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Author Topic: 德国总理访华:推动经贸关系,强调公平竞争  (Read 114 times)


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艾莎, MELISSA EDDY2024年4月17日德国总理肖尔茨周二在北京与中国领导人习近平见面。 Michael Kappeler/dpa/Picture Alliance, via Agence France-Presse — Getty ImagesChancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany tried to strike a delicate balance on a trip to China this week, promoting business ties with his country’s biggest trading partner while raising concerns over its surge of exports to Europe and its support for Russia.德国总理肖尔茨在本周访华期间试图找到一种脆弱的平衡,他既要推动与德国最大贸易伙伴的商业关系,又要就中国对欧洲的出口激增及其对俄罗斯的支持表示关切。Mr. Scholz met with China’s top leader, Xi Jinping, at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing on Tuesday, the culmination of a three-day visit with a delegation of German officials and business leaders. He also met with Premier Li Qiang, as the two countries navigate relations strained by Russia’s war in Ukraine and China’s rivalry with the United States, Germany’s most important ally.周二,肖尔茨在北京钓鱼台国宾馆与中国最高领导人习近平举行了会晤,这是他带领德国官员和商界领袖对中国进行三天访问的高潮。他还与李强总理举行了会晤,双方目前正在设法应对因俄罗斯入侵乌克兰以及中美对抗带来的紧张关系,而美国是德国最重要的盟友。Throughout his trip, Mr. Scholz promoted the interests of German companies that are finding it increasingly hard to compete in China. And he conveyed growing concern in the European Union that the region’s market is becoming a dumping ground for Chinese goods produced at a loss.肖尔茨在整个行程中推动了德国企业的利益,这些公司正发现在中国竞争变得越来越难。他还转达了欧盟越来越多的担忧,即欧洲市场正在成为中国亏本生产的商品的倾销地。But Mr. Scholz chose a conciliatory tone over a combative one in his opening remarks before he sat down with Mr. Xi on Tuesday morning, in a meeting that stretched for hours and turned into a walk and lunch.但肖尔茨在周二上午与习近平一起坐下来交谈之前的开场白中选择了和解而非好斗的语气。会晤持续了数小时,最后变成了一次散步,双方还共进了午餐。It was the German leader’s first visit to China since his government adopted a strategy last year that defined the Asian power as a “partner, competitor and systemic rival,” calling on Germany to reduce its dependency on Chinese goods.德国政府去年批准了首个对华战略,将这个亚洲大国定义为“合作伙伴、竞争者和制度性对手”,呼吁德国减少对中国商品的依赖。这是采取该战略以来,德国领导人首次访华。Germany’s economy shrank last year, and its weaknesses have exposed a reliance on China for growth. Energy prices have risen because of the war in Ukraine, which has been facilitated by Beijing’s support for the Kremlin. German companies have pushed for more access to China and complained that they face unfair competition.德国经济去年出现了萎缩,经济走弱暴露了其增长依赖中国的问题。由于俄乌战争,能源价格已在上涨,而中国对俄罗斯的支持有利于战争的持续。德国企业一直在推动得到更多的中国市场准入,并一直抱怨它们在华面临不公平竞争。The chancellor visited German companies with extensive investments in China and met with trade representatives and officials in the sprawling industrial metropolis of Chongqing in China’s southwest and in Shanghai and Beijing.在中国西南部工业重镇重庆以及上海、北京访问期间,德国总理参观了在中国有大量投资的德国企业,会见了贸易代表和官员。At a talk with a group of students in Shanghai on Monday, Mr. Scholz fielded a question from a student who planned to study in Germany this year, who said he was “really worried” because the country had partially legalized cannabis. “When you study in Berlin, you can run around the whole time and never meet anyone who does that,” the chancellor assured him.肖尔茨周一与上海一所大学的学生进行了交谈,回答了他们的问题。一名学生说他打算今年去德国留学,又说他“真的很担心”,因为德国允许部分大麻合法化。德国总理向这名学生保证,“如果你在柏林留学,你可以照常出门,不用担心会遇到任何吸大麻的人。”中国官媒周日发布的这张照片显示,肖尔茨在中国西南部城市重庆听取了有关一个中德研究项目的介绍。But he also used the platform to push more serious messages about trade. “Competition must be fair,” Mr. Scholz told the students. “We want a level playing field,” he said.但他也在与学生交谈时强调了有关贸易的更严肃信息。“竞争必须是公平的,”肖尔茨对学生们说。“我们要有一个公平的竞争环境,”他说。Mr. Scholz’s trip was an example of the difficult dance that Germany is trying to do: maintaining economic ties with China while managing U.S. pressure to align itself more closely with Washington against Beijing.肖尔茨的这次访问是德国试图处理一个两难问题的例证:既要与中国保持经济联系,又要应对来自美国的压力,美国要求德国与其保持更紧密的一致,以对抗中国。In his meetings, Mr. Scholz highlighted Germany’s commitment to doing business with China, but he also warned that Beijing had to curb the flood of Chinese goods into Europe. At the same time, he expressed reservations about the European Union’s investigations into China’s use of subsidies for green technology industries, saying that any discussion about trade must be based on fairness.在与中方领导人的会面中,肖尔茨强调了德国与中国做生意的承诺,但他也警告说,中国政府必须遏制中国商品大量涌入欧洲。同时,他对欧盟调查中国为绿色技术产业提供补贴表示了保留,并表示任何有关贸易的讨论都必须建立在公平的基础上。“This must be done from a position of self-confident competitiveness and not from protectionist motives,” Mr. Scholz told reporters on Monday.“这必须是出于自信的竞争力,而不是出于保护主义动机,”肖尔茨周一对记者说。China’s manufacturing push in green sectors like electric cars and solar panels has touched off trade disputes with Europe and the United States, where such industries have also received government support. But with 5,000 German companies active in the Chinese market, Germany stands to lose more than many of its European partners would if Beijing were to retaliate against the European Union.中国推动电动汽车和太阳能电池板等绿色制造业的发展,引发了与欧洲和美国的贸易争端,这些行业在美国也得到了政府的支持。但由于有5000家德国公司积极参与中国市场,如果中国对欧盟进行报复的话,德国有可能面临比它的许多欧盟伙伴更大的损失。“If the E.U. goes too hard against China, we could expect countermeasures and this would be a catastrophe for us,” said Maximilian Butek, the executive director of the German Chamber of Commerce in China.“如果欧盟对中国采取过于强硬的态度的话,我们预计中国会采取反制措施,这对我们来说将是一场灾难,”中国德国商会执行董事马铭博(Maximilian Butek)说。“For us it’s extremely important that the Chinese market remains open,” he said.“中国市场保持开放对我们来说极其重要,”他说。In his meeting with Mr. Xi, Mr. Scholz indicated that Russia’s war on Ukraine and its arms buildup were high on his agenda. “They directly affect our core interests. Indirectly, they damage the entire international order,” he said in opening remarks at the meeting, a transcript of which was provided by Mr. Scholz’s office.肖尔茨表示,俄罗斯入侵乌克兰的战争以及俄罗斯的军备增长是他与习近平会晤议程的重要议题。“它们直接影响我们的核心利益,间接损害整个国际秩序,”他在会晤前的开场白中说。肖尔茨的办公室提供了文字稿。But he broached the topic with a nonconfrontational tone, at least publicly, stopping short of directly raising concerns about China’s support of Moscow’s wartime economy, especially its continued sale to Russia of goods with potential uses on the battlefield. He said he wanted to discuss “how we can contribute more to a just peace in Ukraine.”但他使用了非对抗性的语言来引入这个话题,至少在公开场合是这样,而不是直接提出对中国支持俄罗斯的战时经济,尤其是中国继续向俄罗斯出售可能用在战场上的商品的担忧。他说,他想讨论“我们如何能为乌克兰的公正和平做更多贡献”的问题。肖尔茨周一在上海向学生发表讲话。China is hoping to drive a wedge between Europe and the United States by courting leaders such as Mr. Scholz. State media reports depicted his visit as demonstrating the strength of China’s relations with Europe, playing up its economic ties with Germany.中国想通过拉拢肖尔茨等领导人在欧洲和美国之间制造裂痕。中国官媒的报道称,肖尔茨的访问展现了中欧的牢固关系,强调了与德国的经济联系。In his opening remarks to Mr. Scholz, Mr. Xi said cooperation between China and Germany, which have the second- and third-largest economies, was beneficial to the world, a remark that could be read as directed at those who have urged Berlin to distance itself from Beijing.习近平在开场白中对肖尔茨表示,中德合作对世界有利。这句话可被解读为是针对那些敦促柏林与北京保持距离的人说的。中国是世界第二大经济体,德国是第三大经济体。“The two countries should view and develop bilateral relations from a long-term and strategic perspective and work together to inject more stability and certainty into the world,” Mr. Xi told Mr. Scholz, emphasizing the importance of seeking “common ground.”“两国要从长远和战略角度看待和发展双边关系,携手为世界注入更多稳定性和确定性,”习近平对肖尔茨表示,强调了寻求“共同”的重要性。Beijing is sure to welcome the message that German businesses are committed to China. The Asian giant is trying to court foreign investment to reinvigorate its economy, which has faltered because of a housing slowdown. Some Western businesses and investors have also been rattled by Mr. Xi’s emphasis on national security, which they regard as making it riskier to operate in the country.中国政府肯定会欢迎德国企业致力于与中国做生意的信息。这个亚洲巨人的经济受房地产市场放缓的拖累已陷入困境,正努力吸引外资重振经济。一些西方企业和投资者也因为习近平强调国家安全而感到不安,他们认为这使得在中国开展业务存在更大风险。From China’s perspective, Germany may be its best hope of delaying or watering down any trade restrictions from Europe, said Noah Barkin, a senior adviser in the China practice at the Rhodium Group, a research firm.从中国的角度来看,德国也许是推迟或淡化任何来自欧洲的贸易限制的最佳希望,研究公司荣鼎集团的中国事务高级顾问诺亚·巴尔金说。German carmakers have invested billions of dollars in China, and much of their revenue comes from there. Many worry that if the European Commission imposes higher tariffs on Chinese exports, and Beijing retaliates, German businesses will suffer most.德国车企在中国投资了数十亿美元,而且它们的大部分收入来自中国。许多人担心,如果欧盟委员会对中国出口商品征收更高关税,而且中国进行报复的话,德国企业将遭受最大的损失。Chinese officials “know that German companies are heavily invested and they use that politically to influence political decision making in Berlin,” Mr. Barkin said.中国官员“知道德国企业在中国投入巨资,为影响柏林的政治决策,他们在政治上利用这点”,巴尔金说。Germany’s biggest companies, including BMW, Mercedes-Benz and BASF, have large operations in China and strong, effective lobbies in Berlin, Mr. Barkin added. Executives from those companies, along with several others, traveled with Mr. Scholz to China.宝马、梅赛德斯-奔驰、巴斯夫等德国最大的公司在中国有大量业务,在柏林有强大有效的游说团体,巴尔金补充说。来自这些公司和其他几家公司的高管与肖尔茨一起访问了中国。“The supply chain in China is stuffed with German goods,” said Joerg Wuttke, a former president of the E.U. Chamber of Commerce in China. “If China has a price war with Germany, then no one will make money anymore.”“中国的供应链中到处都是德国产品,”欧盟中国商会前主席约尔格·伍德克说。“如果中国与德国打价格战的话,那就没人能赚钱了。”Mr. Scholz also brought along the German ministers for agriculture, the environment and transportation, officials who experts said would be particularly interested in working with China.与肖尔茨一起访华的还有德国农业部长、环境部长和交通部长,专家们认为这些官员对与中国合作有特别的兴趣。“You set an agenda with these three ministers, the tonality is overall a cooperative one, these are areas that we want to work on,” said Janka Oertel, director of the Asia Program at the European Council on Foreign Relations.“有这三名部长参与制定的议程,总体基调是合作性的,这些是我们想开展工作的领域,”欧洲外交关系委员会亚洲项目主任扬卡·欧特尔说。肖尔茨周日参观了博世在重庆的工厂。Chinese officials, for their part, have brushed off the European accusations of unfair trading practices, calling them groundless and an act of “typical protectionism.” They have hinted that they could retaliate for any actions taken by the E.U., saying that China was “strongly dissatisfied with and firmly opposes” its investigations.就中国官员而言,他们对欧洲关于不公平贸易行为的指控表示不理睬,称这种指控毫无根据,“是典型的保护主义。”他们已暗示,可能会对欧盟采取的任何行动进行报复,称中国对欧盟的调查“强烈不满和坚决反对”。In an interview with the German newspaper Handelsblatt, Wu Ken, China’s ambassador to Germany, said the competitive edge of Chinese electric vehicles “relies on innovation, not subsidies.”中国驻德国大使吴恳在接受德国《商报》采访时说,中国电动汽车的竞争优势“靠的是创新,而非补贴”。“The challenge faced by developed countries lies more in the fact that Chinese companies are more efficient,” the ambassador said.“发达国家面临的挑战更多在于,中国企业效率更高,”吴恳说。Zixu Wang自香港对本文有报道贡献。艾莎(Alexandra Stevenson)是《纽约时报》上海分社社长,报道中国经济和社会新闻。点击查看更多关于她的信息。Melissa Eddy常驻柏林,报道德国政治、商业和经济新闻。点击查看更多关于她的信息。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 德国总理访华:推动经贸关系,强调公平竞争



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