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Author Topic: 无惧暴力镇压,缅甸抗议者举行全国大罢工  (Read 469 times)


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HANNAH BEECH2021-02-23 12:15:54周一,缅甸最大城市仰光的抗议者。大罢工在数百个城镇和平进行。
The strikers poured onto the streets of Myanmar on Monday knowing that they might die. But they gathered by the millions anyway, in the largest rallies since a military coup three weeks ago. Their only protection came from hard hats, holy amulets and the collective power of a newly called general strike.周一涌上缅甸街头的罢工者知道他们可能会没命。但数以百万计的他们聚集起来,这是自三周前军事政变以来最大的一次集会。他们唯一的保护来自安全帽、护身符和来自新一次大罢工的集体力量。The generals had tried to halt Monday’s dissent with barricades and fleets of vehicles parked in strategic urban locations. Armored vehicles patrolled, while snipers took their stations on rooftops. An ominous warning had been issued hours before on state television: “Protesters are now inciting people, especially emotional teenagers and youth, toward a path of confrontation where they will suffer a loss of life.”将军们试图通过在城市里的关键地点设置路障和车队来阻止周一的异见者。装甲车辆巡逻,狙击手在屋顶上就位。几小时前,国家电视台发出了一条不祥的警告:“抗议者现在正在煽动人民,尤其是情绪激动的青少年和年轻人,把他们推上一条会让他们丧失生命的冲突之路。”But the military’s show of force did little to quell Monday’s general strike, which proceeded peacefully in hundreds of cities and towns. Columns of people extended to the horizon near a traffic junction and a pagoda in Yangon, the largest city in Myanmar, and at the railway station in Mandalay, the second-largest city. They congregated on Martyrs’ Street in Dawei, a seaside city, and by the clock towers in Monywa and Hpa-An, in the country’s center and east.但是,军方的武力展示并不能平息周一在数百个城镇进行的和平罢工。大批人群出现在缅甸最大的城市仰光的一个交通枢纽和一座宝塔附近,以及第二大城市曼德勒的火车站。他们聚集在海边城市土瓦的烈士街,以及该国中部城市蒙育瓦和东部城市巴安的钟楼旁。“I will sacrifice my life for our future generations,” said Ko Bhone Nay Thit, a 19-year-old university student in Mandalay who left home Monday morning armed with his mother’s prayers and the effects of a holy water ritual. “We must win.”“为了我们的子孙后代,我愿意付出生命,“曼德勒19岁的大学生鹏奈迪(Ko Bhone Nay Thit)说。他周一早上离开了家,带着母亲的祈祷和圣水仪式的效力。“我们必须赢。”The weekend had brought bloodshed to the anti-coup resistance. On Saturday afternoon, two unarmed protesters were killed by security forces in Mandalay; one of the dead was a 16-year-old boy. On Saturday evening, a member of a neighborhood watch corps in Yangon was shot dead. The day before, a 20-year-old woman died of injuries sustained when she was shot in the head on Feb. 9 by security forces in Naypyidaw, the capital. She is believed to be the first protester in the movement to have been killed by the authorities.周末,反政变抵抗发生了流血事件。周六下午,两名手无寸铁的抗议者在曼德勒被安全部队杀死。其中一名死者是一个16岁的男孩。在周六晚上,仰光附近一个邻里守望组织的成员被枪杀。在那前一天,在2月9日被首都内比都的安全部队射中头部的一名20岁女性因伤势过重死亡。据信她是该抗议运动中首位被当局杀害的抗议者。
The general strike on Monday encompassed civil servants, bank workers, doctors, supermarket cashiers, telecom operators and oil rig operators. Pizza deliverers, KFC employees and bubble tea servers joined in, too. The national boycott expanded a civil disobedience movement that has paralyzed the banking system and made it difficult for the military, which seized power from the elected government on Feb. 1, to get much of anything done.周一的大罢工包括公务员、银行职员、医生、超市收银员、电信公司员工和石油钻机操作者。披萨送餐员、肯德基员工和奶茶服务员也加入了。这次扩大到全国的非暴力反抗活动导致银行系统瘫痪,给在2月1日从民选政府夺取了政权的军方造成行事困难。The strike evoked another mass boycott on Aug. 8, 1988, when workers took to the streets to protest against a military leadership that had ruined the economy. The junta responded with bullets, a bloodstain on Myanmar’s national memory.这次罢工让人们想起了1988年8月8日的另一次大规模抵制运动。当时工人走上街头抗议毁掉经济的军方领导人。军政府以子弹回应,在缅甸的国家记忆中留下血迹。But that deadly crackdown, along with another in 2007, did not deter the marchers on Monday.但是,那次致命的镇压行动以及2007年的另一次镇压行动并未阻止周一的游行者。In Mandalay, Daw Htay Shwe, a restaurant owner, said she had written her will before joining the rally at the train station.在曼德勒,一家餐馆的老板泰瑞(Daw Htay Shwe)说,她在参加火车站集会之前已经写好遗嘱。“I will protect our country’s democracy with my life,” she said.她说:“我将用生命捍卫国家的民主。”In Yangon, marchers stomped on posters of a sniper who is believed to have targeted the protesters in Mandalay on Saturday. A group representing a military technical college joined the march, as well.在仰光,游行者踩踏一名狙击手的海报,据信是周六打中了曼德勒抗议者的狙击手。代表军事技术学院的团体也参加了游行。“I cannot live under a military dictatorship,” said Daw Myint Myint, a homemaker in Yangon, who was out in the hot afternoon sun. “Our leaders, whom we elected, trusted and respected, are arrested. I am here to express my opinion that I want them to be freed.”“我不能在军事独裁统治下生活,“仰光的家庭主妇敏敏(Daw Myint Myint)说。“由我们选出的值得信赖和尊敬的领袖被逮捕。我在这里表达我的观点,我希望他们被释放。”
The coup ousted the civilian government of the National League for Democracy, which had shared power with the military for five years. Top elected leaders were dragged off by soldiers, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the head of the National League for Democracy, who was charged with obscure crimes that could land her in prison for six years. Before the brief experiment with hybrid military-civilian governance, the military had imposed its direct rule on Myanmar for nearly half a century.政变推翻了全国民主联盟(National League for Democracy)的文官政府,该政府与军方分享了五年的权力。最高民选领导人被士兵拖走,其中包括全国民主联盟负责人昂山素季,她被指控犯下莫名其妙的罪行,可能入狱六年。在短暂的军民混合治理试验以前,军方对缅甸实行了近半个世纪的直接统治。As of Monday morning, more than 560 people had been detained for dissent against the coup, according to a local group that tracks political imprisonments. By the afternoon, at least 150 protesters were arrested in the logging town of Pyinmana, not far from Naypyidaw, where mass detentions were reported, too. The State Administration Council, the coup makers’ replacement for Myanmar’s elected government, has rolled back civil liberties, allowing for indefinite detention and police searches without warrants.追踪政治监禁的当地组织称,截至周一早上,已有超过560人因反对政变而被拘留。到下午,至少有150名抗议者在离内比都不远的伐木小城彬马那被捕,据报道那里也发生了大规模拘留。政变组织用国家管理委员会(State Administration Council)取代了缅甸民选政府,撤回了公民自由,允许无限期拘留,警察搜查无需搜捕令。On Monday morning Myanmar time, Antony J. Blinken, the United States secretary of state, posted a tweet in support of the protesters in Myanmar, which was formerly known as Burma.缅甸时间周一早上,美国国务卿安东尼·J·布林肯(Antony J. Blinken)发布了一条推文支持缅甸的抗议者。“The United States will continue to take firm action against those who perpetrate violence against the people of Burma as they demand the restoration of their democratically elected government,” the tweet said. “We stand with the people of Burma.”“美国将继续对那些因缅甸人民要求恢复民主选举的政府而对他们实施暴力的人采取坚决行动,“这条推文说。“我们与缅甸人民站在一起。”The United States government has imposed financial sanctions on some of the coup makers and their associates. Other sanctions were already in place because of the military’s persecution of ethnic minorities, most notably Rohingya Muslims, who fled slaughter in 2017 for safety in neighboring Bangladesh.美国政府对某些政变制造者及其同伙实施了经济制裁。针对缅甸军方对少数民族的迫害(其中最引人注目的是罗辛亚穆斯林),之前已经实施了其他制裁措施。罗辛亚穆斯林在2017年因躲避屠杀逃至邻国孟加拉。
On Monday, the United Nations refugee agency warned in a statement that a boat filled with Rohingya trying to reach Malaysia was in distress. Hundreds of Rohingya have died at sea in recent years, trying to leave Myanmar or Bangladesh, where they are confined to vast refugee settlements.周一,联合国难民署在一份声明中警告,一艘试图前往马来西亚、坐满罗辛亚人的船只遇险。近年来,为了离开关押他们的缅甸或孟加拉国庞大的难民定居点,数百名罗辛亚人在海上死亡。“Many are in a highly vulnerable condition and are apparently suffering from extreme dehydration,” the United Nations statement said. “We understand that a number of refugees have already lost their lives, and that fatalities have risen over the past 24 hours.”“许多人处于极为虚弱的状态,显然正在遭受严重脱水,“联合国的声明说。“我们了解到许多难民已经丧生,在过去的24小时内死亡人数已经增加。”Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi’s civilian government repeatedly defended the military in its campaign against the Rohingya, whom many in Myanmar considered to be Muslim interlopers in a majority-Buddhist land. The violent expulsion of 750,000 Rohingya from the country in 2017 failed to catalyze widespread protests or condemnation at home.昂山素季的文官政府在针对罗辛亚人的行动中一再捍卫军方,缅甸许多人认为罗辛亚人是以佛教徒为主的土地上的穆斯林闯入者。2017年,75万罗辛亚人遭暴力驱逐,但未能在该国激发广泛的抗议或谴责。But one of the groups marching in Yangon on Monday held up a banner apologizing to the Rohingya and other ethnic minorities, who make up at least a third of the national population.但周一在仰光游行队伍中,有人举起了向罗辛亚人和其他少数民族——至少占全国人口的三分之一——道歉的横幅。In recent years, strife between the military and various ethnic insurgent groups has left hundreds dead and tens of thousands displaced. On Friday, a civilian was killed in Shan State during renewed hostilities.近年来,军方与各少数民族反抗组织之间的冲突导致数百人死亡,成千上万的人流离失所者。上周五,在新的敌对行动中,掸邦的一名平民丧生。
One of the two protesters who were shot in Mandalay on Saturday was Ko Wai Yan Tun, a 16-year-old boy who had come to work in the city. To survive, he pushed a cart at a local market, where the stall operators called him “little boy.”周六在曼德勒被枪杀的两名抗议者之一是来到该市工作的16岁男孩伟仁敦(Ko Wai Yan Tun)。为了生存,他在当地市场推手推车,摊位经营者称他为“小男孩“。As the protests mounted near the market, Mr. Wai Yan Tun joined as a duty to his future, said Ko Myo Zaw, a friend.他的朋友妙佐(Ko Myo Zaw)说,随着抗议活动接近市场,伟仁敦为了自己的未来而加入其中。“He always said his life would be perfect when he had a mobile phone and a motorbike,” Mr. Myo Zaw said. “He was a nice guy.”“他一直说,要是有一部手机和一辆摩托车,他的生活就完美了,”妙佐说。“他是一个好人。”Hannah Beech自2017年起担任东南亚分社社长,现驻曼谷,她此前在上海、北京、曼谷和香港为《时代》杂志报道20年。欢迎在Twitter上关注她 @hkbeech。翻译:邓妍点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 无惧暴力镇压,缅甸抗议者举行全国大罢工



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