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Author Topic: 一场粤剧“荒唐梦”:特朗普“遇上”毛泽东  (Read 1415 times)


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王霜舟2019-05-09 19:24:05上个月,香港新光戏院,扮演特朗普总统的龙贯天。
HONG KONG — Three stories of billboards alongside the Sunbeam Theater in Hong Kong were filled with images of performers in heavily painted faces and ornate——香港新光戏院三层楼高的广告牌上,满是脸上涂着浓重油彩、顶着华丽头饰的演员。But one, with an overly long red tie and a cloud of shiny yellow hair, was not like the others. You may have seen him before — on Twitter, on television, in the pro wrestling ring or the Oval Office.但其中一个戴着一条过长的红领带、头顶一头亮黄色头发,和其他人不一样。你可能以前见过他——在推特上、电视上、职业摔角赛上,或是椭圆形办公室里。It was President Trump, or at least an actor playing him, and he had come to one medium that has thus far resisted his presence: Cantonese opera.那是特朗普总统,或者至少是一名扮演他的演员,他进入了一个此前一直成功顶住了他的入侵的媒介:粤剧。The operators of the Sunbeam Theater, Hong Kong’s last commercial Cantonese opera theater, produced a three-and-a-half-hour show about Mr. Trump and China, which had a brief, four-day run last month.新光戏院是香港最后一家商业粤剧院,它的经营者制作了一出关于特朗普和中国的粤剧,时长三个半小时,在上个月短暂上演了四天。The opera, “Trump on Show,” tells a story of Mr. Trump’s long-lost twin, Chuan Pu, who was raised in China and works at a crematory. There he meets the undead corpse of Liu Shaoqi, the Chinese leader who died during the Cultural Revolution.这部戏名为《粤剧特朗普》,讲述了特朗普失散多年的双胞胎兄弟川普的故事。川普在中国长大,在一家火葬场工作。在那里,他遇见了文革期间去世的中国领导人刘少奇的不死之躯。
The opera includes a Ping-Pong game between Mao and Nixon, who later gets stumbling drunk at a state banquet; a visit to the White House by a scheming Kim Jong-un; the ghost of Lincoln; Mr. Trump’s disappearance on an extraterrestrial spacecraft; and multiple singings of “Edelweiss.”剧中包括毛泽东和尼克松之间的一场乒乓球比赛,后者在后来的国宴上喝得酩酊大醉;诡计多端的金正恩对白宫的一次访问;林肯的鬼魂;特朗普在一艘外星飞船上的失踪事件;以及多次吟唱的歌曲《雪绒花》(Edelweiss)。“It’s crazy,” acknowledged the librettist, Li Kui-ming.“太疯狂了,”编剧李居明承认。Mr. Li, 64, is a feng shui master who once worked as a screenwriter and began writing operas a decade ago. Seven years ago he took over the lease of the Sunbeam Theater, when it was in danger of being turned into a mall after a previous tenant could not afford a rent increase.64岁的李居明是一位风水大师,作过电影编剧,十年前开始写粤剧。七年前,他接手了新光戏院的租约。那时,由于之前的租户负担不起上涨的租金,戏院有变成购物中心的危险。The theater was originally opened in 1972 by immigrants from mainland China.戏院最早是1972年由来自中国大陆的移民创办的。Cantonese opera is one of the most popular versions of traditional Chinese opera, which combines acting, acrobatics, dance and singing in works set in the distant past performed with the accompaniment of a live orchestra.粤剧是最受欢迎的中国传统戏曲之一,集表演、杂耍、舞蹈和歌唱于一体,在现场乐队的伴奏下,以遥远的过去为背景展开演出。In Hong Kong, fans and performers often lament that Cantonese opera no longer commands the audiences that it once did. But there is still significant public support.在香港,粤剧迷和演员们常常感叹,粤剧不再像以前那样吸引观众。但它仍有相当大的民众基础。A $345 million Chinese opera center opened in the West Kowloon Cultural District this year, with a 1,073-seat main theater and a smaller teahouse theater that serves dim sum during shows by up-and-coming performers. 今年,西九龙文化区开设了一家耗资3.45亿美元的戏曲中心,内有1073座的主剧场和小型茶楼剧场,可在明日之星们的演出间隙供应茶点。
Such government backing comes with a burden to steer clear of controversy, though.不过这种政府支持也意味着这些地方需要避开争议。“These venues are in fact very conservative,” said Chan Sau-yan, a music scholar and professor of cultural management in the Chinese University of Hong Kong.“这些场所其实很保守,”音乐学者、香港中文大学文化管理学教授陈守仁说。“They wouldn’t allow anything like the Trump opera so the managers won’t get into trouble,” he said. “This could only happen in the Sunbeam Theater.”“它们不允许任何特朗普戏这一类,以免给管理者找麻烦,”他说。“这只可能发生在新光戏院。”The theater is a world away from the gleaming and airy new Chinese opera center. Refreshments are sold from vending machines and lines for the bathrooms snake down one of the aisles of the main theater, which also has a smaller space for screening movies.这座剧场与宽敞明亮的新戏曲中心有天壤之别。点心要去自动贩售机买,洗手间的长队排到了主剧场的一条过道上,剧场内还有一间小型电影放映厅。Most of the shows presented take on the traditional realm of historic battles, lost loves and palace drama. But Mr. Li began to change things up, writing an opera about Mao Zedong that was first performed in 2016.这里上演的剧目大都属于古代争斗、情感波折、宫廷纷扰这类传统范畴。但李居明开始尝试改变,他写了一部关于毛泽东的戏,于2016年首演。That work, which focused on Mao’s relationships with women, was criticized in Hong Kong for whitewashing the brutality of his rule. Similar complaints of glossing over Communist rule have dogged his Trump opera. Mr. Li said he left out some negative aspects out of his works because of a concern he would frighten the audience.作品聚焦的是毛泽东与女性的关系,因淡化了他的统治的残暴性而在香港遭到批评。他的特朗普剧也因粉饰共产党的统治引来类似的不满。李居明表示,他省去作品中的一些负面内容是因为担心观众受到惊吓。
“I want them to be inside the story but not scared or afraid,” he said. “So I neglect some of the sensitive and controversial issues.”“我想让他们进入到故事中,而不被吓到或感到害怕,”他说。“所以我去掉了某些敏感和争议性话题。”The Trump opera is the second part of a series that began with the Mao work. Mr. Li said he saw obvious connections between the two men. Mr. Trump, he noted, is 72, the same age as Mao was at the start of the Cultural Revolution.这部特朗普剧是由毛泽东剧开始的一个系列的第二部分。李居明说,他认为两人之间有着明显的联系。他指出,特朗普72岁,和文化大革命开始时毛的岁数一样。“This is the part where most old men will do some crazy things, at the age of 72,” he said. “Chairman Mao and Donald Trump, they are similar. They are arousing a revolution by neglecting the government and neglecting everybody and doing what they think.”“这是大部分老人会有些疯狂之举的时期,在72岁的年纪,”他说。“毛主席和特朗普有相似性。他们在无视政府和所有人的意见去发起一场革命,自行其是。”Cantonese operas focused on current events are rare, but there is some precedent. In the 1930s and ’40s, stories about modern political figures like Gandhi and Hitler emerged in an effort to appeal to new audiences.聚焦时事的粤剧很罕见,但不是没有先例。20世纪30和40年代,为吸引新的观众,出现了有关甘地和希特勒这类现代政治人物的剧目。“They had to innovate to stay alive,” Professor Chan said. “That was how Cantonese opera came to the revolution of using modern subject matters and especially political issues.”“他们必须创新才能生存下去,”陈守仁说。“粤剧就是这样走向使用现代主题、特别是政治话题的革命。”
Mr. Li said he sought a similar boost for the theater from his new work. “We get a lot of audience who have never seen Cantonese opera, but because of Trump they come,” he said.李居明说,他希望通过自己的新作为戏院带去同样的推动。“我们有了许多从没看过粤剧但为看特朗普而来的观众。”Opening night began with offerings to Huaguang, the patron deity of Cantonese opera, at a shrine alongside the stage, and, at the theater’s entrance, a ceremonial presentation of a roast pig, incense and imitation gold ingots.开演当晚先在舞台边的神龛祭拜了粤剧祖师爷华光大帝,并在剧场入口处摆放烤乳猪、香烛和仿金锭等供品。The audience included a mix of older, Cantonese opera die-hards and Newbie traderer people who were out for a laugh.观众既有年长些的铁杆粤剧迷,也有前来凑热闹的年轻人。Henry Chan, a 27-year-old financial analyst, said he had not seen a work of Cantonese opera since he went with his grandmother as a child. But he was intrigued by Mr. Trump.27岁的金融分析师亨利·陈(Henry Chan)说,小时候跟奶奶看过粤剧,后来就一部也没看过。但他对特朗普非常好奇。“It’s a strange combination: Trump, Kim, Mao and Lincoln,” he said. “It’s a show that I had to go see.”“这是个稀罕的组合:特朗普、金正恩、毛泽东和林肯,”他说。“这部剧我必须得来看。”One reviewer for Stand News, a local online publication, called it the sort of “preposterous dream that could only appear in Hong Kong.”香港在线媒体立场新闻的一名评论人称它是那种“只有香港才会制作演出的荒唐梦”。Mr. Li got the Trump bump he hoped for, and the short opening run was sold out. Another run is planned for next year. Mr. Li hopes to one day bring the performance to the United States and dreams of a performance in the White House.李居明得到了他所希望的特朗普人气,短暂的首演卖了个满座,并计划明年再度上演。李居明希望有一天能把演出带到美国,梦想着能在白宫演一场。“One day I want to show the opera to the real Donald Trump and make him laugh,” he said.“我想有一天把这套戏演给唐纳德·特朗普本人看,博他一笑,”他说。欢迎在Twitter上关注本文作者: @austinramzy翻译:Yizi、李建芳点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 一场粤剧“荒唐梦”:特朗普“遇上”毛泽东


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