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Author Topic: 中国指控《光明日报》资深编辑董郁玉从事间谍活动  (Read 153 times)


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王月眉2023年4月25日去年2月21日,董郁玉在北京市中心的一家酒店餐厅与一名日本外交官碰面时被捕。 BEIJING — A high-ranking editor at a Chinese Communist Party newspaper who often wrote liberal-leaning commentaries is expected to stand trial for espionage in Beijing, after he was arrested while eating lunch with a Japanese diplomat.北京——一名经常撰写自由主义倾向评论文章的中共党报高级编辑预计将在北京以间谍罪受审,此前,他在与一名日本外交官共进午餐时被捕。The editor, Dong Yuyu, was a columnist and deputy editor of the editorial section at Guangming Daily, one of the party’s major newspapers. For decades, he had routinely met with foreigners, including diplomats and journalists, in part to inform his own prolific writing. But now the authorities are eyeing those interactions as proof that he was working as a foreign agent, potentially for Japan or the United States, according to Mr. Dong’s family.编辑董郁玉是《光明日报》评论部副主任和专栏作家,该报是中共党报之一。几十年来,勤于笔耕的董郁玉与包括外交官和记者在内的外国人士保持着频繁的往来,这在一定程度上是为了写作需要。但据董郁玉的家人说,现在当局正在将这些往来视为证据,认为他可能是日本或美国的间谍。In the decade since China’s top leader, Xi Jinping, took power, he has encouraged and at times outright exhorted suspicion of foreign and especially Western countries, which he has cast as bent on undermining China. At the same time, he has virtually eliminated the space for liberal views like Mr. Dong’s — in part by depicting them as another symptom of foreign meddling.自上台后的十年里,中国最高领导人习近平一直在鼓励、有时甚至公然宣扬对外国尤其是西方国家的怀疑,他认为这些国家一心要破坏中国。与此同时,他几乎抹杀了像董郁玉这样的自由主义观点的空间——在某种程度上将这些观点称之为外国干涉的又一表现。The relatively liberal Chinese publications where Mr. Dong once published, in addition to writing for his own employer, have been gutted. Chinese journalists have been barred from writing for overseas publications; previously, Mr. Dong had contributed several articles to The New York Times’s Chinese website.除了为自己的单位写稿外,董郁玉还给相对自由的中文出版物撰稿,现在它们都已遭封杀。中国记者已被禁止为海外出版物撰稿;此前,董郁玉曾多次为纽约时报中文网供稿。It is not clear whether Mr. Dong, 61, was targeted for his liberal views, his contacts with foreigners or both, according to his family members, who requested anonymity for fear of retaliation. They said the only evidence presented thus far has been his contacts with foreign diplomats and overseas academic fellowships he received.据他的家人说,目前尚不清楚61岁的董郁玉之所以成为目标,是因为他的自由主义观点还是他与外国人的接触,或两者兼而有之。由于害怕遭到报复,他们要求匿名。他们说,迄今为止提供的唯一证据是他与外国外交官的联系,以及他获得的海外学术奖学金。2006年,董郁玉获得哈佛大学尼曼新闻奖学金。“His foreign ties were not suspicious but a normal part of his job and a normal interaction between peoples in most parts of the world,” the family said in a statement. “The message seems to be that foreign contacts are taboo.”“他的外国关系没有疑点,不过是他正常工作的一部分,是世界多数地区人与人之间的正常交往,”他的家人在一份声明中说。“这里所传达的信息似乎是,与外国接触是禁忌。”Mr. Dong was detained on Feb. 21 last year, while meeting a Japanese diplomat at a hotel restaurant in central Beijing. The diplomat was also detained — an incident that prompted protests from the Japanese government, which accused China of violating international standards on diplomatic immunity. China said, without providing evidence, that the diplomat had been engaged in activities “inconsistent” with his work.去年2月21日,董郁玉在北京市中心一家酒店的餐厅跟一名日本外交官碰面时被捕。这名外交官也被拘留——事件引发了日本政府的抗议,指责中国违反了外交豁免权的国际准则。中国在未提供证据的情况下表示,这名外交官从事了与他的工作“不符”的活动。The diplomat was released after several hours. Mr. Dong, however, was held for six months in a murky form of secret detention, then formally arrested. Last month, he was indicted.几小时后,这名外交官获释。然而,董郁玉被不明不白地秘密关押了六个月,然后被正式逮捕。上个月,他遭到了起诉。It is not clear when he will stand trial. Charges related to national security are shrouded in secrecy, with trials held behind closed doors. Espionage can carry a prison sentence of 10 years or more.目前尚不清楚他何时受审。与国家安全有关的指控是保密的,审判闭门进行。从事间谍活动可判处10年或以上徒刑。Mr. Dong began working at Guangming Daily in 1987, after graduating from the prestigious Peking University law school.董郁玉从著名的北京大学法学院毕业后,于1987年开始在《光明日报》工作。He had long been interested in promoting the rule of law and an independent judiciary, his family said — topics on which the government in earlier decades had allowed public debate.他的家人说,他长期以来一直对促进法治和司法独立感兴趣——对于这些话题,政府在前几十年是允许公开讨论的。He wrote a piece encouraging the government to offer more loans for poor students, which won an award from the All-China Journalists Association. In 2012, in a piece for The Times, he worried that the government was overly focused on economic growth, overlooking pollution and other issues.他写了一篇促进政府为贫困学生提供更多贷款的文章,获得中国记协颁发的一个奖项。2012年,在给时报写的一篇文章中,他担心政府过度关注经济增长,忽视了污染和其他问题。In a 2013 review of the Harvard scholar Roderick MacFarquhar’s history of the Cultural Revolution, Mr. Dong criticized the party’s portrayal of the decade of chaos and bloodshed, which had been led by Mao Zedong, as the work of a few bad actors.2013年,在为哈佛大学学者马若德(Roderick MacFarquhar)的文革史撰写书评时,董郁玉批评中共将毛泽东领导下的十年动乱和血腥推到几个坏人身上。“No matter what internal criteria are used to divide a political party into ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys,’ these people all represent the entire party in formulating and implementing policies,” he wrote in a liberal history journal. “Therefore, this party must also take political responsibility for the consequences of these policies.”“不论依据什么样的党内标准划分出政党内部的’好人’与’坏人’,这些人都代表整个政党在制定和实施政策,”他在一本自由主义的历史杂志上写道。“因此,这个党也必须为这些政策的后果。”Mr. Dong won a Nieman journalism fellowship at Harvard University in 2006. He also was a visiting fellow at Japan’s Keio University in 2010, and a visiting professor at Hokkaido University in 2014.董郁玉于2006年获得哈佛大学尼曼新闻奖学金。他还于2010年在日本庆应义塾大学担任访问学者,并于2014年在北海道大学担任访问教授。But the comparatively more open environment at the time ended with Mr. Xi’s ascent. In 2017, an investigation of Guangming Daily by party authorities labeled the 2013 book review “anti-socialist,” and he was threatened with demotion, Mr. Dong’s family said. Mr. Dong was also not a party member, putting him in the minority at the paper.但当时相对开放的环境随着习近平的上台而结束。董郁玉的家人说,2017年,中共当局对《光明日报》的调查将那篇2013年的书评贴上了“反社会主义”的标签,他受到降级威胁。董郁玉也并非党员,这使他在该报属于少数派。董郁玉毕业于著名的北京大学法学院,从1987年开始在《光明日报》工作。Still, he continued to write. In 2018, under a pen name, which is common for opinions writers at Chinese publications to have, he wrote a widely read critique of local officials in Jiangxi Province for destroying coffins in a campaign to promote cremation.尽管如此,他笔耕不辍。2018年,他以笔名写了一篇批评江西省地方官员在推广火葬时销毁棺材的文章,被广为流传。中国的撰稿人往往用笔名发表评论。And his audience was not only domestic, but also included a community of foreign scholars, journalists and diplomats eager for insight into China’s often opaque political and social landscapes. In an open letter in support of Mr. Dong, released on Monday, some of them said he was an “excellent ambassador for China” who had always been transparent about their engagements, scheduling meetings in public places.他的读者不仅来自国内,还有一群外国学者、记者和外交官,他们渴望深入了解中国往往不透明的政治和社会环境。在周一发布的一封支持董郁玉的公开信中,其中一些人称他是一位“优秀的中国大使”,对于接触从来不遮遮掩掩,在公共场所安排会面。Ann Marie Lipinski, the curator of the Nieman fellowship, said in an email that “any speculation that his journalism fellowship offers evidence of espionage is ill-founded.”尼曼奖学金的负责人安·玛丽·利平斯基在一封电子邮件中说,“任何关于他的新闻奖学金提供了间谍活动证据的猜测,都是没有根据的。”Mr. Dong’s role as an “interpreter” of China had become even more important — but also riskier — in recent years, said John Kamm, the founder of the U.S.-based Dui Hua Foundation, which works to free political prisoners in China. “This is a loss for understanding between China and the outside world,” he said.近年来,董郁玉作为中国“解读者”的角色变得更加重要了——但也更具风险,美国对话基金会的创始人康原(John Kamm)说。该基金会致力于释放中国的政治犯。“这对中国与外界之间的相互理解是一个损失,”他说。王月眉(Vivian Wang)是《纽约时报》驻华记者,常驻北京,撰写关于中国的崛起及野心如何塑造普通人日常生活的报道。欢迎在Twitter上关注她:@vwang3。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 中国指控《光明日报》资深编辑董郁玉从事间谍活动



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