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Author Topic: 土耳其谴责中国,敦促关闭新疆拘禁营  (Read 1329 times)


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on: February 12, 2019, 06:04:16 AM

AMY QIN2019-02-11 15:17:219月,维吾尔族妇女离开喀什的一个“教育转化中心”。土耳其罕见发声,谴责中国对维吾尔人和其他突厥穆斯林的大规模拘留是人道上的一大耻辱。
BEIJING — Turkey has called China’s mass repression of its Uighur Muslim ethnic minority a “great shame for humanity” and urged the Chinese government to close detention camps estimated to hold a million people, a rare rebuke from a majority-Muslim country.北京——土耳其称,中国对维吾尔穆斯林少数民族的大规模镇压是“对人道的一大羞辱”,敦促中国政府关闭估计扣押了100万人的拘留营,这是来自穆斯林人口为主国家的罕见谴责。In its statement on Saturday, the Turkish Foreign Ministry condemned China’s “reintroduction of concentration camps in the 21st century and the policy of systematic assimilation” in its far western region of Xinjiang as a violation of the “fundamental human rights” of Uighurs and other Turkic Muslims.在上周六发表的一份的声明中,土耳其外交部谴责中国在其西部偏远地区新疆“在21世纪重新引入集中营和系统性同化政策”,侵犯了维吾尔族和其他突厥穆斯林的“基本人权”。“It is no longer a secret that more than one million Uighur Turks incurring arbitrary arrests are subjected to torture and political brainwashing in internment camps and prisons,” said the statement from Hami Aksoy, the Foreign Ministry spokesman. He called on the international community and the secretary general of the United Nations to take action to end the “human tragedy.”“100万名以上维吾尔族突厥人遭到任意逮捕,在拘留营和监狱里遭受酷刑和政治洗脑,这已不再是秘密。”外交部发言人哈米·阿克索伊(Hami Aksoy)在声明中表示,他呼吁国际社会和联合国秘书长采取行动,结束这场“人类的悲剧”。The statement came in response to a question about recent reports that Abdurehim Heyit, a prominent Uighur folk poet and musician, had died in a Chinese internment camp. According to the Turkish Foreign Ministry, Mr. Heyit died while serving the second year of an eight-year prison sentence for one of his songs.该声明是对最近有报道称,著名维吾尔族民间诗人和音乐家阿卜都热衣木·艾衣提(Abdurehim Heyit)在中国一个拘留营中死亡的回应。据土耳其外交部称,艾衣提因一首歌曲而被判处八年监禁,在服刑的第二年死亡。The New York Times has been unable to independently confirm Mr. Heyit’s death.时报无法独立证实艾衣提的死讯。The Chinese government did not address reports of the musician’s death in a statement on Sunday, and the Xinjiang regional government did not respond to requests for comment. Later Sunday, however, a video apparently showing Mr. Heyit alive was posted on the Turkish language website of China Radio International, a Chinese official news service.在周日的一份声明中,中国政府没有提及有关这名音乐家死亡的报道,新疆地方政府没有回应置评请求。但在周日晚些时候,官方新闻服务中国国际广播电台的土耳其语网站发布了一段显示了艾衣提仍然活着的视频。In a statement on Sunday, the Chinese Embassy in Turkey called the Turkish Foreign Ministry’s statement a “serious violation of the facts,” defending its actions in Xinjiang as necessary to combat terrorism and extremist ideology.在周日的声明中,中国驻土耳其大使馆称土耳其外交部的声明“严重违背事实”,并为其在新疆的行动辩护,称这是打击恐怖主义和极端主义意识形态的必要行动。“Since the 1990s, ‘three forces’ inside and outside China (ethnic separatist forces, religious extremist forces, violent terrorist forces) have planned and organized thousands of violent terrorist incidents in Xinjiang, China, resulting in the injuries and deaths of a large number of innocent people of all ethnic groups,” the statement said. “The sinful acts of these horrific elements have not only seriously undermined the peaceful and stable order of Xinjiang, but also the atmosphere of unity and progress.”“20世纪90年代以来,中国境内外‘三股势力’(民族分裂势力、宗教极端势力、暴力恐怖势力)在中国新疆策划并组织实施了数千起暴力恐怖事件,造成大量无辜各族群众伤亡,”声明说。“这些暴恐分子令人发指的罪恶行径,严重破坏了新疆安定祥和的秩序、团结进步的氛围。”Rejecting the Turkish characterization of China’s mass detention program, the Chinese statement said the camps were “teaching and training centers” intended to provide instruction in Mandarin, law and vocational skills and to rid students of extremist thoughts.中国的声明驳斥了土耳其对中国大规模拘留项目的描述,称这些营地是“教培中心”,旨在提供汉语、法律和职业技能方面的指导,并消除学员的极端主义思想。“The allegations that the Chinese government is trying to ‘eliminate’ the ethnic, religious and cultural identity of the Uighurs and other Muslim groups are completely untenable,” it said.声明称:“那些指责中国政府试图‘消灭’维吾尔族和其他穆斯林群体的种族、宗教和文化认同的说法是完全站不住脚的。”The statement from Turkey, which is home to a large community of Chinese Uighurs, came as a surprise to members of the Uighur diaspora, many of whom have been pressuring majority-Muslim governments to speak out about China’s crackdown on Muslim communities.土耳其的声明令散居海外的维吾尔族成员感到意外,他们中的许多人一直在向穆斯林人口为主的国家政府施压,要求他们为中国对穆斯林社区的镇压公开发声。大量中国的维族人居住在土耳其。Despite growing evidence of forced labor, indoctrination and other abuses in Xinjiang, countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Pakistan have remained relatively silent on the issue — a sign, some say, of China’s increasing political and economic clout. While the governments of Malaysia and Indonesia have voiced concerns about the Uighurs, Turkey’s statement is by far the strongest yet from a majority-Muslim country.尽管越来越多的证据显示,在新疆存在强迫劳动、灌输洗脑和其他虐待行为,但沙特阿拉伯、伊朗和巴基斯坦等国在这个问题上保持相对沉默。一些人说,这是中国政治和经济影响力不断增强的迹象。尽管马来西亚和印尼政府对这些维吾尔人表达了担忧,但土耳其的声明是迄今为止穆斯林人口为主的国家中最强硬的。“Many of us have criticized the Turkish government for its stance on the subject, but today many Uighurs expressed their happiness and joy thanks to the Turkish authorities,” Tahir Imin, a Uighur academic and activist, said by telephone from Washington. “This is very encouraging for us. It gives us strength and hope that the Turkish government can lead the way for the other Muslim nations to bring some more pressure on the Chinese government.”“我们中的许多人批评过土耳其政府在这个问题上的立场,但今天,多亏土耳其当局,许多维吾尔人表达了幸福和喜悦之情,”维吾尔学者、活动人士塔依尔·衣明(Tahir Imin)在华盛顿通过电话表示。“这对我们来说是非常鼓舞人心的。这给了我们力量和希望,土耳其政府可以带头让其他穆斯林国家对中国政府施加更大压力。”Turkey also made the statement despite recently receiving a $3.6 billion loan for its energy and transportation sector from the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, a state-owned bank.尽管土耳其最近从国有的中国工商银行获得了36亿美元的能源和交通领域贷款,但土耳其还是发表了上述声明。The Chinese crackdown in Xinjiang has targeted more than 100 writers, academics and other Uighur intellectuals, raising fears that it is aimed at erasing the group’s unique ethnic identity and cultural memory.中国在新疆的镇压行动还瞄准了100多名作家、学者和其他维吾尔知识分子,令人担心此举旨在抹去维吾尔族独特的民族身份和文化记忆。Adrian Zenz, a specialist in China’s minority policies who lectures at the European School of Culture and Theology in Korntal, Germany, said that while political calculations were certainly part of Turkey’s decision to speak out, the reported death of Mr. Heyit — known to many as the “Rooster of Xinjiang” because of his voice — might have been the “drop in the bucket that caused the bucket to overflow.”中国少数民族政策专家,在德国科恩塔尔的欧洲文化与神学学院(European School of Culture and Theology)讲学的郑国恩(Adrian Zenz)表示,尽管政治上的考虑肯定是土耳其决定发声的原因之一,关于艾衣提死亡的报道可能是“让水桶满溢的最后一滴水”——因为他的声音,艾衣提被很多人称为“新疆的雄鸡”。“Heyit’s popularity transcended boundaries,” Mr. Zenz said. “He epitomized the cultural connection between Uighurs and the Turkic cultural realm.”“艾衣提的受欢迎程度超越了国界,”郑国恩说。“他是维吾尔族和突厥文化领域之间文化联系的缩影。”Over the weekend, Turkic-language social media was flooded with tributes to Mr. Heyit, one of the first Uighur musicians to write about life under Chinese rule. Many reposted videos of his performances of traditional Uighur songs accompanied by the dutar, a two-stringed lute.上周末,突厥语社交媒体上充斥着对艾衣提的赞颂。他是首批描写中国统治下生活的维吾尔族音乐人之一。许多人转发了他弹奏两弦琴都塔尔伴奏表演维吾尔族传统歌曲的视频。“Music is one of the most important parts of Uighur culture,” Mr. Heyit told The New York Times in an interview in Kashgar in 1999. “People here can wear American T-shirts, but their hearts stay the same. The music, because it’s such a symbol of the heart, changes slowly.”“音乐是维吾尔文化最重要的组成部分之一,”1999年,艾衣提在喀什接受《纽约时报》采访时说。“这里的人可以穿美国T恤,但他们的心还是和过去一样。音乐是心灵的象征,所以它的变化很慢。”翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 土耳其谴责中国,敦促关闭新疆拘禁营


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