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Author Topic: “墨西哥,帮帮我”:中国之后,全球化将把我们带向哪里  (Read 196 times)


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PETER S. GOODMAN2023年1月4日 Bryan Denton for The New York TimesAs American companies recalibrate the risks of relying on Chinese factories to make their goods, some are shifting business to a country far closer to home: Mexico.随着美国企业重新评估依赖中国工厂制造产品的风险,一些企业正在将业务转移到一个离本土更近的国家:墨西哥。The unfolding trend known as “near-shoring” has drawn the attention of no less than Walmart, the global retail empire with headquarters in Arkansas.这种被称为“近岸”的趋势,已经引起了总部位于阿肯色州的全球零售帝国沃尔玛的关注。Early last year, when Walmart needed $1 million of company uniforms — more than 50,000 in one order — it bought them not from its usual suppliers in China but from Preslow, a family-run apparel business in Mexico.去年年初,沃尔玛需要采购价值100万美元的公司制服——单笔订单超过5万件——但没有从中国的常规供应商那里购买,而是选择了墨西哥的家族服装企业普思洛(Preslow)。蒂萨尤卡工业园的入口,该工业园位于墨西哥城东北部约一小时车程的制造业小城蒂萨尤卡。波顿洛伦和普思洛这两家企业都在这里。It was February 2022, and the contours of global trade seemed up for alteration. The worst pandemic in a century had upended shipping. The cost of transporting products across the Pacific had skyrocketed, and ports were choked with floating traffic jams — a stark indication of the dangers of depending on a single faraway country for critical goods.那是在2022年2月,全球贸易格局似乎将要改变。百年不遇的疫情颠覆了航运业。跨太平洋产品运输成本飙升,港口被停泊的货轮堵塞——这都清楚表明,仅靠一个遥远国家提供重要货物可能带来怎样的风险。Among multinational companies, decades of faith in the economic merits of making things in China had come under withering challenge, especially as animosity intensified between Washington and Beijing.对于跨国企业而言,尤其是在华盛顿与北京的敌意加剧之际,数十年来在中国制造产品的经济效益所带来的信念受到了严峻考验。At his office in Mexico City, Isaac Presburger, director of sales at Preslow, took Walmart’s order as a sign of his country’s evolving role in the economy, and the opportunities that flow from sharing the same side of the Pacific with the United States.普思洛销售总监艾萨克·普雷斯伯格在他位于墨西哥城的办公室中表示,沃尔玛的订单可以说是墨西哥在经济中角色不断变化的标志,也象征着与美国同属太平洋一岸所带来的机遇。“Walmart had a big problem with their supply,” Mr. Presburger recounted. “They said, ‘OK, Mexico, save me.’”“沃尔玛的供应存在很大问题,”普雷斯伯格说。“他们说,‘好吧,墨西哥,帮帮我。’”Basic geography is a driver for American companies moving business to Mexico. Shipping a container full of goods to the United States from China generally requires a month — a time frame that doubled and tripled during the worst disruptions of the pandemic. Yet factories in Mexico and retailers in the United States can be bridged within two weeks.美国企业将业务转移到墨西哥是出于基本的地理因素。将一个装满货物的集装箱从中国运至美国通常需要一个月时间——在疫情干扰最严重期间,耗时增加了一两倍。但墨西哥工厂和美国零售商能在两周内实现往来。“Everybody who sources from China understands that there’s no way to get around that Pacific Ocean — there’s no technology for that,” said Raine Mahdi, founder of Zipfox, a San Diego-based company that links factories in Mexico with American companies seeking alternatives to Asia. “There’s always this push from customers: ‘Can you get it here faster?’”“所有从中国采购的企业都明白,没有办法绕过太平洋——没有技术能实现这一点,”Zipfox创始人雷恩·马赫迪表示,这家位于圣地亚哥的公司负责将墨西哥的工厂介绍给寻求亚洲替代选择的美国企业。“客户总会这样催促:‘能把货快点送过来吗?’”During the first 10 months of last year, Mexico exported $382 billion of goods to the United States, an increase of more than 20 percent over the same period in 2021, according to U.S. census data. Since 2019, American imports of Mexican goods have swelled by more than one-fourth.根据美国统计的数据,在去年头10个月,墨西哥向美国出口了价值3820亿美元的商品,比2021年同期增长了20%以上。自2019年以来,美国从墨西哥进口商品增长超过25%。In 2021, American investors put more money into Mexico — buying companies and financing projects — than into China, according to an analysis by the McKinsey Global Institute.根据麦肯锡全球研究院的一项分析,2021年,美国投资者在墨西哥——收购企业和融资项目——投入的资金超过了对中国的投入。China will almost certainly remain a central component of manufacturing for years to come, say trade experts. But the shift toward Mexico represents a marginal reapportionment of the world’s manufacturing capacity amid recognition of volatile hazards — from geopolitical realignments to the intensifying challenges of climate change.贸易专家表示,未来几年,中国几乎肯定仍将是制造业的核心一环。但由于对地缘政治调整和气候变化挑战加剧等不稳定风险的认识,向墨西哥的转移代表了全球制造业产能的边际重新分配。上个月,拉扎制服公司的商务总监拉蒙·贝塞拉(左)接待了维罗妮卡与何塞·贾斯蒂尼亚诺,他们参观了拉扎制服在瓜达拉哈拉的生产。随着美国企业重新评估依赖中国工厂的风险,一些企业正在将订单转移到墨西哥的工厂,这属于正在形成的一种被称为“近岸”的趋势,即将生产转移到离本土更近的地方。根据美国统计的数据,在去年头10个月,墨西哥向美国出口了价值3820亿美元的商品,比2021年同期增长了20%以上。“It’s not about deglobalization,” said Michael Burns, managing partner at Murray Hill Group, an investment firm focused on the supply chain. “It’s the next stage of globalization that is focused on regional networks.”“这不是去全球化,”专注于供应链的投资公司默里希尔集团(Murray Hill Group)的执行合伙人迈克尔·伯恩斯表示。“这是以区域网络为中心的全球化下一阶段。”That Mexico looms as a potential means of cushioning Americans from the pitfalls of globalization amounts to a development rich in historical irony.墨西哥被当作美国人免受全球化陷阱影响的一种潜在手段,可以说是一个充满历史讽刺意味的变化。Three decades ago, Ross Perot, the business magnate then running for president, warned of “a giant sucking sound going south” in depicting Mexico as a job-capturing threat to American livelihoods.30年前,正在竞选总统的商业巨头罗斯·佩罗将墨西哥描绘为抢走美国人饭碗的威胁,警告称“南边正发出巨大的吸食声”。“The reality is that Mexico is the solution to some of our challenges,” said Shannon K. O’Neil, a Latin America specialist at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. “Trade that is closer by from Canada or Mexico is much more likely to create and protect U.S. jobs.”“现实情况是,墨西哥可以解决我们面临的一些挑战,”位于纽约的外交关系协会的拉丁美洲问题专家香农·K·奥尼尔表示。“与加拿大或墨西哥距离更近的贸易更有可能创造和保护美国的就业机会。”Given that the United States, Mexico and Canada operate within an expansive trade zone, their supply chains are often intertwined. Each contributes parts and raw materials used in finished goods by the others. Cars assembled in Mexico, for example, draw heavily on parts produced at factories in the United States.鉴于美国、墨西哥和加拿大都在同一片广阔的贸易区内经营业务,其供应链往往是交织在一起的。三国都为彼此的成品提供零部件和原材料。例如,在墨西哥组装的汽车就大量使用了美国工厂生产的零部件。Overall, some 40 percent of the value of Mexico’s exports to the United States consists of parts and components made at American plants, according to a seminal research paper. Yet only 4 percent of imports from China are American-made.根据一篇开创性的研究论文,墨西哥对美国出口总价值的约40%包含了美国工厂生产的部件和配件。而从中国进口的产品中,只有4%是美国制造的。去年年初,沃尔玛没有从中国的常规供应商那里采购价值100万美元的公司制服,而是选择了墨西哥的家族服装企业普思洛。A Walmart spokesperson described the company’s interest in Mexico as part of a broader effort to make its supply chain less vulnerable to troubles in any one region.沃尔玛发言人表示,公司对墨西哥的兴趣是其更广泛努力的一部分,旨在使供应链没那么容易受到任何一个地区问题的影响。For now, Mexico lacks the capacity to assume China’s place as the dominant supplier of a vast range of goods.目前,墨西哥还没有能力取代中国成为各类商品的主要供应国。At Preslow’s factory some 50 miles north of Mexico City, 200 seamstresses leaned over clattering sewing machines on a recent morning, stitching garments amid the strains of Mexican folk music. Local designers sat in front of computer screens, conjuring new creations.最近的一个早晨,在墨西哥城以北约80公里的普思洛工厂,200名女裁缝俯在咔嗒作响的缝纫机前,伴随着墨西哥民乐的旋律缝制衣服。当地的设计师坐在电脑屏幕前思索新的创意。Yet the storage shelves were piled high with bolts of synthetic fabric, nearly all of it made in China.然而,仓库货架上的大堆合成纤维织物,几乎全都产自中国。“All the basic materials are still imported from China, because you don’t have the suppliers here,” Mr. Presburger said. “The fabrics I use are impossible to get in Mexico.”“所有基础材料仍然要从中国进口,因为这里没有供应商,”普雷斯伯格说。“我用的布料在墨西哥根本买不到。”贾斯蒂尼亚诺夫妇过去常常从一家进口亚洲制服的企业采购。但随着疫情在2020年加剧,以往几天就能交付的订单交付时间变成了几个月。贾斯蒂尼亚诺夫妇急忙寻找另一个供应商,他们也渴望在西半球给自己的小本生意找到供应商。“唯一的出路是墨西哥,”贾斯蒂尼亚诺说。Closer to Home离本土更近On the other side of the Mexican border, in a bedroom community north of Dallas, Jose and Veronica Justiniano were also dependent on vital goods from Asia and eager to find a vendor in the same hemisphere.在墨西哥边境的另一边,在达拉斯以北的睡房社区,何塞和维罗妮卡·贾斯蒂尼亚诺也依赖亚洲的重要商品,他们也渴望在西半球找到供应商。The couple ran a small business, Veronica’s Embroidery, out of their home. They supplied restaurants, construction companies and maid services with uniforms for their employees.这对夫妇在家中经营着一家名为“维罗妮卡刺绣”(Veronica’s Embroidery)的小企业。他们为餐馆、建筑公司和家居服务公司提供员工制服。Born and raised in El Salvador, they had left behind a horrific civil war to forge comfortable lives in the United States.他们在萨尔瓦多出生长大,逃离了可怕的内战,在美国过上了舒适的生活。Mr. Justiniano, 50, landed first in Los Angeles, where he worked as a janitor at the Beverly Hills jail, and then as a billboard installer. After moving to Dallas, he got an entry-level job at an auto parts plant, and eventually rose to supervisor, gaining expertise in machinery. Ms. Justiniano, 54, worked as a home aide to an aging couple.现年50岁的贾斯蒂尼亚诺先来到洛杉矶,在比弗利山监狱做看守,后来又成了广告牌安装工。搬到达拉斯后,他在一家汽车零部件厂得到了一份初级工作,最终升为主管,掌握了机械方面的专业知识。54岁的贾斯蒂尼亚诺夫人是一对年迈夫妇的家庭助理。In 2018, the couple bought their first embroidery machine, installing it in an upstairs bedroom. The next year, they secured their most important customer — Gloria’s Latin Cuisine, a chain of 22 fine-dining restaurants in Dallas, Houston, San Antonio and Austin.2018年,这对夫妇买了他们的第一台绣花机,置于楼上的一间卧室里。第二年,他们获得了最重要的客户——“格洛丽亚的拉丁美食”,这是一家在达拉斯、休斯顿、圣安东尼奥和奥斯汀拥有22家高级餐厅的连锁品牌。The Justinianos bought uniforms from a company that imported them from Asia. Then they used their machines to embroider the logos.贾斯蒂尼亚诺夫妇向一家从亚洲进口制服的公司购买了制服。然后用他们的机器绣上标志。贾斯蒂尼亚诺夫妇与拉扎制服的合作从小规模开始,只有几十件厨师服的订单。不久之后,他们就在单笔订单中采购了1000件亚麻衬衫。拉扎制服在瓜达拉哈拉的生产分布在安静的居住区各处。贾斯蒂尼亚诺夫妇最终将很大一部分业务都委托给了拉扎制服。Their distributor maintained huge stocks of inventory at warehouses in Texas, typically delivering within a day. But as the pandemic intensified in 2020, days turned into months. The Justinianos were late in their own deliveries, a mortifying threat to their business.他们的分销商在得克萨斯州的仓库中备有大量存货,通常在一天内交货。但随着大流行在2020年加剧,几天的交货期变成了几个月。贾斯蒂尼亚诺夫妇的交货时间也迟了,这对他们的生意是个极大的威胁。Mr. Justiniano hurriedly sought another supplier.贾斯蒂尼亚诺急忙寻找其他供应商。“The only way was Mexico,” he said.“唯一的出路是墨西哥,”他说。They eventually entrusted much of their business to Lazzar Uniforms, a family-run company in Guadalajara, a booming city about 350 miles northwest of Mexico’s capital. Lazzar’s commercial director, Ramon Becerra, 39, was eager to gain a crack at the enormous market to the north.他们最终将大部分业务委托给拉扎制服公司,这是一个家族企业,位于墨西哥首都西北约560公里的繁荣城市瓜达拉哈拉。拉扎公司的商业总监、39岁的拉蒙·贝塞拉非常想进入北方的巨大市场。“We know the U.S. is the future for us,” Mr. Becerrra said.“我们知道美国是我们的未来,”贝塞拉说。The Justinianos’ American distributor operated in bulk, selling only what it had in stock and providing no custom work. Lazzar, on the other hand, beckoned as a design shop and apparel factory in one.贾斯蒂尼亚诺夫妇的美国经销商经营批发,只销售库存商品,不提供定制服务。而拉扎集设计店和服装厂于一身。Mr. Becerra’s team conferred on the particulars of what the Justinianos desired: a light fabric that vented away moisture, providing relief from the heat of the kitchen. The two companies were able to communicate easily by phone and video without having to navigate a time difference.贝塞拉的团队讨论了贾斯蒂尼亚诺夫妇想要的细节:一种透气的轻便面料以缓解厨房的高温。两家公司通过电话和视频轻松沟通,而无需顾及时差。They started small, with a few dozen chef’s jackets. By September 2021, Veronica’s Embroidery was purchasing 1,000 linen shirts in a single order, at prices close to what its previous distributor charged for imports from Asia.他们从只有几十件厨师服的少量订单做起。到2021年9月,“维罗妮卡刺绣”已经在为一个订单采购1000件亚麻衬衫,价格接近其前分销商从亚洲进口的价格。On a recent morning, Mr. Becerra hosted Mr. Justiniano at his factory in Guadalajara. The two men discussed a potential new partnership in which Lazzar would set up a warehouse in Texas, with Mr. Justiniano handling American distribution.最近的一个早晨,贝塞拉在他位于瓜达拉哈拉的工厂接待了贾斯蒂尼亚诺。两人讨论了一项潜在的新合作伙伴关系,其中拉扎将在得克萨斯州建一个仓库,而贾斯蒂尼亚诺将负责美国的分销。“This year has been a wake up call for the U.S.,” Mr. Justiniano said. “We have to reconsider where we get our stuff made.”“这一年给美国敲响了警钟,”贾斯蒂尼亚诺说。“我们必须重新考虑我们产品的生产地。”随着全球零售巨头沃尔玛寻求减少在中国的业务,经营了四代人的服装企业普思洛已经在越来越多地向沃尔玛销售夹克。将业务转移到墨西哥是出于基本的地理因素。将一个装满货物的集装箱从中国运至美国通常需要一个月时间——在疫情干扰最严重期间,耗时增加了一两倍。墨西哥工厂和美国零售商能在两周内实现往来。A Troubled Legacy麻烦的遗产The biggest impediment to Mexico’s reaching its potential as an alternative to China may be Mexico itself.墨西哥发挥其潜力以替代中国的最大障碍可能是墨西哥本身。Its president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has neglected the nation’s infrastructure, including its ports.其总统安德烈斯·曼努埃尔·洛佩斯·奥夫拉多尔忽视了国家的基础设施,包括港口。Even Mr. Presburger, an enthusiastic promoter of his country’s industrial virtues, concedes that Mexico will struggle to amass the scope of China’s manufacturing capacity.即使是墨西哥工业精神的热情推动者普雷斯伯格也承认,墨西哥将难以积累中国的制造业产能。He recalled his first trip to China to look for fabric more than a decade ago. The scope of production left him astonished, with monumental spinning mills alongside specialized dying operations.他回忆起十多年前他第一次来中国寻找面料的经历。那里有巨大的纺纱厂,配备专业化的染色业务,生产规模让他大吃一惊。“The sheer size of the factories there is crazy,” he said. “I don’t think there’s a way back from that. It’s not going to be easy.”“那里工厂的规模大到不可思议,”他说。“我觉得不太可能走回头路。这并不容易。”Inside his factory, he displayed a popular item, a black bomber jacket adorned with an elaborate and colorful pattern. The zipper was made in Mexico, and so was a skull-shaped ornament that pulled it. But the rest of the components — the fabric, the thread, the liner — were all made across the Pacific.在他的工厂里,他展示了一件很受欢迎的产品,一款黑色飞行员夹克,上面装饰着精美的彩色图案。拉链是在墨西哥制造的,拉链上的骷髅头坠饰也是在墨西哥制造的。但其余的部件——面料、纱线、衬里——都来自太平洋彼岸。Still, a shift is palpable.尽管如此,转变还是显而易见的。Near Preslow’s plant, an enormous factory makes as many as six million buttons per day, employing some 1,500 people. The company, Botones Loren, has seen its sales grow by nearly two-thirds over the past year. Its customers — international brands like Armani and Men’s Warehouse — are shifting orders from China, said the company’s chief executive, Sony Chalouah.在普斯洛的工厂附近,有一家巨大的工厂每天生产多达600万颗纽扣,雇佣了大约1500名员工。这家名为罗兰纽扣的公司的销售额在过去一年中增长了近三分之二。该公司首席执行官索尼·查鲁亚表示,其客户——阿玛尼和Men’s Wearhouse等国际品牌——正在将订单从中国转移出来。“They think that the U.S. will continue to be fighting with China,” he said. “They want to not depend on China.”“他们认为美国将继续与中国对抗,”他说。“他们不想依赖中国。”在普斯洛的工厂附近,有一家巨大的工厂每天生产多达600万颗纽扣,雇佣了大约1500名员工。这家名为罗兰纽扣的公司的销售额在过去一年中增长了近三分之二。罗兰纽扣公司首席执行官索尼·查鲁亚表示,其客户——阿玛尼和Men’s Wearhouse等国际品牌——正在将订单从中国转移出来。墨西哥企业正在依赖于美国和中国之间的持续纷争。The Geopolitical Realignment地缘政治重新定位Some within the apparel industry anticipate that Mexico’s appeal will fade as normalcy returns to the global supply chain.服装行业的一些人预计,随着全球供应链恢复常态,墨西哥的吸引力将会减弱。Shipping prices have sharply declined over the past year. China has begun loosening Covid restrictions. Chinese apparel makers are aggressively courting business by offering steep discounts, according to Bernardo Samper, a longtime New York sourcing agent.过去一年,航运价格急剧下降。中国已开始放宽对新冠的限制。长期在纽约从事采购的代理人贝尔纳多·桑珀表示,中国服装制造商正在通过提供大幅折扣来积极招揽生意。“At the end of the day, everything is driven by pricing,” he said.“归根结底,一切都是由定价驱动的,”他说。Yet within Mexico, businesses are counting on continuing acrimony between the United States and China.然而在墨西哥,企业正在依赖于美国和中国之间的持续纷争。The Trump administration imposed steep tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars of Chinese imports. President Biden has continued that policy, while adding measures that seek to deny China access to technology.特朗普政府对数千亿美元的中国进口商品征收高额关税。拜登总统延续了这一政策,同时增加了试图阻止中国获得技术的措施。Washington has accused the Chinese government of genocide in its brutal repression of the minority Uyghur community in the western Xinjiang region — a major source of cotton. Any company buying clothing made in China risks accusations of exploiting Uyghur forced labor.华盛顿指责中国政府对西部新疆地区的维吾尔族少数民族群体的残酷镇压是种族灭绝,而新疆是棉花的主要产地。任何购买中国制造服装的公司都面临剥削被强迫劳动的维吾尔人的指控。Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its deepening ties with China have amplified the sense that the world is dividing into distinct camps of allies and enemies.俄罗斯对乌克兰的入侵以及与中国关系的加深加剧了世界正在分裂为敌友阵营的感觉。Companies need reliable supply chains.公司需要可靠的供应链。Lectra, a French company that makes machines that cut fabric into pieces for the apparel industry, has seen its sales in Mexico and Central America grow by nearly a third over the past year.力克(Lectra)是一家法国公司,为服装行业制造裁剪布料的机器,在过去一年中,其在墨西哥和中美洲的销售额增长了近三分之一。“What is driving this near-shoring is basically the situation between the U.S. and China,” said the company’s commercial director for the region, Carlos Sarmiento.该公司该地区的商务总监卡洛斯·萨米恩托表示:“这种近岸外包的趋势基本上是由美国和中国的局势推动的。”“It’s not that China is going to disappear from the American market,” he added. “It’s that there is more openness to look at Mexico and Central America as an alternative rather than depend entirely on China.”“并不是说中国将从美国市场上消失,”他还说。“人们现在更乐于考虑将墨西哥和中美洲视为替代方案,而不是完全依赖中国。”Peter S. Goodman是时报全球经济记者,常驻纽约。他曾是驻伦敦的欧洲经济记者,也曾在08年经济危机期间报道美国国家经济。他还曾任《华盛顿邮报》上海分社社长。欢迎在Twitter上关注他:@petersgoodman。翻译:Harry Wong、明斋点击查看本文英文版。

Source: “墨西哥,帮帮我”:中国之后,全球化将把我们带向哪里



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