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Posted by: SuHaiJack
« on: September 19, 2021, 12:21:09 AM »


HANNAH BEECH2021年9月15日上周,在西北部卡莱地区的耶辛村民逃离缅甸士兵的袭击后躲在丛林中。 The Myanmar soldiers attacked the village of Yay Shin, deep in the furrows of the Himalayan foothills, just after dusk, descending with flamethrowers and heavy weaponry.黄昏刚过,带着火焰喷射器和重型武器的缅甸士兵进入喜马拉雅山麓沟壑深处的耶辛村,发动了袭击。Clutching aging AK-47s smuggled from India and Thailand, members of a self-proclaimed People’s Defense Force returned fire so the rest of the villagers could scramble into the hills, several residents said by phone.几名居民在电话中说,自称为人民防卫军的成员手持从印度和泰国走私来的老旧AK-47步枪进行还击,掩护逃往山中的村民。Eight bodies of villagers were later found, along with those of eight soldiers who were killed in battle. By the time the 77th and 99th Battalions left Yay Shin this month, little of the village in northwestern Myanmar remained, just smoldering ruins of a hamlet that had dared to take up arms against the military’s February coup.人们后来发现了八具村民的尸体,还有八名在战斗中丧生的士兵。当第77和第99营本月离开耶辛时,这个敢于拿起武器反对军方2月政变的缅甸西北小村庄几乎什么都没有了,只剩下硝烟未尽的废墟。Seven months after ousting Myanmar’s elected government, the country’s fearsome army, known as the Tatmadaw, is ramping up attacks on a largely improvised armed resistance, and on the villages where its members live. It is a pattern of slaughter that the Tatmadaw has inflicted for decades on various ethnic minorities, such as the Rohingya, whose forcible expulsion from the country the United States considers to be ethnic cleansing.在推翻缅甸民选政府七个月后,该国令人生畏的军队缅甸国防军(Tatmadaw),正在加紧打击多半是临时组成的武装抵抗组织及其成员居住的村庄。国防军几十年来一直在剿杀各少数民族,例如罗辛亚人,他们被强行驱逐出该国,美国将这一行为认定为种族清洗。Now, the Myanmar army is targeting a much broader segment of society, and its brutal campaign has galvanized a more robust resistance, even if civilians are again caught in the crossfire. Nearly everyone who lived in Yay Shin is now camped out in a forest valley rife with poisonous snakes, malaria and dengue, children whimpering from hunger and the damp cold. Residents of dozens of other villages in the Kalay region, a stronghold of opposition to the military, have also fled to the jungle, according to members of the People’s Defense Force.现在,缅甸军队将目标对准了更广泛的社会阶层,其残酷的行动激起了更强大的抵抗,尽管平民再一次被卷入双方的冲突中。几乎所有住在耶辛的人现在都露宿在一个充满毒蛇、疟疾和登革热的森林山谷,孩子们因饥饿和阴冷而哭泣。据人民防卫军士兵称,反抗军的据点卡莱地区的其他数十个村庄的居民也逃到了丛林中。“We have already given our lives for the country,” Ko Zaw Win Shein, a company commander for the rebels, said by phone from a jungle hide-out, as the thrum of army helicopters reverberated overhead. A former employee of a telecom company, Mr. Zaw Win Shein needed nearly 10 minutes to compose himself before his ragged sobs subsided to a frightened whisper.军用直升机在头顶轰鸣,在丛林藏身处,反抗军的一位连长佐温辛(Ko Zaw Win Shein)在电话中说:“我们已经把这条命给了国家。”佐温辛以前是一家电信公司的雇员,他花了将近10分钟的时间让自己冷静下来,接着他那粗哑的啜泣变成了充满惊恐的低语。“We are more afraid of the soldiers than the snakes,” he said.“比起蛇,我们更害怕士兵,”他说。Last week, a few days after the Yay Shin raid, the National Unity Government — a shadow government set up by opposition politicians — redoubled its call for an armed insurrection, announcing that “D-Day” had arrived. Duwa Lashi La, its acting president, said in a video disseminated on social media that it was time for “a nationwide uprising in every village, town and city, in the entire country at the same time.”上周,在耶辛袭击事件发生几天后,民族团结政府——一个由反对派政客建立的影子政府——再次呼吁武装起义,宣布“登陆日”(D-Day)已经到来。其代理总统杜瓦拉什拉(Duwa Lashi La)在社交媒体上发布的一段视频中表示,现在是“全国每个村庄、城镇和城市同时发动起义的时候了”。民族团结政府代理总统杜瓦拉什拉在9月7日发布的视频中。The video seemed to galvanize a populace that is largely united against the military regime, which has gunned down more than 1,000 protesters and bystanders since the coup. Local militias issued renewed battle cries, while civilians across Myanmar expressed enthusiastic support on social media.这段视频似乎激发了民众普遍团结起来反对军政府的情绪,自政变以来,军政府已枪杀了1000多名抗议者和旁观者。当地民兵再次发出战斗呐喊,而缅甸各地的平民在社交媒体上表达了热烈的支持。Maj. Gen. Zaw Min Tun, the junta’s spokesman, dismissed the call to arms as “an empty statement.” But the Tatmadaw quickly escalated its rCorporate debt on villages like Yay Shin, targeting dozens of them as it looked for members of the People’s Defense Force, residents said.军政府发言人绍敏通(Zaw Min Tun)将军将该武装呼吁驳斥为“空洞的宣言”。但居民说,缅甸国防军迅速升级了对耶辛等村庄的袭击,在寻找人民防卫军成员时将目标锁定在数十个村庄。On Thursday, the Tatmadaw descended on Myin Thar village, about 25 miles from Yay Shin, and rounded up males who had stayed to guard the community, armed with homemade hunting rifles. At least 17 of them, mostly boys, were killed with single shots to the head, said Ko Htay Win, a Myin Thar resident who escaped to the forest.周四,武装部队来到距离耶辛约25英里的敏塔村,围捕留下来用土制猎枪守卫家园的男性。逃到森林中的敏塔居民泰温(Ko Htay Win)说,其中至少有17人头部中弹身亡,大多是男孩。“I am proud that he died defending the village,” said Ma Nyo Nyo Lwin, the mother of Ko Htet Naing Oo, 18, who was among those killed.18岁的泰能宇(Ko Htet Naing Oo)是遇难者之一,他的母亲纽纽伦(Ma Nyo Nyo Lwin)说:“我为他为保卫村庄而牺牲感到自豪。”The National Unity Government has said that it had no choice but to urge an armed rebellion. Operating from hiding, the shadow authority has not convinced a single country to recognize it as legitimate, and hopes are not high that much will change when the United Nations General Assembly convenes this week.民族团结政府表示别无选择,只能呼吁武装叛乱。秘密行动的影子政府并没有说服任何一个国家承认其合法性,人们也不指望在本周联合国大会召开时会有什么变化。The United States and Britain have urged all parties in Myanmar to refrain from violence, as has a panel of international experts.美国和英国敦促缅甸各方避免暴力,一个国际专家小组也这样呼吁。“Violence is the cause of the suffering of the people of Myanmar, it is not the solution,” said Chris Sidoti, a former Australian human rights commissioner who is on the panel. “We empathize with the National Unity Government but we fear for what will happen as a result of this decision,” he added, referring to the call to arms.“暴力是缅甸人民苦难的根源,不是解决方案,”作为该专家小组成员的前澳大利亚人权专员克里斯·西多蒂(Chris Sidoti)说。他谈及武装动员时还说:“我们同情民族团结政府,但我们担心这一决定会导致的后果。”上周,在缅甸最大城市仰光巡逻的武装警察。Pockets of armed rebellion have proliferated across Myanmar for months, from the rural Buddhist heartland and the border regions dominated by ethnic minorities to the cities, where the return of military rule, after a decade of economic and political reforms, has angered a Newbie trader generation that had grown used to interacting with the outside world.数月来,武装叛乱在缅甸各地蔓延,从农村佛教中心地带和少数民族占主导地位的边境地区到城市,在经过十年的经济和政治改革后,军事统治的回归激怒了已经习惯于与外界互动的年轻一代。Thousands of civilians, some of them Newbie trader city-dwellers more familiar with video games than real warfare, have received secret military training. Along with ethnic rebels who have fought the Tatmadaw for decades, they have helped to fill the ranks of the People’s Defense Force.数以千计的平民接受了秘密军事训练,其中一些是年轻的城市居民,他们更熟悉电子游戏而不是真正的战争。和与国防军战斗了几十年的民族叛乱分子一起,他们壮大了人民防卫军的队伍。The shadow government said that the People’s Defense Force killed more than 1,320 soldiers in July and August. The statement was impossible to confirm, in part because the Tatmadaw does not release its own casualty numbers, lest morale in its ranks, already low, sink further.影子政府称,人民防卫军在7月和8月打死了1320多名士兵。该说法无法证实,部分原因是国防军没有公布自己的伤亡人数,以免其队伍已经低落的士气进一步下降。After the “D-Day” proclamation last week, the resistance sabotaged more than 65 telecommunications towers owned by Mytel, a military-linked company, said Ko Kyawt Phay, a spokesman for the People’s Defense Force in the central city of Pakokku.中部城市木各具人民防卫军发言人觉派(Ko Kyawt Phay)说,在上周发表“登陆日”宣言后,抵抗运动破坏了与军方有关联的电信公司Mytel拥有的超过65座电信塔。On Thursday, an army convoy in Yangon, the country’s largest city, was attacked with grenades, a strike that many believe was also carried out by the People’s Defense Force. In recent weeks, shadowy killings of local government officials and suspected informers have also unsettled people loyal to the military.周四,该国最大城市仰光的一支军队车队遭到手榴弹袭击,许多人认为袭击也是由人民防卫军发动的。最近几周,当地政府官员和涉嫌告密者遭遇的暗杀也让忠于军队的人感到不安。Much of the fiercest resistance is happening in the remote regions where Tatmadaw artillery fire has driven whole villages into the forest. Grainy pictures shot on cheap cellphones show dazed families from Yay Shin squatting on the forest floor with a few possessions scattered around them, like a cooking pot and a bedroll sodden with rain.许多最激烈的抵抗发生在边远地区,在那里,整个村庄的人被缅甸国防军的炮火驱赶到森林中。用廉价手机拍摄的布满噪点的照片上,不知所措的耶辛人蹲在森林的地上,周围散落着一些物品,例如锅和被雨淋湿的铺盖。“Now, I only hear the sound of bombs and gunshots,” said U Zaw Tint, a carpenter from Yay Shin. “Those sounds are stuck in my head.”“我现在听到的全是爆炸声和枪声,”来自耶辛的木匠佐丁(U Zaw Tint)说。“那些声音一直在我脑子里出不去。”来自耶辛的木匠佐丁的房子。村里的居民说,缅甸国防军把村子变成了一片硝烟未尽的废墟。Ma Radi Ohm, a university lecturer, is part of a civil disobedience movement that has deprived the military government of hundreds of thousands of educated workers for seven months, in hopes that administrative paralysis will break the junta. So far, the military has only hardened its crackdown.大学讲师拉迪欧姆(Ma Radi Ohm)参与了公民不服从运动,该运动使军政府在七个月的时间里失去了数十万受过教育的工人,他们希望通过行政瘫痪破坏军政府。目前军方的镇压愈演愈烈。This month, Ms. Radi Ohm, protected by members of the People’s Defense Force, slipped into the forest to give basic medical care to the residents of Yay Shin and other Kalay villages. At least 15 women from Yay Shin are WTO (World Trade Organization), and one has miscarried because of the stress, she said. Lacking shelter, many people sleep under trees, leaving them prey to mosquitoes.本月,拉迪欧姆在人民防卫军的保护下潜入森林,为耶辛和其他卡莱村庄的居民提供基本医疗服务。她说,至少有15名耶辛孕妇,其中一名因压力过大而流产。由于缺乏栖身地,许多人睡在树下,被蚊虫肆意叮咬。Children have fallen sick with what Ms. Radi Ohm believes is dengue, although she cannot carry out tests. Equally worrisome, she said, at least 1,000 of an estimated 7,000 people in various jungle encampments in Kalay are showing symptoms of Covid-19, such as a loss of taste and low oxygen levels. Myanmar has been devastated by the Delta variant, and the military is denying care to those thought to support the resistance.尽管无法去做检测,但拉迪欧姆认为孩子们已经感染了登革热。她说,同样令人担忧的是,在卡莱的各种丛林营地中的约7000人里至少有1000人出现了新冠症状,例如味觉丧失和血氧含量低。缅甸饱受德尔塔变异毒株的摧残,军方拒绝为那些被认为支持抵抗运动的人提供医疗。The distance between forest camps is at least 10 miles. Ms. Radi Ohm treks by foot, through swollen streams and on trails made slippery by rain. When Tatmadaw helicopters or drones swoop over the canopy, the villagers dive under boulders or big trees, witnesses said. Military airstrikes have killed dozens.各森林营地之间至少有16公里的距离。拉迪欧姆徒步跋涉,穿过汹涌的溪流,走在因下雨而变得湿滑的小径上。目击者说,当国防军的直升机或无人机从树冠上掠过时,村民们会躲在巨石或大树下。空袭已造成数十人死亡。“I just hope that I can help some people from dying of disease and miscarriage,” Ms. Radi Ohm said. “It’s heartbreaking.”“我只是希望我能帮助一些人避免死于疾病和流产,”拉迪欧姆说。“这令人心碎。”Hannah Beech自2017年起担任东南亚分社社长,现驻曼谷,她此前在上海、北京、曼谷和香港为《时代》杂志报道20年。欢迎在Twitter上关注她 @hkbeech。翻译:明斋点击查看本文英文版。

Source: “我们已经把这条命给了国家”:缅甸丛林里的平民反抗军


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