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Author Topic: 《长津湖》大热:资本与政治宣传的“完美合谋”  (Read 360 times)


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STEVEN LEE MYERS, AMY CHANG CHIEN2021年10月8日周六,一位《长津湖》的年轻影迷在中国武汉。该片于本月上映,有望成为中国最成功的影片之一。 Getty ImagesThe movie runs at 2 hours 56 minutes, a government-sponsored, action-filled and patriotism-packed drama that cost more to make than any Chinese film before it. It seems to be just what audiences in China wanted.这部长达2小时56分钟的电影由政府赞助,充满战斗场面和爱国主义,制作成本超过了之前任何一部中国电影,这似乎正是中国观众所期望的。“The Battle at Lake Changjin,” a blockbuster that depicts an against-all-odds defeat of the United States during the Korean War, has been smashing box office records since opening last week on the eve of China’s annual October holiday, known as Golden Week.《长津湖》讲述了在朝鲜战争中克服重重困难击败美国的故事。自上周在中国的年度“十一”黄金周假期前夕上映以来,该片一直在刷新票房纪录。As a barometer of Chinese politics and culture, it feels very much a movie of the moment: aggrieved, defiant and jingoistic, a lavishly choreographed call to arms at a time of global crisis and increasingly tense relations with the world, especially the United States.作为中国政治和文化的晴雨表,它给人的感觉非常像一部反映当下的电影:充满怨愤、挑衅和沙文主义,在全球危机、与世界(尤其是和美国)关系日益紧张之际,影片用宏大的方式呼吁人们起身战斗。The villains are American soldiers and commanders, including a reasonable impersonation of Gen. Douglas MacArthur. The heroes are the Chinese “volunteers” hurled against what was then viewed as the world’s most invincible army.反派是美国士兵和指挥官,其中一个角色对格拉斯·麦克阿瑟将军(Gen. Douglas MacArthur)做出了颇有说服力的模仿。片中英雄则是中国的“志愿军”,对抗的是当时被视为世界上最不可战胜的军队。The battle, better known in the United States as the Battle of Chosin Reservoir, drove the Americans and their allies out of North Korea in the winter of 1950, setting the stage for the stalemate that ended with a cease-fire three years later. It has entered Communist Party lore as an unvarnished triumph in the infancy of the People’s Republic of China, though it came at a terrible cost for the Chinese people.这场在美国称为“长津水库之战”(Battle of Chosin Reservoir)的战斗,在1950年冬天把美国人及其盟友赶出了朝鲜,为三年后以停火告终的僵局奠定了基础。此战作为中华人民共和国成立初期一场不折不扣的胜利而被载入共产党的史册,尽管中国人民为此付出了可怕的代价。On its second day in cinemas, Friday, Oct. 1, it broke China’s single-day box office record, raking in more than $60 million. By Tuesday, it had grossed more than $360 million, according to Maoyan, which tracks ticket sales, putting it on pace to be among the most successful Chinese films ever made.上映的第二天,即10月1日周五,它就打破了中国单日票房纪录,达到3.89亿人民币。据跟踪票房收入的猫眼网统计,截至周二,该片的票房收入已超过23亿人民币,有望成为中国有史以来最成功的电影之一(截至周五,该片票房已达34.92亿人民币——编注)。这部电影的成功部分归功于演员阵容,其中包括吴京(中)这样的明星。“It is an extraordinary and perfect collusion of capital and political propaganda,” Sun Hongyun, an associate professor at Beijing Film Academy, said in an interview.“它是资本和政治宣传的一场非常优秀的、完美的一次合谋,”北京电影学院副教授孙红云在接受采访时说。Depictions of the Korean War — known in China as “The War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea” — have long been a staple of Communist Party propaganda. A flurry of them appeared last year, with mixed success, during the 70th anniversary of the start of the war and China’s intervention in October 1950 as the North Korean forces faced annihilation.朝鲜战争在中国被称为“抗美援朝战争”,对它的描述长期以来一直是共产党宣传的主要内容。中国于1950年10月在朝鲜濒临全军覆没之际出兵干预,去年是该事件的70周年纪念,期间出现了一大批同题材作品,反响不一。In this case, “The Battle at Lake Changjin,” which cost a reported $200 million to make, seems to have resonated more broadly with the public than the usual agitprop. It did so despite mixed reviews, a torturous running time and technical errors of military history, tapping into nationalistic sentiment that China’s leader, Xi Jinping, has nurtured.而制作成本约13亿人民币的《长津湖》似乎比通常的煽动性宣传更能引起公众的广泛共鸣。尽管评论褒贬不一、冗长,且军事历史方面存在技术性错误,但它利用了中国领导人习近平培育的民族主义情绪,仍然取得了成功。Mr. Xi used last year’s anniversary of the war to declare that the Chinese people would never shrink from any confrontation against foreign aggression.习近平在去年的抗美援朝纪念日宣布,中国人民绝不会在任何对抗外国侵略的行动中退缩。“The national feeling displayed in the film echoes the rising public sentiment in safeguarding national interests in front of provocations, which has great implications for today’s China-U. S. competition,” the Global Times, an official newspaper that is itself a barometer of the country’s hawkish views, declared in one of several articles championing the film.“电影中展示的民族感情呼应了挑衅面前维护国家利益的公众情绪在上升,这对今天的中美竞争具有重大意义,”本身就是中国鹰派观点晴雨表的官方报纸《环球时报》在支持这部电影的几篇文章之一中写道。The movie also owes its popular success to the cast, which include some of the country’s biggest stars.该片的成功还归功于演员阵容,包括一些中国最大牌的明星。Among them are Jackson Yee, the pop idol who was in the Oscar-nominated “Better Days” in 2019, and Wu Jing, the leading man whose role in a pair of action films gave the name “wolf warrior” to China’s recent brand of brash diplomacy. (“Wolf Warrior 2,” which earned nearly $900 million when it was released in 2017, remains China’s highest grossing film.)其中有2019年奥斯卡提名影片《少年的你》中的流行偶像易烊千玺,以及主演吴京,后者在两部动作片中的角色为中国最近以盛气凌人为特色的外交赢得了“战狼”的称号。(《战狼2》在2017年上映时获得了56.81亿人民币的票房,目前仍是中国票房收入最高的电影。)长津湖战役中的美国海军陆战队,这是朝鲜战争中最血腥的战役之一。“The Battle at Lake Changjin” was one of several films with overtly patriotic themes approved for release during the holiday, seemingly at the expense of Hollywood blockbusters still awaiting approval, including Marvel Studios’ “Black Widow” and Warner Media’s “Space Jam: A New Legacy.”《长津湖》是批准在假期上映的几部明显带有爱国主题的电影之一,而一系列仍在等待审批的好莱坞大片似乎成了牺牲品,包括漫威影业(Marvel Studios)的《黑寡妇》(Black Widow)和华纳媒体(Warner Media)的《空中大灌篮:新传奇》(Space Jam: A New Legacy)。The Chinese film, which had been scheduled for release in August, was delayed as the government imposed new restrictions on cinemas during Covid-19 outbreaks. China’s movie industry, along with those everywhere, has suffered badly during the pandemic, but the film signaled a potential revival, even though pandemic restrictions still enforce capacity limits on theaters in many cities.这部中国电影原定于8月上映,但由于政府在新冠疫情期间对影院实施了新限制,上映遭到推迟。中国电影业和世界各地的电影业一样,在疫情期间遭受了严重打击,但这部电影发出了一个潜在复苏的信号,尽管在许多城市,疫情期间仍对影院上座实施限制。The movie depicts one of the bloodiest battles in the Korean War, which began in June 1950 when the Communist North Korea invaded South Korea to unify the divided nation following World War II. China intervened just as the American-led forces fighting under a United Nations mandate were on the verge of victory.该片描述了朝鲜战争中最血腥的战斗之一。战争始于1950年6月,当时共产主义朝鲜在第二次世界大战后入侵韩国,希望统一这个分裂的国家。就在美国领导的、经联合国授权作战的军队即将胜利之际,中国进行了干预。The battle was fought over 17 days in November and December 1950 after China’s newly arrived forces encircled American, British and South Korean troops in brutally cold mountainous terrain. The Chinese military forced them to retreat to the port at Hungnam, setting the stage for a triumphant climax, with soldiers waving a sea of red flags in victory.1950年11月和12月,刚刚抵达的中国部队在严寒的山区包围了美英韩联军,战斗持续了17天。中国军队迫使联军撤退到兴南港,为最后士兵们挥舞着红旗庆祝胜利的场面做好了准备。The war remains a sensitive topic, despite — or because of — its portrayal as an unabashed victory for the newly formed People’s Republic of China.这场战争仍然是一个敏感的话题,尽管——或者正是因为——它被描述为新成立的中华人民共和国的一场毫无疑问的胜利。去年在韩国首尔的朝鲜战争纪念馆,特技飞行队在排练长津湖战役阵亡将士纪念日的表演。Details of the enormous Chinese losses were kept secret for years. According to the official death toll, cited by Mr. Xi last year, 197,000 Chinese soldiers died, though historians broadly agree the number was much higher. Even now, the death of one of Mao Zedong’s sons, Mao Anying, long attributed to a careless urge to cook fried rice, remains a fraught topic.中国重大损失的细节多年来一直被保密。根据习近平去年引用的官方死亡人数,有19.7万名中国士兵死亡,尽管历史学家普遍认为这个数字要高得多。即便是现在,毛泽东之子毛岸英的去世仍是一个充满矛盾的话题,多年来坊间一直有一种说法,认为是他一时兴起想炒蛋炒饭吃而不慎殒命。“The Battle at Lake Changjin” was made with government support and guidance, underscoring the lengths the authorities will go to shape popular culture.《长津湖》是在政府的支持和指导下拍摄的,凸显了当局在塑造大众文化方面的力度。Wang Jiequn, director of the Beijing Municipal Film Administration, part of the Communist Party’s propaganda office in Beijing, said at a news conference last month that the authorities had “organized and planned” the production with the film’s makers, Bona Film Group and Bayi Film Studio. She called it “our gift to the party on its 100th birthday,” which was celebrated with great fanfare in July.北京市委宣传部下属的北京市电影局局长王杰群在上月的新闻发布会上表示,局方与电影制作方博纳影业集团和八一电影制片厂“组织策划”了这部电影的制作。她称之为“我们献给党百岁生日的礼物”,今年7月,共产党大张旗鼓地庆祝了这个纪念日。Laura Li, 31, watched the film with her father on Monday in a crowded theater in Shenzhen. She found the movie banal but was surprised to see many Newbie trader people in the audience. Her father, a fan of war movies, wept during the scenes showing Chinese soldiers frozen to death on the frigid battlefield.周一,31岁的劳拉·李(Laura Li,音)和父亲在深圳一个满座的影院里观看了这部电影。她觉得这部电影很普通,但看到观众中有许多年轻人,她感到很惊讶。她的父亲是战争电影迷,看到中国士兵在寒冷的战场上冻死的场景,他流下了眼泪。“Now we see more and more domestic movies able to arouse Chinese people’s patriotism,” said Ms. Li, who is a project manager at a technology company.“现在我们能看到更多能激发中国人爱国心的国产电影了,”在一家科技公司担任项目经理的劳拉·李说。“I still prefer American films,” she added, “though it’s getting harder to see one.”“我还是喜欢美国电影,”她还说,“但越来越难(看到)了。”Steven Lee Myers是《纽约时报》北京分社社长。他自1989年加入时报,曾在莫斯科、巴格达和华盛顿多地进行报道。他著有《新沙皇:弗拉基米尔·普京的崛起和统治》(The New Tsar: The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin)一书。欢迎在Twitter和Facebook上关注他。Amy Chang Chien在台湾为《纽约时报》报道中国大陆和台湾新闻。欢迎在Twitter上关注她 @amy_changchien。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 《长津湖》大热:资本与政治宣传的“完美合谋”



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