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Author Topic: 美国国会议员代表团访问台湾,强调对台坚定支持  (Read 82 times)


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储百亮, AMY CHANG CHIEN2024年2月22日周四,台湾台北,蔡英文总统与威斯康辛州共和党众议员迈克·加拉格尔会面。 Ben Blanchard/ReutersVisiting U.S. lawmakers sought to assure Taiwan on Thursday that the United States would stand by it in the face of pressure from China, though a bill that includes support for the island has stalled in Congress, and divisions over aid for Ukraine have fanned wider questions about Washington’s commitment to its partners.周四,来访的美国议员试图向台湾保证,面对中国的压力,美国将与台湾站在一起——尽管一项包括支持台湾的法案在国会陷入僵局,而对乌克兰援助的分歧引发了关于华盛顿对其盟友承诺的更广泛疑问。“Today we’ve come as Democrats and Republicans to show bipartisan support for this partnership,” Representative Mike Gallagher, the Wisconsin Republican who is leading the congressional delegation to Taiwan, told President Tsai Ing-wen in Taipei, the capital. Journalists were allowed to witness initial remarks in the meeting between Ms. Tsai and the delegation before being ushered out.“今天,我们以民主党和共和党人的身份来到这里,表达两党对这一伙伴关系的支持,”带领国会代表团前往台湾的威斯康辛州共和党众议员迈克·加拉格尔在台北对蔡英文总统说。蔡英文与代表团会面开始时的讲话允许记者在场,随后记者被请出场外。The five House members on the delegation — all members of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, which Mr. Gallagher heads — are the latest in a recent succession of American visitors to voice support for Taiwan, at a time when leaders in Washington are also trying to shore up security support for Ukraine and Israel.代表团中的五名众议员——均为由加拉格尔领导的众议院中共问题特设委员会的成员——是近期一系列美国来访者中最新的一批,他们表达了对台湾的支持。与此同时,华盛顿的领导人也在试图加强对乌克兰和以色列的安全支持。Taiwan, which has no formal diplomatic ties with the United States, has often turned to American lawmakers for backing, and a dispute in the Capitol over military aid for Ukraine has highlighted the influence that Congress can have over the use of American power abroad.与美国没有正式外交关系的台湾经常向美国立法者寻求支持,而国会对乌克兰军事援助的争议凸显了国会对美国在海外运用权力的影响力。Ms. Tsai told the lawmakers — including two other Republicans, John Moolenaar of Michigan and Dusty Johnson of South Dakota, and two Democrats, Raja Krishnamoorthi of Illinois and Seth Moulton of Massachusetts — that their visit “further highlights the close partnership between Taiwan and the United States.”蔡英文告诉议员们,他们的访问“凸显台美之间紧密的伙伴关系”。来访议员中包括两名共和党议员:密歇根州的约翰·莫勒纳尔和南达科他州的达斯蒂·约翰逊;以及两名民主党议员:伊利诺伊州的拉贾·克里希纳莫尔蒂和马萨诸塞州的塞斯·莫尔顿。“We hope to see even more exchanges between Taiwan and the United States in a range of domains in the new year,” Ms. Tsai said. “We will work together with even more like-minded countries to strengthen the resiliency of global democratic supply chains and contribute to development and prosperity around the world.”“新的一年我们希望台美之间在各项议题都有更密切的交流,”蔡英文说。“也和更多理念相近的国家共同强化全球民主供应链的韧性,创造全球的繁荣发展。”Mr. Krishnamoorthi, the committee’s top-ranking Democrat, told Ms. Tsai that the bipartisan nature of the delegation “shows you the strength of our partnership.”中共问题特设委员会中的最资深民主党人克里希纳莫尔蒂告诉蔡英文,代表团的两党联合性质“展示了我们伙伴关系的强大”。Taiwan is three months away from a presidential transition, and officials fear it could soon see economic retaliation and intimidating displays of military force from China, which treats it as a breakaway region that must eventually embrace unification — by force, if leaders in Beijing decide that is necessary.三个月后,台湾将进行总统权力交接。官员们担心,台湾可能很快会遭到中国的经济报复和恐吓性的军力展示。中国将台湾视为一个分裂地区,必须最终实现统一——如果北京领导人认为必要的话,可以使用武力实现这一目标。Both Ms. Tsai and the president-elect, Lai Ching-te, are members of the Democratic Progressive Party, which has emphasized Taiwan’s status as separate from China, though it has stopped short of implementing formal independence, which Beijing has warned could trigger armed conflict. China, no friend of Ms. Tsai, seems even more antagonistic toward Mr. Lai, who described himself years ago as a “pragmatic worker for Taiwanese independence.”蔡英文和候任总统赖清德都是民进党成员,该党一直强调台湾独立于中国的地位,但并没有寻求正式的独立,北京曾警告称这可能会引发武装冲突。中国对蔡英文没有好感,对赖清德似乎更加敌视,后者多年前曾自称是“务实台独工作者”。Mr. Lai has said that he will follow Ms. Tsai’s measured approach to China and not seek to change Taiwan’s status quo, but Chinese officials have already signaled that they see little room for negotiations with the new president.赖清德表示,他将遵循蔡英文对中国采取的谨慎态度,不寻求改变台湾现状,但中国官员已经表示,他们认为与这位新总统谈判的余地不大。Officials in Taiwan are closely watching the political situation in the United States, especially with the presidential election looming in November, experts say. Many in Taiwan see the United States as a vital partner in the face of China’s threats. But there is also an undercurrent of doubt about American commitment, amplified by propaganda from China, and some in Taiwan argue that it has become too entangled in the rivalry between Beijing and Washington.专家表示,台湾官员正在密切关注美国的政治局势,尤其是在11月总统大选即将到来之际。许多台湾人认为美国是应对中国威胁的重要伙伴。但也有一些观点对美国的承诺表示怀疑,而来自中国的宣传又放大了这种怀疑,台湾的一些人认为,该岛已经过多地卷入了北京和华盛顿之间的竞争。A proposed U.S. supplementary budget approved by the Senate, which features aid for Ukraine and Israel, also offers support for Taiwan, including $1.9 billion that could help open up its access to American weapons stockpiles.在参议院批准的美国补充预算提案中,除了向乌克兰和以色列提供援助外,还向台湾提供了支持,其中包括提供19亿美元以帮助台湾获得美国的武器储备。But the Republican speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, has indicated that he will not let the bill go to a vote on the House floor. And billions of dollars in Taiwanese orders of American weapons are already backlogged, reflecting strains on the U.S. military industrial base that existed even before it began sending armaments to Ukraine.但众议院共和党议长迈克·约翰逊表示,他不会让该法案在众议院进行表决。而台湾已经有数十亿美元的美国武器订单处于积压状态,反映出美国军工基地承受的压力,而这种压力甚至在美国开始向乌克兰运送武器装备之前就已经存在。“With the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine and in the Middle East, people are worried about whether something will happen in the Taiwan Strait,” said Shu Hsiao-huang, a researcher at the Institute for National Defense and Security Research, which is funded by Taiwan’s defense ministry. “People are worried about whether these things can be delivered to Taiwan as scheduled.”“俄乌加上中东冲突,人们会担心在台海会不会生事。”台湾国防部资助的国防安全研究院的研究员舒孝煌说。“人们会担心这些东西是不是能够如期交到台湾手上。”Mr. Shu said that the island “absolutely welcomes members of the U.S. Congress visiting Taiwan. But now we’re more concerned about the issue of delayed deliveries.”他说,岛内“绝对欢迎美国国会议员前来访问台湾。但是我们现在比较关心的问题很多是延迟交货的问题了"。China has held increasingly frequent military activities around Taiwan in recent years, and it sometimes escalates them to display its displeasure. But it has held no major drills in the area since Mr. Lai won Taiwan’s presidential election in January. Taiwanese officials, though, have said that could change as the May 20 inauguration nears.近年来,中国在台湾周边进行军事活动的频率愈发频繁,并在有些时候将军事活动升级以表不满。不过,自赖清德1月赢得台湾总统大选后,北京尚未在该地区举行大型军演。但台湾官员表示过随着5月20日赖清德宣誓就职日益临近,现状可能会发生改变。This week, China’s coast guard held patrols near Kinmen, a Taiwan-controlled island near the Chinese coast, after two Chinese men died in the area. The men were on a Chinese boat that had entered Taiwanese waters around Kinmen, and they died after Taiwan’s coast guard chased the vessel, which capsized. Taiwan has said it is investigating the incident.本周,在两名中国男子在金门地区丧生后,中国海警开始在该地区附近进行巡逻。金门是临近中国海岸线、由台湾控制的岛屿。这两名男子所乘船只在金门周边台湾水域被台湾海警追逐,并在船倾覆后死亡。台湾表示正在调查该事件。Earlier this year, Chinese authorities unilaterally altered an air route that Taiwanese commercial flights take over the strait between the two sides. Officials in Taipei denounced the move, saying it could make flying in the area more dangerous.今年早些时候,中国当局单方面更改了台湾民航在海峡上空飞行的航线,台北的官员对这一做法做出谴责,表示这将增加在该地区飞行的危险性。Even as Republican lawmakers have become increasingly skeptical about aid for Ukraine, many of them endorse military support for Taiwan as a bulwark against China, which they see as a primary threat to the United States. Even so, several policy experts said that a halt in U.S. aid to Ukraine could be unsettling for Taiwan.尽管对援助乌克兰日益持怀疑态度,许多共和党议员仍支持对台湾提供军事支持,以作为对抗中国的堡垒,而他们将中国视为对美国最大的威胁。即便如此,一些政策专家表示,美国对乌克兰暂停援助可能让台湾感到不安。Ms. Tsai and other Taiwanese politicians have often voiced solidarity with Ukraine, and public support in Taiwan for ramping up preparations for a potential Chinese attack rose after the Russian invasion two years ago. The Biden administration has said that Ukraine’s recent withdrawal from the city of Avdiivka reflected Congress’s failure to provide extra funds to support its war effort.蔡英文及其他台湾政治人物常常发声支持乌克兰,此外两年前俄罗斯入侵后,越来越多的台湾人支持就中国可能发起的攻击做好准备。拜登政府已经表示,乌克兰近期从阿夫迪耶夫卡的撤出表明,国会未能提供额外资金支持该国的战争努力。“A significant group in Taiwan focused on foreign affairs are paying very close attention to developments in Ukraine,” I-Chung Lai, the president of the Prospect Foundation, a Taipei think tank aligned with the Democratic Progressive Party, said in an interview. “Our view is that a defeat of Ukraine is going to embolden China, and also would discredit not just NATO, but basically the whole Western democracies, and it would have a psychological impact in Taiwan.”“台湾一个关注外交事务的重要团体正在密切关注乌克兰的局势,”台北的智库、与民进党有关联的远景基金会会长赖怡忠接受采访时说。“我们的观点是乌克兰战败会让中国变得更加大胆,不是只有北约失去信誉,是整个西方民主,并且会在台湾带来心理上的影响。”Mr. Gallagher would appear well cast to address any anxieties in Taiwan. A former Marine, he has argued that the United States should ramp up weapons production to deter its adversaries.加拉格尔似乎是帮台湾缓解焦虑的理想人选。作为前海军陆战队队员,他提出过美国应当加强武器生产以威慑对手。In early 2023, he became the founding chairman of the House committee on the Chinese Communist Party, which has called for vigorously countering Beijing’s global influence. But Mr. Gallagher said this month that he would not seek re-election to Congress.2002年初,他成为了众议院中共问题特设委员会的创始主席,该委员会呼吁积极对抗中国的全球影响力。但加拉格尔本月表示他将不会寻求连任。储百亮(Chris Buckley)是《纽约时报》首席中国记者,在台北报道中国和台湾问题,重点关注政治、社会变革以及安全和军事问题。点击查看更多关于他的信息。Amy Chang Chien在台湾为《纽约时报》报道中国大陆和台湾新闻。点击查看更多关于她的信息。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 美国国会议员代表团访问台湾,强调对台坚定支持



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