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Posted by: SuHaiJack
« on: April 24, 2023, 12:00:13 AM »


CLAIRE FU, DAISUKE WAKABAYASHI2023年4月19日中国最大的电动车制造商比亚迪的上海展厅。比亚迪已将部分老款车型降价。 Qilai Shen for The New York TimesA cutthroat price war has erupted in the world’s largest automobile market.一场残酷的价格战在全球最大的汽车市场爆发。Within a week in March, Volkswagen’s Chinese joint venture slashed prices on its ID.3 electric cars by 18 percent. Changan Automobile, one of China’s state-owned car manufacturers, offered $3,000 cash rebates, free charging credits and other incentives for its electric vehicles. BYD, the country’s biggest E.V. maker, unveiled a second round of markdowns in a month for some of its older models.在3月的一周内,大众汽车的在华合资企业将其ID.3电动车的价格下调了18%。中国国有汽车制造商之一的长安汽车为其电动车产品提供2万余元的现金直降、免费充电积分和其他奖励。中国最大的电动车制造商比亚迪在一个月内推出了旧车型的第二轮降价促销。Amid slumping auto sales, car brands are going to extremes to stay competitive, offering dealership giveaways and deep discounts. Over 40 carmakers have discounted electric and gas-powered vehicles in China this year. The discounts have amounted to several hundred dollars for cheaper models, and tens of thousands of dollars for higher-end offerings.在汽车销量下滑的情况下,车企为了保持竞争力正在采取极端措施,经销商纷纷提供赠品和大幅折扣。今年,超过40家车企在中国推出了电动和汽油动力车的折扣价。低端型号的折扣可达数千元,高档型号的折扣高达数万元。“The severity of this cycle of price cuts is something that I’ve never seen,” said Tu Le, a managing director at the Beijing consultancy Sino Auto Insights, who has worked in the automotive industry in China and the United States for 25 years.在中国和美国的汽车行业工作了25年的北京咨询公司Sino Auto Insights的董事总经理涂乐说:“这种轮番降价的激烈程度是我从未见过的。”The price competition has unsettled what was a pillar of strength in the last few years, even as strict pandemic measures shook China’s economy and undermined efforts by the ruling Chinese Communist Party to instill confidence.就在严厉的疫情防控措施动摇中国经济,并破坏执政的中共为增强信心所做的努力之际,价格战动摇了这一过去几年里的支柱性产业。China’s car sales fell 13 percent in the first three months of 2023. Sales of traditional automobiles plunged, while growth in electric vehicles slowed, according to the China Passenger Car Association.中国乘联会的数据显示,2023年前三个月,中国的汽车销量下降13%。传统汽车销量大幅下滑,而电动车销量增长放缓。大众汽车在中国的合资企业上个月将ID.3汽车大幅降价。图为在德国德累斯顿一家工厂展示的ID.3汽车。China’s E.V. market has grown rapidly since 2020 — doubling in sales last year — propped up partly by government subsidies. When that program expired in December after 13 years, the competition intensified to attract buyers in an already crowded segment of the market.部分得益于政府补贴,中国的电动车市场自2020年以来迅速增长,去年销售额翻了一番。补贴计划在出台13年于去年12月到期后,为了在已经十分拥挤的市场吸引买家,竞争愈演愈烈。At the same time, traditional automakers are scrambling to unload inventory of older cars before tougher national emissions standards starting in July make it difficult to sell diesel- and gas-powered vehicles.与此同时,传统车企争先恐后地清空老款车库存,在7月开始实施更严格的国家排放标准后,燃油动力车的销售会变得更加困难。An already jittery market started to spiral in January when Tesla, the American company that makes electric vehicles in Shanghai, lowered prices in China for the second time in three months. Other manufacturers felt pressure to do the same.今年1月,在上海生产电动车的美国公司特斯拉在三个月内第二次在华降价,本已紧张不安的市场开始急剧恶化。感受到压力的其他车企也不得不效仿。This month, Wang Chuanfu, chairman and chief executive of BYD, proposed that the government extend tax exemptions, which reduce the cost of buying electric vehicles, to 2025 instead of allowing them to expire this year. And China’s Auto Dealers Chamber of Commerce published an article last month calling for a six-month delay in the new emissions standards.本月,比亚迪董事长兼总裁王传福提议政府将降低购买电动车费用的免税期延长至2025年,而不要让它在今年到期。中国汽车经销商商会上个月发表了一篇文章,呼吁将新的排放标准推迟六个月实施。The price cuts are not limited to China. Tesla has also lowered prices in the United States and Europe, and its competitors have followed suit. But the intensity of competition reflects the reality that China is not only the biggest market for electric vehicles but also the most competitive.降价并不限于中国,特斯拉在美国和欧洲市场也调低了价格,竞争对手纷纷跟进。但竞争的激烈程度反映了一个现实,即中国不仅是最大的电动车市场,也是最具竞争力的市场。汽车制造商比亚迪总裁王传福,摄于2018年。他曾表示,中国应该延长将于今年到期的电动汽车减税政策。Established domestic carmakers and local start-ups, supported by Beijing’s policies encouraging growth of so-called new energy vehicles, flooded the sector, enticed by a once-in-a-generation opportunity to upend the balance of power in the car industry. By one measure, there are around 300 domestic E.V. manufacturers across China.在中国政府鼓励所谓的新能源车增长的政策支持下,老牌国内车企和本土初创企业纷纷涌入该行业,吸引它们的是一个颠覆汽车行业力量平衡的千载难逢的机会。根据某些数据,中国国内约有300家电动车制造商。Didi, China’s leading ride-hailing service, has developed an electric car with BYD exclusively for its drivers. Xiaomi, a maker of smartphones, has said it plans to debut an electric car next year. Even Evergrande, the beleaguered property developer, was building electric vehicles, although those plans may be in jeopardy because of its debt woes.中国知名网约车服务滴滴与比亚迪合作开发了一款专用电动车。智能手机制造商小米表示计划在明年推出一款电动车。就连陷入困境的房地产开发商恒大也在研发电动车,尽管这些计划可能因其债务问题而陷入困境。China is the leading market for electric cars, and more were sold there last year than in the rest of the world. Foreign automakers see an urgent need to gain a foothold in China to develop the know-how and manufacturing scale necessary to compete globally.中国是电动车的主要市场,去年该市场的销量超过世界其他地区之和。外国车企认为,迫切需要在中国站稳脚跟,以发展全球竞争所需的专业知识和制造规模。Cui Dongshu, secretary general of the China Passenger Car Association, said the price war “will definitely continue” because of the importance of producing E.V.s in large quantities.中国乘联会秘书长崔东树表示,由于大批量生产电动车非常重要,价格战“肯定会持续”。“In the end, companies with small sales, or poor technology will be easily eliminated,” Mr. Cui said.“这些销量小的、规模低的,然后还有技术差的企业,容易被淘汰,”崔东树说。Car companies and dealerships are now pulling out all the stops for customers. Some dealers are offering free vacations or bottles of perfume in exchange for test drives, while some eager sales teams are stalking charging stations in hopes of luring drivers away from the competition.车企和经销商现在正在使出浑身解数吸引客户。一些经销商赠送免费度假或香水来吸引试驾,而一些热切的销售团队则在充电站寻找客户,希望吸引车主远离竞争对手。Last month, a promotional poster from a Toyota dealer in the southern city of Shenzhen generated buzz online. It advertised a free gas-powered sedan with the purchase of a bZ4X, the company’s electric sport utility vehicle. A woman who answered the phone at the dealership said there was currently no such deal.上个月,南方城市深圳一家丰田经销商的宣传海报在网上引发热议。海报称,买一辆该公司的电动运动型多用途车bZ4X就送一辆燃油车。一位在经销商处接电话的女士表示,目前没有这样的活动。Kevin Yang, 29, said he visited a Volkswagen dealer in Chengdu last month to look at its electric vehicles. He was struck by a sense of desperation among the salespeople.29岁的凯文·杨说,他上个月去了成都的一家大众汽车经销商,想看看它的电动车。销售人员的迫切推销令他感到震惊。北京特斯拉展厅里的Model 3。今年1月,特斯拉在三个月内在中国市场第二次降价,这引起了市场的恐慌。The salesman stayed well past the end of his workday to plead with him to take a test drive. After Mr. Yang agreed to take the car for a spin, he started receiving daily phone calls from the salesman with offers of lower prices if he was willing to return to the dealership.推销员下班后还留下来恳求他试驾。杨先生同意了试车,此后,他每天都会接到这名销售员的电话,说如果他愿意回去还可以给他更低的价格。“The rat race is really intense now,” Mr. Yang said.“现在内卷很严重,”杨先生说。There are similarities between the frothy E.V. market in China and the early days of the smartphone boom, when a new technology product attracted scores of upstarts to jostle with established foreign brands.中国充满泡沫的电动车市场与智能手机热潮的早期不无相似之处,当时后者作为一种新技术产品,吸引了数十家后起之秀与老牌外国品牌展开竞争。In 2015, there were more than 100 Chinese smartphone manufacturers — a number that has been whittled down significantly to four main domestic brands and Apple. Many non-Chinese brands, such as Samsung Electronics, once a mobile phone leader in China, barely register.2015年,中国智能手机制造商超过100家——这一数字已大幅减少,现在仅剩下四大国产品牌和苹果。曾经是中国手机领导者的三星电子等许多非中国品牌几乎销声匿迹。Zhu Jiangming, chairman and chief executive of the Chinese E.V. maker Leapmotor, said he saw another similarity. He expects electric car prices to come down faster than traditional cars because, like smartphone makers, E.V. manufacturers will benefit as the prices of components fall and features are improved.中国电动车制造商零跑汽车董事长兼首席执行官朱江明表示,他看到了另一个相似之处。他预计电动车价格将比传统汽车下降得更快,因为与智能手机制造商一样,电动车制造商将受益于零部件价格的下降和功能的改进。It is possible, Mr. Zhu said, that an average to high-end electric vehicle in China could sell for around $7,000 in 10 years. The average price for an electric car in China is already significantly lower than in the rest of the world, around $35,000 compared with $60,000 in Europe and $70,000 in the United States.朱江明说,在10年之后的中国,一辆中高档电动车只要7000美元左右是有可能的。中国电动车的平均价格约为3.5万美元,已经明显低于世界其他地区——欧洲为6万美元,美国为7万美元。William Li, chief executive of Nio, one of the top Chinese electric vehicle companies, said he planned to keep Nio out of the price war, which he called “unhealthy and unsustainable.” For traditional gas-powered automakers, “cutting prices is their last resort in trying to secure market share,” he said in a statement.中国顶级电动车公司之一蔚来的首席执行官李斌表示,他计划让蔚来远离价格战,他称其为“不健康且不可持续”。他在一份声明中说,对于传统的燃油动力车制造商来说,“降价是他们试图稳住市场份额的最后手段。”中国顶级电动车公司之一蔚来在北京的一个展厅。其首席执行官称,价格战“不健康且不可持续”。Some executives fear that consumers will become accustomed to waiting for price reductions. The China Automobile Dealers Association said last month that foot traffic to dealerships had soared after markdowns, but that orders had decreased.一些高管担心,消费者会习惯观望。中国汽车流通协会上个月表示,在降价促销后,经销商的客流量飙升,但订单却减少了。Leapmotor and Li Auto sought to assure potential buyers with a guarantee offering to make up the difference if the company lowered prices or offered cash rebates in the next 90 days.零跑汽车和理想汽车试图向潜在买家保证,如果公司在未来90天内降低价格或提供现金返还,将弥补差价。Mr. Yang, the car shopper in Chengdu, said he expected prices to go even lower.成都的购车者杨先生说,他预计价格会进一步降低。“I heard that there will be more discounts soon,” he said. “I’m going to wait a bit.”“听说马上又要优惠了,”他说,“我准备等一等。”Claire Fu在首尔为《纽约时报》报道中国大陆的新闻。欢迎在Twitter上关注她:@fu_claire。Daisuke Wakabayashi是时报驻亚洲商业记者,常驻首尔。欢迎在Twitter上关注他:@daiwaka。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 车企轮番打折促销,中国汽车市场爆发价格战


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