General News 经济新闻 / 关于洛杉矶山火肆虐,我们了解到的最新消息
« on: January 13, 2025, 06:14:07 PM »
SOUMYA KARLAMANGLA, JESUS JIMÉNEZ2025年1月9日南加州的大火迫使数千人撤离家园。 Philip Cheung for The New York TimesFast-moving fires that reached across the Los Angeles area this week have burned more than 1,000 homes, destroyed beloved landmarks and forced more than 100,000 people to flee the fast-approaching flames.本周,野火席卷洛杉矶地区,火势迅速蔓延,烧毁了1000多栋房屋,摧毁了人们喜爱的地标建筑,并迫使超过10万人逃离迅速逼近的火海。The three largest fires — in the coastal Pacific Palisades neighborhood, in the suburban Pasadena area and in a rural stretch of the San Fernando Valley — were not at all contained as of Wednesday afternoon. Officials warned that more damage was likely as heavy winds and dry conditions continued to fuel their rapid growth.截至周三下午,三处最大的火情还完全没有得到控制。它们分别位于太平洋帕利塞德海岸社区、帕萨迪纳郊区和圣费尔南多谷周边的乡村地区。官员警告称,随着强风和干燥天气继续助长火灾的快速蔓延,可能会出现更多损失。Here’s the latest on the blazes:以下是有关火情的最新消息:Where are the fires burning?野火在哪里燃烧?Three big fires were burning in different parts of the Los Angeles area on Wednesday. To the west, the Palisades fire had scorched more than 15,000 acres and forced evacuations in cities and neighborhoods along the Pacific Coast Highway, including the Pacific Palisades, Malibu and Santa Monica. The residences in these areas include iconic mansions on bluffs that tower over the Pacific as well as tracts of homes in beachside neighborhoods.周三,洛杉矶地区有三处地方分别发生大火。在西部,帕利塞德大火烧毁了超过1.5万英亩的土地,迫使太平洋海岸公路沿线的城市和社区疏散居民,包括太平洋帕利塞德、马里布和圣莫尼卡。这些地区的住宅包括耸立在太平洋峭壁上的标志性豪宅,以及海滨社区的大片住宅。Helicopters, which had been grounded overnight because of bad conditions, were flying over the Palisades and dropping water on the flames on Wednesday, according to the office of the Los Angeles mayor, Karen Bass.据洛杉矶市长卡伦·巴斯办公室,数架直升机于周三飞越帕利塞德上空向火焰喷水,但由于空中条件恶劣,直升机于昨晚停飞。洛杉矶太平洋帕利塞德的一处居民区,消防员在与大火搏斗。To the east, a fire north of Pasadena in the San Gabriel Mountains had burned more than 10,000 acres as of Wednesday afternoon, and destroyed 100 homes. The blaze is called the Eaton fire because it began in Eaton Canyon in the mountains that are perhaps best known for the often snowcapped, highest peak referred to as Mt. Baldy. The fire has forced more than 32,000 evacuations in La Cañada Flintridge, Arcadia, Altadena, Pasadena and Monrovia — suburban areas where many homes are nestled against mountain foothills.在东部,截至周三下午,帕萨迪纳北部圣盖博山脉的一场大火烧毁了1万多英亩土地,摧毁了100栋房屋。这场大火因始于伊顿峡谷而被称为伊顿大火,伊顿峡谷所在的山脉以常年积雪的最高峰巴尔迪山而闻名。这场大火迫使拉卡纳达弗林特里奇、阿卡迪亚、阿尔塔迪纳、帕萨迪纳和蒙罗维亚的3.2万余人撤离——这些郊区的许多房屋都坐落在山脚下。And to the north, the Hurst fire had extended to 500 acres and was burning in the San Fernando Valley, about 25 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles. While the Valley itself is densely populated, Sylmar is a more rural area that was once known for its olive orchards and is now home to horse properties.而在北部,赫斯特大火已蔓延500英亩,烧至圣费尔南多谷,该山谷位于洛杉矶市中心西北约40公里处。虽然山谷本身人口稠密,但西尔玛是一个更加乡村化的地区,曾以橄榄园而闻名,现在则是马场所在地。How many homes have been destroyed?有多少房屋被毁?The Palisades fire has destroyed more than 1,000 homes, officials said on Wednesday, and another 15,000 structures were at risk. The fire has also razed several beloved local institutions, including the Malibu Feed Bin, which had sold pet supplies and gifts since 1966, and Palisades Charter High School, the alma mater of numerous celebrities as well as the filming location of many TV shows, including “Modern Family.”官员周三表示,帕利塞德大火已烧毁1000多栋房屋,另有1.5万栋建筑处于危险之中。大火还烧毁了当地几处深受人们喜爱的场所,包括自1966年以来一直销售宠物用品和礼品的Malibu Feed Bin和帕利塞德特许高中,后者是众多名人的母校,也是《摩登家庭》(Modern Family)等多部电视剧的拍摄地。The Eaton fire has so far burned about 100 homes, officials said. Flames had seriously damaged at least part of the Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center, which has been operating for more than a century.官员称,伊顿大火迄今已烧毁了约100栋房屋。大火严重损坏了有百年历史的帕萨迪纳犹太教堂和中心的至少一部分建筑。The damage caused by the Hurst fire remains unclear.赫斯特大火造成的损失尚不清楚。Have there been any fatalities?有人员死亡吗?The Eaton fire killed five people, fire officials say. While there haven’t been any fatalities reported from the Palisades fire, there have been a “high number of significant injuries” among people who didn’t evacuate their homes when they should have, said Anthony C. Marrone, the fire chief for Los Angeles County.消防官员称,伊顿大火已造成五人死亡。洛杉矶县消防局局长安东尼·C·马罗内表示,虽然帕利塞德大火没有造成人员死亡,但有“大量人员因未在该撤离时离开家园而受重伤”。Why did these big fires break out at the same time?为何这几处大火会同时发生?Forecasters this week had warned of damaging wind gusts that would reach 50 to 80 m.p.h., and even above 100 m.p.h. in the mountains. The winds, combined with dry air, created a critical fire-weather event in Southern California. The hills are also covered in vegetation after two rainy winters that preceded this one. “This is about as bad as it gets in terms of fire weather,” forecasters said.本周,天气预报员警告称,破坏性阵风将达到每小时80至128公里,在山区甚至会超过每小时160公里。强风加上干燥的空气在南加州形成了严重的火灾天气。在经历了前两个多雨的冬季后,山丘上还长满了植被。“就火灾天气而言,这几乎是最坏的情况了,”预报员说。The winter and late fall tend to spawn catastrophic fires in California.加州的灾难性火灾通常出现在冬季和深秋。乔治·威尔金斯手持消防水管走进太平洋帕利塞德长老会教堂灭火。In periods without significant precipitation, as has been the case this winter, the vegetation becomes extremely parched. And cooler weather in California coincides with the Santa Ana winds, the strong and dry gusts that blow west from Nevada and Utah to Southern California — and are linked to the region’s most devastating fires.在没有大量降水的时期——就如今年冬天的情况一样——植被变得极为干燥。而当加州较冷的天气与圣安娜风同时出现时,会导致最具破坏性的火灾——圣安娜风是一阵强劲而干燥的阵风,从内华达州和犹他州向西吹向南加州。The deadliest and most destructive fire in California’s history, which destroyed the Northern California town of Paradise, broke out in mid-November 2018.2018年11月中旬爆发了加州历史上最致命、破坏力最强的大火,摧毁了北加州小镇天堂镇。Are the fires expected to keep growing?火势预计还会持续蔓延吗?Unfortunately, yes. Firefighters are limited in their ability to fight the fires from helicopters, as aircraft are grounded in places because of the strong winds. Firefighting resources are also stretched thin given the simultaneously burning fires, and in some places fire hydrants have begun to run dry amid the excessive demand.很遗憾,答案是肯定的。受强风影响,直升机在一些地区被停飞,因此消防员无法充分利用直升机来灭火。由于多处火情同时发生,消防资源也捉襟见肘,在一些地区,由于需求过大,消防栓已经开始干涸。Though winds are expected to begin diminishing this afternoon, they will be moderately strong in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties through Thursday, according to weather officials.气象官员表示,尽管预计今天下午风力将开始减弱,但到周四,洛杉矶和文图拉县的风力将达到中等偏强的程度。Fire officials are asking people who have not evacuated but live near the fires to stay alert, as the blazes are likely to move fast and unpredictably in the coming hours. And they are asking everyone in Southern California to beware of new fires.消防官员要求居住在火灾附近但尚未撤离的人们保持警惕,因为未来几个小时内火势可能会迅速蔓延且难以预测。他们还要求南加州所有人对新的火情保持警惕。Jacey Fortin对本文有报道贡献。Soumya Harlamangla是《纽约时报》记者,报道加州新闻。她常驻湾区。点击查看更多关于她的信息。Jesus Jiménez报道突发新闻、网络热门新闻和其他议题。他常驻纽约市。点击查看更多关于他的信息。翻译:Koney Bai点击查看本文英文版。
Source: 关于洛杉矶山火肆虐,我们了解到的最新消息
SOUMYA KARLAMANGLA, JESUS JIMÉNEZ2025年1月9日南加州的大火迫使数千人撤离家园。 Philip Cheung for The New York TimesFast-moving fires that reached across the Los Angeles area this week have burned more than 1,000 homes, destroyed beloved landmarks and forced more than 100,000 people to flee the fast-approaching flames.本周,野火席卷洛杉矶地区,火势迅速蔓延,烧毁了1000多栋房屋,摧毁了人们喜爱的地标建筑,并迫使超过10万人逃离迅速逼近的火海。The three largest fires — in the coastal Pacific Palisades neighborhood, in the suburban Pasadena area and in a rural stretch of the San Fernando Valley — were not at all contained as of Wednesday afternoon. Officials warned that more damage was likely as heavy winds and dry conditions continued to fuel their rapid growth.截至周三下午,三处最大的火情还完全没有得到控制。它们分别位于太平洋帕利塞德海岸社区、帕萨迪纳郊区和圣费尔南多谷周边的乡村地区。官员警告称,随着强风和干燥天气继续助长火灾的快速蔓延,可能会出现更多损失。Here’s the latest on the blazes:以下是有关火情的最新消息:Where are the fires burning?野火在哪里燃烧?Three big fires were burning in different parts of the Los Angeles area on Wednesday. To the west, the Palisades fire had scorched more than 15,000 acres and forced evacuations in cities and neighborhoods along the Pacific Coast Highway, including the Pacific Palisades, Malibu and Santa Monica. The residences in these areas include iconic mansions on bluffs that tower over the Pacific as well as tracts of homes in beachside neighborhoods.周三,洛杉矶地区有三处地方分别发生大火。在西部,帕利塞德大火烧毁了超过1.5万英亩的土地,迫使太平洋海岸公路沿线的城市和社区疏散居民,包括太平洋帕利塞德、马里布和圣莫尼卡。这些地区的住宅包括耸立在太平洋峭壁上的标志性豪宅,以及海滨社区的大片住宅。Helicopters, which had been grounded overnight because of bad conditions, were flying over the Palisades and dropping water on the flames on Wednesday, according to the office of the Los Angeles mayor, Karen Bass.据洛杉矶市长卡伦·巴斯办公室,数架直升机于周三飞越帕利塞德上空向火焰喷水,但由于空中条件恶劣,直升机于昨晚停飞。洛杉矶太平洋帕利塞德的一处居民区,消防员在与大火搏斗。To the east, a fire north of Pasadena in the San Gabriel Mountains had burned more than 10,000 acres as of Wednesday afternoon, and destroyed 100 homes. The blaze is called the Eaton fire because it began in Eaton Canyon in the mountains that are perhaps best known for the often snowcapped, highest peak referred to as Mt. Baldy. The fire has forced more than 32,000 evacuations in La Cañada Flintridge, Arcadia, Altadena, Pasadena and Monrovia — suburban areas where many homes are nestled against mountain foothills.在东部,截至周三下午,帕萨迪纳北部圣盖博山脉的一场大火烧毁了1万多英亩土地,摧毁了100栋房屋。这场大火因始于伊顿峡谷而被称为伊顿大火,伊顿峡谷所在的山脉以常年积雪的最高峰巴尔迪山而闻名。这场大火迫使拉卡纳达弗林特里奇、阿卡迪亚、阿尔塔迪纳、帕萨迪纳和蒙罗维亚的3.2万余人撤离——这些郊区的许多房屋都坐落在山脚下。And to the north, the Hurst fire had extended to 500 acres and was burning in the San Fernando Valley, about 25 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles. While the Valley itself is densely populated, Sylmar is a more rural area that was once known for its olive orchards and is now home to horse properties.而在北部,赫斯特大火已蔓延500英亩,烧至圣费尔南多谷,该山谷位于洛杉矶市中心西北约40公里处。虽然山谷本身人口稠密,但西尔玛是一个更加乡村化的地区,曾以橄榄园而闻名,现在则是马场所在地。How many homes have been destroyed?有多少房屋被毁?The Palisades fire has destroyed more than 1,000 homes, officials said on Wednesday, and another 15,000 structures were at risk. The fire has also razed several beloved local institutions, including the Malibu Feed Bin, which had sold pet supplies and gifts since 1966, and Palisades Charter High School, the alma mater of numerous celebrities as well as the filming location of many TV shows, including “Modern Family.”官员周三表示,帕利塞德大火已烧毁1000多栋房屋,另有1.5万栋建筑处于危险之中。大火还烧毁了当地几处深受人们喜爱的场所,包括自1966年以来一直销售宠物用品和礼品的Malibu Feed Bin和帕利塞德特许高中,后者是众多名人的母校,也是《摩登家庭》(Modern Family)等多部电视剧的拍摄地。The Eaton fire has so far burned about 100 homes, officials said. Flames had seriously damaged at least part of the Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center, which has been operating for more than a century.官员称,伊顿大火迄今已烧毁了约100栋房屋。大火严重损坏了有百年历史的帕萨迪纳犹太教堂和中心的至少一部分建筑。The damage caused by the Hurst fire remains unclear.赫斯特大火造成的损失尚不清楚。Have there been any fatalities?有人员死亡吗?The Eaton fire killed five people, fire officials say. While there haven’t been any fatalities reported from the Palisades fire, there have been a “high number of significant injuries” among people who didn’t evacuate their homes when they should have, said Anthony C. Marrone, the fire chief for Los Angeles County.消防官员称,伊顿大火已造成五人死亡。洛杉矶县消防局局长安东尼·C·马罗内表示,虽然帕利塞德大火没有造成人员死亡,但有“大量人员因未在该撤离时离开家园而受重伤”。Why did these big fires break out at the same time?为何这几处大火会同时发生?Forecasters this week had warned of damaging wind gusts that would reach 50 to 80 m.p.h., and even above 100 m.p.h. in the mountains. The winds, combined with dry air, created a critical fire-weather event in Southern California. The hills are also covered in vegetation after two rainy winters that preceded this one. “This is about as bad as it gets in terms of fire weather,” forecasters said.本周,天气预报员警告称,破坏性阵风将达到每小时80至128公里,在山区甚至会超过每小时160公里。强风加上干燥的空气在南加州形成了严重的火灾天气。在经历了前两个多雨的冬季后,山丘上还长满了植被。“就火灾天气而言,这几乎是最坏的情况了,”预报员说。The winter and late fall tend to spawn catastrophic fires in California.加州的灾难性火灾通常出现在冬季和深秋。乔治·威尔金斯手持消防水管走进太平洋帕利塞德长老会教堂灭火。In periods without significant precipitation, as has been the case this winter, the vegetation becomes extremely parched. And cooler weather in California coincides with the Santa Ana winds, the strong and dry gusts that blow west from Nevada and Utah to Southern California — and are linked to the region’s most devastating fires.在没有大量降水的时期——就如今年冬天的情况一样——植被变得极为干燥。而当加州较冷的天气与圣安娜风同时出现时,会导致最具破坏性的火灾——圣安娜风是一阵强劲而干燥的阵风,从内华达州和犹他州向西吹向南加州。The deadliest and most destructive fire in California’s history, which destroyed the Northern California town of Paradise, broke out in mid-November 2018.2018年11月中旬爆发了加州历史上最致命、破坏力最强的大火,摧毁了北加州小镇天堂镇。Are the fires expected to keep growing?火势预计还会持续蔓延吗?Unfortunately, yes. Firefighters are limited in their ability to fight the fires from helicopters, as aircraft are grounded in places because of the strong winds. Firefighting resources are also stretched thin given the simultaneously burning fires, and in some places fire hydrants have begun to run dry amid the excessive demand.很遗憾,答案是肯定的。受强风影响,直升机在一些地区被停飞,因此消防员无法充分利用直升机来灭火。由于多处火情同时发生,消防资源也捉襟见肘,在一些地区,由于需求过大,消防栓已经开始干涸。Though winds are expected to begin diminishing this afternoon, they will be moderately strong in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties through Thursday, according to weather officials.气象官员表示,尽管预计今天下午风力将开始减弱,但到周四,洛杉矶和文图拉县的风力将达到中等偏强的程度。Fire officials are asking people who have not evacuated but live near the fires to stay alert, as the blazes are likely to move fast and unpredictably in the coming hours. And they are asking everyone in Southern California to beware of new fires.消防官员要求居住在火灾附近但尚未撤离的人们保持警惕,因为未来几个小时内火势可能会迅速蔓延且难以预测。他们还要求南加州所有人对新的火情保持警惕。Jacey Fortin对本文有报道贡献。Soumya Harlamangla是《纽约时报》记者,报道加州新闻。她常驻湾区。点击查看更多关于她的信息。Jesus Jiménez报道突发新闻、网络热门新闻和其他议题。他常驻纽约市。点击查看更多关于他的信息。翻译:Koney Bai点击查看本文英文版。
Source: 关于洛杉矶山火肆虐,我们了解到的最新消息