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Posted by: SuHaiJack
« on: February 11, 2019, 06:02:03 PM »


《纽约时报》2019-02-11 14:42:00黄向墨去年于澳大利亚悉尼。他否认了他给澳大利亚政客的捐款与北京有关的说法。
SYDNEY, Australia — Australia has canceled the residency of a wealthy political donor tied to the Chinese government, officials confirmed Wednesday, denying his citizenship application and stranding him overseas in a widening conflict with Beijing over its efforts to influence Australian politics.澳大利亚取消中国富商黄向墨的永久居住权,并驳回其入籍申请。随着北京试图扩大在澳大利亚的影响力,中澳之间的冲突日益扩大。The donor, Huang Xiangmo, is a successful developer who has lived in Sydney since 2011 and who has donated millions of dollars across the Australian political spectrum in recent years. He has done so while leading organizations tied to the United Front Work Department, an arm of the Chinese Communist Party that promotes Chinese foreign policy abroad and works with various groups inside China.黄向墨自2011年起就生活在悉尼,近年来向澳大利亚政坛捐赠了数百万美元。但同时,他领导的组织与中共统战部有联系,后者是中共的一个重要组织机构,负责在海外推广中国外交政策,并在国内与各类团体合作。Mr. Huang’s office did not respond to requests for comment, and his whereabouts were unknown.黄的办公室没有回应置评请求,他本人也下落不明。He has previously rejected claims that his political donations were linked to Beijing. But experts said that keeping him out of Australia reflected deepening global skepticism about China — and a tougher stance toward its alleged proxies.黄向墨此前否认自己的政治捐款与北京有关。但专家表示,他的遭遇反映出全球对中国的疑虑日益加深,对其所谓的代理人也正采取更强硬的立场。“It’s a very punitive measure,” said Euan Graham, executive director of La Trobe Asia, a regional research and engagement arm of La Trobe University in Melbourne. “It’s a signal of the pushback against foreign interference — the government remains committed to that despite whatever softer line there may have been in the official diplomatic relationship.”一些专家提醒说,目前尚不清楚黄为何被拒绝入籍。率先报道这一事件的《悉尼先驱晨报》(The Sydney Morning Herald)称,取消黄的永久居住权是因为一系列原因,包括个人声誉。Some experts cautioned that it was still not clear exactly why Mr. Huang was turned down for citizenship; his permanent residency was canceled for a range of reasons, including character grounds, according to The Sydney Morning Herald, which first reported the citizenship rejection.显而易见的是,2012年创立了玉湖集团的亿万富翁、房地产开发商黄向墨已经成为了关注和讨论中国在澳政治影响中最明显的目标。What is clear is that Mr. Huang, a billionaire property developer who founded Yuhu Group Australia in 2012, has become the most visible target of concern and debate about Chinese influence in Australian politics.黄向墨的政治捐款总额至少有270万澳元,流向澳大利亚两大党。虽然捐款完全合法(澳大利亚没有禁止外国捐款),但他的企图越来越遭受怀疑。记录显示,在2014年至2016年期间,他捐出了十几笔大额捐款,其中包括向维多利亚自由党(Liberal Party of Victoria)捐赠的5万美元,以及向反对党工党捐助的5万5000美元,用于与该党领导人比尔·肖恩(Bill Shorten)共进午餐。
His political gifts totaling at least 2.7 million Australian dollars, or about $1.95 million, have gone to both major parties. And while the contributions were perfectly legal (Australia lacks a ban on foreign donations), his efforts have been increasingly viewed with suspicion.黄向墨也处于一场涉及工党年轻参议员邓森(Sam Dastyari)的政治丑闻的中心,2017年邓森在一场引发争议的新闻发布会后辞职,当时他捍卫中国在南中国海的军事行动,这种态度与他所属党派的立场相矛盾。Records shows that between 2014 and 2016, Mr. Huang made more than a dozen large donations, including $50,000 to the Liberal Party of Victoria and $55,000 paid to the opposition Labor Party for a seat at a boardroom lunch with the party’s leader, Bill Shorten.邓森曾被邀请参加黄向墨举办的活动,并站在后者身边发表讲话。He was also at the center of a political scandal involving a Newbie trader Labor Party senator, Sam Dastyari, an aggressive fund-raiser who resigned in 2017 after he made comments at a  news conference defending China’s aggressive military posture in the South China Sea — comments that contradicted his own party’s opposition to China’s actions there.黄向墨还资助了一个智库——澳中关系研究所(Australia-China Relations Institute),该研究所由鲍勃·卡尔(Bob Carr)负责运营,他在2012年至2013年担任澳大利亚外交部长,是一名亲中国人士。He was invited to the event by Mr. Huang, who stood by him as he spoke.记录显示,黄向墨与北京附属组织的关系密切。他领导了几个与中国领事馆密切合作的组织,其中包括澳洲中国和平统一促进会(Australian Council for the Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China),专家称这是一个旨在影响海外外交政策和华人华侨的统一战线组织。Mr. Huang also financed a think tank, the Australia-China Relations Institute, that was run by Bob Carr, a reliably pro-China voice who was Australia’s foreign minister from 2012 to 2013.“澳大利亚已经意识到威权主义国家构成的威胁及其影响、破坏我们民主制度的企图,”自由党议员安德鲁·哈斯蒂(Andrew Hastie)说,他是议会情报和安全联合委员会主席(Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security)。“我们正在转向保护我们的主权,”他说。And Mr. Huang’s ties to organizations affiliated with Beijing are well documented. He has led several organizations that work closely with the Chinese Consulate, including the Australian Council for the Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China, which experts describe as a United Front group aiming to influence foreign policy abroad and the ethnic Chinese diaspora.黄向墨有权对澳大利亚内务事务部(Home Affairs Department)的决定提出上诉,关于其家人是否能留在澳大利亚以及其资产相关问题的挑战也将随之而来。他的公司在澳大利亚拥有并管理着价值数千万美元的几处房产。“Australia has woken up to the threat posed by authoritarian states and their attempts to influence and undermine our democratic institutions,” said Andrew Hastie, a Liberal Party lawmaker who is chairman of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security. “We are pivoting to protect our sovereignty,” he said.黄向墨事件发生在澳中关系不确定之际。上个月,中国当局拘捕了知名作家、有澳大利亚公民身份的前中国官员杨恒均。他被指控“危害国家安全”,使之成为自去年12月以来因该指控被拘捕的第三位外国人。3月1日,澳大利亚新出台的反间谍活动和外国干涉法也将生效。本文根据《纽约时报》英文报道编译。

Source: 澳大利亚取消中国富商黄向墨永久居住权


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