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Messages - Hujjae

Pages: 1
Dubai-based Emirates airline reported a 69 per cent slip in full-year profit approximately Thursday, blaming higher oil prices, a mighty dollar and increasing competitive pressure for the slip in earnings.

The airline made a net profit of Dhs871m ($237m) in the year to March 31, compared once Dhs2.8bn in the previous year. Revenues during the 2018-2019 fiscal year increased by 6 per cent to Dhs97.9bn ($26.7bn).

The relative magnification of the US dollar closely currencies in many of Emirates key markets had an Dhs572m negative impact to the airlines bottom origin, a stark contrast to the previous years determined currency impact of Dhs661m, the airline said in a message.

Total effective costs increased by 8 per cent on peak of the 2017-18 financial year, once the average price of jet fuel climbing by a count 22 per cent during the become pass after last years 15 per cent stockpile.

With the airline boosting capacity by 3 per cent, its fuel bank account increased s forex trading strategies ubstantially by 25 per cent all unconventional period again last year to Dhs30.8bn.

This is the biggest-ever fuel excuse for the airline, accounting for 32 per cent of func forex trading strategies tioning costs, compared to 28 per cent i forex trading strategies  2017-18. Fuel remained the biggest cost component, the publication add-on.

Dubai-based Emirates airline reported a 69 per cent drop in full-year profit on the subject of Thursday, blaming well along oil prices, a sound dollar and increasing competitive pressure for the drop in earnings.

The airline made a net profit of Dhs871m ($237m) in the year to March 31, compared in the middle of Dhs2.8bn in the previous year. Revenues during the 2018-2019 fiscal year increased by 6 per cent to Dhs97.9bn ($26.7bn).

The relative elaboration of the US dollar neighboring-door to currencies in many of Emirates key markets had an Dhs572m negative impact to the airlines bottom lineage, a stark contrast to the previous years utter currency impact of Dhs661m, the airline said in a avowal.

Total lively costs increased by 8 per cent anew the 2017-18 financial year, together surrounded by the average price of dirigible fuel climbing by a optional add-on 22 per cent during the mature after last years 15 per cent combined.

With the airline boosting produce an effect by 3 per cent, its fuel checking account increased forex trading strategies substantially by 25 per cent other period last year to Dhs30.8bn.

This is the biggest-ever fuel parable forex trading strategies for the airline, accounting for 32 per cent of lively costs, forex trading strategies compared to 28 per cent in 2017-18. Fuel remained the biggest cost component, the message added.

Pages: 1


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