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Author Topic: 华为在欧发起反击:要求捷克撤回安全威胁警告  (Read 1160 times)


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MARC SANTORA2019-02-11 14:44:43北京一家华为门店。这家中国科技巨头要求捷克共和国网络安全部门撤销一则关于华为构成风险的官方警告。
PRAGUE — In an attempt to push back against attempts to limit its reach in Europe, the Chinese technology giant Huawei threatened legal action against the Czech Republic if its cybersecurity agency did not rescind its warning about the risk the company poses to the nation’s critical infrastructure.布拉格——为反击对其欧洲业务的限制企图,中国科技巨头华为威胁称,如果捷克共和国的网络安全机构不撤销华为对关键基础设施构成威胁的警告,它将对该国采取法律行动。As nations across Europe take the first steps to reconfigure the systems that control the internet, Huawei’s threat was the latest salvo in the escalating war over who will control the hardware that will underpin the new 5G, or fifth-generation, networks.随着欧洲各国采取初步行动重新配置控制互联网的系统,华为的威胁是不断升级的新5G、即第五代网络硬件控制权争夺战的最新一枪。For more than a year, the United States has been engaged in a global campaign aimed at limiting the reach of Chinese telecommunication firms, contending that they pose a threat to security.一年多来,美国一直在参与一场旨在限制中国电信企业业务范围的全球行动,声称它们构成安全威胁。While American officials have not offered specific details to support their concerns, they have pointed to China’s National Intelligence Law, passed in 2017. They say the law requires Chinese companies to support, provide assistance to and cooperate in Beijing’s national intelligence work, wherever they operate.虽然美国官员尚未提供导致其担忧的具体细节,但他们把矛头指向2017年通过的《中国国家情报法》。他们称,该法律要求中国企业不管运营地点,都要为北京方面的国家情报工作提供支持、协助并与其合作。That law was one of the factors that led the Czech cybersecurity agency, Nukib, to issue a formal warning in December about the risk posed by Huawei and another Chinese technology firm, ZTE.该法律是导致捷克国家与信息安全局(Nukib)在12月就华为及另一家中国科技公司中兴所构成威胁发布正式警告的因素之一。The warning, which carries the force of law, requires all companies in the Czech Republic that are deemed critical to the nation’s health to perform a risk analysis that takes security concerns into account.这则具有法律效力的警告要求,捷克共和国境内被视为对国家状况至关重要的所有公司进行风险分析,将安全担忧包括在内。It has already led several large companies and government ministries to distance themselves from Huawei, including barring the company from bidding on new projects.它已经导致几家大型公司和一些政府部委远离了华为,包括阻止该公司参与新项目的竞标。On Friday, the Czech newspaper Dennik N published excerpts from a letter from Huawei to the head of the Czech cyber agency, Dusan Navratil, and Prime Minister Andrej Babis threatening legal action.周五,捷克报纸Dennik N刊登了华为向捷克国家与信息安全局局长杜尚·纳夫拉蒂尔(Dusan Navratil)及总理安德烈·巴比什(Andrej Babis)致信威胁采取法律行动的内容节选。“Huawei cannot represent a cybersecurity threat as stated in the warning,” the letter said. “Huawei, according to the Chinese law, does not have any obligation to install backdoor or spyware into their products, and the company would never agree to such a request.”“华为不会构成像警告中所言的网络安全威胁,”信中说。“根据中国的法律,华为没有义务在产品中安装后门或间谍软件,华为永远不会同意这种要求。”Radoslaw Kedzia, Huawei’s chief representative in the Czech Republic, wrote that the cyber agency had failed to provide any specific evidence of wrongdoing and failed to explain its analysis of the Chinese law.捷克华为公司总经理拉多斯瓦夫·克齐亚(Radoslaw Kedzia)写道,该网络机构未能提供任何不当之举的具体证据,也未能解释其对该中国法律的分析。“As consequence of the warning, Huawei has already suffered losses and faces many difficulties,” he wrote in the letter, dated Feb. 1. “For example, it was excluded from public procurement, even those that do not concern critical infrastructure.”“由于这则警告,华为已经遭受了损失,并面临许多困难,”他在2月1日的信中写道。“例如,它被排除在公共采购之外,即便是那些不涉及关键基础设施的采购。”“Retail activities have been harmed and the brand damaged,” according to the letter. The company called on Czech officials to rescind the warning, adding that if they did not receive a reply by Feb. 14, they would take the matter to court.“零售活动遭到损害,品牌形象受损,”信中说。华为呼吁捷克官员撤销这则警告,并称如果在2月14日前未收到答复,他们将诉诸法庭。Officials at the cybersecurity agency acknowledged receipt of the letter, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times, but declined to comment.该网络安全机构官员承认收到了这封来信,但拒绝置评。《纽约时报》获得了该信的副本。The pushback by Huawei was part of a broader campaign by the company to defend itself across the continent.华为的反击是该公司在欧洲大陆为自己辩护的更广泛行动的一部分。Huawei sent a letter to the British Parliament this week defending its track record and claiming that any malicious activity on its part would “destroy its business.”上周,华为曾致信英国议会,为自己的运营记录进行辩护,称公司方面开展任何恶意活动都会“毁掉它的业务”。The embattled company, which was founded by a former engineer in China’s People’s Liberation Army, claimed that the attacks against it were unfounded.这家陷入困境的公司声称针对它的攻击毫无根据。它的创始人曾是中国人民解放军的工程师。“The governments in some countries have labeled Huawei as a security threat, but they have never substantiated these allegations with solid evidence,” Ryan Ding, the president of Huawei’s carrier business, wrote in the letter to the British lawmakers.“一些国家的政府已给华为贴上安全威胁的标签,但他们从未提供确凿证据证实过这些指控,”华为运营商业务总裁丁耘(Ryan Ding)在致英国立法者的信中写道。The United States, Australia and New Zealand have already barred the company from participating in the building of the new 5G networks.美国、澳大利亚和新西兰都已把华为排除在了参与建设新5G网络的公司行列之外。In the coming months, countries across Europe are expected to begin to put in place infrastructure that would allow for the superfast, widely connected networks.在未来数月,欧洲各国预计将开始部署可供超快速、广连接的网络运行的基础设施。Which companies will lead that effort remains an open question. But as Huawei’s threat of legal action demonstrates, the Chinese firm has no intention of ceding the lucrative market.哪些公司将从中脱颖而出仍是个悬而未决的问题。但正如华为威胁采取法律行动所表明的,中国公司无意放弃这个利润丰厚的市场。Hana de Goeij对本文有报道贡献。翻译:李建芳点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 华为在欧发起反击:要求捷克撤回安全威胁警告


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