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Author Topic: 普京称理解中国对乌克兰战争的“疑问和担忧”  (Read 352 times)


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ANTON TROIANOVSKI, KEITH BRADSHER, 王霜舟2022年9月16日俄罗斯总统普京与中国最高领导人习近平在乌兹别克斯坦撒马尔罕举行的上海合作组织峰会期间会晤,摄于周四。 Pool photo by Alexandr Demyanchuk/SputnikPresident Vladimir V. Putin of Russia said on Thursday that Moscow understood that China had “questions and concerns” about the war in Ukraine — a notable, if cryptic, admission from Mr. Putin that Beijing may not fully approve of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.俄罗斯总统普京周四表示,莫斯科理解中国对乌克兰战争的“疑问和担忧”,这是普京对北京也许并不完全赞成俄罗斯入侵乌克兰值得注意的承认,尽管比较隐晦。He made the remark as he met with Xi Jinping, China’s top leader, in Uzbekistan. China has staked out a neutral position on the invasion publicly, even as it has echoed the Kremlin’s rhetoric about Russia’s being treated unfairly by the West and as China’s propaganda apparatus has parroted Russian disinformation about Western bioweapons.他是在乌兹别克斯坦与中国最高领导人习近平见面时发表这番话的。中国在公开场合对俄罗斯入侵乌克兰持中立立场,尽管它一直在附和克里姆林宫关于俄罗斯受到西方不公平对待的说法,而中国的宣传机器也一直在重复俄罗斯关于西方生物武器的虚假信息。The summit, meant to signal the strength of the relationship between the two authoritarian leaders at a time of increasing animosity with the West and challenges to their agendas, is particularly important to Mr. Putin, who has become more isolated by the United States and its allies over his invasion of Ukraine. Russia has also faced a spate of recent losses on the battlefield.这次峰会的目的是在这两位威权领导人与西方的敌意日益增长、议程面临挑战之际展示双方关系的稳固。这次峰会对普京来说尤为重要,由于他发动了入侵乌克兰的战争,普京正越来越多地受到美国及其盟友的孤立。俄罗斯最近也在战场上遭受了接二连三的失败。“We highly appreciate the balanced position of our Chinese friends in connection with the Ukrainian crisis,” Mr. Putin said in televised remarks at the start of the meeting. “We understand your questions and concerns in this regard. During today’s meeting, of course, we will explain in detail our position on this issue, although we have spoken about this before.”“我们高度赞赏我们的中国朋友在乌克兰危机问题上的公平立场,”普京在会晤开始时发表的电视讲话中说。“我们理解您在这方面的疑问和担忧。我们在今天会晤的时候当然会详细阐述我们在这个问题上的立场,虽然我们此前已谈过这个。”Mr. Xi carefully steered clear of offering any endorsement of specific Russian policies, offering generalities instead about China’s and Russia’s view of the world.习近平谨慎地避免了对俄罗斯的具体政策做出任何支持的表示,而是笼统地阐述了中国和俄罗斯的世界观。After the meeting, China released a statement saying that “China is ready to work with Russia in extending strong support to each other on issues concerning their respective core interests.”中国在两名领导人会晤后发表的声明中表示,“中方愿同俄方在涉及彼此核心利益问题上相互有力支持。”The transcript did not have any comment from Mr. Xi regarding Ukraine or the threat posed by NATO. Mr. Putin, by contrast, railed against the “unipolar,” American-led world order that he sees Beijing and Moscow aligned against.声明中没有习近平就乌克兰或北约构成的威胁发表的任何评论。相比之下,普京怒斥了“单极的”、美国主导的世界秩序,他认为北京与莫斯科的结盟反对的就是这种秩序。“We jointly stand for the formation of a just, democratic and multipolar world order based on international law and the central role of the U.N., and not on some rules that someone has come up with and is trying to impose on others, without even explaining what it’s about,” Mr. Putin told Mr. Xi.“我们共同主张以国际法和联合国的核心作用为基础,建立一个公正、民主和多极的世界秩序,而不是以某些人提出的规则为基础,他们甚至不解释这些规则是什么,就试图将其强加于别人,”普京对习近平说。One of the core principles of Chinese foreign policy, repeated again in official statements from Mr. Xi’s meetings this week with Central Asian heads of state, is that countries should not intervene in others’ internal affairs and should respect one another’s borders.在习近平本周与中亚国家元首会晤的官方声明中,中国多次重申其外交政策的核心原则之一,那就是各国不应干涉别国内政,应该尊重彼此的边界。Mr. Xi, who is under pressure as China’s zero-Covid policy hurts the economy, needs to project power in the weeks before a meeting of the country’s Communist Party leadership.中国的“新冠清零”政策损害了经济,面临压力的习近平需要在中共召开全国代表大会的几周前投射力量。The two held talks on the sidelines of a summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a multilateral, security-focused organization that includes China, Russia, India, Pakistan and four Central Asian nations.两人在上海合作组织峰会期间举行了会谈,上合组织是一个以安全为主的多边机构,成员包括中国、俄罗斯、印度、巴基斯坦和四个中亚国家。Chinese support is important to Russia. China bought record levels of Russian oil in May, June and July. But Beijing has been careful to avoid violating sanctions on Russia that could lead to it being punished as well.中国的支持对俄罗斯来说很重要。在今年5月、6月和7月,中国购买了创纪录的俄罗斯石油。但中国政府一直谨慎地避免违反对俄罗斯的制裁,以免因此自身受惩罚。Mr. Putin and Mr. Xi last met in February, before the start of the Winter Olympics in Beijing. In a 5,300-word statement, they declared a friendship with “no limits” and criticized the influence of the United States in their regions.普京和习近平的最近一次会面是在今年2月北京冬奥会开幕之前。他们在一份5300字的声明中宣布,两国友谊“没有止境”,还批评了美国对两国所在地区的影响。For Mr. Xi, the meeting is also a chance to resume his role as a global statesman.对习近平来说,这次会面也是他重新扮演全球政治家角色的一个机会。Anton Troianovski是《纽约时报》莫斯科分社社长。他此前任《华盛顿邮报》莫斯科分社社长,还曾在《华尔街日报》供职九年,驻柏林和纽约。欢迎在Twitter上关注他:@antontroian。Keith Bradsher是《纽约时报》北京分社社长,曾任上海分社社长、香港分社社长、底特律分社社长。他此前曾驻华盛顿报道国际贸易新闻。2013年,他所在的团队凭借对苹果的报道获得了普利策奖。1998年,他凭借对运动型多用途汽车(SUV)存在危险的报道入围普利策奖。欢迎在Twitter上关注他:@KeithBradsher。王霜舟(Austin Ramzy)是《纽约时报》驻香港记者,专注本地新闻,也报道区域性和突发新闻。他此前驻台湾和北京,曾对亚洲重大事件作出报道。欢迎在Twitter上关注他:@austinramzy。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 普京称理解中国对乌克兰战争的“疑问和担忧”



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