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Posted by: SuHaiJack
« on: August 21, 2024, 06:57:12 AM »


JOHN YOON2024年8月19日泰国前总理他信·钦那瓦(中)和女儿佩通坦·钦那瓦(右)去年在曼谷机场向支持者问好。 Athit Perawongmetha/ReutersThailand’s Parliament chose Paetongtarn Shinawatra, 37, to become the country’s prime minister on Friday, elevating a candidate with no governing experience to the leadership of a nation in profound political turmoil.泰国议会上周五选择现年37岁的佩通坦·钦那瓦出任泰国总理,将一名毫无执政经验的候选人推为这个经历深刻政治动荡的国家的领导人。Here is what to know:以下是你需要了解的内容:Heir to a Powerful Political Dynasty强势政治王朝继承人Ms. Paetongtarn, also known by her nickname, Ung Ing, is the third and Newbie traderest child of the tycoon Thaksin Shinawatra, 75, who was prime minister from 2001 to 2006. The political parties he founded, including the Pheu Thai party his daughter now represents, consistently won elections. He was removed in a coup but has wielded influence even while living in exile to escape corruption charges.佩通坦小名翁英,是现年75岁的富豪他信·钦那瓦三个孩子中最小的一个,他信曾于2001年至2006年担任泰国总理。他创立的政党(包括女儿现在代表的为泰党)在选举中持续获胜。虽然他信在一次政变中被罢免,但一直拥有很大影响力,即使为逃避腐败指控而流亡国外期间也是如此。Ms. Paetongtarn’s uncle, Somchai Wongsawat, was also removed as prime minister in 2008, when the Constitutional Court ordered the dissolution of his party.佩通坦的姑父颂猜·翁沙瓦也曾于2008年被免去总理职务,当时,泰国宪法法院下令解散了他的政党。Her aunt, Yingluck Shinawatra, 57, is a former prime minister who has faced the same fate. A Newbie traderer sister of Mr. Thaksin, she became prime minister in 2011 and was removed in a coup in 2014 and fled the country in 2017 to avoid criminal negligence charges.佩通坦现年57岁的姑姑英拉·钦那瓦也曾任泰国总理,并也曾面临同样的命运。英拉是他信的妹妹,于2011年出任泰国总理,在2014年的政变中被罢免,为了逃避刑事过失指控,于2017年逃离泰国。Background and Education背景与教育As a child, Ms. Paetongtarn shadowed her father while he campaigned and played golf. She graduated from Chulalongkorn University, one of Thailand’s top schools, with a degree in political science. She studied international hotel management at the University of Surrey in England.佩通坦小时候曾跟随父亲参加竞选和打高尔夫球。她本科毕业于泰国顶尖的朱拉隆功大学,获得了政治学学位,后来去英国萨里大学学习国际酒店管理。She was 20 when she witnessed the Thai army’s coup against her father. She helped lead a family-run hotel management company. And then she was drafted into politics last year, joining the populist Pheu Thai party and becoming a front-running candidate for prime minister. The campaign fell during the last trimester of her pregnancy with her second child.她20岁时目睹了泰国军队推翻她父亲的政变。她曾帮助领导家族经营的酒店管理公司,去年被提名进入政界,加入了奉行民粹主义的为泰党,成了最可能获胜的总理候选人。她开始竞选活动时已怀有六个月的身孕,那是她的第二个孩子。“My passion is hotel,” she said in an interview in March 2022. “But after having a child, my thinking changed,” she added. “I want to make the country livable for my children.”“我的热情是酒店,”她在2022年3月的一次采访中说。“但有了孩子后,我的想法变了,”她补充道。“我想把国家变得适合我的孩子居住。”Her Leap to Center Stage跃上政坛C位佩通坦在去年大选期间问候支持者。Ms. Paetongtarn’s rise has kindled a nostalgia for the legacy of her family among its supporters. Among critics, it has also fueled condemnation of its past scandals and questions about her credentials besides her family name.佩通坦在政坛的崛起在其家族支持者中激起了对这个家族政治遗产的怀念,也在批评者中引发了对这个家族过去丑闻的谴责,以及对她的质疑,批评者认为她除了家庭出身,没有任何从政资历。“I have a solid team, a team that once was a government, once served the people, once pushed policies successfully,” she said in an interview in March 2023. “That made me dare to say that I am ready.”“我有一个坚实的团队,一个曾经是政府、曾经为人民服务、曾经成功地推行政策的团队,”她在2023年3月的一次采访中说。“这让我敢说,我准备好了。”Despite her influential family ties, many, including party insiders, considered her unready to lead the nation because of her lack of political experience. Pheu Thai ultimately chose Srettha Thavisin as its candidate. But it later named Ms. Paetongtarn as its party leader.尽管家族背景显赫,但许多人,包括党内人士,认为由于缺乏政治经验,她还没有做好领导国家的准备。为泰党最终选择了赛塔·他威信作为总理候选人,但后来任命佩通坦为党魁。Her Rise to Prime Minister成为总理之路Pita Limjaroenrat, a politician of the Move Forward Party, won the most votes in the election with a pro-reform agenda that, among other issues, called for changes to a law that made it a crime to criticize the Thai monarchy. But the military-appointed Senate rejected the results, voting not to let him become prime minister. The Constitutional Court also banned his party.前进党的皮塔·林乍伦拉在选举中赢得的票数最多,该党提出了支持改革的议程,包括呼吁对一项将批评泰国君主制定为犯罪的法律进行修改。但军方任命的参议院拒绝接受选举结果,参议院投票决定不让皮塔担任总理。宪法法院还禁止了他的政党。Mr. Srettha became prime minister in 2023. But less than a year later, on Wednesday, the Constitutional Court ousted him, finding that he had violated ethics standards. Pheu Thai on Thursday chose Ms. Paetongtarn as its candidate to be Mr. Srettha’s successor, and she accepted the nomination.赛塔于2023年出任总理。但不到一年后,宪法法院以违反道德标准为由,于上周三将他罢免。为泰党上周四把佩通坦选为接任赛塔的候选人,她接受了提名。Ms. Paetongtarn faces a floundering economy, and as she takes office, she is seen as likely to continue some of Mr. Srettha’s economic stances, including advocating for lower interest rates and less autonomy for the central bank.佩通坦面临着国家经济困难重重的问题。人们认为她在上任后可能会继续赛塔的一些经济主张,包括降低利率和减少央行的自主权。And hanging over her is the possibility of pressure from the military and its royalist allies. Many accuse them of repeatedly undermining the democratic process, and they have seemingly turned against their recent and uneasy understanding with her father.一个悬而未决的问题是,她可能会面临来自军队及其保皇派盟友的压力。许多人指责他们多次破坏民主进程,他们似乎已不再支持最近与他信达成的不稳定的协议。Muktita Suhartono为本文有报道贡献。John Yoon是时报驻首尔记者,报道突发新闻和热门新闻。点击查看更多关于他的信息。翻译:Cindy Hao点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 泰国新任总理佩通坦是谁?


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