The purpose of this website is to be a place for learning and discussion. The website and each tutorial topics do not encourage anyone to participate in trading or investment of any kind.
Any information shown in any part of this website do not promise any movement, gains, or profit for any trader or non-trader.


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General Discussion / Re: Daily Market Analysis By FXOpen
« Last post by FXOpen Trader on April 09, 2024, 10:34:58 AM »
Rate Cut Rhetoric Blunts US Stock Market Performance

Analysts' speculation regarding the central bank policy within the United States has been very much based on sentiment over the past few months.

A few months ago, a quick glance at the mainstream financial headlines would have been enough to ensure a clear view that 2024 would be a year of reducing interest rates, and commentators and analysts had even made predictions regarding actual times during the year at which rate cuts would take place.

These predictions were scuppered in February when minutes from the Federal Open Markets Committee (FOMC) meeting at the end of January stated that the Federal Reserve Bank would not be reducing interest rates in the early part of this year and was sticking firmly to its conservative policy of working toward a sustainable 2% inflation rate.

That dialogue has resurfaced this morning, this time as a result of the Federal Reserve having maintained its forecast for lowering interest rates three times this year despite not having done so in the first quarter as was expected by so many pundits, but this time, the talk is more focused on whether these will actually go ahead at all.

In Minneapolis, Minnesota, the state Federal Reserve president Neel Kashari commented that the central bank might look to keep interest rates at their current level for the remainder of the year if inflation progress stalls, an interesting remark at the beginning of earnings season for many large publicly listed North American companies.

Some asset managers have written to their clients and advised that they hold the view that the Federal Reserve will not reduce interest rates this year. What will actually happen is still very much open to speculation until any decision is announced by the central bank.

On this point, stock markets across the United States remained flat as US equities concluded yesterday's New York trading session nearly flat, as investors embarked on a significant week poised to include the latest inflation figures, which could influence expectations for interest rate cuts, and the commencement of the earnings season for the first quarter.


Disclaimer: This article represents the opinion of the Companies operating under the FXOpen brand only (excluding FXOpen EU). It is not to be construed as an offer, solicitation, or recommendation with respect to products and services provided by the Companies operating under the FXOpen brand, nor is it to be considered financial advice.
General Discussion / Re: Daily Market Analysis By FXOpen
« Last post by FXOpen Trader on April 09, 2024, 09:11:49 AM »
The Market Is Waiting for Inflation Values in the US

Tomorrow one of the most significant events of the week will take place, which can greatly affect the sentiment of participants in both the currency and stock markets - at 15:30 GMT+3 inflation data will be published, namely: the values of the CPI (Consumer Price Index) and Core indices CPI.

According to ForexFactory, analysts expect the following values:
→ Core consumer price index, excluding food and energy prices, (Core CPI) in monthly terms: forecast = 0.3%, previous value = 0.4%
→ Consumer Price Index (CPI) in monthly terms – similar: forecast = 0.3%, previous value = 0.4%.
→ CPI in annual terms: forecast = 3.4%, previous value = 3.2%.

The Fed's inflation target is 2%. The values that will be published tomorrow may greatly affect market participants' expectations regarding the Fed's monetary policy.

According to the CME FedWatch tool:
→ traders are confident that the Fed will leave the rate unchanged in May;
→ the probability that the Fed will cut rates in June is just over 50%. But if the CPI indicates that inflation is stable, the likelihood will likely decrease.

Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari said last week that a Fed rate cut was not a possible scenario if inflation continued to move sideways. George Lagarias, chief economist at Mazars, told CNBC, "I wouldn't be surprised if we see smaller rate cuts by the end of the year."


Disclaimer: This article represents the opinion of the Companies operating under the FXOpen brand only (excluding FXOpen EU). It is not to be construed as an offer, solicitation, or recommendation with respect to products and services provided by the Companies operating under the FXOpen brand, nor is it to be considered financial advice.
山在那里,每一天都不一样——携富士 GFX 探索风光摄影新境界

      《羊卓雍错湖边》罗斐 摄 FUJIFILM GFX 100Sf/11,1/125 秒,ISO100
2015 年的一天,我突然意识到,在当时的生活中,没有一件事是完全意义上只为自己做的。于是,顺着回忆的线索,我重新找回大学时期的爱好——摄影。在尝试了很多题材后发现,还是只能在旷野中才能找到自己,所以我一头扎进风光摄影中,特别是对自然风光的追寻。
随着拍摄和学习越来越深入,我对于作品影像的品质要求也越来越高。于是,我把目光投向了中画幅相机。一开始吸引我的是富士中画幅的高像素——更大的底,以及更高的像素对于风光摄影来说是绝对的优势。富士 GFX 中画幅相机的极致表现力让照片再现了自然界的大美天地。我从 2019 年开始使用富士 GFX 系列至今,发现它的高宽容度和 16bit 的色彩深度能够带来更加丰富细腻的质感细节,更加真实的记录与还原了眼前的画面,让我在图片处理上非常得心应手。
《丁青县》罗斐 摄 FUJIFILM GFX 100Sf/11,1/125 秒,ISO200
Tips:「GFX」搭载了相比 35mm 全画幅传感器面积大 1.7 倍的中画幅传感器,再加上释放其性能的 FUJINON GF 镜头,和富士胶片优异的图像及色彩再现技术,实现了专业摄影师追求的高分辨率与丰富的色调表现。
2022 年 10 月 开 始, 我带着富士 GFX 100S,开始了我的摄影探寻之旅。从深圳出发,穿越广东、广西、云南、贵州、四川、西藏、新疆、青海、甘肃等地,行程 25000 公里,历时十个月,我带着我的 GFX 100S 去看、去记录、去感受。我深深地被它所展现的画质和色彩所震撼。它不仅仅是一台相机,更是记录生活的工具,发现美的眼睛,表达内心的平台和旅途中最靠谱的伙伴。
《贵州黎平夜景》罗斐 摄 FUJIFILM GFX 100Sf/11,0.8 秒,ISO400
Tips:「GFX」的 1 亿像素传感器支持 16bit 色深,在后期调色或者大范围调整明暗度时不容易出现颜色或亮度断层,给人最直观的感受就是色调和明暗的过渡都更平滑。
在这趟旅行中,我带着个人常用的 GF20-35Daytrading in most busy financial situation 4 R WR、GF23Daytrading in most busy financial situation 4 R LM WR、GF50Daytrading in most busy financial situation 3.5 R LM WR、GF110Daytrading in most busy financial situation 2 R LM WR,以及 GF100-200Daytrading in most busy financial situation 5.6 R LM OIS WR 镜头。我不太介意使用什么焦段的镜头拍摄,不同的焦段会采取不同的构图,会有不同的镜头语言,得到不一样的画面。
《吉隆乃村》罗斐 摄 FUJIFILM GFX 100Sf/11,10 秒,ISO100
Tips:「GFX」高像素相机同样也能带来优秀的高感表现,暗光环境下,我们能够放心地使用 3200 甚至更高 ISO 进行拍摄。
风光摄影的拍摄条件很多时候不允许我们选择舒适的拍摄环境。当遇到高温、严寒或者刮风下雨等恶劣天气,客观拍摄环境对相机提出了极高的耐受性要求。经过几场拍摄,富士 GFX 相机在这些方面的确经受得住严苛的考验。
《萨普》罗斐 摄 FUJIFILM GFX 50Rf/16,1/400 秒,ISO100
Tips:「GFX」的机身外壳由镁合金构成,硬度和韧性并存,镜头卡口边缘 1mm 内采用了更高的合金密度,提供额外的支撑力,让它具备强大的防尘防潮性能,在低至零下 10 摄氏度的环境中完成拍摄。
记忆犹新的一次拍摄,我徒步冈仁波齐转山,最高处到达海拔 5700 米。我毫不犹豫选择携带富士 GFX 100S 搭配 GF50Daytrading in most busy financial situation 3.5 R LM WR 标准镜头。事实证明,GFX 100S 不但能应对路上所有的拍摄需要,还帮我产出拍摄了大量 4K 视频。GFX 100S 在保证了照片和视频画质的同时还为整个旅途减负,做到了轻量化出行,这绝对是风光摄影师最需要的。
《玉隆拉措》罗斐 摄 FUJIFILM GFX 100Sf/11,1/160 秒,ISO250,+0.3EV
在我的旅行拍摄中,很多拍摄场景光线都非常苛刻。在一次去新疆莎车县的老茶馆拍摄,当时茶馆内的环境照明只能依靠门口的一点点阳光以及炉膛里的微弱火光。拍摄时,我果断将 ISO 开到了 10000,出于保证景深的需求,我也并没有选择大光圈拍摄。这个时候富士 GFX 100S 的机身防抖功能对于手持拍摄非常有帮助,同时它的翻转屏设计也人性化地解决了很多低机位拍摄时构图和对焦问题。最后的成片经受住了高感光度的拍摄挑战,我收获了完美的作品。
《喀什》罗斐 摄 FUJIFILM GFX 50Rf/5.6,1/90 秒,ISO1250,-0.3EV
在拍摄过程中,常常会因为一些拍摄机位不理想或者稍纵即逝的场景需要对照片进行二次构图处理。有赖于富士 GFX 的高像素,可以化腐朽为神奇,分分钟拯救废片。有一次去西藏萨普神山拍摄,当发现想拍下来的瞬间时,我迅速抓拍了一张,却发现镜头焦段太广。当我正准备换镜头再次拍摄时,面前的神山就被云挡住了,等了一天也无缘得见。还好当时使用的相机是富士 GFX 100S,回去后,对当时唯一拍摄到的一张照片进行了裁切,裁掉了大部分画面,最后还得到一张 4000 多万像素的照片。
当天唯一拍摄到的一张照片,在黄色框位置进行裁剪后仍然得到了 4000 多万像素的照片(下图)
《吉隆全景雪山》罗斐 摄 FUJIFILM GFX 100Sf/11,0.6 秒,ISO100
Tips:「GFX」采用无反系统设计,实现了相机及镜头的小型化,同时具备高性能及高速度。具有中画幅传感器的优异画质和比肩 35mm 全画幅数码单反旗舰机的操控性。
《新疆石头城》罗斐 摄 FUJIFILM GFX 100Sf/11,1/10 秒,ISO160
罗斐,富士胶片(中国)合作摄影师,深圳市风光摄影协会副会长,500PX 视觉中国签约摄影师

Source: 山在那里,每一天都不一样——携富士 GFX 探索风光摄影新境界
Prudential: Tổng doanh thu tăng, 1.900 tỉ đồng bồi thường bảo hiểm năm 2023

Prudential vừa công bố báo cáo tài chính thường niên 2023, với tổng doanh thu, giá trị tài sản, chi trả quyền lợi bảo hiểm đều tăng.
Source: Prudential: Tổng doanh thu tăng, 1.900 tỉ đồng bồi thường bảo hiểm năm 2023
General News 经济新闻 / 台湾发生7.4级强震,日本发出海啸预警
« Last post by SuHaiJack on April 09, 2024, 12:09:06 AM »

MEAGHAN TOBIN2024年4月3日首都台北的震感持续了一分多钟,电视新闻上播出了建筑物摇晃的画面。 Chiang Ying-ying/Associated PressA powerful magnitude 7.4 earthquake struck Taiwan on Wednesday morning, prompting nearby Japan to issue a tsunami warning.周三上午,台湾发生7.4级强震,促使临近的日本发出海啸警告。The quake was centered off the coast of Hualien, on Taiwan’s east coast, according to the United States Geological Survey. Taiwan’s Central Weather Administration also recorded an aftershock of magnitude 6.5.据美国地质调查局,地震震中位于台湾东海岸的花莲沿岸。台湾中央气象署还录得一次震级为6.5级的余震。The quake’s epicenter was about 10 miles under the earth’s surface, according to Taiwan. Tremors could be felt for over a minute in the capital, Taipei, where news broadcasts showed footage of buildings shaking.据台湾称,此次地震的震源深度为地表以下约16公里。首都台北的震感持续一分多钟,电视新闻播放了建筑物摇晃的画面。In Japan, according to the broadcaster NHK, tsunami waves as high as 30 centimeters had already started hitting the shore on Yonaguni Island at 9:14 a.m. local time.据日本NHK广播公司报道,当地时间上午9点14分,与那国岛海岸已出现高达30厘米的海啸。Residents on Okinawa, Miyako and Yaeyama islands in southern Japan were told to get as far away from coastal areas as possible. According to NHK, the tsunamis were expected to hit the islands shortly after 10 a.m., with waves as high as 3 meters, or 10 feet, on Miyako and Yaeyama.日本南部冲绳岛、宫古岛和八重山岛的居民被告知尽可能远离沿海地区。据NHK报道,海啸预计将于上午10点过后不久袭击这些岛屿,宫古岛和八重山的海浪将高达3米。Motoko Rich自东京对本文有报道贡献。Meaghan Tobin是时报科技记者,常驻台北,报道亚洲地区的商业和科技新闻,重点关注中国。点击查看更多关于她的信息。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 台湾发生7.4级强震,日本发出海啸预警
Lần đầu tiên đấu giá quyền sử dụng tần số vô tuyến điện thành công sau 15 năm

Đây là lần đầu tiên Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông tổ chức đấu giá thành công sau 15 năm kể từ khi Luật Tần số vô tuyến điện được Quốc hội thông qua. ]]>
Source: Lần đầu tiên đấu giá quyền sử dụng tần số vô tuyến điện thành công sau 15 năm
استبدال اتحاد الكرة لـ"أديداس" بـ"نايك" يثير غضب ساسة ألمان

قرار "خاطئ ومخز وغير مفهوم"، وقرار "غير وطني"، "أطقم أديداس بألوانها الأسود والأحمر والذهبي.. قطعة من الهوية الألمانية"، هذا بعض من غضب ساسة ألمان إزاء تخلي اتحاد كرة القدم عن "أديداس" الألمانية لصالح "نايك" الأمريكية.

Source: استبدال اتحاد الكرة لـ"أديداس" بـ"نايك" يثير غضب ساسة ألمان
三月以来的黄金暴涨 ,华尔街都看不懂









(Saxo Bank)
大宗商品策略主管Ole Hansen指出,这次黄金的上涨违背了很多常规思维,市场叙事正在向通胀反弹和可能的硬着陆转变,同时夹杂着大量的地缘政治不确定性和央行需求。



(Rosenberg Research)
总裁David Rosenberg指出,金价近期新高离不开需求方面的推动,这要归功于各国央行重新将黄金作为储备资产。此外,许多人在抵御特殊经济风险时转向黄金,以作为安全保障。





ETF Store的总裁Nate Geraci表示,这是他在ETF领域见过的最不寻常的现象之一,“特别有趣的是,黄金在其他渠道的需求一直非常强劲,比如中央银行的购买以及个人和私人投资者的直接购买。”


世界黄金协会ETF平台的负责人Joe Cavatoni指出,尽管通过ETF渠道的黄金投资出现了流出,但实物黄金的需求依然存在,并且被其他市场参与者所吸收:





(Greenlight Capital)
(David Einhorn)









Source: 三月以来的黄金暴涨 ,华尔街都看不懂
General News / Jamie Dimon Sees 8% Rates and More Takeaways from Investor Letter
« Last post by MarthaYork on April 08, 2024, 06:09:46 PM »
Jamie Dimon Sees 8% Rates and More Takeaways from Investor Letter

Source: Jamie Dimon Sees 8% Rates and More Takeaways from Investor Letter


Source: 荣科科技:公司不存在收购超聚变公司重组计划


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