Posted by: SuHaiJack
« on: February 12, 2025, 06:14:00 AM »特朗普新关税行动:征收钢铝关税、推出对等关税
ANA SWANSON2025年2月10日天津港。 The New York TimesLatest: President Trump on Sunday said that he would impose a 25 percent tariff on all foreign steel and aluminum imports into the United States starting Monday and would take other action to even out tariff rates with the rest of the world later this week. The president said his metal tariffs would apply to “everybody,” including Canada and Mexico, America’s allies and its largest trading partners.最新消息:特朗普周日表示,他将从周一开始对所有进口到美国的外国钢铁和铝征收25%的关税,并将在本周晚些时候采取其他措施,使关税水平与其他国家对美国产品的征税保持对等。总统表示,金属关税将适用于“所有人”,包括加拿大和墨西哥——美国的盟友和最大的贸易伙伴。President Trump indicated he was ready to broaden his trade war on Friday, saying that he would announce reciprocal tariffs on other countries next week.特朗普总统上周五表示,他已准备好扩大贸易战,下周将宣布对其他国家征收对等关税。Such a measure would raise the levies the United States charges on imports to match what other countries charge on American products, a move that could trigger new trade fights.这一措施将提高美国对进口商品的征税,使之与其他国家对美国产品的征税相匹配,这可能引发新的贸易争端。Speaking to reporters before a meeting with Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba of Japan at the White House, Mr. Trump said that the tariffs would restore fairness to trading relationships and eliminate U.S. trade deficits.特朗普在白宫与日本首相石破茂会晤前对记者表示,关税将恢复贸易关系的公平性,并消除美国的贸易赤字。Making trade more reciprocal, Mr. Trump said, would ensure “that we’re treated evenly with other countries; we don’t want any more, any less,” he added.他说,让贸易更加对等将确保“我们和其他国家受到平等的对待;我们不想要更多,也不想要更少”。It’s the latest indication that Mr. Trump is willing to use tariffs broadly and unsparingly. He has already imposed an additional 10 percent tariff on all products from China, in addition to the levies on hundreds of billions of dollars of goods in his first term.这是特朗普愿意广泛而毫不留情地使用关税手段的最新迹象。除了在第一任期内对数千亿美元的商品征收关税外,他已经对来自中国的所有商品加征10%的关税。Over the past week, the president came within hours of imposing sweeping tariffs on Canada and Mexico, America’s largest trading partners, saying those countries were sending drugs and migrants to the United States. He ultimately paused those measures for 30 days after the countries offered him some concessions.过去一周里,他差一点就要对美国最大的贸易伙伴加拿大和墨西哥征收全面关税,称这两个国家向美国输送毒品和移民。在对方做出一些让步后,他决定将这些措施暂停30天。Mr. Trump did not say which countries he would target with reciprocal tariffs. He said that tariffs on Japan were an option if the U.S. trade deficit with that country didn’t fall to zero. But he also claimed that the roughly $68 billion trade deficit could be eliminated by Japan purchasing more oil and gas.特朗普没有说明他将对哪些国家征收对等关税。他表示,如果美国对日本的贸易逆差没有降到零,对日本征收关税就是一个选项。但他也声称,只要日本购买更多的石油和天然气,就可以抵消大约680亿美元的贸易逆差。Earlier this week, Mr. Trump indicated he had the European Union in his sights, saying that the bloc would “definitely” face tariffs and “pretty soon.” Mr. Trump has often criticized the European Union for charging a higher tariff on American cars that the U.S. does for European ones, as well as for running a trade surplus with the United States.上周早些时候,特朗普表示他已将欧盟作为目标,称欧盟“肯定”会面临关税,而且是“很快”。特朗普经常批评欧盟对美国汽车征收的关税高于美国对欧洲汽车征收的关税,以及欧盟对美国的贸易顺差。Mr. Trump floated proposals in both his first term and his 2024 campaign of making trade more reciprocal by matching the tariff rates that other countries impose on American products.特朗普在其第一任期和2024年的竞选活动中都提出了让贸易更加对等的建议,即通过与其他国家对美国产品征收的关税税率相匹配的方式来实现。He has also said in recent days that he planned to impose tariffs on a variety of critical industries, like copper, steel, aluminum, pharmaceuticals and semiconductors. On Friday, he also said that tariffs on foreign cars are “always on the table.”他最近几天还表示,计划对铜、钢、铝、药品和半导体等多个关键行业征收关税。上周五,他还表示,对外国汽车征收关税“始终是一个选择”。At a subsequent news conference Friday with Mr. Ishiba, Mr. Trump said that he prefers a reciprocal tariff to a “flat” tariff, which would be a blanket levy on all imports from around the world.在周五与石破茂随后举行的新闻发布会上,特朗普表示,他更倾向于对等关税,而不是“统一”关税,后者是对来自全球的所有进口商品征收同样的关税。“I think that’s the only fair way to do it,” Mr. Trump said.“我认为这是唯一公平的做法,”特朗普说。Asked if Japan would retaliate if the United States imposed tariffs on its exports, Mr. Ishiba demurred. “I am unable to respond to a theoretical question,” he said.当被问及如果美国对日本出口产品征收关税,日本是否会采取报复行动时,石破茂回绝了这个问题。他说:“我无法回答一个假设性的问题。”Also on Friday, the president signed an executive order that would temporarily walk back part of his measure against China, by allowing low-cost products from the country to once again come into the United States tariff free.在周五同一天,特朗普签署了一项行政命令,暂时收回了他对中国采取的部分措施,允许来自中国的低价产品再次免关税进入美国。The order reverses, at least for now, a decision that Mr. Trump made last Saturday, when he signed an order eliminating so-called de minimis treatment for goods from China. The de minimis provision had allowed products under $800 to come into the United States without being subject to tariffs and with less information given to customs. Trump officials had said the administration was ending the exemption on goods from China because it was providing a conduit for fentanyl and the materials to make it to flow into the United States.特朗普于2月1号签署了一项命令,取消了对来自中国商品的所谓“最低限度豁免”规定。该规定允许低于800美元的产品进入美国而无需缴纳关税,并且只需向海关提供较少信息。特朗普的官员曾表示,政府将终止对中国商品的豁免,因为中国为芬太尼和制造芬太尼的材料流入美国提供了渠道。The brief elimination of the exemption meant that hundreds of thousands of packages coming into the United States each day from China were suddenly subject to tariffs and requirements for much more information.这一豁免的短暂取消意味着,每天从中国进入美国的数十万个包裹突然要被征收关税并被要求提供更多信息。The swift change sowed confusion among retailers and shippers. Many sellers on e-commerce platforms were taken by surprise. The U.S. Postal Service temporarily stopped accepting packages from China on Wednesday, though by Thursday morning it said it would once again accept them.这一迅速的变化给零售商和托运公司制造了混乱。电子商务平台上的许多卖家都感到措手不及。美国邮政服务上周三暂时停止接收来自中国的包裹,但到周四上午,它表示将再次接收这些包裹。In the executive order Friday, the president said that de minimis treatment would continue to be available for goods from China for now, but that it would cease once the secretary of commerce notified him that systems had been put “in place to fully and expediently process and collect tariff revenue.”在上周五的行政命令中,特朗普表示,目前将继续对来自中国的商品提供“最低限度豁免”,但一旦商务部长通知他已经建立好“全面、迅速地处理和征收关税收入的系统”,该规则就将停止。Shipping companies like FedEx and UPS have done steady business as a result of the de minimis measure and have fought to preserve it. The executive chairman and founder of FedEx, Frederick Smith, visited the White House for meetings Thursday, according to Reuters. It is not clear who he met with.联邦快递和UPS等运输公司因“最低限度豁免”而获得了稳定的业务,并一直在努力维持该规则。据路透社报道,联邦快递执行主席、创始人弗雷德里克·史密斯上周四拜访白宫并参加了会谈。目前尚不清楚他会见了哪些人。Timothy Brightbill, a trade expert at the law firm Wiley Rein, said that the order “appears to concede, at least for now, that the United States does not have the systems in place it would need to collect tariffs on the enormous and growing number of de minimis shipments each year from China.”威利·莱恩律师事务所的贸易专家蒂莫西·布莱特比尔表示,该命令“似乎承认,至少目前,美国还没有必要的制度来对每年来自中国的数量巨大且不断增长的低价货物征收关税”。Mr. Brightbill said he expected that the Commerce Department, as well as Customs and Border Protection, which processes imports, would make it a priority to ensure that these new tariffs can soon be collected. “Both the administration and Congress want to fix this loophole,” he said.布莱特比尔称,他预计商务部以及负责处理进口的海关和边境保护局将优先确保尽快征收这些新关税。他说:“政府和国会都希望修补这个漏洞。”Kim Glas, chief executive of the National Council of Textile Organizations, said getting rid of de minimis would change the behavior of companies by moving them away from the system of shipping millions of small packages because it would eliminate the incentive to do so. That, she said, would alleviate the burden on Customs and Border Protection.全国纺织组织理事会首席执行官金·格拉斯表示,取消“最低限度豁免”规则将改变许多公司的行为,让它们不再使用运输数百万个小包裹的系统,因为这将消除他们这样做的动机。她说,这将减轻海关和边境保护局的负担。“It no longer will make financial sense for importers to import everything in small individual packages,” Ms. Glas said in an interview early Friday. “So what this will do — and this won’t happen overnight, but it will happen — is a lot of the packages will go back to being transported via ship and freight in larger containers destined for the U.S. market, which will make C.B.P.’s job easier.”“对于进口商来说,以单个小包装进口所有商品不再具有经济意义,”格拉斯上周五早些时候接受采访时说。“因此,这将导致——这不会在一夜之间发生,但一定会发生——许多包裹将重新通过船运和货运,装在运往美国市场的大型集装箱中,这将使美国海关和边境保护局的工作变得轻松一点。”Alan Rappeport、Jordyn Holman对本文有报道贡献。Ana Swanson报道贸易和国际经济新闻,常驻华盛顿。她从事新闻工作已超过十年。点击查看更多关于她的信息。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。
Source: 特朗普新关税行动:征收钢铝关税、推出对等关税
ANA SWANSON2025年2月10日天津港。 The New York TimesLatest: President Trump on Sunday said that he would impose a 25 percent tariff on all foreign steel and aluminum imports into the United States starting Monday and would take other action to even out tariff rates with the rest of the world later this week. The president said his metal tariffs would apply to “everybody,” including Canada and Mexico, America’s allies and its largest trading partners.最新消息:特朗普周日表示,他将从周一开始对所有进口到美国的外国钢铁和铝征收25%的关税,并将在本周晚些时候采取其他措施,使关税水平与其他国家对美国产品的征税保持对等。总统表示,金属关税将适用于“所有人”,包括加拿大和墨西哥——美国的盟友和最大的贸易伙伴。President Trump indicated he was ready to broaden his trade war on Friday, saying that he would announce reciprocal tariffs on other countries next week.特朗普总统上周五表示,他已准备好扩大贸易战,下周将宣布对其他国家征收对等关税。Such a measure would raise the levies the United States charges on imports to match what other countries charge on American products, a move that could trigger new trade fights.这一措施将提高美国对进口商品的征税,使之与其他国家对美国产品的征税相匹配,这可能引发新的贸易争端。Speaking to reporters before a meeting with Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba of Japan at the White House, Mr. Trump said that the tariffs would restore fairness to trading relationships and eliminate U.S. trade deficits.特朗普在白宫与日本首相石破茂会晤前对记者表示,关税将恢复贸易关系的公平性,并消除美国的贸易赤字。Making trade more reciprocal, Mr. Trump said, would ensure “that we’re treated evenly with other countries; we don’t want any more, any less,” he added.他说,让贸易更加对等将确保“我们和其他国家受到平等的对待;我们不想要更多,也不想要更少”。It’s the latest indication that Mr. Trump is willing to use tariffs broadly and unsparingly. He has already imposed an additional 10 percent tariff on all products from China, in addition to the levies on hundreds of billions of dollars of goods in his first term.这是特朗普愿意广泛而毫不留情地使用关税手段的最新迹象。除了在第一任期内对数千亿美元的商品征收关税外,他已经对来自中国的所有商品加征10%的关税。Over the past week, the president came within hours of imposing sweeping tariffs on Canada and Mexico, America’s largest trading partners, saying those countries were sending drugs and migrants to the United States. He ultimately paused those measures for 30 days after the countries offered him some concessions.过去一周里,他差一点就要对美国最大的贸易伙伴加拿大和墨西哥征收全面关税,称这两个国家向美国输送毒品和移民。在对方做出一些让步后,他决定将这些措施暂停30天。Mr. Trump did not say which countries he would target with reciprocal tariffs. He said that tariffs on Japan were an option if the U.S. trade deficit with that country didn’t fall to zero. But he also claimed that the roughly $68 billion trade deficit could be eliminated by Japan purchasing more oil and gas.特朗普没有说明他将对哪些国家征收对等关税。他表示,如果美国对日本的贸易逆差没有降到零,对日本征收关税就是一个选项。但他也声称,只要日本购买更多的石油和天然气,就可以抵消大约680亿美元的贸易逆差。Earlier this week, Mr. Trump indicated he had the European Union in his sights, saying that the bloc would “definitely” face tariffs and “pretty soon.” Mr. Trump has often criticized the European Union for charging a higher tariff on American cars that the U.S. does for European ones, as well as for running a trade surplus with the United States.上周早些时候,特朗普表示他已将欧盟作为目标,称欧盟“肯定”会面临关税,而且是“很快”。特朗普经常批评欧盟对美国汽车征收的关税高于美国对欧洲汽车征收的关税,以及欧盟对美国的贸易顺差。Mr. Trump floated proposals in both his first term and his 2024 campaign of making trade more reciprocal by matching the tariff rates that other countries impose on American products.特朗普在其第一任期和2024年的竞选活动中都提出了让贸易更加对等的建议,即通过与其他国家对美国产品征收的关税税率相匹配的方式来实现。He has also said in recent days that he planned to impose tariffs on a variety of critical industries, like copper, steel, aluminum, pharmaceuticals and semiconductors. On Friday, he also said that tariffs on foreign cars are “always on the table.”他最近几天还表示,计划对铜、钢、铝、药品和半导体等多个关键行业征收关税。上周五,他还表示,对外国汽车征收关税“始终是一个选择”。At a subsequent news conference Friday with Mr. Ishiba, Mr. Trump said that he prefers a reciprocal tariff to a “flat” tariff, which would be a blanket levy on all imports from around the world.在周五与石破茂随后举行的新闻发布会上,特朗普表示,他更倾向于对等关税,而不是“统一”关税,后者是对来自全球的所有进口商品征收同样的关税。“I think that’s the only fair way to do it,” Mr. Trump said.“我认为这是唯一公平的做法,”特朗普说。Asked if Japan would retaliate if the United States imposed tariffs on its exports, Mr. Ishiba demurred. “I am unable to respond to a theoretical question,” he said.当被问及如果美国对日本出口产品征收关税,日本是否会采取报复行动时,石破茂回绝了这个问题。他说:“我无法回答一个假设性的问题。”Also on Friday, the president signed an executive order that would temporarily walk back part of his measure against China, by allowing low-cost products from the country to once again come into the United States tariff free.在周五同一天,特朗普签署了一项行政命令,暂时收回了他对中国采取的部分措施,允许来自中国的低价产品再次免关税进入美国。The order reverses, at least for now, a decision that Mr. Trump made last Saturday, when he signed an order eliminating so-called de minimis treatment for goods from China. The de minimis provision had allowed products under $800 to come into the United States without being subject to tariffs and with less information given to customs. Trump officials had said the administration was ending the exemption on goods from China because it was providing a conduit for fentanyl and the materials to make it to flow into the United States.特朗普于2月1号签署了一项命令,取消了对来自中国商品的所谓“最低限度豁免”规定。该规定允许低于800美元的产品进入美国而无需缴纳关税,并且只需向海关提供较少信息。特朗普的官员曾表示,政府将终止对中国商品的豁免,因为中国为芬太尼和制造芬太尼的材料流入美国提供了渠道。The brief elimination of the exemption meant that hundreds of thousands of packages coming into the United States each day from China were suddenly subject to tariffs and requirements for much more information.这一豁免的短暂取消意味着,每天从中国进入美国的数十万个包裹突然要被征收关税并被要求提供更多信息。The swift change sowed confusion among retailers and shippers. Many sellers on e-commerce platforms were taken by surprise. The U.S. Postal Service temporarily stopped accepting packages from China on Wednesday, though by Thursday morning it said it would once again accept them.这一迅速的变化给零售商和托运公司制造了混乱。电子商务平台上的许多卖家都感到措手不及。美国邮政服务上周三暂时停止接收来自中国的包裹,但到周四上午,它表示将再次接收这些包裹。In the executive order Friday, the president said that de minimis treatment would continue to be available for goods from China for now, but that it would cease once the secretary of commerce notified him that systems had been put “in place to fully and expediently process and collect tariff revenue.”在上周五的行政命令中,特朗普表示,目前将继续对来自中国的商品提供“最低限度豁免”,但一旦商务部长通知他已经建立好“全面、迅速地处理和征收关税收入的系统”,该规则就将停止。Shipping companies like FedEx and UPS have done steady business as a result of the de minimis measure and have fought to preserve it. The executive chairman and founder of FedEx, Frederick Smith, visited the White House for meetings Thursday, according to Reuters. It is not clear who he met with.联邦快递和UPS等运输公司因“最低限度豁免”而获得了稳定的业务,并一直在努力维持该规则。据路透社报道,联邦快递执行主席、创始人弗雷德里克·史密斯上周四拜访白宫并参加了会谈。目前尚不清楚他会见了哪些人。Timothy Brightbill, a trade expert at the law firm Wiley Rein, said that the order “appears to concede, at least for now, that the United States does not have the systems in place it would need to collect tariffs on the enormous and growing number of de minimis shipments each year from China.”威利·莱恩律师事务所的贸易专家蒂莫西·布莱特比尔表示,该命令“似乎承认,至少目前,美国还没有必要的制度来对每年来自中国的数量巨大且不断增长的低价货物征收关税”。Mr. Brightbill said he expected that the Commerce Department, as well as Customs and Border Protection, which processes imports, would make it a priority to ensure that these new tariffs can soon be collected. “Both the administration and Congress want to fix this loophole,” he said.布莱特比尔称,他预计商务部以及负责处理进口的海关和边境保护局将优先确保尽快征收这些新关税。他说:“政府和国会都希望修补这个漏洞。”Kim Glas, chief executive of the National Council of Textile Organizations, said getting rid of de minimis would change the behavior of companies by moving them away from the system of shipping millions of small packages because it would eliminate the incentive to do so. That, she said, would alleviate the burden on Customs and Border Protection.全国纺织组织理事会首席执行官金·格拉斯表示,取消“最低限度豁免”规则将改变许多公司的行为,让它们不再使用运输数百万个小包裹的系统,因为这将消除他们这样做的动机。她说,这将减轻海关和边境保护局的负担。“It no longer will make financial sense for importers to import everything in small individual packages,” Ms. Glas said in an interview early Friday. “So what this will do — and this won’t happen overnight, but it will happen — is a lot of the packages will go back to being transported via ship and freight in larger containers destined for the U.S. market, which will make C.B.P.’s job easier.”“对于进口商来说,以单个小包装进口所有商品不再具有经济意义,”格拉斯上周五早些时候接受采访时说。“因此,这将导致——这不会在一夜之间发生,但一定会发生——许多包裹将重新通过船运和货运,装在运往美国市场的大型集装箱中,这将使美国海关和边境保护局的工作变得轻松一点。”Alan Rappeport、Jordyn Holman对本文有报道贡献。Ana Swanson报道贸易和国际经济新闻,常驻华盛顿。她从事新闻工作已超过十年。点击查看更多关于她的信息。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。
Source: 特朗普新关税行动:征收钢铝关税、推出对等关税