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Author Topic: “看不到光明”:被“抛弃”的阿富汗人冒死奔向美国  (Read 145 times)


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JULIE TURKEWITZ, FEDERICO RIOS2023年5月24日 Federico Rios for The New York TimesTaiba was being hunted by the men she had put behind bars.一些曾经被塔伊巴送进监狱的人,现在正在追杀她。The death threats came as the Americans withdrew from Afghanistan and the Taliban marched across her country, she said. In the chaos, cell doors were flung open, freeing the rapists and abusers she had helped send to prison.她说,当美国人从阿富汗撤军,塔利班在她的国家大举进攻时,死亡威胁也随之而来。在混乱中,牢房的门被打开,那些在她的参与下被送进监狱的强奸犯和施暴者被释放。“We will find you,” the callers growled. “We will kill you.”“我们会找到你,”打电话的人咆哮道。“我们会宰了你。”Taiba’s entire life had been shaped by the American vision of a democratic Afghanistan: She had studied law, worked with the Americans to fight violence against women and ultimately became a top government official for women’s rights, gathering testimony that put abusers away.塔伊巴的一生都受到美国对民主阿富汗的愿景的影响:她学习法律,与美国人一起打击针对女性的暴力行为,最终成为一名负责妇女权利的高级政府官员,收集证词,将施暴者绳之以法。But after saving so many women’s lives, she was suddenly trying to save her own.但在拯救了那么多女性的生命之后,她突然需要拯救自己的生命。She and her husband, Ali, pleaded for help from a half-dozen nations — many of which they had worked with — and found an American refugee program for which they might be eligible. Taiba said she sent off her information, but she never heard back.她和丈夫阿里向六个国家请求帮助——其中许多国家曾与他们合作——找到了一个他们可能符合条件的美国难民计划。塔伊巴说,她发送了自己的信息,但没有收到回复。“They left us behind,” she said of the Americans. “Sometimes I think maybe God left all Afghans behind.”“他们把我们抛弃了,”她说的“他们”是指美国人。“有时我想,也许上帝把所有阿富汗人都抛弃了。”Taiba and her husband fled with their 2-year-old son, first to Pakistan, then to South America, joining the vast human tide of desperation pressing north toward the United States.塔伊巴和丈夫带着两岁的儿子逃亡,先是去了巴基斯坦,然后去南美,加入了孤注一掷向北前往美国的人潮。阿里、塔伊巴和他们的儿子徒步穿越巴拿马的丛林。“我过去从未想过离开我的国家,”塔伊巴说。Like thousands of Afghans who have taken this same, unfathomable route to escape the Taliban and their country’s economic collapse over the past 17 months, they trudged through the jungle, slept on the forest floor amid fire ants and snakes, hid their money in their food to fool thieves and crossed the sliver of land connecting North and South America — the treacherous Darién Gap.在过去17个月里,成千上万阿富汗人为了逃离塔利班和国家的经济崩溃,走上了同样的道路,他们跋涉在丛林中,被火蚁和蛇包围,睡在森林的地上,把钱藏在食物里以防被偷,穿过连接南北美洲的狭长地带——危险的达连隘口。Now, after more than 16,000 miles, Taiba and her family had finally reached it: the American border.现在,经过2.5万多公里的跋涉,塔伊巴和家人终于到达了美国边境。In the darkness, Taiba crawled into a drainage tunnel under a highway. When she emerged, she saw two enormous steel fences, the last barriers between her old life and what she hoped would be a new one. A smuggler flung a ladder over the first wall.在黑暗中,塔伊巴爬进了一条高速公路下的排水隧道。从另一头出来时,她看到了两道巨大的钢栅栏,这是她的旧生活和她所希望的新生活之间的最后一道屏障。一个蛇头把梯子扔过第一堵墙。Taiba gripped the rungs and began to climb into the country that had helped define her. She knew the Americans were turning away asylum-seekers. A single thought consumed her.塔伊巴抓住梯子,开始爬进这个曾经帮助她成长为这个样子的国家。她知道美国人正在拒绝寻求庇护者。她现在满脑子只有一个想法。Once she got in, would they let her stay?一旦她进去了,他们会允许她留下来吗?塔伊巴和家人越过了用两堵墙隔开的美墨边境。A Search for Safety寻找安全Frantic parents breached airport gates with suitcases and children in hand. Panicked crowds climbed jet wings and clung to the sides of departing American planes. A few tried to hang on, lost their grip and fell from the skies.焦急的父母们带着行李箱和孩子冲进机场大门。惊慌失措的人群爬上喷气式飞机的机翼,紧紧抓住即将起飞的美国飞机的机身。一些人勉强爬上去,但再也抓不住,从天上摔下来。It was August 2021, and the Taliban had swept into Kabul just as American troops pulled out, ending a 20-year occupation that left Afghanistan in the hands of the very militants Washington had ousted.那是2021年8月,塔利班席卷了喀布尔,美国军队也随之撤出,结束了长达20年的占领,把阿富汗留给了曾被华盛顿驱逐的武装分子。The images seemed a tragic coda to America’s longest war. But for countless Afghans, the frenetic days of the U.S. withdrawal were only the beginning of a long, harrowing search for safety.这些画面似乎为美国最长的战争画上了悲剧性的句号。但对无数阿富汗人来说,美国撤军的狂乱日子只是他们漫长而痛苦的寻求安全之路的开端。The new Taliban administration turned back decades of civil liberties, particularly for women. Afghans who had supported the West were terrified of being persecuted, and a careening economy pushed millions near starvation. Many Afghans fled to Pakistan, Iran and Turkey, often finding only short-term visas or worse — beatings, detention and deportation.新的塔利班政府剥夺了几十年来的公民自由,尤其是女性的自由。曾经支持西方国家的阿富汗人害怕受到迫害,而不断下滑的经济使数百万人濒临饿死。许多阿富汗人逃到巴基斯坦、伊朗和土耳其,他们往往只能获得短期签证,或者更糟——被殴打、拘留、驱逐出境。Thousands tried for Europe, climbing into cargo trucks or taking flimsy boats across the Mediterranean Sea. At least 1,250 Afghan migrants have died trying to find refuge since the American withdrawal, the United Nations says.成千上万的人试图进入欧洲,他们爬上货运卡车,或乘坐不结实的船只穿越地中海。联合国表示,自美国撤军以来,至少有1250名阿富汗移民在寻求避难时死亡。2021年美国撤离期间,喀布尔机场外。Many others set their sights even farther: the United States.还有很多人把目光投向了更远的地方:美国。Their journeys represent the collision of two of President Joe Biden’s biggest policy crises: the hasty U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and the record number of migrants crossing the U.S. border.他们的旅程代表了拜登总统两个最大政策危机的碰撞:美国匆忙从阿富汗撤军,以及穿越美国边境的移民人数创下历史新高。The New York Times traveled with a group of 54 Afghans through one of the hardest parts of the journey, a notorious jungle crossing known as the Darién Gap, and interviewed nearly 100 people making the trek. Many had entwined their lives with the Western mission in Afghanistan and hoped that, as American allies, they would be received with open arms.时报与54名阿富汗人一起穿越了旅途中最艰难的一段——臭名昭著的丛林过境点达连隘口——采访了近100名徒步行进的人。许多人的生活曾与西方在阿富汗的使命交织在一起,他们希望能受到热情的欢迎——作为美国的盟友。Niazi, 41, traveled with his wife and three sons. He described working in the Afghan president’s protective service, and showed off pictures of himself guarding Laura Bush, the American first lady, and President Barack Obama.41岁的尼亚兹与妻子和三个儿子一起前来。他描述了自己在阿富汗总统警卫局的工作,并展示了他保护第一夫人劳拉·布什和总统贝拉克·奥巴马的照片。Ali and Nazanin, a pair of doctors in their 20s who had recently married, were risking the journey, too. Like Taiba and her family, they are Hazara, an ethnic minority massacred by the Taliban during their first regime in the 1990s, and believed they could never be safe under the new government.阿里和纳扎宁是一对20多岁的医生,刚刚结婚,他们也踏上了这段惊险的旅程。同塔伊巴和她的家人一样,他们都是哈扎拉人,这是20世纪90年代塔利班第一次执政期间遭到屠杀的少数民族,他们认为在新政府治下自己永远不会安全。Two grandfathers, one who said he had worked for the toppled Afghan government, traveled with their families, 17 people in all. Mohammad Sharif, who said he was a former Afghan police officer, and his wife, Rahima, came too, carrying their infant son.两位祖父和家人一起前来,总共17人,其中一位祖父说,他曾为被推翻的阿富汗政府工作。穆罕默德·谢里夫说自己曾是一名阿富汗警察,他和妻子拉希马带着襁褓中的儿子来了。身穿蓝色衣服的安吉扎(左前)与一家17人一起从阿富汗来到这里。Mozhgan, 20, had been in the 11th grade when the Taliban entered Kabul and she could no longer go to school. The U.S. presence had opened the world for her. She spoke multiple languages, watched Marvel movies and listened to Korean pop group BTS.塔利班进入喀布尔时,20岁的莫日甘在上11年级,如今她不能再上学了。美国的存在曾为她打开了世界的门扉。她会说多国语言,看漫威电影,听韩国流行组合防弹少年团的歌。She dreamed of being a fashion designer or a reporter. Her sister, Samira, 16, thought about being an astronaut. Under the Taliban, which have barred women from most public spaces, those lives were now impossible.她梦想成为时装设计师或记者。她16岁的妹妹萨米拉想成为宇航员。在禁止女性进入大多数公共场所的塔利班统治下,这样的人生现在是不可能实现的。The Darién is the only way from South America to the United States by land. It is a roadless, mountainous tangle with notorious hardships: rivers that sweep away bodies, hills that cause heart attacks, mud that nearly  Year-to-date (YTD)s children, and bandits who rob and kill.达连是从南美到美国的唯一陆路通道。这是一个没有道路的崎岖地带,以险恶的环境著称:河水能把人冲走,山丘令人心悸,泥浆几乎吞没孩子,还有抢劫和杀人的强盗。Struggling to Survive挣扎求生A village formed in Terminal B of Sao Paulo-Guarulhos airport in Brazil: Afghans sleeping under wool blankets strung like tents across luggage carts. It was December 2022, and most of them had arrived in Brazil days before, even weeks, carrying the last of their belongings.巴西圣保罗-瓜鲁柳斯机场的B航站楼里,一个村庄形成了:阿富汗人把羊毛毯子系在行李车上,支成帐篷,睡在下面。那是2022年12月,他们中的大多数人都是在几天甚至几周前,带着仅剩的一些行李抵达巴西的。They could stay in Brazil, even work. But few spoke Portuguese, and the nation’s minimum wage was only about $250 a month. Most had large families to support back home. Many had borrowed their relatives’ last savings to make it this far, and if they didn’t pay it back, their families would go hungry.他们可以留在巴西,甚至在这里工作。但是很少有人会说葡萄牙语,而且这个国家的最低工资只有每月250美元左右。大多数人在家乡都有大家庭要养活。许多人是借了亲戚最后的积蓄才走到这一步的,如果不还钱,他们的家人就会挨饿。So, many of the Afghans soon took off, their minds fixed on the United States. They crossed Peru, Ecuador and Colombia, passed liked batons from smuggler to smuggler.因此,许多阿富汗人很快就离开了,他们的心思都在美国。他们穿过秘鲁、厄瓜多尔和哥伦比亚,像接力棒一样在蛇头之间被传递着。On a starless night in March, Taiba and her husband, Ali, waded toward a boat in Colombia with 50 other Afghans, headed for the Darién Gap.3月一个没有星星的夜晚,塔伊巴和丈夫阿里与另外50名阿富汗人一起,涉水走向哥伦比亚的一艘船,前往达连隘口。For months, they had pleaded with governments for help, until Uruguay agreed to take them in. But in Montevideo, the capital, they quickly decided that they couldn’t earn enough to support their families back home.几个月来,他们一直恳求各国政府的帮助,直到乌拉圭同意接纳他们。但在首都蒙得维的亚,他们很快发现挣不到足够的钱来来养活家乡的亲人。Taiba argued for heading north. Now, she was having regrets.塔伊巴主张向北走。现在,她开始后悔了。莫日甘在墨西哥城。“男人可以出去,”她谈到塔利班统治下的生活时说。“那我们呢?我们没有生活。”A boat captain barked at them to turn off their phones, so they could travel undetected by the police. The motor roared, and the 54 Afghans sped up the coast, crying, vomiting and praying.一名船长大声叫他们关掉手机,以免被警察发现。发动机轰鸣,54名阿富汗人沿着海岸加速前进,他们哭泣、呕吐、祈祷。The next day, they entered the forest and trudged up mountains. They fell often, lanced their hands on spiked trees, dragged boots filled with mud and at times collapsed from exhaustion.第二天,他们走进森林,艰难地爬山。他们经常摔倒,双手被带刺的树划伤,拖着沾满泥土的靴子,有时还会因疲惫而倒下。Mohammad Rahim, 60, one of the two grandfathers in the family of 17, fared the worst, stopping many times each hour to lie in the dirt. Murmuring prayers, the other Afghans wondered if he would make it.60岁的穆罕默德·拉希姆是那个17口之家的两位祖父之一,他的情况最糟糕,隔几分钟就得在泥地上躺一躺。其他阿富汗人低声祈祷,不知道他是否能够挺过去。A steep dirt hill signaled the Afghans’ last push through the  Earnings-price ratioerness. Finally, they had reached a camp constructed by an Indigenous group, the Emberá.一座陡峭的土丘标志着这群阿富汗人在荒野上的最后冲刺。最后,他们到达了埃姆贝拉部落原住民建造的营地。In the morning, the Emberá led them to canoes, and for $25 a person, ferried them to a checkpoint in Panama, where officials counted them, took down their nationalities and sent them north.早上,埃姆贝拉人把他们带到独木舟上,向每人收取25美元,把他们送到巴拿马的一个检查站。在那里,官员们清点了他们的人数,记下了他们的国籍,然后把他们送往北方。Mohammad Azim, 70, the other grandfather, rushed to the river to wash himself. Then, beneath a fence topped by barbed wire, he knelt to pray.另一位祖父、70岁的穆罕默德·阿齐姆冲到河边洗澡。然后,他跪在带有铁丝网的围栏下祈祷。塔伊巴的丈夫阿里(中)背着儿子。他说,在美国,“只要是我能做的工作我都会做”。‘Everything Is Dark’“完全看不到光明”The group of 54 splintered soon after.54人的队伍很快就分开了。Taiba and her family took a bus through Costa Rica, walked for hours until they found a car through Nicaragua and were forced to pay bribes to police in Honduras. In Guatemala, they hiked through more forest, then paid another smuggler to get them from a bus to a boat, across a river and into a truck, all the way to southern Mexico.塔伊巴和家人搭乘巴士穿过哥斯达黎加,然后步行数小时找到一辆车穿过尼加拉瓜,在洪都拉斯还被迫向警察行贿。在危地马拉,他们又徒步穿过更多的森林,然后付钱给另一个蛇头,让他们从大巴上下来后登上一艘船,穿过一条河,然后爬上一辆卡车,一路来到墨西哥南部。News about other Afghans who tried to cross into the United States trickled in.其他试图越境进入美国的阿富汗人的消息陆续传来。Milad, 29, a lawyer, climbed over the wall with his wife and two children, ages 2 and 4. They were held in U.S. detention in Calexico, California, he said, and told they would be taken to a hotel. Instead, U.S. border officials dropped them on the street in Mexicali, Mexico, he said.29岁的米拉德是一名律师,他和妻子以及两个孩子(一个2岁,一个4岁)一起翻过了边境墙。他说,他们被关在加利福尼亚州卡莱克西科的美国拘留所,并被告知他们将被带到一家酒店。结果他说,美国的边境官员把他们扔在了墨西哥墨西卡利的街头。Mozhgan’s family made it to Mexico City but was scared to continue without immigration paperwork issued by the Mexican government, which they thought would shield them from arrest. They waited in line for days before heading north.莫西甘的家人成功抵达墨西哥城,但由于没有墨西哥政府签发的移民文件,他们不敢继续前行,他们认为这样的文件可以让他们免遭逮捕。北上之前,他们排了好几天队。Taiba and her family boarded a bus from Mexico City to the U.S. border.塔伊巴和家人登上了一辆从墨西哥城到美国边境的巴士。A weariness set in, her hope nearly buried by exhaustion. Criminals and police stopped the bus repeatedly to extort money. On the third night, they reached Tijuana. It was early April.疲惫袭来,筋疲力尽之下她几乎失去所有的希望。歹徒和警察多次拦住公交车勒索钱财。第三天晚上,他们来到蒂华纳。那是四月初。The next evening, a smuggler brought them to the drainage tunnel in the middle of the city. As they climbed the first border fence, they could see a highway on the other side.第二天晚上,一个蛇头把他们带到市中心的排水隧道。翻过第一道边境围栏时,他们看到另一边有一条高速路。Taiba lowered herself with anticipation, her feet landing on dirt. They had made it — or so they thought.塔伊巴满怀期待从围栏爬下,双脚踩在了地上。他们成功了——或者说他们认为自己成功了。They spent a cold night trapped between two border fences. In the morning, U.S. Border Patrol officers swept them up. After so many thousands of miles, their welcome was a detention center, they said.他们被困在两道边境围栏之间,在那里他们度过了一个寒冷的夜晚。早上,美国的边境巡逻官员把他们集中起来带走。他们说,跋涉数千英里,迎接他们的将是一个拘留中心。一群生活在圣保罗机场的阿富汗妇女。They had hoped to claim asylum then and there. Instead, U.S. officials handed them documents clarifying that each was an “alien present in the United States,” subject to deportation.他们原本希望当时就能申请庇护。然而,美国官员却把文件交给他们,澄清每个人都是“在美国的外来者”,会被驱逐出境。They could fight removal at a court hearing, set for June 30, 2025, on the other side of the country, in Boston. To apply for asylum, they would have to navigate the process on their own, or find a lawyer. Until then, they couldn’t work.他们可以在定于2025年6月30日在美国另一侧的波士顿举行的法庭听证会上对驱逐提出异议。要申请庇护的话,他们只能靠自己,或者找一名律师。在那之前,他们无法工作。A charity briefly put them in a hotel room, but the questions began to gnaw: How would they eat? Where could they live? Was this the American dream?一家慈善机构把他们暂时安置在酒店,但问题出现了:他们吃什么?住在哪里?这是美国梦吗?“Everything is dark,” said Taiba’s husband, Ali.“完全看不到光明,”塔伊巴的丈夫阿里说。In early May, an aid group in New York offered a spot in a shelter and the family headed east, bound for more uncertainty. Without asylum, they faced a life in the shadows.5月初,纽约的一个援助机构在一个避难所给他们找了个地方,这家人前往东部,准备迎接更多的不确定。如果拿不到庇护,他们将面临东躲西藏的生活。Her husband had always assumed the Darién would be the hardest part of the journey.她的丈夫本来一直以为,达连那一段将是整个行程下来最艰难的部分。“But when I emerged from the jungle, we have seen — ‘No,’” he said. “The difficulties are forever.”“但当我从丛林中走出来时,我们看到——‘不是的,’”他说。“困难永远存在。”Federico Rios自巴西、墨西哥和达连峡谷,Ruhullah Khapalwak自温哥华对本文有报道贡献。Julie Turkewitz是安第斯分社社长,负责报道哥伦比亚、委内瑞拉、玻利维亚、厄瓜多尔、秘鲁、苏里南和圭亚那。 在搬到南美之前,她是一名报道美国西部的国内记者。 欢迎在Twitter上关注她:@julieturkewitz。翻译:晋其角、杜然点击查看本文英文版。

Source: “看不到光明”:被“抛弃”的阿富汗人冒死奔向美国



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