浮现出来的白宫,是一个充斥不诚实文化的冲突温床。定义这个文化的,是一个向公众和自己的手下撒谎,然后还想让助手替他撒谎的总统。特朗普曾多次威胁要解雇那些不听话的手下,而他们也多次以辞职来威胁,不愿逾越规矩和法律的界限。At one juncture after another, Mr. Trump made his troubles worse, giving in to anger and grievance and lashing out in ways that turned advisers into witnesses against him. He was saved from an accusation of obstruction of justice, the report makes clear, in part because aides saw danger and stopped him from following his own instincts. Based on contemporaneous notes, emails, texts and F.B.I. interviews, the report draws out scene after scene of a White House on the edge.在一个又一个的关键时刻,特朗普让自己在麻烦中越陷越深,他被愤怒和委屈吞没,因为大发雷霆而把顾问变成了对自己不利的证人。报告明确指出,他之所以免于妨碍司法的指控,部分原因正是他的助手们看到了危险,阻止了他凭直觉行事。根据当时的笔记、电子邮件、短信和联邦调查局的约谈,这份报告描绘了白宫一个又一个陷入水深火热的场景。At one point, Reince Priebus, then the White House chief of staff, said the president’s attacks on his own attorney general meant that he had “D.O.J. by the throat.” At another, the White House counsel, Donald F. McGahn II, complained to Mr. Priebus that the president was trying to get him to “do crazy shit.” Mr. Trump was equally unhappy with Mr. McGahn, calling him a “lying bastard.”时任白宫幕僚长的雷恩斯·普利巴斯(Reince Priebus)曾经表示,总统对他自己的司法部长的攻击,意味着他“掐住了司法部的喉咙”。在另一个场合,白宫的法律顾问唐纳德·F·麦格恩二世(Donald F. McGahn II)向普利巴斯抱怨,总统想让他“做疯狂的事情”。特朗普对麦格恩也感到不满,称他是“撒谎的混蛋”。 ‘We’ll Take Care of You’ “我们会关照你的”From its first days, Mr. Trump’s presidency struggled to contain the threat stemming from Russia’s interference in the 2016 election and suspicions about his team’s contacts with Moscow.上任伊始,特朗普就一直在竭力遏制俄罗斯干预2016年大选一事构成的威胁,以及外界对他的团队与莫斯科方面进行接触的怀疑。Just weeks after taking office, Mr. Trump pushed out his national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, who lied to the F.B.I. about his conversations with Russia’s ambassador.上任刚刚几周,特朗普就让他的国家安全顾问迈克尔·T·弗林(Michael T. Flynn)走人。弗林在与俄罗斯大使谈话的问题上对联邦调查局撒了谎。But Mr. Trump hugged Mr. Flynn, telling him: “We’ll give you a good recommendation. You’re a good guy. We’ll take care of you.”但特朗普拥抱了弗林,告诉他:“我们会给你写一封很好的推荐信。你是个好人。我们会关照你的。”Mr. Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, mistakenly assumed that getting rid of Mr. Flynn would derail the investigation then being led by James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director. During lunch with Chris Christie, then the governor of New Jersey, Mr. Flynn called and Mr. Kushner spoke with him.特朗普和他的女婿贾里德·库什纳(Jared Kushner)误以为,除掉弗林会破坏当时由联邦调查局局长詹姆斯·B·科米(James B. Comey)领导的调查。在与当时的新泽西州州长克里斯·克里斯蒂(Chris Christie)共进午餐时,弗林给他打去电话,由库什纳与他进行了交谈。“The president cares about you,” Mr. Kushner told Mr. Flynn. “I’ll get the president to send out a positive tweet about you later.”“总统很关心你,”库什纳对弗林说。“我稍后会让总统发一条关于你的正面推文。”Mr. Trump was worried about Mr. Comey, too. During the lunch, he asked Mr. Christie to call Mr. Comey, a friend. “Tell him he’s part of the team,” Mr. Trump instructed.特朗普也担心科米。午饭时,他让克里斯蒂给他的朋友科米打电话。“告诉他,他是团队的一员,”特朗普嘱咐道。Mr. Christie thought the president’s request was “nonsensical” and never followed through.克里斯蒂认为总统的要求是“荒谬的”,他始终没有照办。Other advisers feared Mr. Trump was not telling the truth to the public. After a news conference at which he denied any business dealings in Russia, Michael D. Cohen, then the president’s personal lawyer who had been trying to arrange a Trump Tower in Moscow, expressed concern.有的顾问则担心特朗普没有向公众说实话。在他否认与俄罗斯有任何商业往来的新闻发布会后,总统当时的私人律师、曾试图在莫斯科建造一座特朗普大厦的迈克尔·D·科恩(Michael D. Cohen)表达了担忧。Mr. Trump said that the project had not yet been finalized. “Why mention it if it is not a deal?” he said.特朗普表示,该项目尚未最终敲定。“如果没有达成一笔交易,为什么要提这件事?”他说。 ‘You Left Me on an Island’ “你把我丢在了孤岛上”With the investigation bearing down on him, Mr. Trump wanted to make sure Mr. Sessions remained in charge at the Justice Department, and he asked Mr. McGahn to tell the attorney general not to recuse himself because of his work on the Trump campaign. Mr. McGahn tried to head off a recusal by calling the attorney general three times, but Mr. Sessions announced his recusal that afternoon.随着调查的压力越来越大,特朗普希望确保塞申斯继续执掌司法部,他要求麦格恩告诉司法部长,不要因为他在特朗普竞选活动中的工作而回避。麦格恩曾三次打电话给司法部长,试图阻止塞申斯的回避,但塞申斯当天下午宣布了回避。
Mr. Trump was furious. Summoning Mr. McGahn to the Oval Office the next day, he said, “I don’t have a lawyer,” and added that he wished Roy Cohn, the famed bare-knuckled attorney who once worked for him in New York, was still his lawyer. Mr. Trump said that Robert F. Kennedy protected John F. Kennedy, and Eric H. Holder Jr. protected Barack Obama.特朗普非常愤怒。第二天,他把麦格恩叫到椭圆形办公室,说,“我没有律师。”他说,他希望曾在纽约为他工作的著名律师罗伊·科恩(Roy Cohn)仍然担任自己的律师。特朗普还说,罗伯特·F·肯尼迪(Robert F. Kennedy)保护了约翰·F·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy),小埃里克·H·霍尔德(Eric H. Holder Jr.)保护了贝拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)。“You’re telling me that Bobby and Jack didn’t talk about investigations?” he demanded. “Or Obama didn’t tell Eric Holder who to investigate?”“你是说鲍比和杰克没有谈过调查?”他问。“或者奥巴马没有告诉埃里克·霍尔德该去调查谁?”Mr. Trump screamed at Mr. McGahn about how weak Mr. Sessions was, and Stephen K. Bannon, then the president’s chief strategist, thought he was as mad as he had ever seen him.特朗普对麦格恩大吼,抱怨塞申斯有多软弱,时任总统首席策略师史蒂芬·K·班农(Stephen K. Bannon)说,这是他记忆里特朗普最狂怒的一刻。The president asked Adm. Michael S. Rogers, the director of the National Security Agency, if he could do anything to rebut news stories on the Russia matter. The admiral’s deputy, Richard Ledgett, who was present for the call, considered it the most unusual experience of his 40 years in government and prepared a memo describing the call that he and Admiral Rogers signed and put in a safe.总统询问美国国家安全局(National Security Agency)局长、海军上将迈克尔·S·罗杰斯(Michael S. Rogers),问他是否能做些什么来反驳有关俄罗斯问题的新闻报道。海军上将的副手理查德·莱吉特(Richard Ledgett)当时在场,他认为这是他在政府任职40年来最不寻常的经历,并准备了一份备忘录,描述了那次会面,他和罗杰斯上将都在上面签了字并放入保险箱。Mr. Trump groused about the Russia investigation with his intelligence chiefs on multiple other occasions. At one point, Admiral Rogers recalled a private conversation in which the president said something like the “Russia thing has got to go away.” But the intelligence chiefs said they did not feel pressured to take specific actions.特朗普在其他多个场合向情报部门领导人表达对俄罗斯调查的不满。罗杰斯上将回忆起一次私人谈话,当时总统说了一些“俄罗斯的事情必须消失”之类的话。但情报部门领导人们表示,他们没有感到采取具体行动的压力。Mr. Trump increasingly focused his ire on Mr. Comey, who during testimony on Capitol Hill on May 3, 2017, refused to answer questions about whether the president himself was under investigation.特朗普越来越把怒火集中在科米身上。2017年5月3日,科米在国会山作证时拒绝回答有关总统本人是否正在接受调查的问题。Angry, Mr. Trump wheeled on Mr. Sessions. “This is terrible, Jeff,” he said. “It’s all because you recused.” He added: “You left me on an island. I can’t do anything.”特朗普愤怒地转向塞申斯。“这太可怕了,杰夫,”他说。“这都是因为你逃避责任。”他还说:“你把我丢在了孤岛上。我什么也做不了。”Mr. Sessions said he had no choice, but said that a new start at the F.B.I. would be appropriate and that the president should consider replacing Mr. Comey.塞申斯说,他别无选择,但他表示,联邦调查局应当有一个新的开始,总统应该考虑替换科米。Mr. Trump was fixated on the F.B.I. director. Mr. Bannon recalled that he brought up Mr. Comey at least eight times on May 3 and May 4. “He told me three times I’m not under investigation,” the president said. “He’s a showboater. He’s a grandstander. I don’t know any Russians. There was no collusion.”特朗普一直格外关注科米。班农回忆说,在5月3日和4日,他至少有八次提到科米。“他三次告诉我,我没有受到调查,”总统说。“他是做给人看。他是在卖弄他的把戏。我不认识俄罗斯人。没有什么共谋。”Mr. Bannon told Mr. Trump that he could not fire Mr. Comey because “that ship has sailed” and that it would not stop the investigation.班农对特朗普说,他不能撤科米,因为“已经错过了那个时机”,撤了也不会停止调查。 ‘The Beginning of the End?’ “终结的起点?”Mr. Trump ignored the advice and fired Mr. Comey on May 9, justifying it on criticism of his investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email the year before. Overruling objections by Mr. McGahn and Mr. Priebus, Mr. Trump insisted that the letter firing the F.B.I. director state that Mr. Comey told him three times the president was not under investigation.特朗普无视这一建议,于5月9日将科米撤职,理由是他对前一年调查希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)电子邮件的批评。特朗普驳回了麦格恩和普利巴斯的反对意见,坚持在将联邦调查局局长免职的信中声称,科米曾三次告诉自己,总统没有受到调查。Aides were alarmed. “Is this the beginning of the end?” Annie Donaldson, Mr. McGahn’s chief of staff, wrote in her notes.助手们十分警觉。“这会是终结的起点吗?”麦格恩的幕僚长安妮·唐纳森(Annie Donaldson)在笔记中写道。Sarah Huckabee Sanders, then the president’s deputy press secretary, told reporters that the White House had talked to “countless members of the F.B.I.” who supported the decision to fire the director — but she later admitted to investigators that it was not true. Her comment, she said, was “a slip of the tongue” made “in the heat of the moment” and not founded on anything.当时总统的副新闻秘书萨拉·赫卡比·桑德斯(Sarah Huckabee Sanders)告诉记者,白宫已经与“无数的联邦调查局成员”进行了交谈,他们都支持解雇局长的决定。但她后来向调查人员承认,这不是真的。她说,她的评论是“一时冲动”之下的“口误”,没有任何依据。Mr. Comey’s dismissal led the deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, to appoint Mr. Mueller, a former F.B.I. director, to take over the investigation. Fearing it would mean the end of his presidency, Mr. Trump lashed out again at Mr. Sessions.科米被解职后,司法部副部长罗德·J·罗森斯坦(Rod J. Rosenstein)任命前联邦调查局局长穆勒接手调查。特朗普担心这意味着他总统任期的终结,于是再次猛烈抨击塞申斯。“How could you let this happen, Jeff?” he demanded. He told Mr. Sessions, “You were supposed to protect me,” or words to that effect.“杰夫,你怎么能让这种事发生呢?”他问道。他对塞申斯说,“你应该保护我”,或者诸如此类的话。“Everyone tells me if you get one of these independent counsels, it ruins your presidency,” he added. “It takes years and years, and I won’t be able to do anything. This is the worst thing that ever happened to me.”“所有人都告诉我,如果你摊上这样一个独立检察官,你的总统生涯就毁了,”他还说。“这会耗上很多年,我什么也干不了。我还从来没遇到过这么差劲的事。”Mr. Trump demanded that his attorney general resign. Mr. Sessions said he would, and he returned to the Oval Office the next day with a resignation letter he handed to Mr. Trump.特朗普要求他的司法部长辞职。塞申斯说他会的,第二天他回到椭圆形办公室,把辞职信交给了特朗普。
The president put the letter in his pocket and repeatedly asked Mr. Sessions whether he wanted to continue serving as attorney general. When Mr. Sessions finally said he did, the president said he wanted him to stay. The two shook hands, but Mr. Trump kept the letter.总统把信放在口袋里,反复问塞申斯是否愿意继续担任司法部长。最后塞申斯说他愿意,总统也说自己希望他留下来。两人握了手,但特朗普保留了这封信。When they learned about the letter, Mr. Priebus and Mr. Bannon worried that if he kept it, Mr. Trump could use it to improperly influence Mr. Sessions; it would, said Mr. Priebus, serve as a “shock collar” keeping the attorney general on a leash.得知这封信的时候,普利巴斯和班农担心,如果特朗普保存了这封信,就可能会利用它不当地影响塞申斯;普利巴斯说,它会成为一个“电击项圈”,把司法部长掌握在自己手上。The next day, May 19, Mr. Trump left the White House for the Middle East. On Air Force One flying from Saudi Arabia to Israel three days later, the president took the letter from his pocket and showed it off to aides. Later on the trip, when Mr. Priebus asked Mr. Trump for the letter, the president claimed he did not have it and it was actually back at the White House.第二天,5月19日,特朗普离开白宫前往中东。三天后,在从沙特阿拉伯飞往以色列的“空军一号”上,总统从口袋里拿出这封信,向助手们展示。在随后的行程中,当普利巴斯向特朗普索要这封信时,总统声称信留在白宫,不在自己手头。Three days after the president returned to Washington, he finally returned the letter to Mr. Sessions with a note: “Not accepted.”总统回到华盛顿三天后,终于把信退回给塞申斯,并附了一张便条:“不接受。”But he did not give up trying to regain control of the investigation, calling Mr. Sessions at home to ask if he would “unrecuse” himself and direct the Justice Department to prosecute Mrs. Clinton. Mr. Sessions refused.但他没有放弃重新控制调查的努力,他打电话给塞申斯,询问他是否会“撤回回避”,并指示司法部起诉克林顿。塞申斯拒绝了。 ‘Mueller Has to Go’ “穆勒必须走人”If the attorney general would not rein in the special counsel, Mr. Trump resolved to find someone who would. On June 17, Mr. Trump called Mr. McGahn from Camp David and told him to have Mr. Rosenstein fire Mr. Mueller because of conflicts of interest.司法部长不愿控制特别检察官,特朗普决定找个人来控制他。6月17日,特朗普从戴维营给麦格恩打了电话,让他要求罗森斯坦以利益冲突为由解雇穆勒。During a 23-minute conversation, Mr. Trump said something along the lines of: “You got to do this. You got to call Rod.” Mr. McGahn, who along with other advisers believed that the supposed conflicts were “silly” and “not real,” was perturbed by the call.在23分钟的谈话中,特朗普说了一些类似这样的话:“你必须这么做。你得给罗德打电话。”麦格恩和其他顾问都认为,这些所谓的冲突是“愚蠢的”、“不实的”。这通电话令他们很不安。The president then called again. “Mueller has to go,” he told Mr. McGahn. “Call me back when you do it.”然后总统又打来了。“穆勒必须走人,”他对麦格恩说。“你搞定这件事再给我回电话。”Mr. McGahn decided he would resign, determined not to repeat the experience of Robert H. Bork, who complied with President Richard M. Nixon’s order to fire the Watergate prosecutor during the Saturday Night Massacre before going on to serve as an appeals court judge.麦格恩不想重蹈罗伯特·H·博克(Robert H. Bork)的覆辙,决定辞职——在担任上诉法院法官之前,博克遵守了理查德·M·尼克松(Richard M. Nixon)总统的命令,在“周六晚大屠杀”事件中解雇了水门事件的检察官。Mr. McGahn, saying that he wanted to be more like Judge Bork and not “Saturday Night Massacre Bork,” drove to the office to pack his possessions and submit his resignation. When Mr. McGahn told Mr. Priebus and Mr. Bannon, they urged him not to resign and he backed off.麦格恩说,他更想效仿法官博克,而不是“周六晚大屠杀”中的博克。当麦格恩通知普利巴斯和班农时,他们敦促他不要辞职,于是他放弃了。Undeterred, Mr. Trump summoned his former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, to the White House two days later and dictated a message for him to deliver to Mr. Sessions that would have effectively limited the scope of the investigation to Russian interference in the 2016 election.特朗普没有被吓倒,两天后,他把前竞选经理科里·莱万多夫斯基(Corey Lewandowski)叫到白宫,并让他向塞申斯传达一条信息,可以有效地将调查范围限制在俄罗斯干预2016年大选。In the message, Mr. Trump ordered Mr. Sessions to give a speech declaring that Mr. Trump was “being treated very unfairly” by the investigation.在这则信息中,特朗普命令塞申斯发言宣称该调查令特朗普“受到了非常不公平的对待”。“He shouldn’t have a Special Prosecutor/Counsel b/c he hasn’t done anything wrong,” Mr. Sessions was to say. “I was on the campaign w/him for nine months, there were no Russians involved with him. I know it for a fact b/c I was there. He didn’t do anything wrong except he ran the greatest campaign in American history.”“不应该有一个特别检察官来调查他,因为他没做错什么,”塞申斯被要求这样说。“我和他一起参加了九个月的竞选活动,没有俄罗斯人参与。我知道这是事实,因为我就在那儿。他没有做错任何事,只是进行了美国历史上最伟大的竞选活动。”A scheduling conflict scotched the meeting, but Mr. Trump raised it again a month later, saying that if Mr. Sessions did not meet, Mr. Lewandowski should tell him he was fired. Mr. Lewandowski assured him that the message would be delivered.由于日程安排冲突,会面未能如期举行,但特朗普在一个月后再次提起这件事,称如果塞申斯不会面,那么莱万多夫斯基应该告诉他,他被解雇了。莱万多夫斯基向他保证,他会转达这一信息。Hours later, the president criticized the attorney general in an interview with The New York Times. While the meeting with Mr. Lewandowski was never held, Mr. Sessions understood his tenuous position and carried a letter of resignation in his pocket every time he visited the White House.几个小时后,总统在接受《纽约时报》采访时批评了司法部长。虽然从未与莱万多夫斯基见过面,但塞申斯明白自己的处境岌岌可危,每次去白宫时口袋里都揣着辞职信。 ‘Boss Man Worried’ “老板很担心”In late June, presidential advisers and lawyers learned about a Trump Tower meeting with Russians during the campaign hosted by Donald Trump Jr., along with Mr. Kushner and Paul Manafort, the campaign chairman. But the president said he did not want to hear about it.6月底,总统的顾问和律师了解到大选期间在特朗普大厦(Trump Tower)跟俄罗斯人有过一次会面,主持的是小唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump Jr.),以及库什纳和竞选团队主席保罗·马纳福特(Paul Manafort)。但总统表示,他不想听到此事。A few days later, at the office of Mr. Kushner’s lawyer, Hope Hicks, the president’s communications adviser, saw emails about setting up the meeting and offering “dirt” on Mrs. Clinton on behalf of the Russian government. In a meeting, Mr. Kushner played down the encounter with the Russians, telling the president it was about adoption.几天后,在库什纳律师的办公室,总统的新闻秘书霍普·希克斯(Hope Hicks)看了有关安排此次会面,以及代表俄罗斯政府提供克林顿“黑料”的邮件。在一次会议上,库什纳淡化了碰见俄罗斯人一事,跟总统说那是谈关于领养问题的。
Ms. Hicks suggested getting ahead of the story by having Donald Trump Jr. release the emails as part of an interview with “softball questions.” She warned that the emails were “really bad” and the story would be “massive” when it broke, but the president again said he did not want to hear about it.希克斯建议由小唐纳德·特朗普在就“无关痛痒的问题”接受采访时顺便公开这些邮件,以此抢先应对。她警告,这些邮件“真的很糟糕”,一旦曝出,将“影响巨大”,但总统再次表示他不想听到这件事。On July 7, while the president was at the G-20 summit meeting in Germany, Ms. Hicks learned that The Times was preparing a story about the Trump Tower meeting. Ms. Hicks, on the flight home from Germany, recommended disclosing the entire story, but the president rebuffed her, saying a draft statement said too much.7月7日,总统在德国参加G-20峰会期间,希克斯了解到,时报正在准备有关特朗普大厦会面的报道。在从国内飞往德国的班机上,希克斯建议披露整件事情,但总统断然回绝了她,称声明草案透露了太多内容。Instead, Mr. Trump suggested the statement say that his eldest son had attended a meeting about Russian adoptions.相反,特朗普建议声明称,他的大儿子曾参加过有关收养俄罗斯儿童的会谈。Ms. Hicks then texted Donald Trump Jr. a statement asking if that was all right. The president’s son wanted to insert that they “primarily” discussed Russian adoption because, as he texted to Ms. Hicks, they “started with some Hillary thing which was bs and some other nonsense which we shot down fast.”希克斯于是把声明用短信传给小唐纳德·特朗普,问他是否可行。总统的儿子想加上他们“主要”谈了领养俄罗斯儿童的问题,正如他回复给希克斯的信息,他们“开始谈了希拉里的一些事,都是些废话,然后又说了些没用的,我们很快就给否掉了”。Ms. Hicks responded: “I think that’s right too but boss man worried it invites a lot of questions.” The Newbie traderer Mr. Trump, who urged releasing the emails themselves, finally did once the White House learned that The Times was about to publish them.希克斯回复称:“我也认为这没问题,但老板担心这可能会招来很多问题。”小特朗普也敦促公开邮件内容,终于在白宫得知时报即将发表邮件时,立即将其公开。 ‘I’ll Have to Get Rid of Him’ “我将不得不把他赶走”Mr. Trump did not stop pressing Mr. Sessions to take back control of the investigation. On Oct. 16, the president met privately with Mr. Sessions and said he should look again at Mrs. Clinton’s emails. Mr. Sessions made no promises.特朗普没有停止向塞申斯施压,以夺回调查的控制权。10月16日,总统与塞申斯私下会面,表示他应该再查看一下克林顿的邮件。塞申斯没有做出任何承诺。Two days later, the president posted the first of several tweets in the coming weeks complaining that the Justice Department was not investigating Mrs. Clinton. One of the tweets concluded: “DO SOMETHING!”两天后,总统发了未来数周连发的几条推文中的第一条,抱怨司法部没有在调查克林顿。其中一则推文最后用全大写字母写道:“做点什么!”The pressure on the president rose in November when Mr. Flynn’s lawyers told Mr. Trump’s team that he would be accepting a plea deal. One of Mr. Trump’s lawyers left a voice mail message for one of Mr. Flynn’s: “[R]emember what we’ve always said about the president and his feelings toward Flynn and, that still remains.”当弗林的律师11月告诉特朗普的团队,他将要接受一份认罪协议时,总统面临的压力增加了。特朗普的一名律师给弗林的一名律师发了一条语音留言:“记得我们一直所说的关于总统的话,还有他对弗林的感情么,这一点依旧没变。”On Dec. 6, five days after Mr. Flynn pleaded guilty to lying about contacts with the Russian government, Mr. Trump pulled Mr. Sessions aside after a cabinet meeting and again suggested he “unrecuse” himself. “You’d be a hero,” he said, while saying he was not going to “direct you to do anything.”12月6日,弗林承认有罪,即承认在与俄罗斯政府联络一事上撒谎五天之后,特朗普在一次内阁会议后把塞申斯拉到一边,再度建议他“不要回避”此事。“你会成为英雄的,”他说,同时称他不会“指使你做任何事情。”In January 2018, The Times reported about the president’s June 2017 effort to have Mr. Mueller fired. A livid Mr. Trump pressed Mr. McGahn to publicly rebut the story, but he would not because the article accurately reported the president’s desires.2018年1月,时报报道了总统曾于2017年6月试图让穆勒解职一事。勃然大怒的总统迫使麦格恩公开反驳这一报道,但他以文章准确报道了总统的想法为由未予答应。Mr. Trump insisted that Mr. McGahn deny it. “If he doesn’t write a letter, then maybe I’ll have to get rid of him,” the president said, or something to that effect.特朗普当时坚持要求麦格恩否认此事。“如果他不写信,那我可能就不得不把他赶走,”总统说,或者说了意思差不多的话。John F. Kelly, who had replaced Mr. Priebus as chief of staff, then arranged a meeting between Mr. Trump and Mr. McGahn.此前已取代普利巴斯担任幕僚长的约翰·F·凯利(John F. Kelly)随后安排特朗普与麦格恩举行了一次会面。“I never said to fire Mueller,” Mr. Trump said. “I never said ‘fire.’ This story doesn’t look good. You need to correct this. You’re the White House counsel.”“我从没说过要解雇穆勒,”特朗普说。“我从没用过‘解雇’这个字眼。这篇报道看上去不妙。你得去更正。你是白宫的法律顾问。”“Did I say the word ‘fire’?” he asked.“我说过‘解雇’这个词吗?”他问道。“What you said is, ‘Call Rod, tell Rod that Mueller has conflicts and can’t be the special counsel,’” Mr. McGahn replied. He refused the president’s request that he “do a correction.”“你的原话是,‘打电话给罗德,告诉罗德,穆勒存在冲突,不能当特别检察官,’”麦格恩答道。他拒绝了总统让他“予以更正”的要求。Mr. Trump then complained about Mr. McGahn writing things down. “Why do you take notes? Lawyers don’t take notes. I never had a lawyer who took notes.”特朗普随即抱怨麦格恩做了记录。“你为什么要记下来?律师都不记笔记。我从来没有一个律师做笔记。”Mr. McGahn maintained he took notes because he was a “real lawyer” and they create a record.麦格恩坚称,他记笔记是因为他是个“真正的律师”,他们设立了一个档案。“I’ve had a lot of great lawyers, like Roy Cohn,” Mr. Trump said. “He did not take notes.”“我有过很多很棒的律师,就像罗伊·科恩(Roy Cohn),”特朗普说,“他就不做笔记。”But Mr. McGahn did. And so did plenty of others.但麦格恩记了。许多其他人也这么做了。欢迎在Twitter上关注本文作者Peter Baker和Maggie Haberman @peterbakernyt、@maggienyt。Emily Cochrane、Michael D. Shear和Catie Edmondson对本文有报道贡献。翻译:李建芳、晋其角、杜然点击查看本文英文版。 (永久域名) (临时域名)

Source: 一个水深火热的白宫:愤怒的特朗普vs.不听话的手下



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