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艾莎, MELISSA EDDY2024年4月17日德国总理肖尔茨周二在北京与中国领导人习近平见面。 Michael Kappeler/dpa/Picture Alliance, via Agence France-Presse — Getty ImagesChancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany tried to strike a delicate balance on a trip to China this week, promoting business ties with his country’s biggest trading partner while raising concerns over its surge of exports to Europe and its support for Russia.德国总理肖尔茨在本周访华期间试图找到一种脆弱的平衡,他既要推动与德国最大贸易伙伴的商业关系,又要就中国对欧洲的出口激增及其对俄罗斯的支持表示关切。Mr. Scholz met with China’s top leader, Xi Jinping, at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing on Tuesday, the culmination of a three-day visit with a delegation of German officials and business leaders. He also met with Premier Li Qiang, as the two countries navigate relations strained by Russia’s war in Ukraine and China’s rivalry with the United States, Germany’s most important ally.周二,肖尔茨在北京钓鱼台国宾馆与中国最高领导人习近平举行了会晤,这是他带领德国官员和商界领袖对中国进行三天访问的高潮。他还与李强总理举行了会晤,双方目前正在设法应对因俄罗斯入侵乌克兰以及中美对抗带来的紧张关系,而美国是德国最重要的盟友。Throughout his trip, Mr. Scholz promoted the interests of German companies that are finding it increasingly hard to compete in China. And he conveyed growing concern in the European Union that the region’s market is becoming a dumping ground for Chinese goods produced at a loss.肖尔茨在整个行程中推动了德国企业的利益,这些公司正发现在中国竞争变得越来越难。他还转达了欧盟越来越多的担忧,即欧洲市场正在成为中国亏本生产的商品的倾销地。But Mr. Scholz chose a conciliatory tone over a combative one in his opening remarks before he sat down with Mr. Xi on Tuesday morning, in a meeting that stretched for hours and turned into a walk and lunch.但肖尔茨在周二上午与习近平一起坐下来交谈之前的开场白中选择了和解而非好斗的语气。会晤持续了数小时,最后变成了一次散步,双方还共进了午餐。It was the German leader’s first visit to China since his government adopted a strategy last year that defined the Asian power as a “partner, competitor and systemic rival,” calling on Germany to reduce its dependency on Chinese goods.德国政府去年批准了首个对华战略,将这个亚洲大国定义为“合作伙伴、竞争者和制度性对手”,呼吁德国减少对中国商品的依赖。这是采取该战略以来,德国领导人首次访华。Germany’s economy shrank last year, and its weaknesses have exposed a reliance on China for growth. Energy prices have risen because of the war in Ukraine, which has been facilitated by Beijing’s support for the Kremlin. German companies have pushed for more access to China and complained that they face unfair competition.德国经济去年出现了萎缩,经济走弱暴露了其增长依赖中国的问题。由于俄乌战争,能源价格已在上涨,而中国对俄罗斯的支持有利于战争的持续。德国企业一直在推动得到更多的中国市场准入,并一直抱怨它们在华面临不公平竞争。The chancellor visited German companies with extensive investments in China and met with trade representatives and officials in the sprawling industrial metropolis of Chongqing in China’s southwest and in Shanghai and Beijing.在中国西南部工业重镇重庆以及上海、北京访问期间,德国总理参观了在中国有大量投资的德国企业,会见了贸易代表和官员。At a talk with a group of students in Shanghai on Monday, Mr. Scholz fielded a question from a student who planned to study in Germany this year, who said he was “really worried” because the country had partially legalized cannabis. “When you study in Berlin, you can run around the whole time and never meet anyone who does that,” the chancellor assured him.肖尔茨周一与上海一所大学的学生进行了交谈,回答了他们的问题。一名学生说他打算今年去德国留学,又说他“真的很担心”,因为德国允许部分大麻合法化。德国总理向这名学生保证,“如果你在柏林留学,你可以照常出门,不用担心会遇到任何吸大麻的人。”中国官媒周日发布的这张照片显示,肖尔茨在中国西南部城市重庆听取了有关一个中德研究项目的介绍。But he also used the platform to push more serious messages about trade. “Competition must be fair,” Mr. Scholz told the students. “We want a level playing field,” he said.但他也在与学生交谈时强调了有关贸易的更严肃信息。“竞争必须是公平的,”肖尔茨对学生们说。“我们要有一个公平的竞争环境,”他说。Mr. Scholz’s trip was an example of the difficult dance that Germany is trying to do: maintaining economic ties with China while managing U.S. pressure to align itself more closely with Washington against Beijing.肖尔茨的这次访问是德国试图处理一个两难问题的例证:既要与中国保持经济联系,又要应对来自美国的压力,美国要求德国与其保持更紧密的一致,以对抗中国。In his meetings, Mr. Scholz highlighted Germany’s commitment to doing business with China, but he also warned that Beijing had to curb the flood of Chinese goods into Europe. At the same time, he expressed reservations about the European Union’s investigations into China’s use of subsidies for green technology industries, saying that any discussion about trade must be based on fairness.在与中方领导人的会面中,肖尔茨强调了德国与中国做生意的承诺,但他也警告说,中国政府必须遏制中国商品大量涌入欧洲。同时,他对欧盟调查中国为绿色技术产业提供补贴表示了保留,并表示任何有关贸易的讨论都必须建立在公平的基础上。“This must be done from a position of self-confident competitiveness and not from protectionist motives,” Mr. Scholz told reporters on Monday.“这必须是出于自信的竞争力,而不是出于保护主义动机,”肖尔茨周一对记者说。China’s manufacturing push in green sectors like electric cars and solar panels has touched off trade disputes with Europe and the United States, where such industries have also received government support. But with 5,000 German companies active in the Chinese market, Germany stands to lose more than many of its European partners would if Beijing were to retaliate against the European Union.中国推动电动汽车和太阳能电池板等绿色制造业的发展,引发了与欧洲和美国的贸易争端,这些行业在美国也得到了政府的支持。但由于有5000家德国公司积极参与中国市场,如果中国对欧盟进行报复的话,德国有可能面临比它的许多欧盟伙伴更大的损失。“If the E.U. goes too hard against China, we could expect countermeasures and this would be a catastrophe for us,” said Maximilian Butek, the executive director of the German Chamber of Commerce in China.“如果欧盟对中国采取过于强硬的态度的话,我们预计中国会采取反制措施,这对我们来说将是一场灾难,”中国德国商会执行董事马铭博(Maximilian Butek)说。“For us it’s extremely important that the Chinese market remains open,” he said.“中国市场保持开放对我们来说极其重要,”他说。In his meeting with Mr. Xi, Mr. Scholz indicated that Russia’s war on Ukraine and its arms buildup were high on his agenda. “They directly affect our core interests. Indirectly, they damage the entire international order,” he said in opening remarks at the meeting, a transcript of which was provided by Mr. Scholz’s office.肖尔茨表示,俄罗斯入侵乌克兰的战争以及俄罗斯的军备增长是他与习近平会晤议程的重要议题。“它们直接影响我们的核心利益,间接损害整个国际秩序,”他在会晤前的开场白中说。肖尔茨的办公室提供了文字稿。But he broached the topic with a nonconfrontational tone, at least publicly, stopping short of directly raising concerns about China’s support of Moscow’s wartime economy, especially its continued sale to Russia of goods with potential uses on the battlefield. He said he wanted to discuss “how we can contribute more to a just peace in Ukraine.”但他使用了非对抗性的语言来引入这个话题,至少在公开场合是这样,而不是直接提出对中国支持俄罗斯的战时经济,尤其是中国继续向俄罗斯出售可能用在战场上的商品的担忧。他说,他想讨论“我们如何能为乌克兰的公正和平做更多贡献”的问题。肖尔茨周一在上海向学生发表讲话。China is hoping to drive a wedge between Europe and the United States by courting leaders such as Mr. Scholz. State media reports depicted his visit as demonstrating the strength of China’s relations with Europe, playing up its economic ties with Germany.中国想通过拉拢肖尔茨等领导人在欧洲和美国之间制造裂痕。中国官媒的报道称,肖尔茨的访问展现了中欧的牢固关系,强调了与德国的经济联系。In his opening remarks to Mr. Scholz, Mr. Xi said cooperation between China and Germany, which have the second- and third-largest economies, was beneficial to the world, a remark that could be read as directed at those who have urged Berlin to distance itself from Beijing.习近平在开场白中对肖尔茨表示,中德合作对世界有利。这句话可被解读为是针对那些敦促柏林与北京保持距离的人说的。中国是世界第二大经济体,德国是第三大经济体。“The two countries should view and develop bilateral relations from a long-term and strategic perspective and work together to inject more stability and certainty into the world,” Mr. Xi told Mr. Scholz, emphasizing the importance of seeking “common ground.”“两国要从长远和战略角度看待和发展双边关系,携手为世界注入更多稳定性和确定性,”习近平对肖尔茨表示,强调了寻求“共同”的重要性。Beijing is sure to welcome the message that German businesses are committed to China. The Asian giant is trying to court foreign investment to reinvigorate its economy, which has faltered because of a housing slowdown. Some Western businesses and investors have also been rattled by Mr. Xi’s emphasis on national security, which they regard as making it riskier to operate in the country.中国政府肯定会欢迎德国企业致力于与中国做生意的信息。这个亚洲巨人的经济受房地产市场放缓的拖累已陷入困境,正努力吸引外资重振经济。一些西方企业和投资者也因为习近平强调国家安全而感到不安,他们认为这使得在中国开展业务存在更大风险。From China’s perspective, Germany may be its best hope of delaying or watering down any trade restrictions from Europe, said Noah Barkin, a senior adviser in the China practice at the Rhodium Group, a research firm.从中国的角度来看,德国也许是推迟或淡化任何来自欧洲的贸易限制的最佳希望,研究公司荣鼎集团的中国事务高级顾问诺亚·巴尔金说。German carmakers have invested billions of dollars in China, and much of their revenue comes from there. Many worry that if the European Commission imposes higher tariffs on Chinese exports, and Beijing retaliates, German businesses will suffer most.德国车企在中国投资了数十亿美元,而且它们的大部分收入来自中国。许多人担心,如果欧盟委员会对中国出口商品征收更高关税,而且中国进行报复的话,德国企业将遭受最大的损失。Chinese officials “know that German companies are heavily invested and they use that politically to influence political decision making in Berlin,” Mr. Barkin said.中国官员“知道德国企业在中国投入巨资,为影响柏林的政治决策,他们在政治上利用这点”,巴尔金说。Germany’s biggest companies, including BMW, Mercedes-Benz and BASF, have large operations in China and strong, effective lobbies in Berlin, Mr. Barkin added. Executives from those companies, along with several others, traveled with Mr. Scholz to China.宝马、梅赛德斯-奔驰、巴斯夫等德国最大的公司在中国有大量业务,在柏林有强大有效的游说团体,巴尔金补充说。来自这些公司和其他几家公司的高管与肖尔茨一起访问了中国。“The supply chain in China is stuffed with German goods,” said Joerg Wuttke, a former president of the E.U. Chamber of Commerce in China. “If China has a price war with Germany, then no one will make money anymore.”“中国的供应链中到处都是德国产品,”欧盟中国商会前主席约尔格·伍德克说。“如果中国与德国打价格战的话,那就没人能赚钱了。”Mr. Scholz also brought along the German ministers for agriculture, the environment and transportation, officials who experts said would be particularly interested in working with China.与肖尔茨一起访华的还有德国农业部长、环境部长和交通部长,专家们认为这些官员对与中国合作有特别的兴趣。“You set an agenda with these three ministers, the tonality is overall a cooperative one, these are areas that we want to work on,” said Janka Oertel, director of the Asia Program at the European Council on Foreign Relations.“有这三名部长参与制定的议程,总体基调是合作性的,这些是我们想开展工作的领域,”欧洲外交关系委员会亚洲项目主任扬卡·欧特尔说。肖尔茨周日参观了博世在重庆的工厂。Chinese officials, for their part, have brushed off the European accusations of unfair trading practices, calling them groundless and an act of “typical protectionism.” They have hinted that they could retaliate for any actions taken by the E.U., saying that China was “strongly dissatisfied with and firmly opposes” its investigations.就中国官员而言,他们对欧洲关于不公平贸易行为的指控表示不理睬,称这种指控毫无根据,“是典型的保护主义。”他们已暗示,可能会对欧盟采取的任何行动进行报复,称中国对欧盟的调查“强烈不满和坚决反对”。In an interview with the German newspaper Handelsblatt, Wu Ken, China’s ambassador to Germany, said the competitive edge of Chinese electric vehicles “relies on innovation, not subsidies.”中国驻德国大使吴恳在接受德国《商报》采访时说,中国电动汽车的竞争优势“靠的是创新,而非补贴”。“The challenge faced by developed countries lies more in the fact that Chinese companies are more efficient,” the ambassador said.“发达国家面临的挑战更多在于,中国企业效率更高,”吴恳说。Zixu Wang自香港对本文有报道贡献。艾莎(Alexandra Stevenson)是《纽约时报》上海分社社长,报道中国经济和社会新闻。点击查看更多关于她的信息。Melissa Eddy常驻柏林,报道德国政治、商业和经济新闻。点击查看更多关于她的信息。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 德国总理访华:推动经贸关系,强调公平竞争


PETER BAKER, MICHAEL D. SHEAR2024年4月11日岸田文雄首相的国事访问以南草坪的欢迎仪式开始,拜登总统称赞两国关系是“和平、安全和繁荣的基石”。 Haiyun Jiang for The New York TimesPresident Biden and Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan announced a range of moves on Wednesday to further enhance military, economic and other cooperation between the two longtime allies as part of the president’s efforts to counter China’s aggressive actions in the Indo-Pacific region.周三,拜登总统和日本首相岸田文雄宣布了一系列举措,进一步加强两个长期盟友之间在军事、经济和其他方面的合作,这是拜登总统反击中国在印太地区强硬行动所做努力的一部分。During a pomp-filled ceremony honoring the visiting Japanese prime minister, the president said the United States and Japan would create an expanded defense architecture with Australia, participate in three-way military exercises with Britain and explore ways for Japan to join a U.S.-led coalition with Australia and Britain.在为到访日本首相举行的盛大仪式上,拜登总统说,美国和日本将与澳大利亚建立一个扩大的防务架构,参加与英国的三方军事演习,并探讨日本如何加入美国领导的与澳大利亚和英国的联盟。Mr. Biden also announced that the United States would take a Japanese astronaut to the moon as part of NASA’s Artemis program, which would be the first time a non-American has set foot on the moon.拜登还宣布,作为NASA阿尔忒弥斯计划的一部分,美国将把一名日本宇航员送上月球,将是非美国人首次踏上月球。“This is the most significant upgrade of our alliance since it was first established,” Mr. Biden said at a news conference in the White House Rose Garden along with the prime minister.“这是自我们的联盟建立以来最重大的升级,”拜登在白宫玫瑰园与日本首相一起举行的新闻发布会上说。Mr. Kishida made a point of reaffirming Japan’s “strong support for Ukraine” in its war against Russia, a key priority for Mr. Biden, and framed the European conflict in terms of the precedent it could set in Japan’s neighborhood. “Ukraine today may be East Asia tomorrow,” Mr. Kishida said.岸田文雄强调,日本在乌克兰对俄罗斯的战争中“大力支持乌克兰”——这也是拜登的一个重要优先事项,并称这场欧洲冲突对日本所在地区来说可以是一种前车之鉴。“乌克兰的今天可能就是东亚的明天,”他说。周三,美国总统拜登和日本首相岸田文雄在白宫重申了两国几十年来的纽带关系。Mr. Biden’s statements on Wednesday fit into a long history of American presidents declaring that the U.S.-Japan relationship was the most important bilateral alliance in the world.长期以来,美国历任总统一直宣称美日关系是世界上最重要双边联盟,拜登的声明延续了这一说法。In preparation for the state visit, Mr. Biden’s aides described the closer military link as one of the biggest upgrades of the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty, which dates back to early 1960, an Eisenhower-era innovation to turn a former World War II enemy into what later presidents called America’s “biggest aircraft carrier in the Pacific.”在为这次国事访问做准备时,拜登的助手称,这种更紧密的军事联系是对《美日安保条约》最大的一次升级。这项始自上世纪60年初的条约是艾森豪威尔时代的一项创新,目的是把一个“二战”时期的敌人变成日后总统们所称的美国“太平洋上最大的航空母舰”。There has always been a bit of hyperbole to the statement. But as the perceived threat from China has grown, Japan has been the linchpin of broader U.S. efforts to unify its separate allies in the region — especially South Korea and the Philippines — into a coordinated force.这种说法始终有些夸张的成分。但随着中国的威胁不断增强,美国正努力将该地区各自为战的盟友——尤其是韩国和菲律宾——联合起来,形成一个协同的力量,日本是其中的关键。The prime minister’s visit comes at the same time Mr. Biden is strengthening the American partnership with the Philippines, which also finds itself the target of a mounting Chinese military presence in the South China Sea. On Thursday, Mr. Biden and Mr. Kishida will meet with President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. of the Philippines to demonstrate their joint commitment.与此同时,拜登正在加强美国与菲律宾的伙伴关系,菲律宾也发现,自己成为中国在南海日益增加的军事存在的目标。周四,拜登和岸田文雄将会见菲律宾总统小费迪南德·马科斯,以表明共同承诺。The day began with a welcoming ceremony on the South Lawn, where Mr. Biden hailed the relationship between the United States and Japan as a “cornerstone of peace, security, prosperity” and said that President Eisenhower’s promise of an “indestructible partnership” had been achieved.当天在白宫南草坪举行的欢迎仪式上,拜登称赞美日关系是“和平、安全、繁荣的基石”,并表示艾森豪威尔总统关于“坚不可摧的伙伴关系”的承诺已经实现。“Just a few generations ago, our two nations were locked in a devastating conflict,” Mr. Biden said after he and Mr. Kishida watched a procession of U.S. military honor guards upon the prime minister’s arrival at the White House. “It would have been easy to say we remain adversaries. Instead, we made a far better choice: We became the closest of friends.”“就在几代人之前,我们两国还陷入了一场毁灭性的冲突,”拜登在首相抵达白宫时和岸田文雄一起检阅美军仪仗队后说道。“我们完全可以说我们仍然是敌人的。相反,我们做了更好的选择:我们成为了最亲密的朋友。”预计拜登和岸田文雄将概述两国军事力量增强合作与集成的计划。The Biden administration is signaling the importance of its relationship with Tokyo by holding an official state dinner on Wednesday evening in honor of Mr. Kishida, something reserved for America’s closest allies.拜登政府周三晚间为岸田文雄举行了为美国最亲密盟友准备的正式国宴,以示对两国关系的重视。The visit comes amid hand-wringing in Washington and Tokyo over the possibility of a return to power by former President Donald J. Trump, whose unpredictable foreign policy kept many world leaders on edge. One goal for Mr. Biden, officials said, is to create as much permanence in the Japanese relationship as possible before the election in November.岸田此行正值美日两国都处于惶惶不安的情绪中,原因是前总统特朗普有可能会重返白宫,他的外交政策令人难以捉摸,让世界各国领导人都时刻保持着警惕。官员们说,拜登的一个目标是赶在11月的大选前给美日关系注入尽可能多的持久性。One administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss the upcoming meeting, said there was “anxiety in capitals” around the world, including in Tokyo, about whether Mr. Trump would continue the international engagement that Mr. Biden and prior presidents have embraced. Another official said there was a real risk that Mr. Trump, if re-elected, could move to undo what the leaders of the two countries announced on Wednesday.一名以匿名为条件接受采访的政府官员谈及即将到来的会晤,称世界各国的“首都都很焦虑”,包括东京,大家不知道特朗普会不会像拜登以及过去的总统那样维持国际往来。还有一位官员说,如果再次当选,一个真实存在的风险是特朗普会着手取消两国领导人在周三宣布的决定。1月,美国和日本在菲律宾海举行联合军事演习。Mr. Biden and Mr. Kishida outlined greater coordination and integration between the military forces of both countries, including the formation of a joint defense council that could support more defense-related exports of equipment produced in Japan. And officials agreed on new cooperation on ventures in space and collaboration between research institutions working on artificial intelligence, semiconductors and clean energy.拜登和岸田概述了两国展开更广泛军事合作与集成的计划,包括组建一个联合防务委员会,以支持更多日本产设备的防务相关出口。双方官员同意就太空探索展开新的合作,此外在人工智能、半导体和清洁能源领域的研究机构也会建立协作关系。“The American alliance system has helped bring peace and stability to the Indo-Pacific for decades, and now we need to update and upgrade that alliance network for the modern age,” said Jake Sullivan, the White House national security adviser. “It goes way beyond security. It’s economics. It’s technology. It’s infrastructure development. And it’s diplomacy. And that’s all going to be on display in the meeting with the prime minister.”“美国的联盟体系给印太地区带来了数十年的和平与稳定,如今我们需要对这个联盟网络进行更新和升级,以适应现代的需求,”白宫国家安全顾问杰克·沙利文说。“这远不只是安全问题。关系到经济。关系到科技。关系到基础设施开发。关系到外交。这些都会体现在与首相的会晤中。”The meeting on Thursday between Mr. Biden, Mr. Kishida and Mr. Marcos represents a more aggressive effort by the United States and its allies to isolate China — rather than allowing the Chinese leadership to intimidate and isolate its neighbors in the South China Sea and elsewhere.拜登、岸田与马科斯在周四的会议,代表着美国及其盟友选择用一种更激进的行动来孤立中国——而不是任凭中国领导人在南海以及其它地方恐吓与孤立其邻国。The Thursday meeting will be the first time that the leaders of the three nations have met together, officials said.官员们表示,周四的会议将是三国领导人首次聚首。“We’re continuing to deepen our cooperation with our closest partners to ensure what we’ve talked about many times from this podium and elsewhere: a free, open and prosperous Indo Pacific,” Mr. Sullivan told reporters during a briefing at the White House on Tuesday.“我们在继续加深与最亲密合作伙伴的合作,以确保实现我们在这个讲台以及其它地方反复提到过的目标:一个自由、开放、繁荣的印太地区,”沙利文在周二的一场白宫简报会上说。“就在几代人之前,我们两国还陷入了一场毁灭性的冲突,”拜登在和岸田文雄检阅了美国仪仗队后说。Mr. Sullivan declined to say whether Mr. Biden would raise with Mr. Kishida the issue of plans by Nippon Steel, a Japanese corporation, to acquire U.S. Steel, the struggling manufacturer based in Pittsburgh. Mr. Biden has publicly said that he will have “the backs” of union steel workers, indicating his opposition to the deal.沙利文拒绝透露拜登是否会向岸田提及日本制铁的计划,这家日本企业希望收购处于困境中的匹兹堡企业美国钢铁公司。拜登已经公开表示“支持”工会的钢铁工人,这表明他会反对这项交易。“You guys all know Joe Biden,” he said. “You’ve seen Joe Biden. He’s been very clear that he’s going to stand up for American workers. He’s going to defend your interests. He’s also been very clear that he is going to make sure that the U.S.-Japan alliance is the strongest it’s ever been.”“你们都了解乔·拜登,”他说。“你们都见过乔·拜登。他一直都很明确,他会为美国工人撑腰。他会捍卫你们的利益。同时他也很明确表示,他会确保美日联盟比以往任何时候都坚固。”But administration officials said later on Tuesday that they did not think the subject would come up between the two leaders on Wednesday because both men already know the position of the other.然而政府官员在周二晚些时候表示,他们认为两位领导人在周三的会面中不会谈这个问题,因为两人都已经知道对方的立场是什么。Mr. Biden greeted Mr. Kishida on Tuesday evening for a brief arrival at the White House. Later, the two leaders and their wives went to BlackSalt, an upscale seafood restaurant in Washington, for a more casual dinner ahead of the formal events on Wednesday.周二晚上,拜登在白宫举行了一个简短的仪式迎接岸田。此后两位领导人携妻子前往华盛顿的一家高档海鲜餐厅BlackSalt,赶在周三的正式活动之前共进了一顿较为随意的晚餐。White House officials said the couples had exchanged a series of gifts on Tuesday evening, a diplomatic tradition for such events. The official gift from Mr. Biden and Jill Biden, the first lady, was a three-legged table that was handmade by a Japanese American-owned company in Pennsylvania.白宫官员说两对夫妇在周二晚交换了一系列礼物,这是此类活动的外交惯例。拜登和第一夫人吉尔·拜登送出的官方礼物是一张三脚桌,是宾夕法尼亚州一家由日裔美国人拥有的公司手工制作的出品。Other gifts included a lithograph and a two-volume LP set autographed by Billy Joel and a vintage vinyl record collection. Dr. Biden gave Ms. Kishida a framed painting of the Yoshino cherry tree that the two had planted on the South Lawn last spring, and a soccer ball signed by the U.S. women’s national soccer team and the Japanese women’s team.其它的礼物包括一幅版画、有比利·乔签名的一套双张黑胶唱片,以及一套黑胶老唱片收藏。拜登博士送给岸田夫人一幅经过装裱的画,画中是两人去年春天在白宫南草坪种下的一棵吉野樱树,以及一只有美国和日本女子足球国家队签名的足球。At the state dinner, the White House was scheduled to serve a meal that would include house-cured salmon and dry-aged rib-eye steak with blistered shishito pepper butter.在国宴上,白宫计划的菜品包括自家熏制的三文鱼和干式熟成的眼肉牛排,佐以烤狮子唐辣椒调制的黄油。David E. Sanger对本文有报道贡献。Peter Baker是时报首席白宫记者。他报道了最近的五位美国总统的新闻,有时也撰写将总统和美国政府置于更宏观的背景和历史框架下的分析性文章。点击查看更多关于他的信息。Michael D. Shear是《纽约时报》的白宫记者,报道拜登总统和他的政府。他从事政治报道已有30多年。点击查看更多关于他的信息。翻译:纽约时报中文网

Source: 美日进一步加强同军事及经济合作,与中国抗衡


CHOE SANG-HUN2024年4月10日2022年首尔大选时,共同民主党候选人李在明和国民力量党候选人尹锡悦。 Yonhap, via Associated PressThe elections are ostensibly about the 300 seats in Parliament, but when South Koreans go to the polls on Wednesday, they will also be signaling support for one of two leaders who are locked in what is known here as “gladiator politics.”这次选举表面上是为了争夺国会的300个议席,但当韩国人周三投票时,他们也将向两位领导人之一发出支持的信号,两人正在进行被韩国人称为“角斗士政治”的角逐。The do-or-die rivalry between President Yoon Suk Yeol and the opposition leader Lee Jae-myung, whose party holds the majority in the National Assembly, has made the elections as fraught with fear and resentment as any in South Korea​n history. Neither leader commands broad popularity, instead relying on hard-line supporters who either want to see Mr. Yoon, a conservative, impeached for abuse of power, or Mr. Lee, a progressive, imprisoned for corruption.总统尹锡悦和反对党领袖李在明(他所在的政党在国会占多数席位)之间你死我活的竞争,使这次选举和韩国历史上的选举一次选举一样,充满恐惧和怨恨。两位领导人都没有得到广泛的民众基础,而是依靠强硬的支持者,这些人要么希望看到保守派的尹锡悦因滥用权力而被弹劾,要么希望进步派的李在明因腐败而入狱。“This election is about who you want to punish, Yoon Suk Yeol or Lee Jae-myung,” said Eom Kyeong-Newbie trader, an election analyst at the Zeitgeist Institute in Seoul.“这次选举是关于你想惩罚谁,尹锡悦还是李在明,”首尔时代精神研究所的选举分析师严庆荣(音)说。On the global stage, South Korea is the dynamic exporter of cars, phones, K-pop and K-dramas. But at home, voter discontent runs deep. The country’s economy is slowing. Its birthrate is the world’s lowest. Its Gen Z youth — frustrated with widening economic inequity and priced out of the housing market — fear that they will be the first generation in the country’s history economically worse off than their parents.在国际舞台上,韩国是汽车、手机、韩国流行乐和韩剧的活跃出口国。但在国内,选民的不满情绪根深蒂固。该国的经济正在放缓。它的出生率是世界上最低的。Z世代的年轻人对日益扩大的经济不平等感到沮丧,他们因为房价过高而被住房市场拒之门外,担心自己将成为这个国家历史上第一代经济状况比父母差的人。Amid these fundamental crises, the country’s politics are more divided than ever. Online demagoguery proliferates through YouTube and other social media, mainstreaming hate. In January, a disgruntled older man stabbed Mr. Lee in the neck with a knife. (The attacker said South Korea was “in a civil war,” adding that he wanted to “cut the head” of the country’s “pro-North Korean” left wing, according to a manifesto he sent from his prison cell to Choo Chin-woo, an investigative journalist.) A few weeks later, an angry youth attacked a governing-party lawmaker, striking her in the head with a stone.有了这些根本性的危机,这个国家的政治比以往任何时候都更加分裂。网上的煽动言论通过YouTube和其他社交媒体激增,使得仇恨成为主流。今年1月,一名心怀不满的老人用刀刺伤了李在明的脖子。这名袭击者在狱中发给调查记者朱震禹(音)一份宣言,声称韩国“处于内战”,还说他想“砍下”韩国那些“亲朝鲜”左翼的脑袋。几周后,一名愤怒的年轻人袭击了一名执政党议员,用石头砸中她的头部。李在明在2022年的总统竞选中失败,但仍在领导反对党共同民主党。今年1月,一名男子刺伤了他的脖子。Mr. Yoon and Mr. Lee’s parties have released reams of similar campaign promises on how to address problems like the country’s dismal birthrate. But their campaign focus, analysts said, has been on demonizing their rivals.在解决韩国低出生率等问题上,尹锡悦和李在明的政党也发布了大量类似的竞选承诺。但分析人士说,他们的竞选重点一直是将对手妖魔化。South Korea’s politics have long been ​dominated by revenge and resentment, so much so they have become a vindictive “gladiators’ arena​,” Cho Newbie traderho, a political science professor at Sogang University, wrote in an analysis last month. ​Presidents, elected for a single, five-year term, have often pursued their predecessors or domestic rivals with criminal investigations, creating a vicious cycle of political retaliation.西江大学政治学教授赵永浩(音)在上个月的一篇分析文章中写道,长期以来,复仇和怨恨一直主导着韩国的政治,令韩国变成了一个充满报复的“角斗士竞技场”。当选的总统任期为五年,通常会对前任或国内竞争对手进行刑事调查,从而形成政治报复的恶性循环。Mr. Yoon and Mr. Lee first clashed in the 2022 presidential election, a race South Korean news media deemed “a contest between the unlikable.” Mr. Yoon beat Mr. Lee by ​a narrow margin. Their rivalry has only intensified since then.尹锡悦和李在明第一次交锋是在2022年的总统选举中,韩国新闻媒体认为那次竞选是“不受欢迎者之间的较量”。 尹锡悦以微弱优势击败了李在明。从那时起,他们之间的竞争愈演愈烈。2022年大选候选人(左起):绿色正义党沈相奵、国民之党安哲秀、国民力量党尹锡悦、共同民主党李在明。李在明以微弱劣势输给了尹锡悦,之后两人继续进行激烈的政治竞争。Under Mr. Yoon, state prosecutors have pursued Mr. Lee, his wife and ​his ​former aides with a series of investigations. Mr. Lee has been indicted on bribery and other criminal charges, accusations he denies. Denounced as a “criminal suspect” by Mr. Yoon’s People Power Party, he has failed to win an audience with the president to discuss policies.在尹锡悦的领导下,韩国检方对李在明夫妇和他的前助手展开了一系列调查。李在明被控贿赂和其他刑事指控,但他予以否认。他被尹锡悦的国民力量党斥为“犯罪嫌疑人”,未能获得与总统讨论政策的机会。Instead of stepping aside after his electoral loss, Mr. Lee was back in the center of politics within a few months. He won a parliamentary seat and, in effect, a political shield from prosecutors. And Mr. Lee, who wants to run again for president in 2027, also tightened his grip on his Democratic Party.李在明在选举失败后没有辞职,而是在几个月内重新回到了政治中心。他赢得了一个议会席位,实际上等于获得了政治庇护,得以不被检察官起诉。李在明希望在2027年再次竞选总统,并加强了对他所在的共同民主党的控制。He has since made it his mission to fight what he says is Mr. Yoon’s “dictatorship by prosecutors,” staging a three-week hunger strike.从那以后,他开始了为期三周的绝食抗议,把反对其所谓尹锡悦“检察官专制”作为自己的使命。Mr. Lee’s party has refused to endorse Mr. Yoon’s cabinet nominees. Mr. Yoon has vetoed parliamentary bills passed by Mr. Lee’s party, including one mandating an investigation of corruption claims involving the first lady, Kim Keon Hee.李在明的政党拒绝支持尹锡悦的内阁人选。尹锡悦否决了李在明领导的政党通过的国会议案,其中包括要求对第一夫人金建希的腐败指控进行调查。李在明去年绝食,抗议他所称的尹锡悦滥用检察官骚扰政治对手的行为。In parliamentary polls, South Koreans often vote for the parties and their leaders, not for individual candidates. About 20 percent of eligible voters want to see both Mr. Yoon and Mr. Lee punished, and this election could be decided by how they eventually vote, said Jeong Han Wool, a polling expert at the Research Institute of Korean People.在议会选举中,韩国人往往投票给政党及其领导人,而不是投给作为个人的候选人。韩国人民研究所的民调专家郑汉武(音)说,大约20%的合格选民希望看到尹锡悦和李在明都受到惩罚,这次选举可能取决于他们最终的投票结果。A victory for Mr. Lee’s Democratic Party would help revive his presidential prospects — as well as his efforts to pass new bills for special prosecutors to investigate accusations of corruption and abuse of power involving Mr. Yoon’s government and his wife.如果李在明的共同民主党获胜,将有助于重振他当选总统的前景,也有助于他推动通过新议案,让特别检察官调查涉及尹锡悦政府及其夫人的腐败和滥用权力指控。The election is mainly a contest between the two largest parties for parliamentary majority. But a host of small and even obscure startup parties have also joined the fray. Candidates of Mr. Lee’s party and two small parties closely allied with it are running their campaign with calls to “punish” Mr. Yoon or turn him into an early “lame” or “dead duck.”这次选举主要是两个最大政党争夺议会多数席位的较量。但许多小型甚至不知名的新建政党也加入了竞争。李在明所在政党的候选人以及与其关系密切的两个小政党在竞选活动中呼吁“惩罚”尹锡悦,或者让他早日成为“跛鸭”或“死鸭”。“An election defeat will leave Yoon hardly able to do anything until his term expires,” said Shin Yul, a political scientist at Myongji University in Seoul.首尔明知大学的政治学家申烈(音)说:“如果选举失败,在任期结束之前,尹锡悦几乎什么都做不了。”Mr. Yoon and Mr. Lee hail from sharply different backgrounds, making their clash not only political but also cultural.尹锡悦和李在明的背景截然不同,因此他们的冲突不仅是政治上的,也是文化上的。Mr. Yoon, a son of a college professor, was an elite prosecutor, rising to the ranks of prosecutor-general before becoming president. His supporters praise him for strengthening ties with the United States in the face of nuclear threats from North Korea. But his detractors call him a hamfisted elitist who favors the rich and uses coercive measures to silence critics.尹锡悦是大学教授的儿子,是一名精英检察官,在成为总统之前曾担任检察总长。支持者称赞他在面对朝鲜核威胁时加强了与美国的关系。但批评者称他是一个拙劣的精英主义者,偏袒富人,使用强制措施来压制批评者。Under Mr. Yoon, prosecutors and the police have raided news outlets accused of spreading “fake news.” State regulators have reprimanded a TV station for not attaching the Korean equivalent of “first lady” or “Ms.” to the name of Mr. Yoon’s wife. His bodyguards gagged and removed an opposition lawmaker and a student who shouted criticism at Mr. Yoon during government and campus events. In its 2024 Democracy Report, the V-Dem Institute of Sweden ranked South Korea under Mr. Yoon as one of the 42 countries undergoing “autocratization.”在尹锡悦的领导下,检察官和警方突击搜查了被控传播“假新闻”的新闻机构。国家监管机构谴责一家电视台,因为它没有在尹锡悦妻子的名字后面加上韩语的“第一夫人”或“夫人”字样。他的保镖堵住一名反对派议员和一名学生的嘴,将他们带走,因为他们分别在政府和校园活动中大声批评尹锡悦。瑞典的V-Dem研究所在《2024年民主报告》中,将尹锡悦领导的韩国列为42个“专制国家”之一。去年,尹锡悦和妻子金建希在纪念韩国反抗日本殖民统治的独立运动日仪式上。Mr. Lee, a son of public toilet cleaners, was a teenage sweatshop worker in rubber and glove factories before becoming a labor lawyer, a mayor and a provincial governor. His supporters see him as an outspoken outsider who can fix establishment politics. But his critics call him a devious populist who cut corrupt deals while in office and quashed dissenting voices within his party in attempts to consolidate power.李在明是公共厕所清洁工的儿子,青少年时期曾在生产橡胶和手套的血汗工厂工作,后来成为劳工律师、市长和知事。支持者认为他是一个敢于直言的局外人,可以修复建制政治。但批评者称他是一个狡猾的民粹主义者,执政期间进行腐败交易,在党内压制反对声音,试图巩固权力。Mr. Lee is now on trial on charges of giving illegal favors to a private investor in a real estate project while he was a mayor. Another accusation prosecutors have made is that when he was a governor, he asked a local businessman to illegally transfer $8 million to North Korea to promote economic exchanges with his province.李在明目前正在受审,他被控担任市长期间在一个房地产项目上向一名私人投资者提供非法帮助。检察官提出的另一项指控是,他在担任知事期间,要求当地一名商人非法向朝鲜转移800万美元,以促进与他所在省份的经济交流。Many analysts expect the coming election to amplify polarization in the country.许多分析人士预计,即将到来的选举将加剧该国的两极分化。“Politics will continue to be dominated by a struggle between the one who wants to kill and the one who wants to survive,” said Mr. Cho of Sogang University. “Issues the people care about — the livelihoods of the public, the economy, low birthrates and welfare — take a back seat.”“政治将继续被想要杀人者和想要生存者之间的斗争所主导,”西江大学的赵永浩说。“人们关心的民生、经济、低出生率和福利等问题都退居次要地位。”Choe Sang-Hun是时报驻首尔的首席记者,报道韩国和朝鲜新闻。点击查看更多关于他的信息。翻译:晋其角点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 韩国国会选举:尹锡悦与李在明的“角斗士”之战


MEAGHAN TOBIN2024年4月3日首都台北的震感持续了一分多钟,电视新闻上播出了建筑物摇晃的画面。 Chiang Ying-ying/Associated PressA powerful magnitude 7.4 earthquake struck Taiwan on Wednesday morning, prompting nearby Japan to issue a tsunami warning.周三上午,台湾发生7.4级强震,促使临近的日本发出海啸警告。The quake was centered off the coast of Hualien, on Taiwan’s east coast, according to the United States Geological Survey. Taiwan’s Central Weather Administration also recorded an aftershock of magnitude 6.5.据美国地质调查局,地震震中位于台湾东海岸的花莲沿岸。台湾中央气象署还录得一次震级为6.5级的余震。The quake’s epicenter was about 10 miles under the earth’s surface, according to Taiwan. Tremors could be felt for over a minute in the capital, Taipei, where news broadcasts showed footage of buildings shaking.据台湾称,此次地震的震源深度为地表以下约16公里。首都台北的震感持续一分多钟,电视新闻播放了建筑物摇晃的画面。In Japan, according to the broadcaster NHK, tsunami waves as high as 30 centimeters had already started hitting the shore on Yonaguni Island at 9:14 a.m. local time.据日本NHK广播公司报道,当地时间上午9点14分,与那国岛海岸已出现高达30厘米的海啸。Residents on Okinawa, Miyako and Yaeyama islands in southern Japan were told to get as far away from coastal areas as possible. According to NHK, the tsunamis were expected to hit the islands shortly after 10 a.m., with waves as high as 3 meters, or 10 feet, on Miyako and Yaeyama.日本南部冲绳岛、宫古岛和八重山岛的居民被告知尽可能远离沿海地区。据NHK报道,海啸预计将于上午10点过后不久袭击这些岛屿,宫古岛和八重山的海浪将高达3米。Motoko Rich自东京对本文有报道贡献。Meaghan Tobin是时报科技记者,常驻台北,报道亚洲地区的商业和科技新闻,重点关注中国。点击查看更多关于她的信息。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 台湾发生7.4级强震,日本发出海啸预警


TIFFANY HSU, STEVEN LEE MYERS2024年4月2日 Alice LagardeCovert Chinese accounts are masquerading online as American supporters of former President Donald J. Trump, promoting conspiracy theories, stoking domestic divisions and attacking President Biden ahead of the election in November, according to researchers and government officials.据研究人员和政府官员称,隐蔽的中国账号正在网上伪装成支持前总统特朗普的美国人,宣扬阴谋论,煽动国内分裂,并在11月大选前攻击拜登总统。The accounts signal a potential tactical shift in how Beijing aims to influence American politics, with more of a willingness to target specific candidates and parties, including Mr. Biden.这些账号表明,中国政府在寻求影响美国政治的方式上可能进行了战术转型,更愿意将目标对准特定的候选人和政党,包括拜登。In an echo of Russia’s influence campaign before the 2016 election, China appears to be trying to harness partisan divisions to undermine the Biden administration’s policies, despite recent efforts by the two countries to lower the temperature in their relations.与俄罗斯在2016年大选前的影响运动相似,中国似乎也在试图利用党派分歧来破坏拜登政府的政策,尽管中美两国最近都在努力给两国的紧张关系降温。Some of the Chinese accounts impersonate fervent Trump fans, including one on X that purported to be “a father, husband and son” who was “MAGA all the way!!” The accounts mocked Mr. Biden’s age and shared fake images of him in a prison jumpsuit, or claimed that Mr. Biden was a Satanist pedophile while promoting Mr. Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan.其中一些上述的中国账号冒充狂热的特朗普粉丝,包括一个X上的账号,声称自己是“父亲、丈夫和儿子”,而且“百分百MAGA!!”(“让美国恢复荣光”的简写。)这些账号嘲笑拜登的年龄,分享他穿着囚服的假照片,或声称拜登是崇拜撒旦的恋童癖,同时宣传特朗普的“让美国恢复荣光”口号。“I’ve never seen anything along those lines at all before,” said Elise Thomas, a senior analyst at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, a nonprofit research organization that uncovered a small group of the fake accounts posing as Trump supporters.战略对话研究所高级分析师埃莉斯·托马斯说:“我以前从未见过类似的情况,”这家非营利研究机构发现了一小部分冒充特朗普支持者的虚假账号。Ms. Thomas and other researchers have linked the new activity to a long-running network of accounts connected with the Chinese government known as Spamouflage. Several of the accounts they detailed previously posted pro-Beijing content in Mandarin — only to resurface in recent months under the guise of real Americans writing in English.托马斯和其他研究人员将这些新运动和一个与中国政府有关联的长期运营的账号网络联系起来,这个网络被称为“水军迷彩”。他们具体提到的几个账号以前用中文发布支持北京的内容,最近几个月才开始假装成使用英语发文的真正的美国人。In a separate project, the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a research organization in Washington, identified 170 inauthentic pages and accounts on Facebook that have also pushed anti-American messages, including pointed attacks on Mr. Biden.在另一个项目中,华盛顿研究机构捍卫民主基金会在Facebook上发现了170个不真实的网页和账号,它们也在推送反美信息,包括对拜登的尖锐攻击。The effort has more successfully attracted actual users’ attention and become more difficult for researchers to identify than previous Chinese efforts to influence public opinion in the United States. Though researchers say the overall political tilt of the campaign remains unclear, it has raised the possibility that China’s government is calculating that a second Trump presidency, despite his sometimes hostile statements against the country, might be preferable to a second Biden term.与中国以往影响美国民众的努力相比,这些行动更成功地吸引了真实用户的注意力,也更难被研究人员识别。尽管研究人员表示,这场行动的总体政治倾向并不明确,但它提出了一种可能性,即中国政府正在盘算,尽管特朗普有时会发表敌视中国的言论,但如果他再次当选总统,可能会比拜登再次连任对中国更有利。China’s activity has already raised alarms inside the American government.中国的这些行动已经引起了美国政府内部的警觉。In February, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence reported that China was expanding its influence campaigns to “sow doubts about U.S. leadership, undermine democracy and extend Beijing’s influence.” The report expressed concern that Beijing could use increasingly sophisticated methods to try to influence the American election “to sideline critics of China.”今年2月,美国国家情报总监办公室报告称,中国正在扩大其影响力运动,以“制造对美国领导力的怀疑,破坏民主,扩大北京的影响力”。报告担心,北京可能会使用越来越复杂的方法来试图影响美国大选,“使批评中国的人靠边站。”Ms. Thomas, who has studied China’s information operations for years, said the new effort suggested a more subtle and sophisticated approach than previous campaigns. It was the first time, she said, that she had encountered Chinese accounts posing so persuasively as Trump-supporting Americans while managing to attract genuine engagement.研究中国信息运作多年的托马斯说,与以往的行动相比,这些新努力表明中国采取了一种更微妙、更复杂的方式。她说这是她第一次看到中国账号如此有说服力地冒充支持特朗普的美国人,同时又能吸引真正的互动。“The worry has always been, what if one day they wake up and are effective?” she said. “Potentially, this could be the beginning of them waking up and being effective.”“我们一直担心的是,如果有一天这些账号活跃起来,变得有效了怎么办?”她说。“有可能,这就是它们活跃并产生效果的开始。”Online disinformation experts are looking ahead to the months before the November election with growing anxiety.研究网络虚假信息的专家们对11月大选前的几个月越来越焦虑不安。Intelligence assessments show Russia using increasingly subtle influence tactics in the United States to spread its case for isolationism as its war against Ukraine continues. Mock news sites are targeting Americans with Russian propaganda.情报评估显示,随着对乌克兰战争的继续,俄罗斯在美国使用愈发微妙的影响策略来传播推动孤立主义的主张。虚假新闻网站正在针对美国人传播俄罗斯的宣传信息。Efforts to beat back false narratives and conspiracy theories — already a difficult task — must now also contend with waning moderation efforts at social media platforms, political pushback, fast-advancing artificial intelligence technology and broad information fatigue.击退虚假叙事和阴谋论本已是一项艰巨的任务,现在还必须应对社交媒体平台节制力度的减弱、政治上的反击、快速发展的人工智能技术,以及广泛的信息疲劳。Until now, China’s efforts to advance its ideology in the West struggled to gain traction, first as it pushed its official propaganda about the superiority of its culture and economy and later as it began denigrating democracy and stoking anti-American sentiment.先是中国官方宣传其文化和经济的优越性,然后是诋毁民主和煽动反美情绪。但迄今为止,中国在西方推进其意识形态的努力在吸引受众方面一直面临困难。In the 2022 midterm elections, the cybersecurity firm Mandiant reported that Dragonbridge, an influence campaign linked to China, tried to discourage Americans from voting while highlighting U.S. political polarization. That campaign, which experimented with fake American personas posting content in the first person, was poorly executed and largely overlooked online, researchers said.网络安全公司曼迪安特报告称,在2022年中期选举期间,一个与中国有关联的影响力运动“龙桥”试图劝美国人放弃投票,同时强调美国的政治两极分化。研究人员说,该运动尝试使用假冒美国人的角色,以第一人称发布内容,但执行不力,在网上基本上遭到了忽视。The recent campaigns connected to China have sought to exploit the divisions already apparent in American politics, joining the divisive debate over issues such as Same Currency Pair rights, immigration and crime mainly from a right-wing perspective.最近与中国有关的影响力运动试图利用美国政治中已然明显的分歧,主要从右翼的角度加入了关于同性恋权利、移民和犯罪等问题的容易产生分化的辩论。In February, according to the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, a Chinese-linked account on X calling itself a Western name alongside a “MAGA 2024” reference shared a video from RT, the Russian television network controlled by the Kremlin, to claim that Mr. Biden and the Central Intelligence Agency had sent a neo-Nazi gangster to fight in Ukraine. (That narrative was debunked by the investigative group Bellingcat.)战略对话研究所表示,今年2月,X上的一个与中国相关的账号给自己起了一个西方名字,并提及“MAGA 2024”,该账号分享了克里姆林宫控制的俄罗斯电视网络RT的视频,声称拜登和中央情报局派出一名新纳粹黑帮前往乌克兰作战。(调查团体Bellingcat揭穿了这一不实说法。)The next day the post received an enormous boost when Alex Jones, the podcaster known for spreading false claims and conspiracy theories, shared it on the platform with his 2.2 million followers.第二天,以传播虚假言论和阴谋论而闻名的播客主持人亚历克斯·琼斯在该平台上与他的220万粉丝分享了该帖子,该帖因此受到巨大的关注。The account with the “MAGA 2024” reference had taken steps to appear authentic, describing itself as being run by a 43-year-old Trump supporter in Los Angeles. But it used a profile photo lifted from a Danish man’s travel blog, the institute’s report on the accounts said. Although the account opened 14 years ago, its first publicly visible post was last April. In that post, the account attempted, without evidence, to link Mr. Biden to Jeffrey Epstein, the disgraced financier and registered Forex and Stock Speculating offender.为了显得真实,这个提到“MAGA 2024”的账号采取了不少措施,它自称是由洛杉矶一名43岁的特朗普支持者运营的。但战略对话研究所关于该账号的报告显示,它使用了从一名丹麦男子的旅游博客中摘取的个人资料照片。尽管该帐号于14年前就注册开通了,但第一个公开可见的帖子却是在去年4月发布的。在那篇帖子中,该账号在没有证据的情况下试图将拜登与名誉扫地的金融家、已登记在册的性犯罪者杰弗里·爱泼斯坦联系起来。At least four other similar accounts are also operating, Ms. Thomas said, all of them with ties to China. One account paid for a subscription on X, which offers perks like better promotion and a blue check mark that was, before Elon Musk bought the platform, a sign of verification conferred to users whose identities had been verified. Like the other accounts, it shared pro-Trump and anti-Biden claims, including the QAnon conspiracy theory and baseless election fraud accusations.托马斯说,至少还有其他四个类似的账号也在运营中,所有这些账号都与中国有联系。其中一个账号在X上还为订阅付了费,相关付费服务提供更好的宣传和蓝色打勾标志等好处,在埃隆·马斯克购买该平台之前,蓝色打勾标志对普通用户意味着这个账号的身份已得到验证。与其他账号一样,这个账号也分享了支持特朗普和反对拜登的言论,内容包括QAnon阴谋论和毫无根据的选举舞弊指控。The posts included exhortations to “be strong ourselves, not smear China and create rumors,” awkward phrases like “how dare?” instead of “how dare you?” and signs that the user’s web browser had been set to Mandarin.这些帖子包括劝诫“我们自己要强大,不要抹黑中国、制造谣言”,以及“how dare?”这样蹩脚的语句,而不是“how dare you?”(意为“你凭什么”。——译注)此外还有迹象表明,该用户的网络浏览器设置的是简体中文。One of the accounts seemed to slip up in May when it responded to another post in Mandarin; another was posting primarily in Mandarin until last spring, when it briefly went silent before resurfacing with all-English content. The accounts denounced efforts by American lawmakers to ban the popular TikTok app, which is owned by the Chinese company ByteDance, as a form of “true authoritarianism” orchestrated by Israel and as a tool for Mr. Biden to undermine China.其中一个账号在5月份似乎出现了失误,用中文回复了另一篇帖子。另一个账号主要用普通话发布内容,直到去年春天,该账号短暂沉寂,然后又以全英文内容重新出现。这些账号谴责美国立法者禁止中国公司字节跳动旗下广受欢迎的TikTok应用程序的努力,称其为以色列精心策划的一种“真正的威权主义”形式,也是拜登削弱中国的工具。The accounts sometimes amplified or repeated content from the Chinese influence campaign Spamouflage, which was first identified in 2019 and linked to an arm of the Ministry of Public Security. It once posted content almost exclusively in Chinese to attack the Communist Party’s critics and protesters in Hong Kong.这些账号有时会放大或重复中国影响力活动“水军迷彩”的内容,该行动于2019年首次被发现,与中国公安部的一个部门有关。它曾经基本只中文发布内容来攻击香港的共产党批评者和抗议者。It has pivoted in recent years to focus on the United States, portraying the country as overwhelmed by chaos. By 2020, it was posting in English and criticizing American foreign policy, as well as domestic issues in the United States, including its response to Covid-19 and natural disasters, like the  Earnings-price ratiofires in Hawaii last year.近年来,该行动重点转向了美国,将这个国家描绘成一片混乱。到2020年,它开始用英语发帖,批评美国的外交政策以及美国国内问题,包括对新冠和自然灾害(如去年夏威夷山火)的反应。China, which has denied interfering in other countries’ internal affairs, now appears to be building a network of accounts across many platforms to put to use in November. “This is reminiscent of Russia’s style of operations, but the difference is more the intensity of this operation,” said Margot Fulde-Hardy, a former analyst at Viginum, the government agency in France that combats disinformation online.否认干涉他国内政的中国目前似乎正在多个平台上建立一个账号网络,并将于11月投入使用。“这让人想起俄罗斯的行动风格,但不同之处更多在于这种行动的强度,”法国打击网上虚假信息的政府机构Viginum的前分析师玛戈·富尔德-哈迪说。In the past, many Spamouflage accounts followed one another, posted sloppily in several languages and simultaneously blitzed social media users with identical messages across multiple platforms.过去,许多“水军迷彩”旗下账号会互相关注,随意地用多种语言发布内容,并同时在多个平台上向社交媒体用户发布相同的信息。The newer accounts are trickier to find because they are trying to build an organic following and appear to be controlled by humans rather than automated bots. One of the accounts on X also had linked profiles on Instagram and Threads, creating an appearance of authenticity.较新的账号更难找到,因为它们试图打造自然增长的关注群体,并且似乎是由人而不是自动化机器人控制的。X上的一个帐号还在Instagram和Threads上链接了个人资料,营造出真实的样子。Meta, which owns Instagram and Threads, last year removed thousands of inauthentic accounts linked to Spamouflage on Facebook and others on Instagram. It called one network it had removed “the largest known cross-platform influence operation to date.” Hundreds of related accounts remained on other platforms, including TikTok, X, LiveJournal and Blogspot, Meta said.拥有Instagram和Threads的Meta公司去年在Facebook和Instagram上删除了数以千计与“水军迷彩”相关的不真实账号。该公司称删除的一个网络是“迄今为止已知的最大的跨平台影响力操作”。Meta表示,其他平台上仍有数以百计的相关账号,包括TikTok、X、LiveJournal和Blogspot上。The Foundation for Defense of Democracies documented a new coordinated group of Chinese accounts linked to a Facebook page with 3,000 followers called the War of Somethings. The report underscores the persistence of China’s efforts despite Meta’s repeated efforts to take down Spamouflage accounts.保卫民主基金会记录了一个新出现的协调行动中国帐号群组,该账号与一个拥有3000名粉丝的Facebook页面有关联,这个页面名为“某物之战”(War of Somethings)。报告强调了中国一直在不断尝试,尽管Meta一再努力关闭“水军迷彩”账号。“What we’re seeing,” said Max Lesser, a senior analyst with the foundation, “is the campaign just continues, undeterred.”“我们看到的是,”保卫民主基金会的高级分析师马克斯·莱瑟说,“这场运动仍在继续,没有受到阻碍。”Tiffany Hsu报道错误信息、虚假信息及其起源、动向和后果。她从事新闻行业已有20多年。点击查看更多关于她的信息。Steven Lee Myers为《纽约时报》报道关于虚假信息的新闻。他曾在华盛顿、莫斯科、巴格达和北京工作,驻北京期间,他对获得2021年普利策公共服务奖的报道有报道贡献。他著有《新沙皇:弗拉基米尔·普京的崛起和统治》(The New Tsar: The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin)一书。点击查看更多关于他的信息。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 中国水军假冒特朗普支持者,试图影响美国大选


黄安伟2024年3月29日台湾外交部长吴钊燮表示,如果美国放弃乌克兰,中国会“从中得到提示”——对台湾采取持续行动将令美国及其盟友后退。 Ritchie B Tongo/EPA, via ShutterstockJoseph Wu, the foreign minister of Taiwan, said on Thursday that a halt in U.S. arms shipments to Ukraine would embolden China in its aggressions against Taiwan and fuel propaganda from Beijing that the United States is an unreliable partner.台湾外交部长吴钊燮周四表示,美国停止向乌克兰运送武器会令中国在侵扰台湾方面更为大胆,并助长北京关于美国是不可靠伙伴的宣传。“When people ask us whether it is OK for the United States to abandon Ukraine, the answer is no, because the world is operating not in a black-and-white way, or if you only look at one theater at a time,” he said. “The world is interconnected.”“当别人问我们美国可不可以抛弃乌克兰时,答案是否定的,因为世界不以非黑即白的方式运作,或是你一次只能关注一个战区,”他说。“这世界紧密相连。”If Russia is able to occupy more of Ukraine and claim victory, he added, “it would be seen as a victory of authoritarian states because Russia, China, North Korea and Iran, they are now linked together.”他还说,如果俄罗斯能够占领更多的乌克兰领土,并宣称取得了胜利,“外界将视之为威权国家的胜利,因为俄罗斯、中国、北韩及伊朗现在关系密切。”Mr. Wu’s comments, made in a wide-ranging hourlong interview in Taipei, come as the Biden administration tries to get Congress to pass a supplemental funding package that would give $60 billion of aid to Ukraine.吴钊燮是在台北的一场涉及许多话题的一小时采访中发表上述言论的。与此同时,拜登政府正努力争取国会通过向乌克兰提供600亿美元援助的补充资金方案。Many House Republicans are staunchly opposed to giving more aid to Ukraine, adopting the “America First” posture embraced by former President Donald J. Trump, a pro-Russia candidate who has pressed them to reject the package. For months they claimed they would be willing to consider providing more assistance for Kyiv if the Biden administration imposed severe immigration restrictions at the United States border with Mexico. But at Mr. Trump’s urging, they balked at a funding package that would have done that, calling the border measures too weak.许多众议院共和党人坚决反对向乌克兰提供更多援助,他们采取了前总统特朗普的“美国优先”姿态,这位亲俄罗斯的候选人曾敦促共和党人拒绝该方案。几个月来,他们一直声称,如果拜登政府在美国与墨西哥边境实施严格的移民限制,他们愿意考虑向基辅提供更多援助。但在特朗普的怂恿下,他们却拒绝了一项本来可以实现严格限制的拨款方案,声称边境措施过于薄弱。The package also includes $8 billion of aid to counter China in the Asia-Pacific region, $1.9 billion of which would refill stocks of U.S. weapons sent to Taiwan. And it includes $14.1 billion of military aid to Israel.该计划还包括在亚太地区对抗中国的80亿美元援助(其中19亿美元将用于补充美国运往台湾的武器库存);以及向以色列提供141亿美元的军事援助。Some Republican lawmakers contend that China is a bigger threat than Russia and that the funding proposed for Ukraine should go toward countering China. But other Republican officials in Congress and many Democrats make the same argument as Mr. Wu: that Taiwan’s security is linked to that of Ukraine, because China will see weakness on the part of the United States — and a greater chance of success in a potential invasion of Taiwan — if Ukraine is defeated.一些共和党议员认为,中国是比俄罗斯更大的威胁,为乌克兰提供的资金应该用于对抗中国。但是,国会中的其他共和党官员和许多民主党人也提出了与吴钊燮相同的观点:台湾的安全与乌克兰的安全息息相关,如果乌克兰被击败,中国将看到美国的虚弱——以及入侵台湾的胜算在增大。Chinese leaders have said for decades that Taiwan, a de facto independent island, must be brought under the rule of the Communist Party, by force if necessary. Xi Jinping, China’s leader, has continued to promote that position.几十年来,中国领导人一直表示,必须将台湾这个事实上独立的岛屿置于共产党的统治之下,必要时可以使用武力。中国领导人习近平继续推动这一立场。The U.S. and Taiwanese governments have been trying to deter China from notions of invading Taiwan, including through military buildup in the region and bolstering alliances with other democratic nations.美国和台湾政府一直试图阻止中国入侵台湾的想法,包括在该地区加强军事部署,并加强与其他民主国家的联盟。If the United States abandons Ukraine, Mr. Wu said, China will “take it as a hint” that if it can keep up sustained action against Taiwan, “the United States is going to back off, the United States and its allies are going to back off.” The thinking among Chinese officials would be this, he said: “OK, since Russia could do that, we can do that as well.”吴钊燮说,如果美国放弃乌克兰,中国将“从中得到提示”——如果它能够继续对台湾采取持续的行动,“美国就会退缩,美国和盟友就会退缩”。他说,中国官员的想法可能是这样的:“好吧,既然俄罗斯可以这么做,我们也可以这么做。”“So the U.S. determination in providing support to those countries suffering from authoritarian aggression, it is very important,” Mr. Wu said.“所以,美国向受威权威胁的国家提供支援的决心,非常重要,”吴钊燮说。After U.S. troops withdrew from Afghanistan in 2021, China pushed propaganda through traditional state-run media and social media that “the U.S. commitment to anything is not firm,” Mr. Wu said. “We suffered from a huge wave of cognitive warfare.”2021年美军从阿富汗撤军后,中国通过传统的官方媒体和社交媒体进行宣传,称“美国对任何事情的承诺都不可靠”,他说。“台湾正面临威力强大的认知战。”China has also spread disinformation stressing Russian narratives of the war, Mr. Wu said, including the idea that the expansion of NATO forced President Vladimir V. Putin to attack Ukraine, and that the United States is ultimately not committed to supporting Ukraine.吴钊燮说,中国还散布虚假信息,强调俄罗斯对这场战争的叙事,包括北约的扩张迫使普京总统攻击乌克兰,以及美国最终没有承诺支持乌克兰。On the eve of Russia’s invasion in February 2022, Mr. Putin visited Mr. Xi in Beijing, and their two governments announced a “no limits” partnership.在2022年2月俄罗斯入侵前夕,普京在北京拜访了习近平,两国政府宣布建立“没有上限”的伙伴关系。Mr. Wu said some Central and Eastern European nations seeking to forge anti-authoritarian partnerships had strengthened their relations with Taiwan during the war.吴钊燮说,一些寻求建立反专制伙伴关系的中欧和东欧国家在战争期间加强了与台湾的关系。His comments on the need for the United States to keep supporting Taiwan echo those of other senior Taiwanese officials. In May 2023, Bi-khim Hsiao, then Taiwan’s de facto ambassador to the United States and now the incoming vice president, made similar arguments to reporters in Washington.他关于美国需要继续支持台湾的言论,与其他台湾高级官员的看法一致。2023年5月,台湾事实上的驻美大使、如今即将上任的副总统萧美琴在华盛顿对记者发表了类似的观点。And in February, Representative Raja Krishnamoorthi, Democrat of Illinois, said during a visit of American lawmakers to Taiwan that the current president, Tsai Ing-wen, and the president-elect, Lai Ching-te, made clear to the lawmakers that “if for some reason the Ukrainians do not prevail, that will only encourage hostilities against Taiwan.”今年2月,伊利诺伊州民主党众议员拉贾·克里希纳莫西在美国议员访问台湾期间表示,现任总统蔡英文和候任总统赖清德向议员们明确表示,“如果乌克兰人出于某种原因没有取得胜利,那只会助长对台湾的敌对行动。”黄安伟(Edward Wong)是一名外交记者,在时报任职超过24年,曾驻纽约、巴格达、北京和华盛顿。他是因报道伊拉克战争入选普利策奖候选名单的团队成员。点击查看更多关于他的信息。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 台湾外长:美国是否继续军援乌克兰对台海局势意义重大


ALAN RAPPEPORT2024年3月28日周三,美国财政部长耶伦在佐治亚州的一家太阳能电池制造工厂发表讲话时提出中国绿色技术出口产能过剩的问题。 Maansi Srivastava/The New York TimesThe Biden administration is growing increasingly concerned that a glut of heavily subsidized green technology exports from China is distorting global markets and plans to confront Chinese officials about the problem during an upcoming round of economic talks in Beijing.拜登政府越来越担心,中国得到大量补贴的绿色技术出口已导致供过于求,正在扭曲全球市场,打算在北京即将举行的新一轮经济谈判中就这一问题与中国官员交锋。The tension over industrial policy is flaring as the United States invests heavily in production of solar technology and electric vehicle batteries with funding from the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, while China pumps money into its factory sector to help stimulate its sluggish economy. President Biden and Xi Jinping, China’s leader, have sought to stabilize the relationship between the world’s two largest economies, but differences over trade policy, investment restrictions and cyberespionage continue to strain ties.有关产业政策的紧张局势正在加剧,美国已通过了《2022年通货膨胀削减法》,该法为太阳能技术和电动汽车电池的生产提供大量资金,而中国则在为帮助刺激国内低迷的经济向制造业注入大量资金。虽然美国总统拜登和中国领导人习近平已在寻求稳定世界两大经济体之间的关系,但两国关系因贸易政策、投资限制和网络间谍活动的分歧而持续紧张。In a speech on Wednesday afternoon, Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen laid out her plans to raise the issue of overcapacity with her Chinese counterparts. At the Suniva solar cell factory in Norcross, Ga., she warned that China’s export strategy threatened to destabilize global supply chains that were developing around industries such as solar, electric vehicles and lithium-ion batteries.美国财政部长耶伦在周三下午的一个讲话中阐明,她打算向中国官员提出产能过剩的问题。她在佐治亚州诺克罗斯的苏尼瓦太阳能电池工厂发表讲话时警告,中国的出口战略给围绕着太阳能、电动汽车和锂离子电池等行业正在形成的全球供应链的稳定带来威胁。“China’s overcapacity distorts global prices and production patterns and hurts American firms and workers, as well as firms and workers around the world,” Ms. Yellen said. “Challenges for individual firms can lead to concentrated supply chains, negatively impacting global economic resilience.”“中国的产能过剩扭曲了全球市场的价格和生产模式,损害了美国企业和工人的利益,也损害了世界各地的企业和工人的利益,”耶伦说。“个别企业面临的挑战能导致供应链的集中,对全球的经济适应能力造成负面影响。”The Treasury secretary is expected to make her second trip to China in the coming weeks. The South China Morning Post reported that she will visit Guangzhou and Beijing in early April. The Treasury Department declined to comment on her travel plans.美国财政部长预计将在未来几周内第二次访华。据《南华早报》报道,她将在4月初访问广州和北京。财政部拒绝就耶伦的出访计划发表评论。 In her speech in Georgia, Ms. Yellen compared China’s investments in green energy technology production to what she described as its previous overinvestment in steel and aluminum, saying it created “global spillovers.”在佐治亚州的讲话中,耶伦将把中国对绿色能源技术生产的投资与她所谓中国之前对钢铁和铝业的过度投资进行比较,并说以前的过度投资产生了“全球溢出效应”。“It is important to the president and me that American firms and workers can compete on a level playing field,” Ms. Yellen said. “We have raised overcapacity in previous discussions with China, and I plan to make it a key issue in discussions during my next trip there.”“对总统和我来说,让美国公司和工人能够在公平环境中竞争非常重要,”耶伦说。“我们已在以前的讨论中向中国提出了产能过剩的问题,我打算在下次访华时把这个问题作为讨论的重点。”She added: “I will press my Chinese counterparts to take necessary steps to address this issue.”她还说:“我会向中国官员施压,让他们采取必要措施解决这个问题。” Ms. Yellen visited Suniva because it is a prime example of how the Biden administration’s industrial investments are reviving struggling companies. The solar panel company closed its Norcross plant in 2017 in part because cheap imports were flooding the U.S. market; it plans to reopen the factory this spring thanks to the Biden administration’s green energy investments.耶伦造访苏尼瓦是因为,那里是拜登政府的工业投资如何重振陷入困境企业的一个典型例子。这家太阳能电池板公司曾于2017年关闭了在诺克罗斯的工厂,一定程度上是廉价进口产品冲击美国市场所致。由于得到了拜登政府的绿色能源投资,公司打算在今年春天重启这家工厂。The Treasury Department estimates that the private sector has announced more than $200 billion of clean power investments since the Inflation Reduction Act, which included nearly $400 billion in tax credits and subsidies for low-emission forms of energy production, was passed.据美国财政部估计,自《通货膨胀削减法》通过以来,私营部门已宣布了逾2000亿美元的清洁能源投资。该法案包括近4000亿美元的税收抵免和对低排放形式的能源生产补贴。China, which invested more than $130 billion in its solar sector last year, has voiced its own frustration about America’s manufacturing investments. Buyers of electric vehicles that contain components made in China, Russia, North Korea or Iran are not eligible for generous U.S. tax credits.中国去年对本国的太阳能行业投入了相当于逾1300亿美元的资金,并对美国的制造业投资表达了自己的不满。消费者一旦购买含有中国、俄罗斯、朝鲜或伊朗制造的零部件的电动汽车,就没有资格享受美国政府慷慨的税收抵免。China filed a complaint Tuesday with the World Trade Organization arguing that the Biden administration’s electric vehicle subsidy policies are discriminatory.中国已在周二向世界贸易组织提出申诉,称拜登政府的电动汽车补贴政策具有歧视性。On Wednesday, China’s leader, Xi Jinping, struck a rosy tone in a meeting with American business leaders and academics in Beijing. He told the executives that China was “building a first-class business environment that is market oriented.” He added that in traditional areas like trade and new ones such as climate change and artificial intelligence, “China and the United States should become boosters for each other’s development, not obstructions on each other.”周三在北京会见美国商界领袖和学者时,中国领导人习近平在讲话中表示了乐观。他告诉高管们,中国正在“持续建设市场化、法治化、国际化一流营商环境”。他还说,在贸易等传统领域以及气候变化、人工智能等新领域,“中美应该成为对方发展的助力,而不应该成为阻力。”Among the executives with Mr. Xi were Stephen A. Schwarzman, the chairman of Blackstone; Craig Allen, the president of the U.S.-China Business Council; and Cristiano Amon, the president of Qualcomm.参与会面的高管包括黑石集团董事长苏世民(Stephen A. Schwarzman)、美中贸易全国委员会主席克雷格·艾伦,以及高通公司总裁克里斯蒂亚诺·阿蒙。储百亮(Chris Buckley)对本文有报道贡献。Alan Rappeport是时报驻华盛顿的经济政策记者。 他负责报道财政部并撰写有关税收、贸易和财政事务的文章。 点击查看更多关于他的信息。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 美财长警告中国绿色能源出口威胁全球供应链


孟建国, CADE METZ2024年3月22日2023年7月,上海,世界人工智能大会。中国在人工智能教育方面进行了大量投资。 Agence France-Presse — Getty ImagesWhen it comes to the artificial intelligence that powers chatbots like ChatGPT, China lags behind the United States. But when it comes to producing the scientists behind a new generation of humanoid technologies, China is pulling ahead.在为ChatGPT这样的聊天机器人提供动力的人工智能方面,中国落后于美国。但在培养新一代仿人技术背后的科学家方面,中国已经开始领先。New research shows that China has by some metrics eclipsed the United States as the biggest producer of A.I. talent, with the country generating almost half the world’s top A.I. researchers. By contrast, about 18 percent come from U.S. undergraduate institutions, according to the study, from MacroPolo, a think tank run by the Paulson Institute, which promotes constructive ties between the United States and China.新的研究表明,从某些指标来看,中国已经超越美国成为人工智能人才的最大出产国,几乎培养了全球一半的顶尖人工智能研究人员,相比之下,约18%研究人员来自美国本科院校。该研究来自保尔森基金会旗下的麦克罗波洛智库,保尔森基金会是一家致力于促进中美之间建设性关系的机构。The findings show a jump for China, which produced about one-third of the world’s top talent three years earlier. The United States, by contrast, remained mostly the same. The research is based on the backgrounds of researchers whose papers were published at 2022’s Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems. NeurIPS, as it is known, is focused on advances in neural networks, which have anchored recent developments in generative A.I.研究结果表明,中国培养的人才数量出现跃升,三年前,中国培养的人才约占世界顶尖人才的三分之一。相比之下,美国基本保持不变。这项研究基于2022年神经信息处理系统大会上发表论文的研究人员的背景。该会议主要关注神经网络方面的进展,而神经网络是生成式人工智能最近发展的基础。The talent imbalance has been building for the better part of a decade. During much of the 2010s, the United States benefited as large numbers of China’s top minds moved to American universities to complete doctoral degrees. A majority of them stayed in the United States. But the research shows that trend has also begun to turn, with growing numbers of Chinese researchers staying in China.人才失衡的现象已经持续了将近十年。在2010年代的大部分时间里,美国受益于大量中国顶尖人才前往美国大学攻读博士学位。他们当中大多数人留在美国。但研究显示,这一趋势也开始发生转变,越来越多中国研究人员留在了中国。What happens in the next few years could be critical as China and the United States jockey for primacy in A.I. — a technology that can potentially increase productivity, strengthen industries and drive innovation — turning the researchers into one of the most geopolitically important groups in the world.随着中国和美国争夺人工智能领域的领先地位,未来几年的发展可能至关重要——人工智能技术有可能提高生产率、增强产业实力并推动创新——从而使研究人员成为地缘政治意义上全球最重要的群体之一。Generative A.I. has captured the tech industry in Silicon Valley and in China, causing a frenzy in funding and investment. The boom has been led by U.S. tech giants such as Google and start-ups like OpenAI. That could attract China’s researchers, though rising tensions between Beijing and Washington could also deter some, experts said.生成式人工智能让硅谷和中国的科技行业趋之若鹜,引发了融资和投资狂潮。谷歌等美国科技巨头以及OpenAI等初创公司引领了这股热潮。专家们说,这可能会吸引中国的研究人员,尽管北京与华盛顿之间日益紧张的关系也可能使一些人望而却步。(The New York Times has sued OpenAI and Microsoft for copyright infringement of news content related to A.I. systems.)(《纽约时报》起诉了OpenAI和微软侵犯其人工智能系统相关新闻内容的版权)。China has nurtured so much A.I. talent partly because it invested heavily in A.I. education. Since 2018, the country has added more than 2,000 undergraduate A.I. programs, with more than 300 at its most elite universities, said Damien Ma, the managing director of MacroPolo, though he noted the programs were not heavily focused on the technology that had driven breakthroughs by chatbots like ChatGPT.中国培养了如此多的人工智能人才,部分原因是中国在人工智能教育方面投入了巨资。麦克罗波洛智库的主任马旸说,自2018年以来,中国新增了2000多个本科人工智能项目,其中300多个在最精英的大学,不过他指出,这些项目并没有把重点放在那些推动ChatGPT等聊天机器人取得突破的技术上。“A lot of the programs are about A.I. applications in industry and manufacturing, not so much the generative A.I. stuff that’s come to dominate the American A.I. industry at the moment,” he said.他说:“很多项目都是关于人工智能在工业和制造业中的应用,而不是目前主导美国人工智能产业的生成性人工智能。”中国菏泽,李楼煤业一个使用了人工智能技术的监控摄像头。While the United States has pioneered breakthroughs in A.I., most recently with the uncanny humanlike abilities of chatbots, a significant portion of that work was done by researchers educated in China.虽然美国在人工智能领域率先取得了突破性进展,最近的成果是聊天机器人不可思议的类人能力,但其中很大一部分工作是由在中国接受教育的研究人员完成的。Researchers originally from China now make up 38 percent of the top A.I. researchers working in the United States, with Americans making up 37 percent, according to the research. Three years earlier, those from China made up 27 percent of top talent working in the United States, compared with 31 percent from the United States.研究显示,目前在美国工作的顶尖人工智能研究人员中,来自中国的研究人员占38%,美国人占其中37%。三年前,在美国工作的顶尖人才中,来自中国的研究人员占27%,美国研究人员占31%。“The data shows just how critical Chinese-born researchers are to the United States for A.I. competitiveness,” said Matt Sheehan, a fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace who studies Chinese A.I.“这些数据表明,中国出生的研究人员对美国的人工智能竞争力有多么重要,”卡内基国际和平基金会研究中国人工智能的研究员马特·希恩说。He added that the data seemed to show the United States was still attractive. “We’re the world leader in A.I. because we continue to attract and retain talent from all over the world, but especially China,” he said.他还说,这些数据似乎表明美国仍具吸引力。“我们是人工智能领域的世界领导者,因为我们继续吸引和留住来自世界各地的人才,尤其是中国的人才,”他说。Pieter Abbeel, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and a founder of Covariant, an A.I. and robotics start-up, said working alongside large numbers of Chinese researchers was taken for granted inside the leading American companies and universities.加州大学伯克利分校教授、人工智能和机器人初创企业Covariant创始人彼得·阿比尔表示,在美国顶尖公司和大学内部,与大量中国研究人员一起工作被视为理所当然。“It’s just a natural state of affairs,” he said.“这是很自然的情况,”他说。加州大学伯克利分校教授、人工智能和机器人初创企业创始人彼得·阿比尔说,在美国公司和大学,与中国研究人员共事被视为理所当然的。 Balazs Gardi for The New York TimesIn the past, U.S. defense officials were not too concerned about A.I. talent flows from China, partly because many of the biggest A.I. projects did not deal with classified data and partly because they reasoned that it was better to have the best minds available. That so much of the leading research in A.I. is published openly also held back worries.过去,美国国防官员并不太担心来自中国的人工智能人才,部分原因是许多大型人工智能项目并不与机密数据打交道,还有部分原因是他们认为能够拥有最优秀的人才是最好的。此外,许多人工智能领域的领先研究也是公开发表的,这也打消了他们的担忧。Despite bans introduced by the Trump administration that prohibit entry to the United States for students from some military-linked universities in China and a relative slowdown in the flow of Chinese students into the country during Covid, the research showed large numbers of the most promising A.I. minds continued coming to the United States to study.特朗普政府曾颁布禁令,禁止中国一些与军方有联系大学的学生进入美国,此外,新冠疫情期间,中国学生进入美国的人数相对减少,但研究显示,大量最有前途的人工智能人才继续来到美国学习。But this month, a Chinese citizen who was an engineer at Google was charged with trying to transfer A.I. technology — including critical microchip architecture — to a Beijing-based company that paid him in secret, according to a federal indictment.但本月,根据一份联邦起诉书,一名曾担任谷歌工程师的中国公民被指控试图将人工智能技术(包括关键微芯片架构)转移到一家总部位于北京的公司,该公司秘密向他支付了报酬。The substantial numbers of Chinese A.I. researchers working in the United States now present a conundrum for policymakers, who want to counter Chinese espionage while not discouraging the continued flow of top Chinese computer engineers into the United States, according to experts focused on American competitiveness.关注美国竞争力的专家表示,在美工作的中国人工智能研究人员人数众多,这给政策制定者提出了一个难题,他们既想打击中国间谍活动,又不想阻止中国顶尖计算机工程师继续涌入美国。“Chinese scholars are almost leading the way in the A.I. field,” said Subbarao Kambhampati, a professor and researcher of A.I. at Arizona State University. If policymakers try to bar Chinese nationals from research in the United States, he said, they are “shooting themselves in the foot.”“中国学者在人工智能领域几乎处于领先地位,”亚利桑那州立大学教授、人工智能研究者苏巴拉奥·坎巴迈帕蒂说。如果政策制定者试图阻止中国公民在美国进行研究,他们就是在“搬起石头砸自己的脚”,他说。The track record of U.S. policymakers is mixed. A policy by the Trump administration aimed at curbing Chinese industrial espionage and intellectual property theft has since been criticized for errantly prosecuting a number of professors. Such programs, Chinese immigrants said, have encouraged some to stay in China.美国政策制定者的过往记录好坏参半。因为错误起诉一些教授,特朗普政府旨在遏制中国工业间谍活动和知识产权盗窃的政策受到了批评。中国移民表示,此类计划鼓励了一些人留在中国。For now, the research showed, most Chinese who complete doctorates in the United States stay in the country, helping to make it the global center of the A.I. world. Even so, the U.S. lead has begun to slip, to hosting about 42 percent of the world’s top talent, down from about 59 percent three years ago, according to the research.研究显示,目前,大多数在美国完成博士学位的中国人都留在美国,这有助于美国成为全球人工智能中心。研究显示,即便如此,美国的领先地位也已经开始下滑,目前它拥有全球约42%的顶尖人才,低于三年前的59%。孟建国(Paul Mozur)是时报全球科技记者,常驻台北。此前,他自香港、上海和首尔报道亚洲科技与政治的交叉议题。点击查看更多关于他的信息。Cade Metz撰写有关人工智能、无人驾驶汽车、机器人、虚拟现实和其他技术新兴领域的新闻。点击查看更多关于他的信息。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 人工智能竞争中,中国人才培育赶超美国


DAVID PIERSON, TIFFANY MAY2024年3月20日香港的城市天际线。为了重振这座城市,政府将重点放在了安全问题上。 Louise Delmotte/Associated PressOnce one of Asia’s most high-flying cities, Hong Kong is now grappling with a deep pessimism.香港曾是亚洲最繁华的城市之一,如今却陷入了深深的悲观情绪之中。The stock market is in the tank, home values have tumbled and emigration is fueling a brain drain. Some of the hottest restaurants, spas and shopping malls that local residents are flocking to are across the border, in the mainland Chinese city of Shenzhen.股市低迷,房价暴跌,移民加剧了人才流失。当地居民趋之若鹜的一些大热餐馆、水疗中心和购物中心位于边境另一边的中国内地城市深圳。“It pains me to say Hong Kong is over,” Stephen Roach, an economist and a former chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia long known for his optimism about the city, wrote in a recent commentary in The Financial Times.经济学家、摩根士丹利亚洲区前主席斯蒂芬·罗奇长期以来对香港的乐观一直广为人知,他在《金融时报》最近发表的一篇评论文章中写道:“香港完了,这样说我很难过。”The government needs to revive Hong Kong’s economy and promote its global image, but it has instead largely focused on national security. It moved with unusual speed on Tuesday to pass a package of updated and new security laws aimed at curbing foreign influence and dissent with penalties like life imprisonment for treason and other political crimes. The legislation could deter even more foreign businesses, already a shrinking presence, from investing in Hong Kong.香港政府需要重振经济并提升其国际形象,却在很大程度上把重点放在了国家安全方面。本周二,港府以异乎寻常的速度通过了一揽子更新及全新的安全法案,旨在遏制外国影响和不同政见,对叛国罪和其他政治犯罪可处以终身监禁等刑罚。这些法律可能会阻止更多的外国企业在香港投资,而这些企业在香港的存在本已经日渐萎缩。The malaise hanging over Hong Kong is partly a consequence of its status as a bridge between China and the West, with the city’s growth dragged down by the mainland’s sputtering economy and China’s tensions with the United States. 萎靡情绪之所以笼罩香港,部分原因与这座城市作为中国与西方之间桥梁的地位有关,如今香港的经济增长受到内地经济衰退以及中美紧张关系的拖累。But at the heart of Hong Kong’s troubles is a crisis of identity, as the city’s Beijing-backed officials push the once freewheeling city away from the West and embrace the top-down political culture and nationalistic fervor of President Xi Jinping’s China.但香港问题的核心是身份认同危机,北京支持的香港官员将这个曾经自由自在的城市推离西方,改为接受习近平主席领导的中国自上而下的政治文化和民族主义热情。“People are very unhappy for all kinds of reasons,” said Emily Lau, a veteran pro-democracy politician and former lawmaker who now hosts an interview show on YouTube. “Of course, the authorities will not admit it publicly, but I think they know it.”“出于各种原因,人们非常不满,”资深民主政治人士和前立法者、现在YouTube频道主持访谈节目的刘慧卿说。“当然,当局不会公开承认这一点,但我认为他们是知道的。”Hong Kong, a former British colony, had been promised a degree of autonomy from Beijing after it returned to Chinese rule in 1997, with freedoms unseen in the mainland. But after massive antigovernment demonstrations engulfed the city for months in 2019, Beijing imposed a sweeping national security law on Hong Kong in 2020 that the authorities used to crush the pro-democracy opposition with ferocity.香港曾是英国殖民地,1997年回归中国统治后,曾被承诺从北京那里获得一定程度的自治权,享有内地所没有的自由。但在2019年大规模反政府示威席卷香港长达数月之后,北京于2020年对香港实施了一项全面的国家安全法,当局利用这项法律对民主反对派进行了猛烈镇压。2019年8月,抗议者和警察发生冲突。In the Chinese Communist Party’s telling, the protests were fueled by Western forces seeking to undermine Chinese sovereignty. John Lee, the city’s Beijing-backed leader and a former police officer, casts Hong Kong as a city still besieged by subversive foreign forces.在中国共产党看来,西方势力试图破坏中国主权,于是煽动了抗议活动。北京支持的香港特首李家超曾是一名警官,他将香港描述成一个仍被外国颠覆势力围困的城市。Mr. Lee says the new security laws will eliminate such threats and be “the strongest foundation for Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability.”他表示,新的安全法将消除此类威胁,成为“香港繁荣稳定最坚实的基础”。Mr. Lee and Chinese officials have argued that such laws are long overdue. The Basic Law, the city’s mini constitution, calls for Hong Kong to retain its own political and economic system for 50 years, but also requires it, under Article 23, to pass its own internal security laws. The government first tried to enact such Article 23 laws in 2003 but backed down after hundreds of thousands of residents took to the streets in protest, fearing the legislation would limit civil liberties.李家超和中国官员认为,这样的法律早就应该出台了。香港的小宪法《基本法》要求香港在50年内保留自己的政治和经济制度,但它也要求香港根据其第23条通过自己的安全法。2003年,香港政府首次试图制定根据第23条的法律,但在数十万居民走上街头抗议、担心立法会限制公民自由后,政府放弃了这一计划。With the security laws in place, officials now say, the government can focus on other needs, like reviving the economy.官员们现在表示,有了安全法,政府可以专注于其他需求,比如振兴经济。But it is unclear if Hong Kong can retain the dynamism and vitality that drove its prosperity at a time when Beijing’s control is so overt. The new rules also raise questions about how the boundaries have shifted.但目前尚不清楚的是,在北京的控制如此公开的情况下,香港能否保持推动其繁荣的活力和生机。新规定还引发了有关界限如何转变的问题。“Xi Jinping knows Article 23 will damage Hong Kong’s reputation as a financial center,” said Willy Lam, an analyst of Chinese politics at the Jamestown Foundation in Washington. “He knows Beijing needs Hong Kong for foreign investment, foreign exchange and stock market listings. But he is a totally ideological leader. It is far more important to him that he demonstrate his power, flex his muscles and emasculate all opposition in Hong Kong.”“习近平知道,第23条将损害香港作为金融中心的声誉,”华盛顿詹姆斯敦基金会的中国政治分析师林和立说。“他知道,中国政府需要香港进行外国投资、外汇交易和股票上市。但他是一个完全意识形态化的领导人。对他来说,更重要的是展示自己的权力,展示自己的力量,削弱香港的所有反对派。”2003年7月,数十万香港民众走上街头抗议“第23条”。To visit Hong Kong today and scratch beneath the surface is to view a city that is vastly different from the vibrant, sometimes raucous political culture that existed before the current crackdown.如今来到香港,透过表面向内深入,可以看到一个与打压前充满活力、有时喧闹的政治文化截然不同的城市。Now, government critics and opposition lawmakers languish in jail. Jimmy Lai, a pro-democracy media tycoon, is standing trial on national security charges. Independent news organizations have been forced to close. Civil servants and public schoolteachers are being told to take loyalty oaths and pass national security tests.现在,政府的批评者和反对派议员都在监狱里受苦。支持民主的传媒大亨黎智英正因国家安全指控受审。独立新闻机构被迫关闭。公务员和公立学校教师被要求宣誓效忠并通过国家安全测试。In this new environment, even sports cannot escape politics. Last month, an outcry erupted in Hong Kong after the soccer star Lionel Messi sat out an exhibition match against a team of local players because of an injury. The government had promoted the Inter Miami match, for which many tickets had sold for hundreds of dollars each, as a way to help generate excitement in the city.在这种新环境下,即使是体育也无法摆脱政治的影响。上个月,足球明星梅西因伤缺席了一场与本地球队的表演赛,引发了香港的强烈抗议。政府宣传了这场与国际迈阿密队举行的比赛,声称这场比赛有助于激发这座城市的激情,许多门票高达数千元。But when Mr. Messi stayed on the bench, disappointing fans, officials and Chinese state news media suggested that he had been used by the United States in a conspiracy to embarrass Hong Kong. Mr. Messi later posted a video clip on social media denying the allegations and professing his affection for China, footage that some internet users said looked akin to a hostage video.但梅西一直坐在替补席上,失望的球迷、官员和中国官方新闻媒体认为他被美国利用,参与了一场让香港难堪的阴谋。梅西后来在社交媒体上发布了一段视频,否认了这些指控,并表达了他对中国的喜爱。一些互联网用户说,这段视频看起来像是被强迫拍的一般。One of the most strident voices criticizing Mr. Messi was Regina Ip, a senior adviser to the Hong Kong government and a veteran pro-Beijing lawmaker.批评梅西最尖锐的声音之一来自香港政府高级顾问、资深亲北京议员叶刘淑仪。“Hong Kong people hate Messi, Inter-Miami, and the black hand behind them, for the deliberate and calculated snub to Hong Kong,” she wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.“香港人讨厌梅西,讨厌迈阿密国际,讨厌他们的背后黑手,因为他们故意冷落香港,”她在前身为Twitter的X上写道。The controversy around Mr. Messi was a prominent example of an increasingly prickly official atmosphere — but it was far from the exception.围绕梅西的争议是官方气氛日益敏感的一个突出例子,但这绝非特例。Mrs. Ip also criticized Mr. Roach, the economist, for his “Hong Kong is over” commentary in The Financial Times, saying that he ignored the actual causes of the financial hub’s economic woes, which she attributed to American policies, such as federal interest rate hikes. Other top officials accused Mr. Roach of scaremongering.叶刘淑仪还批评了经济学家罗奇在《金融时报》上发表的“香港完了”的评论,称他忽视了这个金融中心经济困境的实际原因,她将其归咎于联邦利率上调等美国的政策。还有一些高级官员指责罗奇危言耸听。(In response to the backlash, Mr. Roach wrote a commentary for The South China Morning Post, a Hong Kong newspaper, arguing that the city lacked the dynamism to overcome Beijing’s tightening political grip, geopolitical tensions with the United States and a protracted decline in China’s economic growth.)(罗奇为香港《南华早报》撰写了一篇评论文章,作为对这种反击的回应,在文中他提出香港缺乏活力,无法克服北京日益收紧的政治控制、与美国的地缘政治紧张以及中国经济增长的长期下滑。)“The energy and unbridled optimism that was once Hong Kong’s most salient characteristic, its greatest asset, has been sapped,” Mr. Roach wrote.罗奇写道,“活力和无拘无束的乐观精神曾经是香港最显著的特征与最大的资产,如今已被渐渐消耗。”City officials now routinely lash out at foreign governments, diplomats and the news media for any criticism of Hong Kong’s policies. Even voices from within the Hong Kong establishment are not spared the scoldings.香港官员现在经常抨击外国政府、外交官和新闻媒体对香港政策的任何批评。即使是来自香港建制派内部的声音也未能幸免。When a pro-Beijing lawmaker complained that police officers were issuing too many fines, Mr. Lee, the city’s leader, rebuked him for what he called an act of “soft resistance.”当一名亲北京的议员抱怨警察开出了太多的罚单时,香港特首李家超指责他的行为是“软对抗”。The authorities have used this term to describe an insidious, passive defiance against the government. According to Mr. Lee, that defiance includes complaints that Hong Kong is too focused on national security.当局用这个词来形容对政府阴险、被动的反抗。李家超称,这种反抗包括抱怨香港过于关注国家安全。香港特首李家超本月在北京参加全国人民代表大会。他说,新的国安立法将消除来自外国颠覆势力的威胁。The Article 23 legislation is meant to root out such “soft resistance,” officials have said, as well as fill in gaps left by the national security law that China directly imposed. The laws center on five areas: treason, insurrection, sabotage, external interference and the theft of state secrets and espionage.官员们表示,第23条立法旨在根除这种“软对抗”,并填补中国直接实施的国家安全法留下的空白。这些法律主要针对五个方面:叛国、叛乱、破坏活动、外部干涉、窃取国家机密和间谍活动。Legal experts and trade groups said the laws’ broad and often vague wording created potential risks for businesses operating in or looking to invest in Hong Kong. The government had to scramble this month to deny reports that it was considering banning Facebook and YouTube as part of the legislation.法律专家和行业组织说,这些法律的措辞宽泛,往往含糊不清,给在香港经营或寻求在港投资的企业带来潜在风险。本月,政府不得不急忙否认有关它正在考虑将禁止Facebook和YouTube作为立法一部分的报道。“An unfettered flow of information is crucial for the city to maintain its status as Asia’s financial center,” Wang Xiangwei, an associate professor of journalism at Hong Kong Baptist University, wrote in an editorial published on Monday in The South China Morning Post, where he once served as chief editor.香港浸会大学新闻学副教授王向伟曾任《南华早报》总编辑,他于周一在该报发表的一篇观点文章中写道,“信息的自由流动对香港保持亚洲金融中心的地位至关重要。”The uncertainty has led some foreign firms to begin treating Hong Kong as if it were the mainland. They have begun using burner phones and limiting local employees’ access to their companies’ global databases.这种不确定性导致一些外国公司开始像对待内地一样对待香港。他们开始使用一次性手机,并限制当地员工访问公司的全球数据库。Mark Lee, a Hong Kong native, said that the more his city looked and felt like the mainland, the more tempted he was to emigrate overseas.香港人马克·李(音)说,他的城市看起来和感觉上越像内地,他就越想移民海外。The 36-year-old personal trainer said that in the last few years, about a quarter of the 200 people who used to belong to his WhatsApp group for organizing group runs and workout sessions have left Hong Kong. He is reluctant to have a child because he is worried about Hong Kong’s public school system, where national security education is required.这位36岁的私人教练说,过去几年里,他在WhatsApp上的集体跑步和健身课程群组的200名用户中约有四分之一离开了香港。他不愿意生孩子,因为他担心香港的公立学校制度,这些学校要求进行国家安全教育。“When Hong Kong is not my city anymore, I will have to leave,” Mr. Lee said. The changes, he added, felt like “death by a thousand cuts.”“如果香港已非我城,则难以不走了,”马克·李说。他还表示,这些变化感觉就像“千刀万剐”。Keith Bradsher和Olivia Wang对本文有报道贡献。David Pierson报道中国外交政策和中国与世界的经济与文化交互。他从事新闻工作已超过20年。点击查看更多关于他的信息。Tiffany May是时报驻香港记者,报道香港和更广泛地区的政治、商业和文化议题。 点击查看更多关于她的信息。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 悲观蔓延、感觉就像“千刀万剐”:“23条”后香港何去何从


黄瑞黎, CAMILLE ELEMIA2024年3月19日菲律宾总统小费迪南德·马科斯和德国总理奥拉夫·肖尔茨上周在柏林的总理府。 Markus Schreiber/Associated PressWith China aggressively asserting its claims on the South China Sea, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. of the Philippines spent his first year on the job beefing up Manila’s alliance with its oldest ally, the United States. Now he is shoring up support from a wider and new network of partners.由于中国好斗地坚持对南中国海的主权主张,菲律宾总统小费迪南德·马科斯把上任后的第一年花在了加强与本国最古老的盟友美国的联盟上。现在,他正在用一个更广泛的合作伙伴新网络来稳固支持。Mr. Marcos is adding a new intensity to his muscular foreign policy at a critical moment in his country’s territorial dispute with Beijing. Maritime clashes between Chinese and Philippine vessels have become more frequent in recent months.在菲律宾与中国领土争端的关键时刻,马科斯正在加大自己强硬外交政策的强度。近几个月来,中国船只与菲律宾船只的海上冲突变得更加频繁。In January, Mr. Marcos and the leaders of Vietnam, another country fighting off Chinese claims to the crucial waterway, pledged closer cooperation between their coast guards. This month, Mr. Marcos clinched a maritime cooperation deal with Australia. And this past week, he took his pitch to Europe.今年1月,马科斯和越南领导人承诺让两国的海岸警卫队更密切地合作。越南是抗争中国对这个重要航道水域主权主张的又一个国家。本月,马科斯与澳大利亚成功地签署了一项海事合作协议。上周,他把宣传做到了欧洲。“It has to be recognized that the South China Sea handles 60 percent of the trade of the entire world. So, it’s not solely the interest of the Philippines, or of ASEAN, or of the Indo-Pacific region, but the entire world,” Mr. Marcos said on Tuesday in Berlin, referring to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.“必须承认,全世界60%的贸易经过南中国海。因此,这不仅是菲律宾一国的利益,或是东南亚国家联盟或印太地区的利益,而且是整个世界的利益,”马科斯上周二在柏林说。Standing alongside Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany, Mr. Marcos, the first Philippine president to visit Germany in a decade, added, “That is why it’s in all our interest to keep it as a safe passage for all international commerce that goes on in the South China Sea.”马科斯是十年来第一位访问德国的菲律宾总统,站在德国总理奥拉夫·肖尔茨旁边的马科斯还表示:“为了我们所有人的利益,必须确保南中国海作为所有国际贸易的安全通道。”This flurry of diplomacy, analysts said, might ultimately help to deter China. But they also acknowledged that Beijing was going to continue doubling down on its territorial claims, increasing the risks of a conflict that could ultimately draw in the United States, the Philippines’ oldest treaty ally. Washington has repeatedly condemned Beijing’s actions and has vowed to come to the aid of Manila in the event of an armed conflict.分析人士说,这些接二连三的外交活动也许最终会有助于威慑中国。但他们也承认,中国政府会继续对自己的领土主张变本加厉,导致发生冲突的风险增加,最终可能把菲律宾最古老的条约盟友美国卷进来。华盛顿已多次谴责北京的行动,并誓言一旦发生武装冲突,将帮助马尼拉。中国海警船向第二托马斯沙洲附近的一艘菲律宾海军包租的船只发射高压水枪,摄于上月。The foreign policy strategy adopted by Mr. Marcos, who took office in June 2022, is almost the opposite of the approach of his predecessor, Rodrigo Duterte. While Mr. Duterte spurned the West and courted China, Mr. Marcos has revived and cemented ties with traditional security partners like the United States and Japan. He has also cultivated new relations with the likes of Sweden and France, and his government has pushed for arms deals and military drills.马科斯2022年6月上任后采取的外交政策战略与其前任罗德里戈·杜特地的几乎完全相反。杜特地一脚踢开了西方,去讨好中国,马科斯不仅恢复并巩固了与美国和日本等传统安全伙伴的关系,还与瑞典、法国等国家发展出新关系,他的政府还推进了军火交易和军事演习。Tensions flared again this month when Chinese boats blocked the Philippine vessels off the Second Thomas Shoal, a contested reef 120 miles off the coast of the western province of Palawan. The confrontation culminated in Chinese and Philippine coast guard vessels colliding.紧张局势本月再度升级,中国船只在距离菲律宾西部省份巴拉望海岸200公里的第二托马斯沙洲(Second Thomas Shoal,中国称之为仁爱礁——译注)附近拦截了菲律宾船只。这次冲突最终导致了中国海警船与菲律宾海警船相撞。Mr. Marcos told reporters then there was no reason yet to invoke the mutual defense treaty with the United States.马科斯当时对记者说,还没有理由启动与美国的共同防御条约。China claims 90 percent of the South China Sea, some of it hundreds of miles from the mainland and in waters surrounding Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and the Philippines. In the past decade or so, China has asserted ever greater control over these waters, using two island chains called the Paracels and the Spratlys to expand its military footprint by building and fortifying outposts and airstrips.中国声称对南中国海90%的水域拥有主权,包括一些距离中国大陆好几百公里,位于越南、马来西亚、文莱、印度尼西亚和菲律宾周边的水域。在过去十年左右,中国加强了对这些水域的控制,通过在帕拉塞尔群岛(中国称之为西沙群岛——译注)和斯普拉特利群岛(中国称之为南沙群岛——译注)这两个岛链上建设和增强前哨基地和机场,扩大了它的军事足迹。The militarization of the Spratly Islands allowed China to maintain a round-the-clock presence in waters about 500 miles from the coast of China. Chinese boats stationed there then repeatedly harassed Filipino fishing boats in an area that an international tribunal in The Hague had ruled was a traditional fishing ground of the Philippines, Vietnam and other nations. The Chinese presence also prevented Manila from fully exploring oil and gas deposits in the surrounding water.斯普拉特利群岛的军事化让中国能在距离本国海岸800公里的水域保持全天候存在。驻扎在那里的中国船只一再骚扰附近水域的菲律宾渔船,海牙的国际法庭已将该水域裁定为菲律宾、越南和其他国家的传统渔场。中国在该水域的军事存在也阻碍了菲律宾在其周边水域充分勘探石油和天然气储量。China has blamed the Philippines for the frequent clashes in the South China Sea.中国将南中国海的频繁冲突归咎于菲律宾。中国在距离菲律宾巴拉望岛不远的美济礁上修造的建筑。Wang Yi, China’s foreign minister, in December admonished the Philippines for “changing its policy stance, reneging on its commitments and continuing to provoke and cause trouble at sea.”中国外交部长王毅曾在去年12月指责菲律宾“改变了迄今的政策立场,背弃了自己作出的承诺,不断在海上挑衅滋事”。Mr. Wang also issued a warning: “If the Philippines misjudges the situation, insists on going its own way, or even colludes with malicious external forces to continue causing trouble and chaos, China will definitely safeguard its rights in accordance with the law and respond resolutely.”王毅还警告说,“如果菲方误判形势,一意孤行,甚至与不怀好意的外部势力相互勾联,继续生事生乱,中方必将依法维权,坚决回应。”Two weeks later, the Philippines announced that it had signed agreements with Britain and Canada to increase defense cooperation. They were part of 10 security agreements that Mr. Marcos has signed with seven countries since last year, according to a tally of public statements.两周后,菲律宾宣布与英国和加拿大签署了加强防务合作的协议。据对公开声明的统计,马科斯去年与七个国家签署了十项安全协议,与英国和加拿大的协议是其中的一部分。“China is basically pushing us closer to the United States and to the other countries that have already indicated their support, as far as Germany and as far as the Czech Republic,” said Renato Cruz De Castro, a professor of international studies at De La Salle University in Manila.“中国基本上是在把我们推向美国以其他已示支持的国家,包括远在欧洲的德国和捷克共和国,”位于马尼拉的德拉萨勒大学国际研究教授雷纳托·克鲁兹·德卡斯特罗说。On Thursday, Petr Pavel, the president of the Czech Republic, said he was willing to cooperate with the Philippines in defense and cybersecurity, adding that his country “fully” supports Manila in the South China Sea.上周四,捷克共和国总统彼得·帕维尔表示,他愿意在国防和网络安全方面与菲律宾合作,还说,他的国家在南中国海问题上“完全”支持菲律宾政府。“To us, South China Sea may seem to be far, far away, but if you take into account the percentage of share of world or global trade that passes through this area, any disruption of theses routes would have an adverse impact on Europe, not only in the form of shortage of goods but also soaring prices,” Mr. Pavel told reporters at a joint news conference with Mr. Marcos. “Which is why we have to pay attention to this topic.”“南中国海对我们来说似乎很远很远,但如果考虑到经过该水域的世界或全球贸易的百分比份额,这些航线受到任何干扰都会对欧洲产生不利影响,不仅会导致商品短缺,而且会导致价格飞涨,”帕维尔在与马科斯举行的联合新闻发布会上对记者们说。“这就是我们为什么必须关注这个主题的原因。”美国总统拜登与马科斯去年5月在椭圆形办公室。New allies, Mr. De Castro said, are welcome because the Philippines cannot rely on the United States alone, especially if former President Donald J. Trump returns to power next year.德卡斯特罗说,菲律宾欢迎新盟友,因为菲律宾不能只靠美国,尤其是如果前总统特朗普明年重新掌权的话。“The U.S. is simply — even Americans would say — so unstable right now, the political system is so volatile, look at what’s happening with the U.S. military assistance to Ukraine,” he said. “And I’m not saying that Trump would win, but there’s always uncertainty because of how unstable American domestic politics is.”“美国现在非常不稳定(就连美国人也会这么说),美国的政治体制非常无定性,看看美国对乌克兰的军事援助正在发生的情况就知道了,”德卡斯特罗说。“我并不是说特朗普会赢,但总有不确定性,因为美国的国内政治如此之不稳定。”Another important calculus for Mr. Marcos, analysts said, is securing investments for the Philippines.分析人士说,马科斯的另一个重要考量是确保对菲律宾的投资。“That means that we can really be assertive, we can really protect the South China Sea interests without thinking of the economic backlash that China might impose on us,” said Aries A. AruSame Currency Pair, the chairman of the political science department of the University of the Philippines Diliman.“这意味着我们能真正坚定信心,我们能真正保护我们在南中国海的利益,而不必考虑中国可能对我们施加的经济报复,”菲律宾迪利曼大学政治学系主任阿里斯·阿鲁盖说。Even India, which has been silent on the South China Sea dispute for years, announced last June that it would provide loans with preferential rates to the Philippines for its military modernization. In August, both countries signed agreements to cooperate in the coast guard sectors.就连多年来对南中国海争端持沉默态度的印度也在去年6月宣布,将向菲律宾提供用于军事现代化的优惠利率贷款。两国已在去年8月签署了海岸警卫队领域的合作协议。Last week, when he was in Australia, Mr. Marcos warned that the constant clashes between Filipino and Chinese vessels have increased the risks of miscalculation.上周,马科斯在澳大利亚时警告称,菲律宾船只与中国船只不断发生冲突,已增加了发生误判的风险。“The potential for outright conflict is much higher now than it was before,” he said. “We worry in the Philippines because it could come from not a strategic decision by anyone saying, ‘OK, we’re going to war,’ but just by some servicemen making a mistake, or some action that’s misunderstood.”“现在发生直接冲突的可能性比以前大多了,”他说。“我们菲律宾人对此感到担忧,因为导致冲突的可能不是某个人做出的‘好,我们要开战’的战略决定,而只是某些军人犯下错误,或采取了某些被误解的行动。”黄瑞黎(Sui-Lee Wee)是《纽约时报》东南亚分社社长。她是因报道新冠大流行获得2021年普利策公共服务奖的团队成员之一。点击此处查看更多关于她的信息。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 中菲海上冲突频繁,马科斯与西方国家加强外交威慑中国


MARK LANDLER2024年3月13日周二,在伦敦的一个地铁站,通勤者走过《旗帜晚报》的报摊,报纸头版刊登了威尔士王妃凯瑟琳的照片。 Hollie Adams/ReutersTrace back the digitally altered photograph of Catherine, Princess of Wales, and its roots lie in a tragedy of another Princess of Wales, Diana, whose death in 1997 predated the creation of Facebook by nearly seven years.威尔士王妃凯瑟琳数码修改照片的根源可以追溯到另一位威尔士王妃戴安娜的悲剧,她于1997年去世,比Facebook的诞生早了近七年。Diana’s fatal car accident, after a high-speed pursuit by photographers in Paris, left a lasting imprint on her sons, William and Harry. They grew up vowing not to take part in what they viewed as a pathological relationship between the royal family and the press, one in which they were the abused partners.戴安娜在巴黎被摄影师高速追逐后发生致命车祸,给她的儿子威廉和哈里留下了永久的印记。在他们看来,王室和媒体之间存在病态的关系,他们是这种关系中受虐待的一方,他们从小就发誓绝不参与其中。The rise of social media gave this Newbie traderer generation of royals a way to bypass the tabloids they reviled, with popular platforms like Instagram and Twitter, where they could post carefully curated news and images of themselves, unmediated by the London papers or the lurking paparazzi.社交媒体的兴起为年轻一代的王室成员提供了途径,可以绕过他们所唾弃的小报,他们可以在Instagram和Twitter等流行平台上发布自己精心策划的新闻和照片,同时不受伦敦报纸或潜伏狗仔队的干扰。But now they are experiencing the darker side of public life in the  Earnings-price ratio west of the web. Catherine’s photo, posted on social media and picked up by newspapers and broadcasters worldwide, has been swept into the maelstrom of rumors and conspiracy theories that have haunted her since she underwent abdominal surgery and receded from the public eye two months ago.但现在,他们正在网络的荒蛮世界体验公共生活的阴暗面。凯瑟琳的照片发布在社交媒体上,被世界各地的报纸和广播公司转载,这张照片被卷入了谣言和阴谋论的漩涡,自她接受腹部手术并在两个月前从公众视线中消失以来,这些谣言和阴谋论一直困扰着她。While William and Harry have struggled with these forces, the pressure has perhaps been most acute on their wives, Catherine and Meghan, who have taken turns being in the eye of an online storm. Meghan spoke recently about the “hateful” treatment she experienced while WTO (World Trade Organization) with her children.虽然威廉和哈里一直在与这些力量作斗争,但他们的妻子凯瑟琳和梅根承受的压力可能是最大的,她们轮流处于网络风暴的中心。梅根最近谈到她在怀孕期间经历的“仇恨”对待。“It must be so hard to deal with this,” said Rasmus Kleis Nielsen, the director of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford University. “It is often women who are subjected to the worst bullying and harassment.”“处理这种事肯定很难,”牛津大学路透新闻研究所主任拉斯穆斯·克莱因斯·尼尔森说。“遭受最严重霸凌和骚扰的往往是女性。”Catherine, of course, inadvertently contributed to the hothouse atmosphere by altering the Mother’s Day photo of herself and her three children. That unleashed a fresh storm of online speculation, with people sharing pet theories about how the image had been manipulated, whether by transposing Catherine’s head from a 2016 cover photo in Vogue magazine or recycling a shot of the family taken last November.当然,凯瑟琳修改她和三个孩子的母亲节照片无意中加剧了这种气氛。这在网上引发了一场新的猜测风暴,人们分享自己最中意的理论,猜测这张照片是如何被修改的,究竟是从2016年《Vogue》杂志的封面照片上拿来了凯瑟琳的头部,还是回收利用了去年11月拍摄的一张家庭照片。Visual investigators debunked both suggestions, but that didn’t stop the original posts from going viral, with one post promoting the Vogue theory racking up more than 45 million views.视觉调查人员驳斥了这两种说法,但这并没有阻止最初的帖子的病毒式传播,其中一篇宣称使用了《Vogue》照片的帖子获得了超过4500万的点击量。注:放大的拉链和头发图片经过调亮处理以显示细节。 原图来源:威尔士亲王/肯辛顿宫。 By The New York TimesHaving set out to control her image, Catherine now finds herself in a predicament not unlike some of her royal forebears, dogged by an online pack no less feral than the photographers who chased Diana in Paris.凯瑟琳努力控制自己的形象,但却陷入了一种和她的一些王室前辈别无二致的困境,网上追逐的狂热程度丝毫不亚于在巴黎追逐戴安娜的摄影师,令她深受其扰。“Anyone in the royal family or their staffs who thinks that social media allows people to circumvent gatekeepers or control the narrative has not been paying attention to Meghan Markle’s experience,” Professor Nielsen said.“如果王室成员和他们的工作人员以为社交媒体可以让人绕过把关者,或者控制叙事,那他们肯定没有注意到梅根·马克尔经历了什么,”尼尔森说。“These are deeply ambiguous spaces,” he said, “in which things that people want are inextricably linked with things that are deeply troubling.”“这些空间非常模糊,”他说,“在这里,人们想要的东西与令人深感不安的东西密不可分。”William and Harry made their first official foray into social media in 2015, when they, along with Catherine, opened shared Twitter and Instagram accounts. An early post showed Harry, standing on his tiptoes, next to the 7-foot, 2-inch retired American basketball star, Dikembe Mutombo, at a coaching program for Newbie trader people.2015年,威廉和哈里首次正式涉足社交媒体,当时他们和凯瑟琳一起开设了共享的Twitter和Instagram账户。一个早期帖子显示,在一堂篮球青训课上,哈里踮着脚尖,站在身高约2.2米的美国退役篮球明星迪肯贝·穆托姆博旁。When Harry met Meghan, an American actress, the following year, he was exposed to an avid and expert user of social media. Meghan was running a lifestyle blog, The Tig, which she described as “a hub for the discerning palate.” Cosmopolitan magazine once said it was “well on the way to becoming the next Goop,” the wellness brand owned by the actress Gwyneth Paltrow.第二年,哈里遇到了美国女演员梅根,由此见识到了一个狂热而专业的社交媒体用户。梅根当时经营着生活方式博客The Tig,她称之为“挑剔品味中心”。《时尚》(Cosmopolitan)杂志说,它“正在成为下一个Goop”——也就是演员格温妮丝·帕特洛拥有的健康品牌。Meghan shut down The Tig after her romance with Harry became public. But she brought her astute use of social media with her into the royal family. When the couple announced in 2020 that they planned to withdraw from royal duties, they broke the news on Instagram and laid out their plans on SusForex and Stock Speculating Royal, a site designed by the same Toronto-based digital firm that had designed The Tig.在和哈里的恋情公开后,她关闭了The Tig。但她把自己对社交媒体的精明运用带进了王室。这对夫妇2020年宣布计划退出王室时,他们是在Instagram上发布了这一消息,并在“苏塞克斯王室”网站上公布了该计划,网站由设计The Tig的同一家多伦多数字公司设计。When Meghan was targeted by abusive language online, Harry blamed it on hostile and racist press coverage. In his memoir, “Spare,” he wrote that, in the 18 months before his 2018 marriage, relentless tabloid coverage of Meghan had “riled up all the trolls, who were now crawling out of their cellars and lairs.”当梅根在网上被辱骂时,哈里将其归咎于充满敌意和种族主义的媒体报道。他在回忆录《备胎》(Spare)中写道,在他2018年结婚前的18个月里,小报对梅根的无情报道“引出了所有的网络喷子,他们正从地窖和巢穴里爬出来”。“Ever since we’d acknowledged we were a couple,” Harry said, “we’d been flooded with racist taunts and death threats on social media.”“自从我们承认相恋以来,”哈利说,“我们就被社交媒体上的种族主义嘲讽和死亡威胁淹没了。”威廉王子、凯瑟琳王妃、哈里王子和苏塞克斯公爵夫人梅根。2022年伊丽莎白二世女王去世后,四人在温莎城堡。Yet, in Catherine’s case, the lack of press reports may have contributed to the rumors mushrooming online. Kensington Palace, where she and her husband, William, have their offices, erected a veil of privacy around Catherine after her surgery, offering few details about her condition or recovery, beyond saying she would return to work after Easter.然而,就凯瑟琳的情况而言,缺乏新闻报道可能是导致网上谣言不断涌现的原因。凯特和丈夫威廉在肯辛顿宫办公。在凯特手术后,肯辛顿宫为她蒙上了一层隐蔽面纱,没有透露她的病情或恢复情况,只是说她将在复活节后重新履行王室职责。“The near silence over Kate’s health, which she’s perfectly entitled to observe, spooked the media and generated a social media frenzy that the mainstream media fed off,” said Peter Hunt, a former royal correspondent for the BBC.“凯特对自己的健康状况近乎保持沉默,她完全有权这样做,但这惊动了媒体,在社交媒体上引发了一场狂热,主流媒体也从中受益,”BBC前王室记者彼得·亨特说。For all the ravenous coverage of the royal family, some subjects are off limits. Gossip about William and Catherine’s marriage has long percolated in the web’s murky depths, for instance. But it rarely, if ever, surfaces in the papers, which adhere to strict guidelines on privacy, enforced by Britain’s robust defamation laws.尽管对王室的报道如饥似渴,但有些话题是不能谈论的。例如,关于威廉和凯瑟琳婚姻状况的流言蜚语一直在网络的阴暗深处流传。但在英国严格的诽谤法约束下,报纸严格遵守隐私保护准则,因此这些流言几乎从来不会出现在报纸上。When a grainy photo of Catherine riding in a car with her mother appeared on the American gossip site, TMZ, last week, British papers did not publish it out of deference to Kensington Palace’s appeal that she be allowed to recuperate in peace.上周,美国八卦网站TMZ上出现了一张凯瑟琳和母亲坐在一辆车里的模糊照片,出于对肯辛顿宫呼吁让她安静休养的尊重,英国报纸没有刊登这张照片。Even now, in the wake of Catherine’s confession that she had retouched the photo, a few tabloids have rallied to her defense. “Lay off Kate,” read the front page of The Sun, which is published by Rupert Murdoch and typically gives the princess generous coverage. “Attacks over edited pic are absurd,” it added.即使是现在,在凯瑟琳承认她修过那张照片之后,一些小报仍在为她辩护。鲁珀特·默多克旗下的《太阳报》报道王妃时一般采用友好的姿态,该报在头版写道:“放过凯特吧。”它还写道:“攻击编辑过的照片是荒谬的”。The risk for the royal family, experts said, is that Catherine’s manipulation of the photo will cast doubt over other news and images released by them, depriving the royals of a useful channel to reach Newbie traderer people. Some tabloids were openly skeptical of her. “How did Kate Photo Become a PR Disaster?” asked The Daily Mail. “Kate’s Photo Bomb!” declared the tabloid, Metro.专家表示,王室面临的风险是,凯瑟琳对这张照片的修改会让他们发布的其他新闻和图片受到质疑,从而令王室失去接触年轻人的一个有用渠道。一些小报公开对她表示怀疑。“凯特的照片是如何成为公关灾难的?”《每日邮报》发问。“凯特的照片炸弹!”小报《Metro》宣称。“Social media should be a win-win for the royals, a means of disseminating their message unchallenged and undiluted,” Mr. Hunt said. “While most will probably forgive and forget, the risk is an erosion of trust, an important commodity for the monarchy.”“社交媒体对王室来说应该是双赢的,它是一种手段,可以在不受质疑、不被篡改的情况下传播他们的信息,”亨特说。“虽然大多数人可能会原谅并忘记这件事,但风险是信任受到侵蚀,而信任对君主政体来说是非常重要的。”The royal family’s credibility may not be the only casualty. Professor Nielsen noted that, in a recent survey, 69 percent of people in Britain said they were concerned about what was real and what was fake on the internet. And that was before the whirling vortex of rumors and misinformation about Catherine.王室的信誉可能不是唯一的牺牲品。尼尔森指出,在最近的一项调查中,69%的英国人表示,他们对互联网上的真假难辨表示担忧。这是在关于凯瑟琳的谣言和不实信息的漩涡之前。“This may well further intensify people’s skepticism toward much of what they see, both from news media and on social media,” he said. “Not a great few days for people’s confidence in the information environment.”“这很可能会进一步加剧人们对他们从新闻媒体和社交媒体上看到的许多内容的怀疑,”他说。“这几天的事让人们对信息环境更没信心了。”Mark Landler是时报伦敦分社社长,报道英国新闻以及美国在欧洲、亚洲和中东的外交政策。他从事新闻工作已超过30年。点击查看更多关于他的信息。翻译:晋其角点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 从戴安娜到凯特,陷于舆论风暴中心的王室成员


JOHN YOON, KIUKO NOTOYA2024年3月11日鸟山明,摄于1982年。自他在20世纪80年代创作《龙珠》以来,这部漫画已经出版了42卷,在全球销售了成百上千万册,成为最著名的漫画之一。 Jiji Press/Agence France-Presse — Getty ImagesAkira Toriyama, one of Japan’s leading comics authors, whose manga and anime franchise “Dragon Ball” achieved worldwide success with its mix of comedic characters and rousing martial arts battles, died on March 1. He was 68.日本著名漫画家鸟山明于3月1日去世,终年68岁,他的漫画和动画系列《龙珠》以喜剧性的角色和精彩的武打获得了世界性的成功。His death was confirmed on Friday in a statement by his manga and design production company, Bird Studio, and Capsule Corporation Tokyo. The statement said the cause was acute subdural hematoma, a condition in which blood collects between the skull and brain. It did not say where Mr. Toriyama died.周五,他的漫画和设计制作公司鸟山明工作室和东京万能胶囊公司发表声明,确认了他的死讯。声明说,死因是急性硬膜下血肿,这是一种血液聚集在头骨和大脑之间的病症。声明没有说明鸟山明的去世地点。Mr. Toriyama’s body of work, which also includes “Dr. Slump” and “Sand Land,” is recognizable far beyond Japan’s borders, having influenced generations of manga artists and cartoonists. The studio said he had several projects in the works at his death.鸟山明的作品还包括《阿拉蕾》和《沙漠大冒险》,其知名度远远超出日本国界,影响了几代漫画家和卡通画家。鸟山明工作室表示,他去世时有几个项目正在进行中。His best-known work, “Dragon Ball,” follows a Newbie trader boy named Son Goku who embarks on a journey to collect the seven magical orbs that summon a wish-granting dragon. Since its creation in the 1980s, it has spanned 42 volumes, sold millions of copies worldwide and become one of the most famous manga, inspiring television, film and video game adaptations.他最著名的作品《龙珠》讲述了一个名叫孙悟空的小男孩踏上了收集七颗神奇宝珠的旅程,集齐七颗宝珠可以召唤实现愿望的神龙。自20世纪80年代问世以来,它出版了42卷,在全球销售了成百上千万册,成为最著名的漫画之一,激发了电视、电影和电子游戏改编。Throughout his career, Mr. Toriyama said in a 2013 interview with the Japanese newspaper The Asahi Shimbun, he did not care if his work did anything besides entertaining its readers. He was, he suggested, unlike “other manga artists concerned about conveying didactic messages.”鸟山明在2013年接受日本报纸《朝日新闻》采访时说,在整个职业生涯中,他不关心自己的作品除了娱乐读者之外是否还有什么作用。他表示,自己和“其他关心传达说教信息的漫画家”不一样。“The role of my manga,” he said, “is to be a work of entertainment through and through.”“我的漫画所扮演的角色,”他说,“就是彻头彻尾的娱乐作品。”Akira Toriyama was born on April 5, 1955, in Kiyosu, Japan, according to local news media. He studied design at a technology and engineering high school in Aichi Prefecture. After graduating, he worked as a designer for an advertising company in Nagoya.据当地新闻媒体报道,鸟山明于1955年4月5日出生在日本清须,曾在爱知县的一所技术与工程高中学习设计,毕业后在名古屋一家广告公司担任设计师。He left his job after a few years and started drawing manga at 23. His first manga, an action and adventure comic called “Wonder Island,” was published in 1978.几年后他辞去工作,23岁时开始画漫画。他的第一部漫画是动作冒险漫画《神奇岛》,于1978年出版。He gained popularity with the serialization of “Dr. Slump” from 1980 to 1984, a science-fiction manga about an android girl known for her childlike personality and superhuman strength. It was adapted for television as an anime series.他在1980年至1984年连载的科幻漫画《阿拉蕾》广受欢迎,它讲述了一个机器人女孩的故事,她有着孩子般的个性和超人的力量。它被改编成电视系列动画。Mr. Toriyama’s absurd concepts and sense of caricature “sparked a real joyful hysteria” in Japan, Matthieu Pinon and Laurent Lefebvre wrote in “A History of Modern Manga” (2023).马蒂厄·皮农和洛朗·勒菲弗在《现代漫画史》(2023年)一书中写道,鸟山明的荒诞概念和夸张的漫画手法,在日本“引发了一场真正的欢乐疯狂”。In 1982, Mr. Toriyama married a former manga artist who published under the pen name Nachi Mikami, Mainichi Shimbun reported. Complete information on survivors was not immediately available, but local news media reports say he is survived by his wife and children.据《每日新闻》报道,1982年鸟山明与笔名为南那智(音)的前漫画家结婚。目前还没有关于遗属的完整信息,但当地新闻媒体报道说,他的遗属包括妻子和孩子们。When “Dragon Ball” was first published in 1984, it was an immediate hit, becoming one of the best-selling manga series of all time. It sold more than 260 million copies worldwide, according to Toei Animation, the studio that produced the anime adaptation.《七龙珠》于1984年首版后立即引起轰动,成为有史以来最畅销的漫画系列之一。根据制作改编动画的东映动画公司,《龙珠》的全球销量超过2.6亿。《龙珠》漫画第一卷的封面。 Bird Studio/SHUEISHA, via Associated Press“Dragon Ball” was serialized in the Japanese magazine Weekly Shonen Jump until 1995. In the year after the series ended, the magazine lost about one million of its six million readers, according to “A History of Modern Manga.” The story lived on through anime like “Dragon Ball Z” and through video games. Mr. Toriyama also designed the characters for the Dragon Quest video game series.《七龙珠》在日本杂志《少年Jump周刊》连载至1995年。据《现代漫画史》称,在该系列完结后的一年里,该杂志的600万读者流失了大约100万。这个故事通过动漫《龙珠Z》和电子游戏延续下去。鸟山明还为《勇者斗恶龙》系列电子游戏设计了角色。A prolific manga artist, Mr. Toriyama did not necessarily have an appetite for the genre as a reader. “I have always had a hard time reading manga, including my own work,” he said in a 2018 interview with Kiyosu City Public Library.鸟山明是一位多产的漫画家,然而作为读者,他不一定喜欢这个类型的作品。“我一直难以去读漫画,包括我自己的作品,”他在2018年接受清须市公共图书馆采访时说。He led a private life and gave few interviews. In a 2013 interview with the Japanese singer and actress Shoko Nakagawa, he said that he did not even share all his work with his family.他注重隐私,很少接受采访。在2013年接受日本歌手、演员中川翔子采访时,他说甚至没有跟家人分享自己所有的作品。“To tell you the truth, no one in my family has ever seen ‘Dragon Ball,’” he said, laughing. “I am also a hikikomori,” he added, using the Japanese word for a recluse.“说实话,我家没人看过《龙珠》,”他笑着说。“我也是个‘家里蹲’,”他还说,“家里蹲”是日语中对避世者的称呼。But his stories continued to reach fans around the world years after their creation.但他的故事在创作多年后仍然吸引着世界各地的漫画迷。After “Dragon Ball,” Mr. Toriyama wrote single-volume manga, including “Cowa!,” “Kajika” and “Jaco the Galactic Patrolman.” “Sand Land,” published in 2000, was made into a movie in 2023. Its anime version is scheduled to be released in the spring on Disney+, along with a video game.《龙珠》之后,鸟山明创作了许多单卷本漫画,包括《怕怕!》《卡吉卡》和《银河巡警杰克》。2000年出版的《沙漠大冒险》于2023年被改编成电影。它的动画版计划于今年春天在迪士尼+上上映,同时还将推出一款电子游戏。John Yoon是时报驻首尔记者,报道突发新闻和热门新闻。点击查看更多关于他的信息。翻译:晋其角点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 日本著名漫画家、《龙珠》作者鸟山明去世

General News 经济新闻 / 中国“走线客”涌入纽约唐人街
« on: March 10, 2024, 12:03:53 PM »

WINNIE HU, JEFFREY E. SINGER2024年3月7日中国移民加入了皇后区法拉盛、唐人街和布鲁克林日落公园历史悠久的华人支持网络。 When busloads of migrants from Venezuela and Latin America started turning up on New York City streets in 2022, it spurred a crisis that has overwhelmed city shelters and incited protests over immigration policies.2022年,当载满了委内瑞拉和拉丁美洲移民的大巴车开始抵达纽约街头时曾引发一场危机,市内的收容所不堪重负,还激起了关于移民政策的抗议活动。And while Mayor Eric Adams and city leaders have sought to slow the pace of new arrivals, there has been another, smaller but also growing group of migrants coming into the city — largely unnoticed.在纽约市市长埃里克·亚当斯和城市领导层力图减缓新来者的涌入速度时,还有一个规模虽小但同样在不断增长的移民群体开始涌入这座城市,却没引起人们的过多注意。Thousands of Chinese migrants have also made their way to New York, with many following on the heels of migrants from Central and South America and crossing at the United States-Mexico border. Once they reach the city, however, many are tapping into long-established family and social networks in Chinese enclaves to get on their feet quickly and, for the most part, on their own.数以千计的中国移民也来到纽约,他们中的许多人是紧跟着中美洲和南美洲移民的脚步,越过美墨边界入境美国的。但一旦到达纽约,许多人将利用当地华人社区历史悠久的家庭和社交网络迅速站稳脚跟,而且通常能够做到自食其力。It is not known exactly how many Chinese migrants have landed in New York. But immigration court filings since October 2022 show that New York State was their top destination — with more than 21,000 filings for Chinese migrants — followed by California, according to an analysis by Julia Gelatt, an associate director at the Migration Policy Institute.尚不清楚到底有多少中国移民是这样来纽约的。但移民政策研究所副所长朱莉娅·格拉特用2022年10月以来提交给移民法庭的文件(其中有逾2.1万份是为中国移民提交的)做的分析显示,纽约州是他们的首选目的地,其次是加利福尼亚州。The influx of Chinese migrants into the city has been the largest in more than a decade, and marks a return to the sizable immigration of Chinese people beginning in the 1980s that revived struggling neighborhoods like Chinatown, and cemented newer ethnic strongholds in Flushing, Queens, and Sunset Park, Brooklyn.中国移民最近涌入纽约的规模是十多年来最大的,标志着一个现象的回归,从20世纪80年代开始,曾有相当规模的华人移民来到纽约,令唐人街等处于挣扎状态的社区恢复了活力,并巩固了皇后区的法拉盛和布鲁克林的日落公园等新的华人聚集地。一名中国移民给记者播放了一段自己带着孩子穿越哥伦比亚和巴拿马之间达连峡谷的视频。越来越多的中国移民越过南部边界进入美国。Yet, this revival of Chinese migration has attracted relatively little attention, in part because it has been dwarfed by the sheer numbers of people arriving from Latin America. The rapid increase in Chinese newcomers, nonetheless, promises to have a significant effect on New York City and its sprawling Chinese American community of 590,000, which is the largest in the nation.然而,中国移民的再次增长引起的关注相对较少,部分原因是与来自拉丁美洲的移民数量相比,中国移民的数量微不足道。尽管如此,中国新移民的迅速增加很可能对纽约市以及分布在城市各处的纽约华裔美国人社区产生重大影响,纽约的华人社区总人口达59万,在美国居首。“There’s a large-scale migration going on in the Chinese community that’s completely off the radar screen,” said Kenneth J. Guest, an anthropology professor at Baruch College who studies Chinese immigration.“华人社区出现了大规模的移民,但完全没有引起人们的注意,”巴鲁克学院研究华人移民的人类学教授肯尼思·盖斯特说。The latest increase in Chinese migrants has been driven in part by frustration over China’s harsh pandemic-era lockdowns, authoritarian government and a worsening economy. A flurry of online and social media posts have provided detailed instructions and tips on how to cross the southern border.最近中国移民数量的增长在一定程度上是因为人们对疫情期间中国实施的严厉封控措施、对威权主义的政府、对不断恶化的经济感到沮丧。网上和社交媒体上有很多帖子为人们提供了如何穿越美国南部边界的详细说明和有用提示。Across the United States, the number of Chinese migrants has soared. There were 52,700 Chinese migrants arriving without a valid entry visa at land borders, and on boats and planes, during the federal government’s fiscal year 2023, or more than double the number just two years earlier, according to the analysis by Ms. Gelatt, of the Migration Policy Institute. Those numbers did not include people who came in without encountering border officials or later overstayed their visas.美国各地的中国移民人数都在猛增。据移民政策研究所的格拉特做的分析,在联邦政府2023财年,有5.27万名没有有效入境签证的中国移民越过陆地边界或乘船和飞机抵达美国,是两年前的两倍多。这个数字不包括入境时没有遇到边境官员或合法入境后逾期居留的人。These Chinese migrants have increasingly crossed at the southern border, with the number encountered by border officials there jumping more than sixfold to 5,980 in December 2023 from 950 a year earlier.这些中国移民当中,越过南部边界进入美国的人数不断增多,边境官员2023年12月在南部边界遇到的中国移民人数与上年同期的950名相比猛增了六倍多,达到了5980名。Still, they were just a small subset of the 3.4 million migrants who have crossed the southern border since October 2022, which included more than 974,000 Mexicans and over 410,000 Venezuelans.尽管如此,他们只是自2022年10月以来越过南部边界的340万移民中的一小部分,这些移民包括逾97.4万名墨西哥人和逾41万名委内瑞拉人。Wang Chao, 39, had worked as a hotel security guard in Hainan Province, an island in the South China Sea, before leaving China last October. He flew to Thailand, and then Turkey, before landing in Ecuador and embarking on the long trek north. He contracted dengue fever and malaria in rainforests in Panama and was later kicked off a truck carrying migrants in Guatemala because the driver thought someone cursed at him in Chinese.39岁的王超(音)去年10月离开中国前曾是海南岛一家酒店的保安。他先飞泰国,再飞土耳其,最后在厄瓜多尔落地,开始向北长途跋涉。他在巴拿马的雨林中感染了登革热和疟疾,后来还在危地马拉被开卡车运移民的司机赶下了车,因为司机觉得有人在用中文骂自己。39岁的中国移民王超(音)去年12月来到纽约。Mr. Wang eventually crossed into California, where he said he was briefly detained by border authorities. When he was released, he continued on to Flushing, arriving in December. He paid $12 a night for a bunk in an apartment shared with other Chinese immigrants before recently moving out of state for work.王超最终越过边界进入加利福尼亚州,他说他曾在那里被边境当局短暂拘留。获释后,他继续上路前往法拉盛,已于去年12月抵达。在法拉盛时,他曾每晚花12美元,在与其他中国移民合住的公寓里租了个床位。最近他因为工作离开了纽约州。The Chinese migrants have largely stayed out of New York City’s shelters. Fewer than 400 of the more than 173,000 migrants passing through the city shelter system since spring 2022 have reported coming from China, according to city officials.中国移民大多数都不会去纽约市的收容所。据市政府官员说,自2022年春季以来在纽约市的收容所系统住过的逾17.3万名移民中,只有不到400人来自中国。The Chinese newcomers did not need to rely on the shelters because they could turn to ethnic enclaves, which are home to many of the city’s 411,000 Chinese immigrants. Such enclaves have long played a key part in helping Chinese immigrants integrate into New York and other cities, according to Professor Guest of Baruch College.新的中国移民之所以不需要依靠收容所,是因为他们可以求助于华人聚居的社区,纽约市的41.1万名华人移民中,许多人住在这些社区里。按照巴鲁克学院盖斯特的说法,这些华人社区长期以来一直在帮助华人移民融入纽约和其他城市方面发挥着关键作用。These so-called Chinatowns began forming as early as the 1850s on the West Coast, Professor Guest said, and provided protection against anti-immigrant violence and discrimination, including the Chinese Exclusion Acts, which were restrictive immigration policies from 1882 to the 1940s. “The Chinese built ethnic support systems where they could pool financial and social capital,” he said.盖斯特教授说,这些被称为“唐人街”的社区最早是从19世纪50年代开始在西海岸形成,在反移民暴力和歧视性政策的环境中为华人提供过保护。这里所说的歧视性政策包括《排华法案》,它曾从1882年到20世纪40年代限制来自中国的移民。“华人建立起支持系统,他们可以在其中整合财务和社会资本,”他说。Today, that informal but well-developed Chinese support system in New York has become a “first resort” for recent migrants, said State Senator John C. Liu, whose district includes Flushing.今天,纽约这种非正式但健全的华人支持体系已成为新移民的“首选”,代表法拉盛所在选区的州参议员刘醇逸表示。中国移民拉因·潘(音,左)和宁(音,右)住在皇后区法拉盛一个经过改造的公寓里,也就是所谓的临时酒店或家庭旅馆。Already, the Chinese migrants have helped replenish the city’s population following losses during the coronavirus pandemic, and have filled construction, restaurant and other service jobs that keep the local economy running.纽约市的人口在新冠病毒大流行期间有所减少,中国移民帮助弥补了一些人口损失,并在建筑、餐馆和其他服务行业找到了工作,维持了当地经济的运转。Chinese listings posted in Flushing storefronts and online advertise “family hotels” in apartment buildings that are like unofficial Airbnb rentals. In Sunset Park, where there is a large community of immigrants from Fujian Province, they have packed into churches for Sunday services and Bible study classes.张贴在法拉盛的商铺和网上的中文广告中,包括公寓楼里的“家庭酒店”,这有点像非官方的Airbnb房屋出租。在住着大量福建移民的日落公园社区,参加周日礼拜和圣经学习班的新移民让教堂爆满。At East Broadway Mall in Chinatown, hundreds of newcomers have gathered through word of mouth for help applying for city IDs and finding health care resources from community leaders.在唐人街的东百老汇购物中心,数百名新移民透过口口相传聚集在那里,寻求社区领袖帮助他们申请城市身份证,寻找医保资源。Brad Song, 30, a migrant from Hunan who arrived last summer, found temporary refuge at a Chinese massage parlor in Flushing that let migrants sleep in the beds for $10 a night. At the supermarket where he went to buy noodles, a store worker helped him land a job at a Chinese banquet hall. He has also worked for the food delivery app Fantuan, and installed solar panels for a Chinese-owned company in New Jersey.30岁的湖南移民布拉德·宋(音)去年夏天来到纽约,在法拉盛的一家中式按摩店找到了临时住所,那家店把床铺租给移民过夜,每晚10美元。在他去买面条的超市,一名店员帮他在一家中餐宴会厅找了一份工作。他还曾给食品外卖应用“饭团”送餐,并为新泽西州的一家中资公司安装过太阳能电池板。But even as the migrants have settled in, their growing numbers have also created challenges in immigrant communities where many people were already struggling with financial insecurity and social isolation because of language and cultural barriers, as well as fears about their safety following a spate of anti-Asian hate crimes.但即使移民们已经安顿下来,不断增长的人数也给移民社区带来了挑战,那里的许多人本已在努力应对经济上的不安全感,语言不通和文化障碍给他们造成的社会孤独感,以及接二连三地发生了针对亚裔的仇恨犯罪后,对他们自身安全的担忧。There are 1.2 million New Yorkers of Asian heritage who make up about 15 percent of the city’s overall population, according to a census analysis by Social Explorer, a data research company. Within this diverse group — representing dozens of ethnicities, including Korean, Japanese, Filipino, Indian and Bangladeshi — there are significant socioeconomic disparities.据数据研究公司Social Explorer的人口普查分析,纽约人中有120万是亚裔,约占该市总人口的15%。亚裔是个多元化的群体,包括韩裔、日裔、菲律宾裔、印度裔和孟加拉裔等几十个族群,他们之间存在着巨大的社会经济差距。皇后区法拉盛的购物者在购买春节饰物。In 2022, Chinese immigrants had a median household income of $60,454, about half that of U.S.-born Chinese people, who tend to have more education and higher earnings. Citywide, the median household income was $75,046.中国移民2022年的家庭收入中位数是60454美元,约为在美国出生的华人家庭的一半,美国出生的华人通常受教育程度更高,收入也更高。纽约全市的家庭收入中位数是75046美元。The Chinese-American Planning Council, a social service agency, has expanded its programs to an additional 20,000 people over the past four years, but “the need is still out there,” said Wayne Ho, the president and chief executive officer. Hundreds remain on waiting lists for its adult literacy classes, mental health counseling, and four older adult centers in Flushing, Chinatown and Sunset Park.社会服务机构华人策划协会已在过去四年里将项目覆盖的人数增加了两万人,但“需求仍然存在”,协会总裁兼首席执行官何永康说。协会的成人扫盲课、心理健康咨询,以及位于法拉盛、唐人街和日落公园的四个老年人中心的等候者名单上仍有好几百人。Asian American leaders said their communities have long been underfunded by government programs, in part because of enduring model-minority stereotypes of Asians as self-sufficient and upwardly mobile. A 2015 report found that organizations serving the city’s Asian American communities had received a tiny part of the city’s social service contracts.亚裔美国人社区的领袖说,他们的社区长期以来一直缺乏来自政府项目的资金,部分原因是难以打破的亚裔模范少数族裔刻板印象,即认为亚裔能靠自己的力量走向富裕。一份2015年的报告发现,为纽约市的亚裔美国人社区提供服务的组织只得到了该市社会服务合同中微小的一部分。State Assemblywoman Grace Lee, whose district includes Chinatown, said there has been a “false narrative” around the needs of Asian communities that “we as legislators are trying to break.” Ms. Lee, who is Korean American, led a coalition of state legislators who helped secure $30 million in state funding last year specifically for Asian American organizations statewide.代表唐人街所在选区的州议员李荣恩说,围绕着亚裔社区需求的说法中一直存在一种“错误叙事”,“我们作为立法者正在努力打破这种叙事。”李荣恩是韩裔美国人,她领导的一个州立法者联盟去年帮助确保了为全州的亚裔美国人组织专门提供3000万美元的州政府资金。中国移民在一家临时酒店里未整理的床铺。中国移民的到来促成了纽约市亚裔人口的增长。While some of the newcomers have fled political and religious persecution in China, a growing number — including families, middle-class professionals and small business owners — are looking for more economic opportunity, said Edward Cuccia, an immigration lawyer in Chinatown, who has taken on more than 70 new Chinese asylum cases in the past two years. “America’s still the golden country in their eyes,” he said.唐人街的移民律师爱德华·库西亚说,虽然一些新来者是为了躲避中国的政治和宗教迫害,但越来越多的人——包括家庭、中产阶级专业人士和小企业主——正在寻找更多的经济机会。他在过去两年里新增了70多件中国移民寻求庇护的案子。“美国仍然是他们眼中的黄金国度,”他说。However, some migrants have found that they are not necessarily better off. At employment agencies in Flushing, dozens of recent migrants have returned day after day to sit on folding chairs waiting for jobs.但一些移民已发现,他们不一定会变得更富裕。数十名新移民们日复一日地回到法拉盛的就业机构,坐在折叠椅上等待工作机会。Doris He, 31, has been one of the luckier ones. Ms. He went to work at a small Chinese bakery after arriving in Flushing last year with her husband, Li Jianfeng, 35, and their 9-year-old son. Back in Xi’an, China, she had been a barista in a coffee shop.现年31岁的多丽丝·何(音)是比较幸运的人之一。去年,何女士与35岁的丈夫李建峰(音)和九岁的儿子来到法拉盛后,在一家小中式糕点店找到了工作。她离开西安前曾在一家咖啡店当过咖啡师。“It’s a good start here, but we don’t earn enough money yet,” Ms. He said. “Compared to China, we’re doing OK.”“虽然这是个好开端,但我们还没有挣到足够多的钱,”何女士说。“与在中国的时候相比,我们过得还行。”摄影:Victor J. BlueWinnie Hu为时报报道纽约人和社区新闻。点击查看更多关于她的信息。Jeffrey E. Singer自2008年开始为时报撰稿,他从事新闻行业已超过十年。作为记者,他还曾为Gothamist转告,报道从罪案新闻到政治、移民等一系列议题。点击查看更多关于他的信息。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 中国“走线客”涌入纽约唐人街


艾莎, 储百亮2024年3月6日中国国务院总理李强周二在北京人民大会堂举行的全国人民代表大会开幕式上讲话。 Kevin Frayer/Getty ImagesBeijing was abuzz with politics on Tuesday. China’s annual legislative meeting — the National People’s Congress, when Communist Party leaders promote their solutions for national ills — opened for business.周二的北京政治气氛热烈。中国每年一次的立法会议——全国人民代表大会开幕了,中共领导人将在会议期间推出他们解决国家问题的方案。The event is a chance for the leaders to signal the direction of the economy and outline how and where the government will spend money in the coming year.这个年度会议是领导人示意经济发展方向,并阐述政府在未来一年将把钱花在哪里的机会。Yet while aiming high, they offered little. Officials signaled that they were not ready for any showstopping moves to revive an economy battered by a property crisis, the loss of consumer confidence and financial pressures of indebted local governments. Despite their reluctance to spend, China’s top leaders said the economy would grow around 5 percent this year.然而,虽然领导人的目标定很高,但他们提供的却很少。官员们发出的信号是,他们还不准备为重振经济拿出任何为人瞩目的措施,房地产危机、消费者信心丧失,以及负债累累的地方政府造成的财政压力已拖累了中国经济。虽然不愿花钱,但中国领导层仍把今年的经济增长目标设定在5%左右。The growth target and other policies came in a report given to the annual session of the legislature. It was delivered by China’s No. 2 official, Li Qiang, and is the marquee event in a weeklong gathering dominated by officials and party loyalists.这个增长目标和其他政策是在提交给全国人大的报告中提出的。报告由中国二号官员李强在会上宣读,在为期一周的会议上,这是重头戏,出席会议的主要是政府官员和党的忠实拥护者。Everyone agrees: The target is ambitious.所有的人都同意:这个增长目标雄心勃勃。There was one word economists universally used to describe China’s growth target of 5 percent: ambitious.经济学家们普遍用一个词来描述中国5%的增长目标:雄心勃勃。That once wouldn’t have been the case. For decades, China’s economy was synonymous with much higher growth, sometimes even in double digits. But three years of strict pandemic measures took a toll, and a deepening real estate crisis that has led to the collapse of dozens of developers. With China’s leaders short on action, some experts are now skeptical that China will pull off 5 percent growth this year.若是放在以前,这个目标并不算高。几十年来,中国的经济曾以远高于这个目标的速度增长,有时甚至是两位数。但三年严格的疫情防控措施已损害了经济,加剧了房地产危机,导致数十家开发商倒闭。由于中国领导人缺乏行动,一些专家现在对中国今年能否实现5%的增长持怀疑态度。碧桂园在南通开发的十里海湾项目建了一半的游乐场,摄于2023年。“It’s an unsurprisingly unrealistic set of targets,” said Logan Wright, director of China markets research at Rhodium Group, a firm that specializes in China research.“这是一组毫无疑问不切实际的目标,”荣鼎集团的中国市场研究主管洛根·赖特说,该公司专门从事中国研究。It was still possible that the property crisis could ease this year, Mr. Wright said, “but policy measures as outlined here will not have much to do with it.”虽然房地产危机今年仍有可能缓解,赖特说,“但政府工作报告里概述的政策措施对其不会起太大作用。”Wait, no ‘bazooka’?等等,没有‘大杀器’吗?Some people believed — or hoped, at least — that Tuesday’s reports would telegraph that China was ready to take bigger steps to resuscitate the economy, for example by bailing out local governments, rescuing the property companies that have not collapsed, or offering handouts to households to spur spending.一些人原以为——或至少曾希望——周二的政府工作报告会透露信息,表示中国已准备好采取更大手笔的措施来振兴经济,例如为地方政府提供救助,拯救尚未倒闭的房地产公司,或者为了刺激消费,向家庭发钱。Instead, the government said it would make available a similar amount of money as last year in special bonds for local governments. It offered no new measures for the property market and only talked about the need to boost consumer confidence.然而,政府表示,将用与去年数额相似的资金为地方政府提供专项债券。政府工作报告中没有为房地产市场采取新措施,只提到需要增强消费者信心。“They could have done more, and the support could have been greater,” said Tao Wang, chief China economist at UBS. “They need bigger explicit central government support,” she said.“他们本可以做得更多,本可以提供更大的支持,”瑞银证券中国首席经济学家汪涛说。“他们需要中央政府更明确的支持,”她说。It wasn’t just economists who were underwhelmed. Investors who hoped China would deploy the big guns were let down, too. In Hong Kong, where foreign investors can make bets on China’s biggest companies, the Hang Seng Index fell 2.6 percent.不只是经济学家感觉不到兴奋。曾希望中国拿出大手笔措施的投资者们也颇为失望。香港的恒生指数下跌了2.6%,香港股市是外国投资者能押注中国大公司的地方。“Anybody who is looking for the policy bazooka is going to be disappointed,” said Andrew Polk, co-founder of Trivium China, a research and advisory firm. “But,” he added, “that die was cast a while ago.”“任何期待政策大杀器的人都将失望,”研究和咨询公司策纬的联合创始人安德鲁·波尔克说。“但事已成定局已有一段时间了,”他补充道。When it comes to military, there is money to spend.涉及军事,就有钱花。China’s top leaders outlined plans to expand military spending by 7.2 percent in 2024, reaching about $231 billion. The percentage rise was the same as last year and continued a decades-long expansion of China’s military outlays, now the second largest in the world after the United States.中国领导层简单描述的计划是军费预算将在2024年增加7.2%,达到1.665万亿元人民币(约合2310亿美元)。增加的百分比与去年相同,延续了军费几十年来的增长趋势,中国的军事预算现居世界第二,仅次于美国。China’s spending on warships, jet fighters and other weapons is mostly about projecting power in Asia, including by cementing the country’s hold over the disputed South China Sea and menacing Taiwan, the self-ruled island democracy that Beijing says is its territory.中国在军舰、喷气式战斗机,以及其他武器上的支出主要是为了在亚洲投射力量,包括巩固中国对有争议的南中国海的控制,以及威胁台湾——北京称这个民主自治的岛屿是中国领土。周二,代表们在北京人民大会堂举行的全国人民代表大会开幕式前进入会场。In his report to the legislature, Mr. Li repeated China’s long-established warning against “separatist activities aimed at ‘Taiwan independence,’” adding that Beijing would “be firm in advancing the cause of China’s reunification.”李强在向全国人大提交的报告中重申了中国长期以来对“‘台独’分裂”的警告,并补充说,中国政府将“坚定不移推进祖国统一大业”。Mr. Li’s vague comments reflected how Chinese leaders are waiting for Taiwan’s president-elect, Lai Ching-te, to take office in May before they consider any big moves, which could include more military operations around the island, said Ou Si-fu, a researcher at the Institute for National Defense and Security Research, a think tank in Taipei under Taiwan’s ministry of defense.台湾国防部下属的台北智库台湾国防安全研究院的研究员欧锡富说,李强在台湾问题上的模糊说法反映了中国领导人正在观望,等台湾当选总统赖清德今年5月就职后再考虑采取任何大动作,其中可能包括在台湾周边进行更多的军事行动。But China’s continued heavy spending on its military showed that Xi Jinping would continue girding for potential conflict, if only to show Washington that it was serious about asserting its interests.但中国继续增加军费表明,习近平将继续为潜在的冲突做准备,即便只是为了向华盛顿表明,它在维护自身利益上是认真的。“Since the relationship with the United States is not good, of course China cannot show weakness too much,” Mr. Ou said.“因为与美国的关系不好,中国当然不能太多地示弱,”欧锡富说。Come join us. Sorry, the news conference is canceled.来加入我们吧。抱歉,记者会取消了。China invited journalists from around the world and handed out visas that have in most cases become difficult to obtain. For many foreign correspondents, this year’s National People’s Congress was the first time that the Chinese government has allowed them to enter China to report since the pandemic.中国邀请了世界各地的记者,发放了在大多数情况下已很难拿到的签证。对许多外国记者来说,今年的全国人大会议是疫情暴发以来,中国政府首次允许他们入境做报道。Yet the party also made an abrupt change to the way it would communicate at the congress. On Monday, it said it was scrapping a longstanding tradition: the premier’s news conference. It had been one of the few opportunities for journalists to interact with top officials. The decision to do away with the news conference, announced on the eve of the legislative conclave, was seen by many as another move away from transparency.然而,中共也突然改变了人大会期间与记者沟通的方式。周一,它宣布取消一个长期的传统:总理记者会。那曾是记者与中国高层官员沟通的为数不多的机会之一。在全国人大闭门开会的前夕宣布取消总理记者会,这个决定在许多人看来是向越来越不透明迈出的又一步。艾莎(Alexandra Stevenson)是时报上海分社社长,报道中国经济和社会新闻。点击查看更多关于她的信息。储百亮(Chris Buckley)是《纽约时报》首席中国记者,在台北报道中国和台湾问题,重点关注政治、社会变革以及安全和军事问题。点击查看更多关于他的信息。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 中国年度政府工作报告释放了哪些信号

General News 经济新闻 / 碧桂园遭债权人提起清盘呈请
« on: March 04, 2024, 12:13:03 AM »

KEITH BRADSHER2024年2月29日镇江的碧桂园楼盘,摄于2023年。 Agence France-Presse — Getty ImagesCountry Garden, China’s largest real estate developer as recently as 2022, said on Wednesday that a creditor had asked a Hong Kong court to liquidate its operations and pay off lenders, in the latest sign that China’s housing crisis continues unabated.周三,2022年还是中国最大房地产开发商的碧桂园表示,一名债权人已呈请香港法院清算其业务并偿还贷款,这是中国住房危机持续发展的最新迹象。Ever Credit Ltd., a Hong Kong lender, is petitioning the city’s High Court to shut down Country Garden. The court filing involves Country Garden’s failure to repay a loan of $204 million plus interest owed to Ever Credit, the real estate developer told the Hong Kong stock market.香港贷款机构永恒信贷有限公司向香港高等法院申请关闭碧桂园。这家房地产开发商向香港股市表示,向法院提交的诉状涉及碧桂园未能偿还的约16亿港元贷款及利息。Ever Credit’s petition, known as a winding up petition, is meant to force Country Garden to close its doors and sell its assets to make money it can use to pay back its creditors. The move follows a High Court order last month for the liquidation of China Evergrande. Country Garden dethroned Evergrande as China’s largest developer in 2021 when Evergrande endured a financial collapse.永恒信贷的这种申请被称为清盘呈请,意在迫使碧桂园关闭并出售资产,以换取资金偿还债权人。该公司提出呈请前,高等法院在上个月下令清算中国恒大。2021年,恒大遭遇财务崩溃,碧桂园取代恒大成为中国最大的开发商。Country Garden said it would fight the court petition “vigorously,” and that the first hearing on the petition had been scheduled for May 17.碧桂园表示,它将“坚决”反对呈请,有关清盘呈请的首次听证会定于5月17日举行。More than 50 Chinese property developers have defaulted on debts since 2021. They have refused to repay overseas creditors while still making arrangements with Chinese banks for possible eventual repayment.自2021年以来,已有50多家中国房地产开发商出现违约。它们拒绝偿还海外债权人的债务,同时仍在与中国的银行安排可能的最终还款。Many of these developers have shares listed on the Hong Kong stock market or have borrowed there, or both. But creditors face formidable obstacles in seeking to recover loans from Chinese real estate developers through petitions to the court system in Hong Kong, said Zerlina Zeng, the head of East Asia corporate credits at CreditSights, a global credit research firm.其中许多开发商的股票在香港股市上市,或曾在香港借贷,或两者皆有。全球信贷研究公司CreditSights的东亚企业信贷主管泽里娜·曾(音)表示,但债权人通过香港法院系统向中国房地产开发商追讨贷款面临着巨大障碍。Most of the assets of Chinese developers are in mainland China, where courts might not recognize liquidation orders from Hong Kong. Even if mainland courts order liquidation sales of developers’ buildings, China’s increasingly strict limits on moving money out of the mainland could make it hard for creditors to lay their hands on the proceeds of those sales.中国开发商的大部分资产都在中国大陆,那里的法院可能不承认来自香港的清算令。即使内地法院下令清算出售开发商的房产,中国对资金流出内地的限制越来越严格,债权人也很难拿到出售房产的收益。“We do not think that the winding up order would manage to improve the recovery rate” for debt repayment, Ms. Zeng said.曾女士说,“我们不认为清盘令能够提高债务偿还的回收率。”Country Garden essentially ran out of money last October to repay debts. Households in China have cut back sharply on purchases of apartments from private-sector developers like Country Garden as housing prices have slid steeply over the past two years.去年10月,碧桂园基本上已经无力偿还债务。随着过去两年房价急剧下滑,中国家庭已大幅减少购买碧桂园等民营地产商开发的公寓。Without cash from continued sales, developers have been unable to finish construction of millions of apartments that they had presold to buyers all over China. Nomura Securities of Japan estimated last month that 20 million presold homes awaited completion in China, and would require $450 billion to finish.由于无法从持续销售中获得现金,开发商无法完成向中国各地购房者预售的数百万套公寓的建设。日本野村证券上个月估计,中国有2000万套预售房屋等待完工,需要4500亿美元才能竣工。China’s real estate developers relied for many years on selling apartments before they were built, and then using the cash to finish other apartments that had previously been promised to other buyers. But that financial model has fallen apart as households have recoiled from dealings with private-sector developers that are having trouble finishing previous deals.中国的房地产开发商多年来一直依赖于在公寓建成之前将其售出,然后用现金来完成之前承诺交付给买家的其他公寓。但这种金融模式已经瓦解,因为家庭不愿从民营开发商手里购房,这些开发商在完成之前的交易时遇到了困难。Country Garden’s presales of unfinished apartments plummeted 74 percent in the second half of last year from the same period in 2022. And the overall real estate industry’s troubles in China are growing even worse this year, with preliminary data showing that sales plunged another 40 percent at Lunar New Year earlier this month compared to the same holiday last year.碧桂园去年下半年未完工公寓的预售量同比暴跌了74%。今年,中国房地产市场的整体问题更加严重。初步数据显示,与去年春节相比,本月初春节期间的销售额又暴跌了40%。Mainland China is not alone in having real estate troubles right now — they have also spread to Hong Kong. Paul Chan, the city’s financial secretary, said on Wednesday in his annual budget address that he would repeal measures previously intended to curb speculation in Hong Kong apartments.目前,不只是中国大陆的房地产业面临困境,这些问题也蔓延到了香港。香港财政司司长陈茂波周三在其年度财政预算报告中表示,他将废除之前旨在抑制香港公寓投机行为的措施。Keith Bradsher是《纽约时报》北京分社社长,此前曾任上海分社社长、香港分社社长、底特律分社社长,以及华盛顿记者。他在新冠疫情期间常驻中国进行报道。 点击查看更多关于他的信息。翻译:纽约时报中文网点击查看本文英文版。

Source: 碧桂园遭债权人提起清盘呈请

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