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Author Topic: 展望2025:那些可能改变世界的事件  (Read 110 times)


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on: December 31, 2024, 12:48:05 PM

MASHA GONCHAROVA2024年12月27日34000多名板球迷挤在纽约州长岛的一个临时体育场内,观看印度和巴基斯坦在2024年板球世界杯上的比赛。两队有望在下一届冠军杯赛上对决,但地点仍在商议中。 Yuvraj Khanna for The New York TimesThis feature is part of a series called Turning Points, in which writers explore what critical moments from this year might mean for the year ahead. You can read more by visiting the Turning Points series page.本文是“转折点”系列的一部分,在这个系列中,撰文者探讨了今年的一些关键时刻对来年的意味。访问“转折点”系列页面,阅读更多内容。We approach an interesting juncture in 2025: the end of the first quarter of the 21st century.2025年,我们将迎来一个有趣的时刻:21世纪即将走完第一个25年。The first 25 years of any century feel a bit foundational. Consider the first 25 years of the 1900s: Orville and Wilbur Wright’s flight in Kitty Hawk, N.C., in 1903 ushered in the golden age of air travel. In 1917, the Bolsheviks stormed the Winter Palace, the seat of the czarist government in St. Petersburg, paving the way for Russia to enter the Soviet era. Just two years later, in 1919, the Treaty of Versailles redrew Europe, precipitating Adolf Hitler’s rise to power and, ultimately, World War II.任何世纪的头25年都会给人一种定调的感觉。想想20世纪的前25年:1903年,莱特兄弟在北卡罗来纳州基蒂霍克的飞行开启了航空旅行的黄金时代。1917年,布尔什维克攻占冬宫,推翻了圣彼得堡的沙皇政府,为俄罗斯进入苏维埃时代铺平了道路。仅仅两年后,1919年,《凡尔赛条约》重新划定了欧洲的版图,促成了希特勒的崛起,并最终导致了第二次世界大战。So what can we expect the next 75 years of the 21st century to look like based on its first 25? In the year 2000, the Netherlands became the first country to legalize same-Forex and Stock Speculating marriage. Since then, 35 countries have done the same. Then, the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States triggered America’s war on terror in the Middle East. Facebook debuted in 2004, and the first iPhone was released in 2007, both of which profoundly changed the way humans communicate and even exist — both online and in real life.那么,根据21世纪前25年的情况,我们能够预测21世纪接下来的75年会是什么样子吗?荷兰在2000年成为了第一个同性婚姻合法化的国家。从那以后,已经有35个国家效法。然后,2001年9月11日,美国遭受恐怖袭击,引发了美国在中东的反恐战争。Facebook于2004年首次亮相,第一款iPhone于2007年发布,两者深刻地改变了人类交流甚至存在的方式——无论是在线上还是现实生活中。Barack Obama was elected the first Black president of the United States in 2008 and inaugurated in 2009, just after the first Bitcoin transaction was initiated. In 2010, China became the world’s second-largest economy. The vast majority of the world’s countries adopted the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015. An artificial intelligence computer program beat Lee Saedol, a world champion at the time, in the complex board game Go, in 2016. Space tourism became a thing in 2021.贝拉克·奥巴马在2008年当选美国第一位黑人总统,在2009年就职,就在比特币发起第一笔交易之后。2010年,中国成为世界第二大经济体。2015年,世界上绝大多数国家通过了《巴黎气候协定》。2016年,一款人工智能计算机程序在复杂的围棋比赛中击败了当时的世界冠军李世石。2021年,太空旅游成为了热门现象。The Covid-19 pandemic sent the world into lockdown in 2020 and normalized remote work. Wars in Syria, Ukraine and Gaza displaced millions. All the while, the planet grew steadily hotter, with 2024 on track to be the hottest year on record.2020年,Covid-19大流行使世界进入封锁状态,并使远程工作常态化。叙利亚、乌克兰和加沙的战争导致数以百万计人流离失所。与此同时,地球的温度持续上升,2024年有望成为有记录以来最热的一年。At the end of the 21st century’s first quarter, we teeter between greatness and doom. We appear to be at the frontier of an A.I. revolution, while at the same time staring down the threat of nuclear war. Read on for a glimpse into the next 12 months of our frightful and fantastic future.在21世纪的第一个25年接近尾声的时候,我们在伟大与毁灭之间摇摆不定。人工智能革命似乎一触即发,同时我们也面临着核战争的威胁。以下是接下来的12个月里,我们既可怕又美好的未来。JANUARY1月瑞士卫兵在梵蒂冈圣彼得大教堂站岗。教宗方济各于2024年12月24日在圣彼得大教堂宣布禧年的开始。THE VATICAN, Dec. 24, 2024-Jan. 6, 2026: Once every 25 years, Roman Catholics commemorate their faith in a yearlong Jubilee, or Holy Year. This one technically begins on Dec. 24, 2024, when Pope Francis will open the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica to an anticipated 25 million pilgrims, and ends with the Epiphany in January 2026. In the Papal Bull proclaiming this Jubilee and its theme of “hope,” Pope Francis identified a “new form of injustice” — an “ecological debt” connected to the disproportionate use of natural resources by some countries at the expense of others. Pope Francis also appealed to “the more affluent nations” to forgive the monetary debts of countries that “will never be able to repay them.” Indeed, a U.N. report from 2024 estimates that 15 countries in Africa, Asia and Oceania paid more on interest payments to service their national debts than on education, and 46 countries’ interest payments exceeded their health expenditures.梵蒂冈,2024年12月24日~2026年1月6日:罗马天主教徒每25年一次,在持续一年的禧年或圣年纪念他们的信仰。严格来说本禧年始于2024年12月24日,届时教宗方济各将向预计将达到2500万的朝圣者开放圣彼得大教堂的圣门,并于2026年1月的主显节结束。在宣布这个禧年以及以“希望”为主线的《禧年诏书》中,教宗方济各指出存在一种“新形式的不公正”——一种与某些国家以牺牲他国利益为代价,过度使用自然资源有关的“生态债务”。教皇方济各还呼吁“较富裕的国家”免除那些“永远无法偿还债务”的国家的货币债务。事实上,联合国2024年的一份报告估计,非洲、亚洲和大洋洲的15个国家为偿还国家债务支付的利息超过教育支出,46个国家的利息支付超过了它们的医疗支出。MEXICO, Jan. 11: Hear the whir of batteries and smell the fresh air! Welcome to the first Formula E race of the calendar year at the Autodromo Hermanos Rodríguez. The Mexico City E-Prix championship for electric cars celebrates its 11th racing season with a new car design, the GEN3 Evo, the fastest-accelerating single-seat racecar in the world. The GEN3 can go from zero to 60 miles per hour in 1.82 seconds, which is 30 percent faster than a Formula 1 car.墨西哥,1月11日:聆听电池的嗡嗡声,呼吸新鲜空气!欢迎来到在罗德里格斯兄弟赛道举行的本年度首场电动方程式比赛。墨西哥城电动车锦标赛迎来了第11个赛季的比赛,它采用了全新的赛车设计,即GEN3 Evo,这是世界上加速最快的单座赛车。GEN3能在1.82秒内从0加速到每小时60英里,比一级方程式赛车还快30%。UNITED STATES, Jan. 19: Gen Z may have a “Footloose” moment on its hands if TikTok, the app made famous for dancing, gets banned. The app draws billions of monthly users worldwide — including 170 million in the United States — with a proprietary algorithm that just seems to know you. Congress, concerned that the Chinese government knows a little too much about Americans through the data TikTok collects, passed a law banning TikTok unless it divests from its Chinese parent company, ByteDance, by Jan. 19, 2025. TikTok’s chief executive Shou Zi Chew has dismissed the law as unconstitutional and challenged it in federal court, but so far the ban has been upheld.美国,1月19日:如果因舞蹈而出名的应用TikTok被禁,Z世代可能会面临一个《浑身是劲》时刻(一部讲述小镇青年反对跳舞禁令的电影。——译注)。这款应用每月吸引全球数十亿用户——其中包括美国的1.7亿——它的专有算法似乎对用户了如指掌。美国国会担心,中国政府通过TikTok收集的数据对美国人了解得有点过多了,于是通过一项法律禁止TikTok,除非它在2025年1月19日之前从中国母公司字节跳动剥离。TikTok的首席执行官周受资认为这项法律违宪,并在联邦法院提出了挑战,但到目前为止,该禁令得到了维持。FEBRUARY2月PAKISTAN, Feb. 19-March 5: The cricket rivalry between India and Pakistan is one of the most-watched sports rivalries in the world. Last year’s face-off in the Cricket World Cup drew more than 400 million viewers. (For context, the Super Bowl reached 125 million.) This year, the teams should meet at the 2025 ICC Champions Trophy tournament, hosted by Pakistan. However, India has not played in the country since 2008 due to regional tensions, so negotiations continue over where — or if — India’s matches will be played.巴基斯坦,2月19日~3月5日:印度和巴基斯坦之间的板球比赛是世界上最受关注的体育赛事之一。去年板球世界杯的对决吸引了超过4亿观众。(作为对比,去年超级碗的观众人数为1.25亿。)今年,两支球队将在巴基斯坦主办的2025年ICC冠军杯上相遇。然而,由于地区紧张局势,印度自2008年以来就没有到巴基斯坦参加过比赛,因此有关印度队的比赛地点或双方是否举行比赛的谈判仍在继续。美国国家航空航天局宇航员布奇·威尔莫尔和苏尼·威廉姆斯于2024年6月5日离开地球前往国际空间站,预计将于2025年2月返回。INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION: Welcome to the Hotel I.S.S., where you come for eight days, but you can never leave (well, at least not until you can hitch a ride with the SpaceX Crew-9). The NASA astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore will return to Earth in February when the SpaceX mission wraps up. They arrived at the International Space Station in June 2024 expecting to stay just more than a week, but helium leaks and thruster failures on their original ride — the Boeing Starliner — made it too risky for them to return to Earth on it.国际空间站:欢迎来到国际空间站酒店,你打算在这里待8天,结果却再也无法离开(好吧,至少在你能搭上SpaceX载人9号的便车之前)。美国宇航局宇航员苏尼·威廉姆斯和布奇·威尔莫尔将于2月份SpaceX任务结束后返回地球。他们于2024年6月抵达国际空间站,预计只停留一个多星期,但他们原定乘坐的波音“星际客机”发生氦气泄漏和推进器故障,使得他们乘坐它返回地球的风险太大。MARCH3月2024年3月,首尔的医生们参加集会,抗议政府提高医学院录取率的计划。SOUTH KOREA: Hippocrates is said to have once proclaimed, “Everyone has a doctor in him or her.” South Korea, which faces an acute doctor shortage in emergency care facilities and hospitals, is hoping to avoid testing that theory. In 2024, government officials implemented a mandatory increase in medical school admissions that would enroll an additional 2,000 students in medical schools at the beginning of the academic year in March. However, doctors say that more students is not the solution. They have staged protests and walkouts, arguing that the remedy is actually to increase the low wages of jobs in essential medical fields like emergency services.韩国:希波克拉底曾说过:“每个人心中都有个医生。”急救设施和医院面临医生严重短缺问题的韩国希望避免成为这个说法的鉴证。2024年,政府官员实施了医学院强制扩招的政策,计划在3月学年开始时再招收2000名医学生。然而,医生们表示,增加学生人数并不能解决问题。他们举行了抗议和罢工,认为真正的应对之法是提高急救等基本医疗领域工作的低工资。新奥尔良奥杜邦社区一座为狂欢节装饰的豪宅。路易斯安那州的这座城市将在“超级狂欢节”期间狂欢数周。UNITED STATES, March 4: Less than four weeks after Super Bowl LIX at Caesars Superdome in New Orleans, the annual Mardi Gras celebration wraps up less than a mile away with Fat Tuesday on Bourbon Street. Locals call the collision of the Super Bowl and Mardi Gras “Super Gras,” and city officials are ramping up efforts to keep participants safe by enforcing bans on objects like confetti cannons.美国,3月4日:在新奥尔良凯撒超级圆顶体育场举行的第59届“超级碗”比赛不到四周后,不到一英里外的波旁街上的“肥美星期二”活动为一年一度的狂欢节画下句点。当地人把超级碗和狂欢节的撞期称为“超级狂欢节”,市政府官员正在加紧努力,通过禁止使用彩纸炮等物品来保证参与者的安全。APRIL4月ANTARCTICA, April 22: On Earth Day, National Geographic unveils the documentary “Secrets of the Penguins,” which will feature the first drone footage in the world of penguin  Yield curve option-pricing modelss leaping off a 50-foot cliff to take their very first swim. The footage was filmed in 2024, but one year prior, in 2023, sea ice shrank to a record low and  Yield curve option-pricing modelss were forced to enter the sea before their waterproof feathers fully came in, which scientists estimated caused the deaths of tens of thousands of  Yield curve option-pricing modelss.南极洲,4月22日:在地球日这一天,国家地理频道回推出纪录片《企鹅的秘密》,其中将出现世界上首个由无人机拍摄的企鹅幼崽从15米高的悬崖上跳进大海第一次游泳的画面。这段视频拍摄于2024年,但一年前,也就是2023年,海冰面积缩小到历史最低点,小企鹅被迫在防水羽毛尚未完全长出来之前进入大海,科学家估计,这导致了数万只小企鹅的死亡。MAY5月JAPAN, May 10-11: Every year, Nakano Central Park celebrates Sichuan, the pungent, tangy cuisine based on the Sichuan pepper from southwest China that Anthony Bourdain once described as “a wonderfully sadomasochistic interplay between pleasure and pain.” At the Tokyo Sichuan Festival 2025, as with many of Tokyo’s food fairs, you can try the classics like mala hotpot filled with beef, tofu, greens and chile oil, or venture into the unknown — Sichuan peppercorn ice cream, anyone?日本,5月10~11日:每年,中野中央公园都会主办川菜节,这种以来自中国西南部的花椒为基础的重口味辛辣菜肴,曾被名厨安瑟尼·波登形容是“愉悦与痛苦之间奇妙的虐恋互动”。在2025年东京川菜节上——与这里的许多美食节一样,您可以品尝经典的麻辣锅,里面有牛肉、豆腐、蔬菜和辣椒油,或者尝试一些新奇的美食——花椒冰激淋,要不要考虑一下?JUNE 6月2019年,巴黎圣母院遭受了一场毁灭性火灾,经过五年的重建,巴黎圣母院将再次向游客开放。FRANCE, June 8: After a fire broke out in the oak rafters of Notre-Dame de Paris in 2019, engulfing and toppling its medieval spires and destroying much of the roof, France began years of work to repair the 850-year-old landmark. A committee tasked with the cathedral’s reconstruction reviewed varying proposals — including a rooftop swimming pool — and ultimately approved some more conservative modernizations, like contemporary art and new lighting. The cathedral’s reopening festivities, which began in December 2024, culminate in June during the feast of Pentecost. For some, the renovations will be a dialogue between the old and new; for others, a lamentable departure from tradition.法国,6月8日:2019年,巴黎圣母院的橡木椽架发生大火,中世纪尖塔坍塌,大部分屋顶被毁,法国开始了对这个850年历史的地标建筑的修复工作。负责重建的委员会审查了各种方案——包括建造一座屋顶泳池——最终批准了一些更保守的现代化措施,比如当代艺术和新的照明系统。大教堂重新开放的庆祝活动始于2024年12月,在6月份的宗教节日五旬节期间达到高潮。对一些人来说,此次翻新是新旧之间的对话;对另一些人来说,这是对传统的可悲背离。2022年,参加一年一度的同志马拉松赛的选手。2025年的赛事定于6月8日举行。SOUTH AFRICA, June 8: The Comrades Marathon, known as “the ultimate human race,” is the largest and the oldest ultramarathon in the world, but might better be described as half running, half climbing. Established in 1921 by a group of World War I “comrades,” the roughly 55-mile race is considered one of the world’s most punishing events, due to its changing terrain. This year, the race begins at an elevation of 2,100 feet in Pietermaritzburg, the capital of the KwaZulu-Natal province, and ends at sea level in the city of Durban along the Indian Ocean .南非,6月8日:被称为“终极人类比赛”的同志马拉松是世界上规模最大、历史最悠久的超级马拉松赛事,但更准确地说,它可以用一半跑步,一半攀爬来形容。该赛事于1921年由一群“一战战友”创办,由于地形多变,约88公里的赛程被认为是世界上最具挑战性的赛事之一。今年的比赛从夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省的首府彼得马里茨堡海拔640米的高处开始,终点位于印度洋海滨城市德班。THE NETHERLANDS, June 24-26: The Hague, the self-proclaimed international city of peace and justice, hosts the NATO summit for the first time since the organization’s founding in 1949. The alliance’s 32 member states, Ukraine and partners such as Australia and New Zealand will be in attendance primarily to discuss the Russia-Ukraine war. The price tag for the summit — 95 million euros — reflects necessary security measures.荷兰,6月24~26日:自称为国际和平与正义之城的海牙,自1949年北约成立以来将首次主办北约峰会。北约的32个成员国、乌克兰以及澳大利亚和新西兰等伙伴国将出席会议,主要讨论俄乌战争问题。此次峰会的开支为9500万欧元,这反映了必要的安全措施所带来的昂贵成本。JULY 7月UNITED KINGDOM, July 4: Wembley. Backstage. Two brothers. One band. Airborne tambourines and cricket bats, each thrown by one brother at the other. It’s the Oasis Live ’25 tour! OK — let’s hope not. Liam and Noel Gallagher are older and wiser now, and are getting the band back together after 15 long years simply to look back in anger, cry their hearts out, not go away, live forever, roll with it and be rock stars.英国,7月4日:温布利球场。后台。俩兄弟。一个乐队。手鼓和板球棒在空中飞舞,兄弟俩互掷。这是绿洲乐队2025巡演!好吧——希望不会这样。利安和诺埃尔·加拉格现在更成熟,也更睿智了,他们在漫长的15年后让乐队重组,只是为了“愤怒地回首”,“喊出他们的心声”,“不离开”,“永远活着”,“顺其自然”,当一个“摇滚明星”。灵长类动物学家、环保活动人士简·古道尔在坦桑尼亚赞助了一个文化综合体。 Erinn Springer for The New York TimesTANZANIA, July 14: Dr. Jane Goodall releases “Dr. Jane’s Dream,” an immersive experience created by African artists and Disney veterans. Debuting on World Chimpanzee Day, the event will be held at a cultural complex in Tanzania where visitors can experience the primatologist and environmental activist’s breakthroughs, including a tent set where she and her mother looked out into the world of the chimps.坦桑尼亚,7月14日:简·古道尔博士将推出《简博士的梦》,这是一个由非洲艺术家和一些曾经的迪士尼创作者共同打造的沉浸式体验。它将于世界黑猩猩日首次亮相,在坦桑尼亚的一个文化中心举行,游客可以在那里体验这位灵长类动物学家和环境活动家的突破性成就,包括她和母亲眺望黑猩猩世界的那顶帐篷。NORWAY: Four American athletes, including a retired U.S. Navy SEAL and an N.F.L. tight end, will embark on The Arctic Challenge, rowing the open Arctic Ocean in a 9.6-meter boat, completely unsupported for 1,000 kilometers (621 miles) from Tromso, Norway, to Longyearbyen, in the Svalbard archipelago. The journey is expected to take 10 to 20 days, and the teammates will trade off two-hour rowing shifts around the clock until the challenge is complete.挪威:四名美国运动员(包括一名退役的美国海军海豹突击队员和一名全美橄榄球联盟的近端锋,将参加这次“北极挑战赛”,乘坐一艘9.6米长的船从挪威特罗姆瑟出发,划过开阔的北冰洋,前往斯瓦尔巴群岛的朗伊尔城,全程1000公里。队友们将昼夜不停地轮流划船,两小时一班,直到挑战完成。7月份,异常剧烈的太阳活动可能带来绚丽的极光,但也可能破坏通信系统。THE SUN: Once every 11 years, the sun dramatically releases energy (who can relate?) during the course of a solar cycle, or a process by which the sun flips its magnetic poles. The solar maximum — the middle of the solar cycle — occurs when the sun shows the most sunspots, which are planet-size regions of strong magnetic fields on its surface. Scientists expect a peak of 115 sunspots in July, which on Earth could cause brilliant auroras, but also potential outages in global positioning systems, radio communications and electrical grids.太阳:每隔11年,太阳会在一个太阳周期——或者说太阳磁极翻转过程——中剧烈地释放能量(很多人应该能理解那种感觉)。太阳活动的极大期——也就是太阳周期的中点——是在太阳黑子最多的时候,太阳黑子是太阳表面形成的行星大小的强磁场区域。科学家预计,7月份将出现115个太阳黑子,达到顶峰,这在地球上可能引发绚丽的极光,但也可能导致全球定位系统、无线电通信和电网中断。AUGUST8月MEXICO, Aug. 31: Eight of Mexico’s 11 sitting Supreme Court justices step down from the bench in protest of a judicial reform that will require nearly all federal judges to stand for popular election. The justices declined to participate in the election and will resign when their terms conclude, at the end of August. Since the passage of the reform in September 2024, more than 18,000 people have signed up to run for a seat on the Supreme Court. Candidates must have a law degree, a 3.2 grade point average, five years of professional experience and five letters of recommendation from neighbors or friends. A random drawing determines who gets on the ballot. The election for the new justices will be held June 1.墨西哥,8月31日:墨西哥最高法院11名现任法官中,有八人因抗议一项要求几乎所有联邦法官需经普选的司法改革而辞职。这些法官拒绝参选,并将在8月底任期结束时辞职。自2024年9月改革通过以来,已有超过1.8万人报名竞选最高法院法官。候选人必须拥有法学学位、3.2分的平均绩点、5年的专业经验以及来自邻居或朋友的5封推荐信。通过随机抽签决定谁能登上选票。新法官的选举将于6月1日举行。SEPTEMBER9月JAPAN, Sept. 20: A collection of masterpieces by Vincent van Gogh travels to Kobe City, Fukushima and Tokyo for a blockbuster, two-year, two-part exhibition commemorating the anniversaries of the Great Hanshin Earthquake and the Great East Japan Earthquake. The 60-plus works span van Gogh’s life and include “Café Terrace at Night” and ““The Langlois Bridge at Arles with Women Washing.”日本,9月20日:为了纪念阪神大地震和东日本大地震,神户、福岛和东京将举行梵高名作展,展览分两个部分,为期两年。展出的60多幅作品涵盖了梵高的一生,包括《夜晚的露天咖啡馆》和《阿尔勒朗格卢瓦桥下的洗衣妇》。BELGIUM, Sept. 25: Peter Paul Rubens’s painting “Enthroned Madonna Adored by Saints” is so big that it was too large to be moved from the Rubens Gallery inside the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp for required restoration. Wasting no time, a makeshift studio was promptly built and named “Studio Rubens,” and restorers and researchers proceeded to conduct their work on the 20-foot-tall, 800-pound framed painting in view of museum visitors. This rare chance to see a restoration process live comes to a close in September — come see the revival of a Rubens while you can!比利时,9月25日:鲁本斯的油画作品《圣座上的圣母子与圣徒》体积过于庞大,无法从安特卫普皇家美术博物馆的鲁本斯画廊移出进行必要的修复。博物馆迅速搭建了一个临时工作室,命名为“鲁本斯工作室”,修复师和研究人员在游客的注视下,开始对这幅高达6米、重达363公斤的画作进行修复。这次难得的现场修复过程将在9月结束——抓住机会,来亲眼见证鲁本斯的修复!OCTOBER10月VICE CITY, LEONIDA, Oct. 27?: To say that gamers are excited about the release of Grand Theft Auto VI, the next generation of the GTA series by Rockstar Games, would be an understatement. The first trailer for the game broke a Guinness World Record for most-viewed video game reveal, and nearly 180,000 people follow an X account tracking updates about the game’s release. The sixth iteration of the game returns to VIce City (get it?), a hyper-realistic, neon version of Miami, where GTA was last set in 2002, and features the franchise’s first female protagonist, Lucia, a criminal at a prison in the state of Leonida. Take 2, the parent company of Rockstar, has confirmed that the release will be in fall 2025, but fans are Currency carry trade on Oct. 27, thanks to some online sleuthing.10月27日,美国莱奥尼达省维斯城:说玩家们对即将推出的新一代《GTA》系列游戏《侠盗猎车手6》(Grand Theft Auto VI)感到兴奋,只能说太轻描淡写了。该游戏的首部预告片打破了吉尼斯世界纪录,成为观看人数最多的游戏揭晓视频。近18万人关注着一个追踪游戏发布更新的X账户。游戏的第六次迭代回到了罪恶都市(看懂了吗?)(Vice City中的VI大写,可理解为罗马数字“六”。——译注),一个超写实霓虹版迈阿密,GTA上一次设定在这里是在2002年,新一代游戏将推出第一位女性主角露西娅,她是莱昂尼达州一所监狱的罪犯。Rockstar的母公司Take 2已确认将于2025年秋季发售,但根据网上的一些调查,粉丝们认为发售时间将会在10月27日。GERMANY, Oct. 15-19: The Frankfurt Book Fair, established in 1949, is the world’s largest trade fair for books. Held annually in October, the event attracts publishers, authors, literary agents, librarians and cultural enthusiasts (including, in 2024, one Bob Dylan). The fair is immense in scale, with more than 230,000 attendees and exhibitors from more than 100 countries in 2024 alone. But its significance in recent years has extended beyond books, as the fair attempts to strike a balance between fostering international dialogue and taking a moral stand amid two global conflicts. The fair decided to exclude Russian state institutions after the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, although individual Russian publishers have been allowed to attend independently. In 2023, the fair postponed an award for the Palestinian author Adania Shibli amid the Gaza-Israel conflict, igniting accusations of censorship and bias. The guest of honor in 2025 is the Philippines.10月15日至19日,德国:创办于1949年的法兰克福书展是世界上最大的图书交易会。这场每年10月举行的活动吸引了出版商、作家、文学经纪人、图书馆员和文化爱好者(包括2024年前来的鲍勃·迪伦)。书展规模宏大,仅2024年就有来自100多个国家的23万多名参与者和参展商。但近年来,书展的意义已经超越了图书,因为它试图一方面确立自己在两场全球冲突中的道德立场,同时又兼顾对国际对话的促进。2022年俄罗斯入侵乌克兰后,书展决定将俄罗斯国家机构排除在外,尽管个别俄罗斯出版商被允许独立参展。2023年,在加沙-以色列冲突中,书展推迟了为巴勒斯坦作家阿达尼亚·希布利颁奖,引发了对审查和偏见的指责。2025年的主宾国是菲律宾。NOVEMBER11月BRAZIL, Nov. 10-21: The U.N. Climate Change Conference, known as COP30, is coming to Belém, a city in the north of the Brazilian Amazon, but locals are complaining that the meeting may actually harm the environment. To facilitate traffic into and out of Belém, regional officials have approved the construction of a new highway, the Avenida Liberdade, which environmentalists say will cut through the Belém Environmental Protection Area — a protected conservation area — and disrupt  Earnings-price ratiolife movements from the adjoining Utinga State Park.11月10日至21日,巴西:被称为COP30的联合国气候变化大会即将在巴西亚马逊北部城市贝伦召开,但当地人抱怨说,这次会议实际上可能会对环境造成危害。为了方便进出贝伦的交通,地区官员已经批准修建一条新的高速公路自由大道,但环保人士称,这条高速公路将穿过受保护的自然保护区贝伦环境保护区,并干扰毗邻的乌廷加州立公园内野生动物的活动。DECEMBER12月PANDORA, Dec. 19: “Avatar: Fire and Ash,” the third installment of James Cameron’s five-part “Avatar” series, hits theaters. Few directors have had the Midas touch quite like Cameron, both financially (the first and second “Avatar” films each grossed more than $2 billion worldwide, joining “Titanic” on the list of the top five highest grossing films of all time) and in weaving his stories into the cultural fabric. This time, Cameron takes the Sully family into darker waters, noting at a recent Disney fan event that the film’s titular fire reflects themes of “hatred, violence, trauma, possible misuse of power” and ash reflects the “aftermath of all that energy, which is grief and having to live with what you’ve done.”12月19日,潘多拉星球:詹姆斯·卡梅隆的《阿凡达》系列五部曲的第三部《阿凡达:火与灰》(Avatar: Fire and Ash)上映。很少有导演能像卡梅隆这样,无论是在票房上(第一部和第二部《阿凡达》的全球总票房均超过20亿美元,与《泰坦尼克号》一起跻身史上票房最高的五部电影之列),还是在将他的故事编织进文化织体方面,都有着点石成金的本领。这一次,卡梅隆将萨利一家带入了更黑暗的领域,他在最近的一次迪士尼影迷活动上表示,片名里的火象征了“仇恨、暴力、创伤、可能的滥权”等主题,而灰则代表了“所有这些能量留下的东西,那就是悲伤,以及不得不承受你所做的一切的后果”。SOMETIME IN 20252025年某个时间点ABU DHABI: Embracing an opportunity to assert its cultural identity on the world stage, Abu Dhabi unveils the enormous Zayed National Museum on Saadiyat Island, joining the outposts of the Louvre and Guggenheim museums nearby. Its silhouette, inspired by the wings of a falcon in flight, is composed of five aerodynamic towers that will house exhibits showing evidence of human activity in the United Arab Emirates dating back 300,000 years.阿布扎比:阿布扎比抓住在世界舞台上彰显其文化身份的机会,将在萨迪亚特岛推出巨大的扎耶德国家博物馆,与卢浮宫和古根海姆博物馆在该国的分馆比邻而居。扎耶德国家博物馆的轮廓灵感来源于猎鹰飞行时的翅膀,由五座符合空气动力学原理的塔楼组成,馆内将陈列阿拉伯联合酋长国30万年前人类活动的证据。UNITED STATES: Are you dying for a new type of theme park? Consider yourself summoned by the dark spirits of Las Vegas to the first year-round experience of Universal Studios’s fairly expansive collection of horror franchises. Sink your teeth into a creepy combination of attractions based on classic horror characters — Dracula, Frankenstein’s monster, the Mummy — and attractions based on new horror from directors like James Wan (“The Conjuring”) and Jordan Peele (“Get Out”).美国:你渴望体验新型主题公园吗?就当自己受到了拉斯维加斯黑暗精灵的召唤,来游玩环球影城首个全年体验项目——恐怖主题乐园系列的丰富活动吧。你将沉浸在令人毛骨悚然的项目,包括以经典恐怖角色——德古拉、弗兰肯斯坦的怪物、木乃伊——为题材的景点,还有以温子仁导演的《咒怨》(The Conjuring)和乔丹·皮尔的《逃出绝命镇》(Get Out)等新恐怖电影作品为主题的游玩项目中。WORLD: More than 175 countries are expected to sign a United Nations treaty agreeing to reduce single-use plastics and encouraging a shift toward sustainable alternatives. Small island states, which suffer the worst impacts of ocean plastic waste, are collectively onboard, as are Japan and South Korea, which have advanced recycling programs. Less certain is the participation of the United States, China and Saudi Arabia — which participated during treaty negotiations but number among the world’s largest plastics预计将有超过175个国家签署一项联合国条约,同意减少一次性塑料制品,并鼓励向可持续替代品转变。受海洋塑料垃圾影响最严重的小岛屿国家,以及拥有先进回收计划的日本和韩国将集体加入该条约。不太确定的是美国、中国和沙特阿拉伯是否会加入——虽然参与了条约谈判,但它们是世界上最大的几个塑料生产国。本文最初发表于2024年12月9日。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 展望2025:那些可能改变世界的事件



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