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Title: 美日进一步加强同军事及经济合作,与中国抗衡
Post by: SuHaiJack on April 15, 2024, 12:18:09 PM

PETER BAKER, MICHAEL D. SHEAR2024年4月11日岸田文雄首相的国事访问以南草坪的欢迎仪式开始,拜登总统称赞两国关系是“和平、安全和繁荣的基石”。 Haiyun Jiang for The New York TimesPresident Biden and Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan announced a range of moves on Wednesday to further enhance military, economic and other cooperation between the two longtime allies as part of the president’s efforts to counter China’s aggressive actions in the Indo-Pacific region.周三,拜登总统和日本首相岸田文雄宣布了一系列举措,进一步加强两个长期盟友之间在军事、经济和其他方面的合作,这是拜登总统反击中国在印太地区强硬行动所做努力的一部分。During a pomp-filled ceremony honoring the visiting Japanese prime minister, the president said the United States and Japan would create an expanded defense architecture with Australia, participate in three-way military exercises with Britain and explore ways for Japan to join a U.S.-led coalition with Australia and Britain.在为到访日本首相举行的盛大仪式上,拜登总统说,美国和日本将与澳大利亚建立一个扩大的防务架构,参加与英国的三方军事演习,并探讨日本如何加入美国领导的与澳大利亚和英国的联盟。Mr. Biden also announced that the United States would take a Japanese astronaut to the moon as part of NASA’s Artemis program, which would be the first time a non-American has set foot on the moon.拜登还宣布,作为NASA阿尔忒弥斯计划的一部分,美国将把一名日本宇航员送上月球,将是非美国人首次踏上月球。“This is the most significant upgrade of our alliance since it was first established,” Mr. Biden said at a news conference in the White House Rose Garden along with the prime minister.“这是自我们的联盟建立以来最重大的升级,”拜登在白宫玫瑰园与日本首相一起举行的新闻发布会上说。Mr. Kishida made a point of reaffirming Japan’s “strong support for Ukraine” in its war against Russia, a key priority for Mr. Biden, and framed the European conflict in terms of the precedent it could set in Japan’s neighborhood. “Ukraine today may be East Asia tomorrow,” Mr. Kishida said.岸田文雄强调,日本在乌克兰对俄罗斯的战争中“大力支持乌克兰”——这也是拜登的一个重要优先事项,并称这场欧洲冲突对日本所在地区来说可以是一种前车之鉴。“乌克兰的今天可能就是东亚的明天,”他说。周三,美国总统拜登和日本首相岸田文雄在白宫重申了两国几十年来的纽带关系。Mr. Biden’s statements on Wednesday fit into a long history of American presidents declaring that the U.S.-Japan relationship was the most important bilateral alliance in the world.长期以来,美国历任总统一直宣称美日关系是世界上最重要双边联盟,拜登的声明延续了这一说法。In preparation for the state visit, Mr. Biden’s aides described the closer military link as one of the biggest upgrades of the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty, which dates back to early 1960, an Eisenhower-era innovation to turn a former World War II enemy into what later presidents called America’s “biggest aircraft carrier in the Pacific.”在为这次国事访问做准备时,拜登的助手称,这种更紧密的军事联系是对《美日安保条约》最大的一次升级。这项始自上世纪60年初的条约是艾森豪威尔时代的一项创新,目的是把一个“二战”时期的敌人变成日后总统们所称的美国“太平洋上最大的航空母舰”。There has always been a bit of hyperbole to the statement. But as the perceived threat from China has grown, Japan has been the linchpin of broader U.S. efforts to unify its separate allies in the region — especially South Korea and the Philippines — into a coordinated force.这种说法始终有些夸张的成分。但随着中国的威胁不断增强,美国正努力将该地区各自为战的盟友——尤其是韩国和菲律宾——联合起来,形成一个协同的力量,日本是其中的关键。The prime minister’s visit comes at the same time Mr. Biden is strengthening the American partnership with the Philippines, which also finds itself the target of a mounting Chinese military presence in the South China Sea. On Thursday, Mr. Biden and Mr. Kishida will meet with President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. of the Philippines to demonstrate their joint commitment.与此同时,拜登正在加强美国与菲律宾的伙伴关系,菲律宾也发现,自己成为中国在南海日益增加的军事存在的目标。周四,拜登和岸田文雄将会见菲律宾总统小费迪南德·马科斯,以表明共同承诺。The day began with a welcoming ceremony on the South Lawn, where Mr. Biden hailed the relationship between the United States and Japan as a “cornerstone of peace, security, prosperity” and said that President Eisenhower’s promise of an “indestructible partnership” had been achieved.当天在白宫南草坪举行的欢迎仪式上,拜登称赞美日关系是“和平、安全、繁荣的基石”,并表示艾森豪威尔总统关于“坚不可摧的伙伴关系”的承诺已经实现。“Just a few generations ago, our two nations were locked in a devastating conflict,” Mr. Biden said after he and Mr. Kishida watched a procession of U.S. military honor guards upon the prime minister’s arrival at the White House. “It would have been easy to say we remain adversaries. Instead, we made a far better choice: We became the closest of friends.”“就在几代人之前,我们两国还陷入了一场毁灭性的冲突,”拜登在首相抵达白宫时和岸田文雄一起检阅美军仪仗队后说道。“我们完全可以说我们仍然是敌人的。相反,我们做了更好的选择:我们成为了最亲密的朋友。”预计拜登和岸田文雄将概述两国军事力量增强合作与集成的计划。The Biden administration is signaling the importance of its relationship with Tokyo by holding an official state dinner on Wednesday evening in honor of Mr. Kishida, something reserved for America’s closest allies.拜登政府周三晚间为岸田文雄举行了为美国最亲密盟友准备的正式国宴,以示对两国关系的重视。The visit comes amid hand-wringing in Washington and Tokyo over the possibility of a return to power by former President Donald J. Trump, whose unpredictable foreign policy kept many world leaders on edge. One goal for Mr. Biden, officials said, is to create as much permanence in the Japanese relationship as possible before the election in November.岸田此行正值美日两国都处于惶惶不安的情绪中,原因是前总统特朗普有可能会重返白宫,他的外交政策令人难以捉摸,让世界各国领导人都时刻保持着警惕。官员们说,拜登的一个目标是赶在11月的大选前给美日关系注入尽可能多的持久性。One administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss the upcoming meeting, said there was “anxiety in capitals” around the world, including in Tokyo, about whether Mr. Trump would continue the international engagement that Mr. Biden and prior presidents have embraced. Another official said there was a real risk that Mr. Trump, if re-elected, could move to undo what the leaders of the two countries announced on Wednesday.一名以匿名为条件接受采访的政府官员谈及即将到来的会晤,称世界各国的“首都都很焦虑”,包括东京,大家不知道特朗普会不会像拜登以及过去的总统那样维持国际往来。还有一位官员说,如果再次当选,一个真实存在的风险是特朗普会着手取消两国领导人在周三宣布的决定。1月,美国和日本在菲律宾海举行联合军事演习。Mr. Biden and Mr. Kishida outlined greater coordination and integration between the military forces of both countries, including the formation of a joint defense council that could support more defense-related exports of equipment produced in Japan. And officials agreed on new cooperation on ventures in space and collaboration between research institutions working on artificial intelligence, semiconductors and clean energy.拜登和岸田概述了两国展开更广泛军事合作与集成的计划,包括组建一个联合防务委员会,以支持更多日本产设备的防务相关出口。双方官员同意就太空探索展开新的合作,此外在人工智能、半导体和清洁能源领域的研究机构也会建立协作关系。“The American alliance system has helped bring peace and stability to the Indo-Pacific for decades, and now we need to update and upgrade that alliance network for the modern age,” said Jake Sullivan, the White House national security adviser. “It goes way beyond security. It’s economics. It’s technology. It’s infrastructure development. And it’s diplomacy. And that’s all going to be on display in the meeting with the prime minister.”“美国的联盟体系给印太地区带来了数十年的和平与稳定,如今我们需要对这个联盟网络进行更新和升级,以适应现代的需求,”白宫国家安全顾问杰克·沙利文说。“这远不只是安全问题。关系到经济。关系到科技。关系到基础设施开发。关系到外交。这些都会体现在与首相的会晤中。”The meeting on Thursday between Mr. Biden, Mr. Kishida and Mr. Marcos represents a more aggressive effort by the United States and its allies to isolate China — rather than allowing the Chinese leadership to intimidate and isolate its neighbors in the South China Sea and elsewhere.拜登、岸田与马科斯在周四的会议,代表着美国及其盟友选择用一种更激进的行动来孤立中国——而不是任凭中国领导人在南海以及其它地方恐吓与孤立其邻国。The Thursday meeting will be the first time that the leaders of the three nations have met together, officials said.官员们表示,周四的会议将是三国领导人首次聚首。“We’re continuing to deepen our cooperation with our closest partners to ensure what we’ve talked about many times from this podium and elsewhere: a free, open and prosperous Indo Pacific,” Mr. Sullivan told reporters during a briefing at the White House on Tuesday.“我们在继续加深与最亲密合作伙伴的合作,以确保实现我们在这个讲台以及其它地方反复提到过的目标:一个自由、开放、繁荣的印太地区,”沙利文在周二的一场白宫简报会上说。“就在几代人之前,我们两国还陷入了一场毁灭性的冲突,”拜登在和岸田文雄检阅了美国仪仗队后说。Mr. Sullivan declined to say whether Mr. Biden would raise with Mr. Kishida the issue of plans by Nippon Steel, a Japanese corporation, to acquire U.S. Steel, the struggling manufacturer based in Pittsburgh. Mr. Biden has publicly said that he will have “the backs” of union steel workers, indicating his opposition to the deal.沙利文拒绝透露拜登是否会向岸田提及日本制铁的计划,这家日本企业希望收购处于困境中的匹兹堡企业美国钢铁公司。拜登已经公开表示“支持”工会的钢铁工人,这表明他会反对这项交易。“You guys all know Joe Biden,” he said. “You’ve seen Joe Biden. He’s been very clear that he’s going to stand up for American workers. He’s going to defend your interests. He’s also been very clear that he is going to make sure that the U.S.-Japan alliance is the strongest it’s ever been.”“你们都了解乔·拜登,”他说。“你们都见过乔·拜登。他一直都很明确,他会为美国工人撑腰。他会捍卫你们的利益。同时他也很明确表示,他会确保美日联盟比以往任何时候都坚固。”But administration officials said later on Tuesday that they did not think the subject would come up between the two leaders on Wednesday because both men already know the position of the other.然而政府官员在周二晚些时候表示,他们认为两位领导人在周三的会面中不会谈这个问题,因为两人都已经知道对方的立场是什么。Mr. Biden greeted Mr. Kishida on Tuesday evening for a brief arrival at the White House. Later, the two leaders and their wives went to BlackSalt, an upscale seafood restaurant in Washington, for a more casual dinner ahead of the formal events on Wednesday.周二晚上,拜登在白宫举行了一个简短的仪式迎接岸田。此后两位领导人携妻子前往华盛顿的一家高档海鲜餐厅BlackSalt,赶在周三的正式活动之前共进了一顿较为随意的晚餐。White House officials said the couples had exchanged a series of gifts on Tuesday evening, a diplomatic tradition for such events. The official gift from Mr. Biden and Jill Biden, the first lady, was a three-legged table that was handmade by a Japanese American-owned company in Pennsylvania.白宫官员说两对夫妇在周二晚交换了一系列礼物,这是此类活动的外交惯例。拜登和第一夫人吉尔·拜登送出的官方礼物是一张三脚桌,是宾夕法尼亚州一家由日裔美国人拥有的公司手工制作的出品。Other gifts included a lithograph and a two-volume LP set autographed by Billy Joel and a vintage vinyl record collection. Dr. Biden gave Ms. Kishida a framed painting of the Yoshino cherry tree that the two had planted on the South Lawn last spring, and a soccer ball signed by the U.S. women’s national soccer team and the Japanese women’s team.其它的礼物包括一幅版画、有比利·乔签名的一套双张黑胶唱片,以及一套黑胶老唱片收藏。拜登博士送给岸田夫人一幅经过装裱的画,画中是两人去年春天在白宫南草坪种下的一棵吉野樱树,以及一只有美国和日本女子足球国家队签名的足球。At the state dinner, the White House was scheduled to serve a meal that would include house-cured salmon and dry-aged rib-eye steak with blistered shishito pepper butter.在国宴上,白宫计划的菜品包括自家熏制的三文鱼和干式熟成的眼肉牛排,佐以烤狮子唐辣椒调制的黄油。David E. Sanger对本文有报道贡献。Peter Baker是时报首席白宫记者。他报道了最近的五位美国总统的新闻,有时也撰写将总统和美国政府置于更宏观的背景和历史框架下的分析性文章。点击查看更多关于他的信息。Michael D. Shear是《纽约时报》的白宫记者,报道拜登总统和他的政府。他从事政治报道已有30多年。点击查看更多关于他的信息。翻译:纽约时报中文网

Source: 美日进一步加强同军事及经济合作,与中国抗衡 (