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Author Topic: 习近平新年贺词承认中国经济面临挑战  (Read 97 times)


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DAISUKE WAKABAYASHI, CLAIRE FU2025年1月2日中国最高领导人习近平在新年贺词中表示,中国经济面临压力。 Ju Peng/Xinhua, via Associated PressChina’s top leader, Xi Jinping, veered momentarily from his usual talking points in a New Year’s address to acknowledge the challenges of the country’s faltering economy and vow that the government was working to usher in the next phase of growth.在新年贺词中,中国最高领导人习近平短暂偏离了以往的要点,承认中国步履蹒跚的经济所带来的挑战,并誓言政府正在努力引领下一阶段的增长。“The current economic operation is facing some new situations, there are challenges from the uncertainty of the external environment and pressure from the transformation of new and old drivers, but these can be overcome through hard work,” Mr. Xi said in a speech televised on state broadcaster CCTV.“当前经济运行面临一些新情况,有外部环境不确定性的挑战,有新旧动能转换的压力,但这些经过努力是可以克服的,”习近平在中央电视台转播的讲话中表示。“Everyone should be full of confidence,” he said.“大家要充满信心,”他说。Even the indirect reference to the economy’s troubles is unusual in an address from Mr. Xi, who uses these annual speeches to trumpet the government’s accomplishments over the previous year. In recent weeks, China has become more vocal about the need to take measures to bolster its economy.在习近平的讲话中,即便只是间接提及经济困难也是不同寻常的,他每年都会在新年贺词中宣扬政府在过去一年取得的成就。近几周,中国愈发明确地表示需要采取措施提振经济。The country’s leaders in recent months have pledged to increase public borrowing, spend more and cut interest rates to try to lift consumer spending, a stubbornly weak spot in China’s economy. China’s economy has struggled to rebound after the Covid-19 pandemic, dragged down by widespread problems in its real estate sector and an unrelenting fall in prices.近几个月来,中国领导人承诺增加公共借贷、增加支出并降低利率,从而努力提高消费支出——消费支出是中国经济中的顽疾。受房地产行业广泛存在的问题以及价格持续下跌的拖累,中国经济在新冠疫情后难以反弹。China is also facing the prospect of squaring off with President-elect Donald J. Trump, who has threatened to impose tariffs on foreign goods, which could mean even greater levies on U.S. imports from China.中国还面临着与美国候任总统特朗普对抗的前景,特朗普威胁要对外国商品征收关税,这可能意味着美国从中国进口的商品将被征收更高的关税。At a separate New Year’s event earlier on Tuesday, Mr. Xi said the economy grew “about 5 percent” in 2024, meeting the government’s stated target from the start of the year. He said the overall operation of the economy is “stable and steady.”周二早些时候,在另一新年庆祝活动上,习近平表示,2024年中国经济增长了“5%左右”,实现了政府年初设定的目标。他说,经济运行总体“总体平稳,稳中有进”。Mr. Xi’s confirmation of China’s 5 percent target for gross domestic product, a measure of economic activity, raised questions about the validity of those figures.习近平对于中国GDP(衡量经济活动的指标)增长5%这一目标的确认引发了人们对这些数据有效性的质疑。“China’s 2024 claim that G.D.P. growth was on track to meet high targets was impossible to reconcile with increasingly frantic efforts to prop up a flagging economy all year long,” the Rhodium Group, a consulting firm, wrote in a report on Tuesday.“中国声称2024年GDP增长将有望实现高目标,这与中国全年持续加大力度提振疲软经济的努力并不一致,”咨询公司荣鼎集团在周二的一份报告中写道。The increasingly bold measures from the government, such as loosening its monetary policy for the first time in 14 years, does not square, Rhodium argued, with the moderate growth that the 5 percent target would indicate.荣鼎咨询认为,政府采取的越来越激进的举措——例如14年来首次放松货币政策——与5%这一目标所表明的温和增长不符。Rhodium estimates that China’s economy grew between 2.4 percent and 2.8 percent in 2024. It estimated that China can reach between 3 percent to 4.5 percent growth in 2025, and would reach the high end of that range only “if everything falls in Beijing’s favor.” Analysts have said that the Chinese economy is too reliant on exports and policymakers must do more to bolster domestic demand.荣鼎咨询估计,2024年中国经济将增长速度在2.4%至2.8%之间。该公司估计,2025年中国经济将增长可能达到3%至4.5%,而且只有在“一切向着对北京有利的方向转变”时,才能达到这一区间的上限。分析人士表示,中国经济过于依赖出口,政策制定者必须采取更多措施来刺激国内需求。Daisuke Wakabayashi是时报驻首尔亚洲商业记者,报道区域经济、公司和地缘政治新闻。点击查看更多关于他的信息。Claire Fu报道中国新闻,主要关注该国经济和社会议题。她常驻首尔。点击查看更多关于她的信息。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 习近平新年贺词承认中国经济面临挑战



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