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Author Topic: 高官议员涉违规聚会,“派对门”引发港府信誉危机  (Read 309 times)


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王霜舟2022年1月10日周日,香港维多利亚公园的新冠病毒检测队伍。 Vincent Yu/Associated PressHONG KONG — It was quite a bash for a Monday night. More than 170 people, many of them members of Hong Kong’s political elite, gathered at a tapas restaurant to celebrate the birthday of a local delegate to China’s rubber-stamp——对于周一晚上来说,这个派对相当热闹了。超过170人到访,其中许多是香港政治精英,他们聚集在一家西班牙小吃餐厅,为中国橡皮图章立法机关的一名当地代表庆生。The festivities went on for six hours. The red wine flowed; the karaoke warbled. Guests were given purple face masks but did not always wear them.生日派对持续了六个小时。席间觥筹交错,人们对着卡拉OK高歌。客人们都拿到了紫色口罩,但没有一直戴着。Until quite recently, such laxity might have been understandable in Hong Kong, a city that has largely kept the coronavirus at bay with rigorous border controls. But even as the politicians partied, the Omicron variant was stalking through the community. By the time it emerged, days later, that at least one Covid-infected person had been at the party, the city was bracing for a new round of restrictions, with bars and gyms closing, nighttime dining in restaurants banned and flights from eight countries halted.香港在很大程度上通过严格的边境管制控制住了新冠病毒。这种松懈在前不久还是可以理解的,但最近,就在政界人士们参加聚会的时候,奥密克戎变种正在社区中传播。几天后,当发现至少有一名感染新冠病毒的人参加了该次聚会时,这座城市正准备迎接新一轮的限制措施,酒吧和健身房关闭,餐厅禁止夜间用餐,来自八个国家的航班被暂停。The backlash to the news of the party — accompanied by photos of unmasked politicians singing and chatting — was immediate. Social media surged with complaints about the hypocrisy of officials who had spoken publicly about the need to fight the virus.关于派对的新闻——配有不戴口罩的政界人士唱歌和聊天的照片——立刻引起了人们的强烈批评。社交媒体上有许多人谴责这些官员的虚伪,这些官员曾公开谈论抗击病毒的必要性。Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s chief executive, said she was disappointed in the officials who attended, even as she dismissed talk that the scandal would torpedo her chances for a second term. All 170 guests and their close contacts were sent to a government quarantine facility, though some were released after one reported infection was found to have been a false positive.香港行政长官林郑月娥表示,她对出席派对的官员们感到失望,但她驳斥了丑闻会破坏她连任机会的说法。所有170名客人及其密切接触者都被送往政府隔离设施,但在一例上报的感染被发现是假阳性后,其中一些人被解除隔离。香港行政长官林郑月娥表示,被隔离的官员将必须使用私人假期时间。“A large proportion of the public think senior government officials are asking them to go through a rigorous regime of being careful and so forth, whereas those same senior officials themselves do not seem to be observing rules,” said Willy Lam, an adjunct professor of politics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.香港中文大学政治学客座教授林和立说:“很大一部分公众认为,高级政府官员要求公众忍受一个严格的制度,要小心谨慎等等,而这些高级官员本身似乎并没有遵守规则。”Around the world, little has done more to anger the masses enduring Covid restrictions than signs that the elite live by different standards — from reports of a Christmas party held by Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s staff in Britain to the vaccine exemption the tennis star Novak Djokovic initially received for this year’s Australian Open.在世界各地,没有什么比看到精英阶层以不同的标准生活更能激怒受新冠疫情限制的群众——从英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊的工作人员举行圣诞晚会的报道,到网球明星诺瓦克·德约科维奇一开始在今年的澳大利亚公开赛上获得疫苗豁免。But Hong Kong’s scandal landed in a city enduring not just Covid shutdowns, but a growing political clampdown as well. The criticism over the party has been tinged with anger toward the establishment that has carried out the repression of dissent.但这次的丑闻发生之际,香港不仅在忍受新冠疫情的封锁,同时还遭受着日益严重的政治镇压。人们对派对的批评也带有对政府镇压异议人士的愤怒。“People who feel badly done by for political reasons are the most likely on the one hand to say this is karma and on the other hand to say it is utter hypocrisy,” said John P. Burns, an emeritus professor at the University of Hong Kong. “This further divides the authorities from at least that group of people and undermines trust in the government.”“因为政治原因而感到受伤害的人最有可能一边说这是因果报应,一边又说那些人是彻底的伪君子,”香港大学荣誉退休教授卜约翰(John P. Burns)说。“这进一步分裂了当局与至少是那群人的关系,并破坏人们对政府的信任。”香港周五,人们在准备外卖订单,当时禁止餐馆夜间堂食的禁令生效。At least 19 people at the party were members of Hong Kong’s Legislature, elected last month under a new system of rules meant to ensure that only “patriots” serve, and to largely exclude members of the political opposition. The party’s host, Witman Hung, the delegate to China’s Legislature, was photographed belting out a song with his arm around Ellen Tsang, a member of the committee that chooses the chief executive and fills many legislative seats.派对上至少有19人是香港立法会成员。该立法会是上个月根据一项新规则体系选出的,规则旨在确保只有“爱国者”出任,并在很大程度上排除了政治反对派成员。派对的东道主、港区人大代表洪为民被拍到搂着曾凤珠唱着歌,后者所在的委员会负责选举行政长官并填补许多立法席位。Thirteen senior officials were also there, including Hong Kong’s police chief, Raymond Siu; Caspar Tsui, the home affairs secretary; and Au Ka-wang, the immigration director. It was Mr. Au’s second Covid scandal; last year, he was fined for attending a dinner where more than four people were present.在场的还有13名高级官员,包括香港警务处处长萧泽颐;民政局局长徐英伟;以及入境处处长区嘉宏。这是区嘉宏的第二起涉及新冠病毒的丑闻;去年,他因参加超过四个人在场的晚宴而被罚款。In recent days, Mr. Au and other officials have issued a stream of apologies, often using similar self-flagellating language.最近几天,区嘉宏和其他官员做出一连串道歉,经常使用相似的自责措辞。“Regarding the additional burden to the epidemic prevention work and the disturbance to the public as a result of my personal behavior, I offer my sincere apology to all people of Hong Kong,” Mr. Au said. “I have reflected on this incident and shall be more vigilant in future.”区嘉宏说:“就本人个人行为对防疫工作带来额外负担及给市民造成困扰,本人为此衷心向全港市民致歉,并深切反省,日后定必加倍警惕。”Mrs. Lam said the officials would be put on leave and required to use their own vacation days for the time spent in quarantine at foreign exchange transaction settles’s Bay, the government-run isolation center.林郑月娥表示,这些官员将暂离岗位,在政府运营的隔离中心竹篙湾进行隔离,并被要求使用私人假期。政府隔离中心竹篙湾,派对的客人和他们的密切接触者被送到这里。One partygoer who did not apologize was Junius Ho, a firebrand pro-Beijing lawmaker who denounced the government’s handling of his brief quarantine. In a live video stream, he criticized Mrs. Lam and others, pounding his fist on a table until his phone went flying.一位没有道歉的派对客人是狂热的亲北京人士、立法者何君尧,他谴责政府对他短暂隔离的处理方式。在一个视频直播中,他批评林郑月娥和其他人,用拳头捶桌子,直到手机被震飞。“The government is completely out of order, completely dysfunctional,” he wrote on Facebook. He said if he’d known that health workers were merely going to drop him off at a subway station after his release, not take him home, he would have called his own driver.“政府做事,完全离晒大谱,完全失调!”他在Facebook上写道。他说,如果他知道在他解除隔离后卫生工作者只是将他送到地铁站,而不是送他回家,他就会打电话给自己的司机。The party may have damaged the local government’s credibility not just in Hong Kong, but in Beijing, where China’s leaders have enforced a tough zero-Covid policy and regularly punished officials for failures to uphold it.派对可能不仅损害了香港当地政府的信誉,而且也损害了北京的信誉。中国领导人在北京实施了严厉的零新冠政策,并经常惩罚不遵守政策的官员。While the Chinese authorities have not commented on the scandal, some political observers say it could hurt Mrs. Lam’s chances of being allowed a second term in office. She has ordered an investigation into the party, but so far, no officials have been punished for attending it, beyond being put on temporary leave.尽管中国当局没有对这起丑闻发表评论,但一些政治观察人士表示,这可能会损害林郑月娥获得第二个任期的机会。她已下令对派对进行调查,但到目前为止,除了被临时休假外,没有任何官员因参加该派对而受到惩罚。周五,香港地铁站内戴口罩的通勤者。Just weeks ago, Mrs. Lam criticized the senior management of Cathay Pacific, Hong Kong’s flagship airline, after a flight crew member who had returned from the United States ignored quarantine requirements to eat at a restaurant with his family. His father and at least one other person at the restaurant contracted the Omicron variant, the first known local Omicron infections in Hong Kong. As of Sunday, the city had reported 240 Omicron cases.就在几周前,林郑月娥批评了香港旗舰航空公司国泰航空的高级管理人员,因为一名从美国返回的机组人员无视隔离要求,与家人在餐厅用餐。他的父亲和至少另一名在餐厅的人感染了奥密克戎变异株,这是香港已知的首例本地奥密克戎感染。截至周日,该市已报告240例奥密克戎病例。After the news of the party broke, Mrs. Lam said that while she was responsible for her government’s pandemic response, she was not responsible for her subordinates’ individual actions. That has fueled criticism that she does not hold herself to the same standards to which she holds Cathay executives, as well as others in Hong Kong.关于派对的新闻传出后,林郑月娥表示,虽然她对政府的疫情应对负责,但她不对下属的个人行为负责。这引发了批评,称她没有用对国泰高管以及香港其他人的标准来要求自己。“We live in an environment where we lack accountable government,” Mr. Burns said. “The Communist Party tells us repeatedly the chief executive is accountable to the center” — that is, the central government — “and that is true. But she is also locally accountable, and this part of the relationship to the Hong Kong people has been abandoned for several years.”“我们生活的环境缺乏负责任的政府,”卜约翰说。“共产党一再告诉我们,行政长官要对中央负责,这是事实。但她也要对当地负责,然而,与香港人民的关系这一部分已经被抛弃了好几年。”王霜舟(Austin Ramzy)是《纽约时报》驻香港记者,专注本地新闻,也报道区域性和突发新闻。他此前驻台湾和北京,曾对亚洲重大事件作出报道。欢迎在Twitter上关注他:@austinramzy。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 高官议员涉违规聚会,“派对门”引发港府信誉危机



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